The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 30, 1976, Image 1

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    )emocratic ballot
Delegates to National Nominating Convention
(Vote for any 3)
Delegates for George C. Wallace
C. W. Kennedy
Rick Rivard
Mrs. Troy (Juanita) Thompson
Delegates for Jimmy Carter
Jacqueline T. Donovan
Glen Maxey
E. Larry Dickens
Delegates for Lloyd Bentsen
J. Ralph Meadows
Ann Smith
Dwayne Holman
United States Senator
Leon Dugi
Huj^i Wilson
Uovd Bentsen
Phil Gramm
United States Representative, 6th District
Ron Godbey
Olin E. “Tiger Teague
Railroad Commissioner
Woodrow Wilson Bean
Jan Newton
Terence L. O’Rourke
Jerry Sadler
Robert ' Boh” Wood
R. R. Williams
Lane Denton
David Finney
Associate Justice, Supreme Court, Place 1
Jack Pope
Associate Justice, Supreme Court, Place 2
Charles W. Barrow
Don Yarbrough
Associate Justice, Supreme Court, Place 3
James G. Denton
Presiding Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals
County Attorney
Roland Searcy 91
John M. Barron, Jr. 92
J. W. Hamilton 94
John B. Miller 95
Tax Assessor-Collector
Raymond B. Buchanan 99
Local Ballot for Voting Precincts 4, 13-19,
22, 25, 26
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 1
B. H. Dewey, Jr. 110
Constable, Precinct 4
Paul Ponzio 113
Dick Munday 114
Jesse L. Stanfield 115
County Chairman
Neeley Lewis 119
Precinct Chairman
Mildred Hendrix 199
Local Ballot for Voting Precincts 2, 8-10, 20
County Commissioner, Precinct 1
Bill J. Cooley 101
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 1
Michael B. Caliham 109
Constable, Precinct 7
E. W. Sayers HI
Richard N. Cockrell 112
Cbe Battalion
Vol. 68 No. 116 College Station, Texas Friday, April 30, 1976
Area lake, park
will open soon
Residents of the Brazos Valley may be
able to celebrate the bicentennial this 4th
of July by picnicking, shimming, boating
or fishing at the new Bryan Utilities Lake
The park, located about five miles north
of Bryan right off Sandy Point Road, is
composed of 35 acres of semi-cleared
wooded picnic areas along the shore of the
450 acre West Lake. Three large islands
compose the land divider separating the
west lake from the 350 acre East Lake.
Plan is for $1 million
Jay Williams, the director of Bryan’s Of
fice of Parks and Recreation said, “The total
plan calls for about $1 million to be spent on
the park in the next five years.”
Right now the most obvious change to
the natural setting is a $26,070 boat launch
ing ramp built by funds given to the project
by the Texas Parks and Recreation De
partment and the Bryan City Council. TP
& R gave $25,000, and the city chipped in
the other $1,070. A fish cleaning table is
located next to the boat ramp.
According to Williams, the fish cleaning
table should get extensive use.
“The Texas Wildlife and Fisheries De
partment has stocked the lake with
thousands offish. Two years ago they put in
85,000 catfish and 15,000 bass. Two weeks
ago they put in 90,000 pike and they’re
supposed to be putting in some of those
Super Florida Bass, about 10,000 of them,”
he said.
Tuesday night the city council set the
price of entry into the park. The charge for
a car-load of people, up to six, would be
$3.00. Any additional passengers would
cost .50 each. Each pedestrian or cyclist
would be charged .50 to get into the park. A
family membership for the year would cost
$37.50. People over 65 and children under
6 years of age would be allowed in free.
Lake built for power plant
The lake was originally created as a cool
ing lake for the Roland C. Dansby power
plant, using the water to cool the turbines
that generate electricity. The water goes
into the generator from the East Lake, exit
ing through a canal into the West Lake. A
canal on the southern end of the lakes
would allow the water back into the East
Staff photo by Jim Hendrickson
Where’s the water?
A scheduled water fight last night between the Corps and civilian
students quickly turned into a mudbath as the supply of clean
water ran low. The fight was held on the Intramural field behind
Duncan Dining Hall.
John F. Onion, Jr.
