The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 07, 1976, Image 5

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    \trongfield entered
Foyt heads field at Texas 500
FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1976
Page 5:
The Texas World Speedway has
Ibeen bought, and its racing time in
■Texas. Former Indy 500 winners
Ia.J. Foyt, Johnny Rutherford and
iGordon Johncock are expected to
Ibattle ’75 National Stock Car
Ichampion Ranno Stott and four time
National Champion Butch Hartmen
for the checkered flag.
The Texas 500 will begin at 1 p.m.
Sunday, June 6. The competition is
open to all drivers of unlimited late
model stock cars.
An Open House ceremony is
scheduled Friday June 4. Everyone
will be admitted free to the grand
stands for the Open House while
practice takes place.
Appearing at a press conference
last Tuesday, A.J. Foyt said that the
Texas 500 was the finest track in the
Tates Locke is new head
coach of Buffalo Braves
world. He added that it was the fas
test track but also the safest. Foyt,
said to be the “Living Legend”,has
won every major event at least once,
including the Indy 500 three times.
Another attraction of the race is
the entry made by Texan Martha
Wideman. Ms. Wideman, who has
won more than 45 feature events,
should prove to be stiff competition.
Wideman said, “Man, that’s going to
be some big race, but I reckon I can
handle it. I’ve been scared before
and I came through all right. I know
what I have to do and I’m going to do
Tickets for the event are now on
sale at Townshire Shell Service Sta
tion located on 2100 S. Texas Av
enue. The tickets are $10 unre
served, $15 reserved, and $20 de
luxe reserved. The $5 infield tickets
go on sale Saturday, June 5.
Associated Press
BUFFALO — Tates Locke, a
former college coach who joined the
pro ranks just last year, was named
head coach of the Buffalo Braves of
the National Basketball Association
Locke, 39, succeeds Jack Ramsay,
who Braves owner Paul Snyder dis
missed as coach last Monday, one
day after the Boston Celtics elimi
nated Buffalo from the playoffs.
Hamill joins
Ice Capades
Associated Press
Hamill, America’s queen of the 1976
Winter Olympics, has signed a two-
year contract to skate with the Ice
Capades, a spokesman said Thurs
Miss Hamill, 19, will perform ap
proximately six months with the ice
show, beginning Sept. 15 in
I have known Dorothy a long
time, while she was an amateur, and
I felt I established a good rapport
with her after meeting her in
Goteborg, ’ said George Eby, presi
dent of Ice Capades.
Terms of the contract were not
announced and Miss Hamill’s man
ager, Jerry Weintraub, declined to
even categorize her salary as being in
the same ballpark with television
newscaster Barbara Walters, who
recently signed a $1 million contract
with ABC.
However, Miss Hamill is also as
sociated with ABC. She has signed
with that network to star in two spe
cials unconnected with the Ice
Snyder said Locke signed a two-
year contract, but details were not
Locke, a Braves assistant last sea
son, told a news conference that he
had not asked for the head coaching
job and was flattered that it was of
fered to him. He also spoke of his
admiration for Ramsay.
“Jack’s and my relationship grew
deeper than anyone I have known in
recent years,” Locke said.
Locke had 11 years experience as a
college coach before joining the
Braves at the start of this past season.
A graduate of Ohio Weslyan Uni
versity, he first coached two seasons
at West Point and four at Miami of
Ohio before taking at Clemson.
In five seasons at Clemson, his
teams won 62 games and lost 70,
DAY. . .
Give a pewter
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809 E. 29th St.
3 blocks from City National Bank
posting a record of 31-23 during his
final two seasons there.
Snyder talked briefly about his
decision not to renew Ramsay’s con
tract, who had coached the Braves
four seasons and guided them into
the playoffs the past three seasons.
“I consider Jack Ramsay a good
coach,” Snyder said. “I think he’s
done a good job here. I just thought
it was time for a change.
Buffalo sports writer had said a
personality conflict between Ramsay
and Snyder apparently led to Ram
say’s dismissal.