County Chairman
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals
Neeley C. Lewis
Jerome Chamberlain
Precinct Chairman
Truman Roberts
James W. Crawley
Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals (unex-
pired term)
Carl Dally
Local Ballot for Voting Precincts 21, 24
Jim Vollers
W. T. Phillips
County Commissioner, Precinct 3
State Senator, District 5
Louis Gray
Randy Sims
William T. "BiH” Moore
W. W. “Woody” Gilpin
H. L. “8ud” Cargill, WS
State Representative, District 28
Bill Presnal 62
Member State Board of Education,
District 6
Jim Hollingsworth 65
Mrs. Ronald Smith 66
Chief Justice — Court of Civil Appeals,
District 10
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 1 ,
Michael B. Caliham 109
Constable, Precinct 7
E. W. Sayers 111
Richard N. Cokrell 112
County Chairman
Neeley C. Lewis 119
Ancient rituals celebrated May 1
How will you celebrate May Day this
May 1, a date often ignored in the United
States, has a colorful history as a holiday.
May Day has been celebrated as the ar
rival of the new growing season. Cere
monies are the remnants of ancient agricul
tural and fertility rituals, which were once
celebrated universally during seasonal
changes. People paid homage to trees and,
the spirit of vegetation was symbolized in a
living person or doll. The elaborate fes
tivities, meant to insure good crops and
happiness, were closely linked to numer
ous omens and taboos.
In Wales, a festival called Beltane is held
on May Day. Bonfires are lit and great
celebrations are held to this day in remote
areas of the British Isles.
In Ireland, the Church Christianized
this celebration by transferring it to June
24, the feast of St. John, which is still cele
brated with bonfires.
It was customary in England during the
Middle ages for all classes to go out early
May Day morning to gather fresh flowers.
Hawthorne branches were gathered and
brought home about sunrise with accom
paniments of horn and tabor. People would
then decorate the doors and windows of
their houses with the branches and flowers.
By association, the hawthorn bloom was
given the name “the May.” The ceremony
was called “bringing home the May,” and
the expedition to the woods was spoken of
as “going a-Maying.”
The fairest maid was crowned with flow
ers as the “Queen of the May.” She was
placed in a little arbor where she sat in state
receiving homage and admiration of the
youthful revellers who danced and sang
around her.
This May Day custom seems to be a relic
of the old Roman celebration of the day
when the goddess of blooming vegetation,
Flora, was worshipped.
The most conspicuous feature of the fes
tival was the erection of a fixed pole (the
Maypole), which could be as high as the
mast of a 100-ton vessel. On May Day
morning, wreaths of flowers were sus
pended from it, and people danced around
it in rings nearly the whole day.
The Furitans uprooted the Maypoles
and put a stop to the celebrations. The
parties were revived after the Restoration.
A May Day custom still survives in sec
tions of England and the United States.
May 1 was designated a holiday for radical
laborers by the Second Socialist Interna
tional in 1889, and, since then. May Day
became a national holiday throughout
Europe. •
The idea of promoting national cam- j
paigns for an eight-hour work day on a fixed
date seems to have originated in France.
The date was agreed on at a Congress of
Socialists from 21 countries held in Paris in
The choice of the date was thought to be
inspired by a message from Samuel Gom-
pers, the president of the newly formed
American Federation of Labor. Gompers
announced that a nationwide program of
strikes, parades, and other demonstrations
by American workers in support of the
eight-hour work day had been scheduled
for May 1, 1890.
May 1 was chosen chiefly for practical
reasons in a number of states. It was the
customary starting day for leases and con
tracts, but a history of celebration already
underscored the date.
Frank G. McDonald
Chief Justice — Court of Civil Appeals,
District 14, Place 2
(unexpired term)
J. Curtiss Brown 72
Precinct chairman
Mrs. George A. Draper
Local Ballot for Voting Precincts 7, 11, 12,
Associate Justice — Court of Civil Appeals,
District 1
Frank G. Evans 75
Associate Justice — Court of Civil Appeals,
Districtl4, Place 1
Edward D. Coulson t 81
County Commissioner, Precinct 3
Louis Gray 102
Randv Sims 103
W. W. “Woody” Gilpin 104
H.L. “Bud” Cargill 105
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 1
B.H. Dewey, Jr.
Associate Justice — Court of Civil Appeals,
District 14, Place 3
Constable, Precinct 4
George E. Cire
Paul Ponzio
Dick Munday
Jesse L. Stanfield
District Attorney 85th Judicial District
W. T. “Tom” McDonald, Jr.
County Chairman
Neeley C. Lewis
Judge, County Court-at-Law
John E. Hawtrey
Bradley Smith
Precinct Chairman
Fred Rennels, Jr.
Republican ballot
Delegates to National Nominating Convention
(Vote for any 4)
Delegates for Gerald R. Ford
R. M. “Sharkey” Stovall
Peggy Dunlap Wilson
Sproesser Wynn
John N. Raney
Delegates for Ronald Reagan
Betty Andujar
Dillard Radke
Anna Mowery
Shirley Black
United States Senator
Louis Leman
Alan Steelman
Hugh W. Sweeney
Precinct Chairman, Precinct
(write in)
United States Representative, 6th District
Wes Mowery
Carl A. Nigliazzo
Railroad Commissioner
Walter Wendlandt
Ronald Woessner
W. R. “Bill” Owens
County Chairman
John N. Raney
(write in)
Vote tomorrow!
Voters will be called upon to make
a number of decisions concerning
political preferences in Texas’ first
presidential primary tomorrow. Po
sitions on the ballot range from pres
idential delegates to precinct chair
Voters will elect delegates to the
national presidential nominating
conventions rather than voting for
the candidates themselves. These
delegates will appear on the Demo
cratic and Republican ballots as sup
porting the various presidential can
didates. Three delegates will be
selected in the Democratic primary,
four in the Republican primary. Any
three Democratic, or any four Re
publican delegates may be selected.
(See Vote, Page 3)
House national budget
has $52.4 billion deficil
Associated Press
War threatened
in Lebanon vote
Associated Press
BEIRUT, Lebanon — Leftist Moslem
leader Kamal Jumblatt threatened today to
resume full-scale warfare against the
right-wing Christians unless the election
Saturday of a new president is delayed.
“We refuse to have Lebanon’s president
elected at gunpoint or before the total
withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanese
territory,” Jumblatt declared.
Syrian President Hafez Assad has an es
timated 6,000 troops in Lebanon and also
controls some 7,000 men of the Saiqa Pales
tinian guerrillas. He wants the prewar
Christian dominance of the government
and the economy replaced by an equal
sharing of power between the Christian
minority and Moslem majority.
All the presidential candidates are Chris
tians, continuing the prewar division of key
government posts. But Jumblatt is support
ing the candidacy of Raymond Edde, the
anti-Syrian head of the National Bloc party.
Syria supports Elias Sarkis, governor of tbe
central bank.
On Thursday, the Moslems of the pro-
Syrian Baath party threatened to take up
arms against Jumblatt’s forces to prevent
him from delaying the election.
The Christians are also divided. Pierre
Gemayel’s Phalange party, which has the
biggest militia fighting on the Christian
side, said it wants the election to go ahead
Staff photo by Jim Hendrickson
Winged wonder
The true identity of this statue
will remain a secret until it is
unveiled in ceremonies Satur
day morning. The statue, a gift
of the Class of ’76, is located
near the Corps dorm area. The
statue is patterned after the
Texas A&M Centennial Eagle.
WASHINGTON — Rejecting all efforts
to cut spending for defense, for jobs and
other domestic programs, the House yes
terday approved a $415.4-billion federal
spending target figure that is $19.6 billion
more than President Ford asked.
The final vote was 221-155. That in
cluded 208 Democrats and 13 Republicans
on the winning side and 111 Republicans
and 44 Democrats in opposition.
Democrats said the target for the fiscal
year starting Oct. 1 would continue the
nation’s economic recovery but Republi
cans said it feeds inflation.
A proposal to chop $2.5 billion off de
fense and spend the money for jobs, wel
fare and other programs was overwhelm
ingly defeated 317-85. An effort to chop off
$52.4 billion to wipe out an anticipated
federal deficit and balance the budget was
defeated 272-105.