Ramsay coached St. Joseph’s Col
lege of Philadelphia for 11 years and
the Philadelphia 76ers of the NBA
four seasons before joining the
Braves in 1972.
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Of You
Your Diploma
Copp, Holmes are
Dan Copp and Laura Holmes
share All-University honors as they
became the Men’s and Women’s
IM Superstars of the ’75-’76 school
year last week. After competing in
7 out of 8 of the Superstar events,
Copp collected a total of 29 points
while Mike Fonteno and Joe
Bohlin ran 2nd and 3rd with 25 and
21 points. Following Holmes’ 52
points were Beth McArthur and
Carol Hemphill, with 51 and 46
points, respectively.
The final four events last week
included a Tennis Championship,
Obstacle Course, Bowling, and
Weightlifting competitions. Dan
Copp and'Carol Hemphill took first
in the Tennis, followed by Bob
Dullye and Laura Holmes in sec
ond, and Tom Blumhorst and Bar
bara German in third.
Mike Fonteno won the Men’s
Obstacle course with a time of
1:03.6, followed by Mike Michalka
and Dan Copp, both with 1:06.5.
The Women, who ran the same
course, were led by Beth McAr
thur, with a 1:07.2, while Carol
Hemphill took second with a
1:10.4, and Laura Holmes placed
third with a 1:16.1.
The Bowling event entailed the
total score of three games and the
men were led by Ron Boenig with
511 pins With Roy Cook and Joe
Bohlin close behind with 504 and
496. Laura Holmes took the Wo
men’s Division handily with 460
pins, while Beth McArthur and
v t
Ann Bockhorn of the Newts gets a single in the All-University
Co-Rec Championship game against Plantation Oaks. For this
and other results, see story at right.
Barbara German took second and
third with 430 and 295 pins.
The Weightlifting was judged on
the percentage of body weight that
was lifted and was won, in the
Men’s Division, by Mike Fonteno,
who lifted 175.6% of his weight.
Cody Birdwell took second with
144.2% and Don Raisor placed
third with 134.8%. Carol Hemphill
led the women by lifting 104% of
her weight, closely followed by
Beth McArthur with 102%, while
Barbara German took third with
Congratulations to all who par
ticipated in these events, apd
especially to the new IM
Super IM
Summer is
On the Way
For all of you poor souls who
have to spend the summer months
studying at the Big-U, here is away
to let off some of your extra energy
— participate in the summer In
tramural program! Entries for the
first summer session close on
Thursday, June 3 and play begins
on Monday, June 7. Sports
scheduled for this session are
Softball, 3 Man Volleyball, 3 Man
Basketball, Racketball Doubles,
Tennis Singles, and Cross Coun
Entry dates for the second term
have notbeen set, but the activities
will include Softball, 3 Man Vol
leyball and Basketball, Handball
Doubles, Tennis Doubles, and
Golf Doubles.
In addition to these events, be
sure to look out for various Special
Events throughout the summer
which will be posted at the IM Of
fice in DeWare Fieldhouse.
Brady Gage, Athletic Officer for E-l accepts the all-year
plaque and flag awards for the Military Division from Lt. Col.
Don Johnson at the IM steak fry and awards banquet last
week. E-l won by having the highest total points in their
division this year.
Gang Over Moses
as Well as Hill
The Over-the-Hill Gang, after
coming back from a 3-0 deficit in
the 6th inning, slid by Moses Hall
in the 7th to win the All-University
Softball Championship game, 4-3,
last week. On a sacrifice play by
James Martin, Gary Bellows came
home and scored the run that put
the Independent winners over the
Civilian champs.
In other IM Divisional action,
D-l took the Fish Division, F-l
won the Military, and the Wo
men’s Division was topped by E
Pluribus Unum (EPU). The Bullets
defeated the Alchemists, 11-8 to I
take the Recreational Division, and
in a surprising upset, the Newts
defeated Plantation Oaks, 19-9, to |
take the Co-Rec Division and end
the two year winning streak of the |
This ad is prepared under the
direction of the Intramural of
fice and is sponsored by
McDonald’s on University