A Republican proposal to cut the figure
$13.7 billion and add a $ 10-billion tax cut to
bring the budget target figure closer to
President Ford’s $395.8-billion request
was rejected 230-145.
The House added $1.8 billion for veter
ans’ benefits to the target figure Wednes
day, raising it to the total $415.4 billion.
The federal spending target is part of
Congress’ new machinery for setting its
own federal budget rather than simply act
ing on the President’s.
The Senate has already approved a
$412.6-bilIion target, $16.8 billion above
Ford’s budget and anticipating a $50.2-
billion deficit.
House-Senate conferees will reconcile]
the House and Senate spending targets to
produce final figures for the congressional
committees to follow in approving spend
ing bills.
Supporters of the House effort to divert
defense funds to spending for jobs and
other domestic programs said Congress
must re-order spending priorities. The
proposal included a plan for federal
takeover of 75 per cent of state welfare
Document handwritten
Billionaire’s will discovered
Associated Press
LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Three scrawled
pages of instructions that leave $125 mil
lion each to the Mormon Church and a
31-year-old Utah gas station owner who
says he once loaned Howard Hughes a
quarter, will be probated as the will of the
late billionaire.
“It’s just legal procedure from now on,”
said Noah Dietrich, 87, the former top
Hughes aide named in the faded document
as executor.
“I have no question that it’s his handwrit
ing and his signature,” Dietrich said
Thursday in Los Angeles. “It was brought
to me this afternoon, using the copying
method over the telephone, and I no
longer have any question about it.”
Dietrich earlier had expressed doubt
about the validity of the document turned
over to a court here because of numerous
spelling errors, but said that he later
changed his mind.
A tattered envelope containing the
crudely written instructions was given to
Clark County Clerk Loretta Bowman ear
lier yesterday by Wilford W. Kirton, Jr.,
legal counsel for the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints (Mormon). Kirton said
it had been found Tuesday at the church’s
headquarters in Salt Lake City. He said a
handwriting expert consulted by Mormon
officials said the document seemed authen
However, officials at SummaCorp., par
ent company for Hughes’ vast holdings,
said they doubted the will had been drawn
by Hughes and a court fight over its au
thenticity seemed probable.
The judge here who will decide whether
the document is Hughes’ last will said
Dietrich would have to prove its validity.
“Since Dietrich has been named
executor, it would be up to him to submit
proof that this will was indeed the last will
and testament of Howard Hughes, that it
was properly signed by Howard Hughes
and that Howard Hughes was mentally ca
pable of executing a will at the time it was
signed,” said Chief Judge Keith Hayes of
the 8th Judicial District Court.
Hayes declined to say specifically what
he would accept as proof of the will’s valid
ity but commented, “Someone would have
to prove that this will was written by How
ard Hughes and that it is legally binding. I
would say that someone would have to have
been familiar with Mr. Hughes or be some
kind of an expert, such as a handwriting
If declared valid, the will would leave
one-fourth of Hughes’ fortune, estimated
at up to $2.5 billion, to the Hughes Medical
Institute in Miami.
Several of Hughes associates have said
they expected him to leave much of his
money to medical research and charity be
cause such a bequest normally is exempt
from federal estate taxes.
The holographic will— so called because
it purports to be written in the descen
dant’s own hand — contains no signatures
of witnesses. A federal judge in Clark
County said a holographic will does not
require witnesses, merely verification from
handwriting experts.
The document also instructs that one-
Entrance into Texas A&M College " !
of Veterinary Medicine is getting
increasingly difficult. Page 5.
Nancy Reagan campaigned here
yesterday for her husband. '
Page 3.
John Merrill, visiting Centennial
Professor, explained the present
dangers to the American press.
Page 4.
Classifieds, Page 4.
Entertainment, Page 6.
Decreasing cloudiness this after
noon with a high in the upper 60s.
Partly cloudy and cool tonight, low
near 50. Fair and mild tomorrow with
a high in the low 70s. Winds will be
northerly at 10 to 18 miles per hour
today, decreasing tonight. Precipita
tion probability is 40 per cent today.
Partly cloudy and mild, Sunday
high in the low 80s. Cloudy and warm
Monday, high in low 80s.