p. Page 8 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, APR. 29, 1976 r TJ MAKE HAPPY COTTAGE HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS HAPPY COTTAGE 809 E. 29th 3 blocks from City National Bank HAPPY COTTAGE TrnxrrnTTT Ashe favorite in WCT finals Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 Associated Press DALLAS — Arthur Ashe wastes no time opening defense of his World Championship of Tennis title Tuesday night against the last player to make the exceptional eight, puffball hitting Harold Solomon, a former star at Rice University. basement coffeehouse presents MORNING from San Antonio Friday, April 30 8-12 p.m. $1 Ashe, who has won $164,763 al ready this year, defeated Sweden’s Bjorn Borg in the finals last year. Borg plays Eddie Dibbs Wednes day night and other quarterfinal matches pit Raul Ramirez of Mexico against Dallas’ Dick Stockton and Guillermo Vilas against Bob Lutz on Thursday night. Schlicher recovering from horse mishap By TONY GALLUCCI The survivors clash in the semifi nals on Friday night May 7 with the final scheduled for national televi sion at 1:30 p.m. EDT Sunday, May 9. Almost a year ago, one of the state’s premier schoolboy basketball players had his career ended. Almost ended, that is. John Schlicher, rated by some as tops on the bluechip list, was riding a horse on a visit to Aggie- land. Somehow the horse didn’t get the message whom he was carrying and Schlicher ended up in a hospital. Solomon squeezed into the final spot when Vitas Gerulaitis, Brian Gottfried and Ken Rosewall couldn’t compile enough points in the closing WCT tournament of the year at De nver last week. The pride and joy of Fort Worth s Paschal hospital found himself sidelined with a fractured skull, bro ken arm and shattered elbow. The doctors first reported that Schlicher would never shoot a basketball again. First prize is $50,000 in the tour nament at Southern Methodist Uni versity’s Moody Coliseum. Last week, Schlicher signed a let ter of intent to play for Texas A&M. “It feels very good to be playing, ” said Schlicher. Perseverance and a To the Citizens of Brazos and Robertson Counties: I wish to express my sincere thanks for your past support and confidence. Although I am running unopposed this year I solicit your continued support and urge each of you to cast your vote in the upcoming election. Bill Presnal State Representative Political advertisement paid for by Bill Presnal MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES MANOR EAST MALL Happy Hour In II & III Fri. Till 7:00, Sat. & Sun. Till 3:00 No Happy Hour — Daily 7:15-9:15 — Sat. & Sun. 3:15-5:15 in a hilarious run for the money! WALT DISNEY PROpUCTIONS XO DEPOSIT NO UPTURN Starts Friday: 6:05-7:50-9:30 — Sat.-Sun. 2:35-4:20-Also Charles Bronson in ‘Chino’ PG Starts Friday: 6:15-8:00-9:45 Sat.-Sun.: 2:45-4:30 Also CHARLTON JANES HESTON and COBURN THE LAST CHRISTOPHER RIVERO • PARKS-WILCOX MITCHUM " '^eciHfvVproducet jyoducedby .directed by screenplay by WILLIAM BELASCO WALTER SELTZER iRUSSELL THACHER ANDREW V. McLACLEN GUERDON TRUEBLOOD based w the novel GW DOWN I R!RESTRICTEDg» COLOR BY DELUXE*’ BRIAN GARFIELD JERRY GOLDSMITH West Screen At Dusk Skyway Twin 822-3300 Starts Friday ‘Godzilla Vs. Magalon’ (G) Plus Mary of The Witch’ (PG) East Screen At Dusk Starts Friday ‘The Last Hard Men’ &(R) * ‘Capone’ Call For Times Now Showing Campus >us 846-6512 COLLEGE STATION Call For Times Now Showing ‘Vixens’ Plus (R) ‘Super Vixens’ desire to play basketball put him on the court again. When John was being recruited by A&M and other schools around the country he was being touted as one of the state’s finest guards. He wasn’t getting as much publicity as another fine guard in the state, but that helped him decide on A&M. Karl Godine was generally thought to be the state’s number one pros pect that year and John considered it reason enough to go to A&M when Karl decided also. “Part of the reason I came was because of who they signed, ’ said Schlicher. Recent probation by the South west Conference cast doubts upon whether Schlicher woidd ever get to play ball with Godine. “I told him to be honest with me about the situa tion and he said he was gonna stay,” said Schlicher. Next year is closer though, and with Karl unable to play, Schlicher may be needed more than ever. “We hope he’s gonna be looking real hard at the point guard position, ’ said as sistant coach Norman Reuther. “He can step right in and help us. John’s as good as anybody at getting the job done. ’ ;end as they jee-game ser m on Friday loads meet i irday at 1 p. U’o victories By PAT E ach Tom ( finishes Soi do with coming to A&M? "Voiil(|ay for the to take a coach; what he’s like« 1 ' 1 off the court. It was down W sas and A&M when the time a decide. I like Sutton (Arkansasi Eddie) as a person but I head I Creighton he was pretty rougl, Schlicher, adding that the cm) e the Aggie: passed every test. | econd place ices of rece F rom the high school road IoMa playo dom to a hospital bed Sclilidien ascurrently tured on to A&M as aparttimei I with a 17- dent and toajobintheMSClti |;ter only o alley. He gives credit to his [»■ ig Si the Un for convincing him togoontos lid move ir while he worked himselfW, mtandadvan shape. Come next December, ] appear on the floorofG.il Vvm'm/? White, unless fate or another It gets him first, in a Maroon White uniform. He’llbejon, but t Schlicher and crew will heel W'd Shipmr Et ‘twas a rr Did the year of layoff hurt him? It had to,” said Schlicher. “You’re gonna lose some touch, some quick ness and speed.” How about playing with only a couple of up perclassmen? “I don t mind. I like starting off young. By the time these guys are seniors, we 11 be juniors and we ll be ready to take on some NCAA powers,” Schlicher said. Did the coaching have anything to NCAA powers. There isn t doubt from coaches’ side. As Reuthersaid, a lot of confidence in Joh have lifter pass to Bt’s right. 1 football, and i ftrew it well. Baturday nig evening weath learty souls w jook comfort i lard letting hi the I tall. Oh su only in stalt-iT Cycle club die UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTEI CINEMA I DAILY AT 8:00 ONLY BOX-OFFICE OPENS AT 7:15 SORRY, NO PASSES JACK NICHOLSON ONE Fleur OXER THE Riders from the A&M oflfense the only active college bicycle^ or nex *- ^ club in the 1 state, were amoi ' n * l) ^ le same leaders in majorTexa s races 0';®’ run ? Or v past two weekends. B ne P^ iln w In the April Fools StageaiiiliiB’hese que Race April 3-4 in and near If Hwered Sat Jerry \nderson tied for third and Keith Bal 22 riders in the Senior Men 17times, com gory 2 class. Hpman thre IS -i.i , . «for40yar David Champhn, Semoi Th( , A ies t Category 3, took seventh oul Mike Floyd a and Myron Gerhard, Senio t wc Category 4, took fifth outof2lB c y ownS) . for 30 yards. The road rac.ng course, side of Houston near PattisoiiLL. as 20-mile loop. Anderson’s tepLJ Ge( s.-M.I (.O .mles .nul ( Ikm^B . a ;.j s t() 1( C .erhard rode 40 miles. Anotherra DAILY AT 7:45 ONLY BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 7:15 SORRY, NO PASSES REDFORD/HOFFHUN "ALLTHE PRESIDENT'S MEN’ From WARNER BROS A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY Technicolor® phase was in Houston’s Mew™ Park, willi Cn-rhurd going Champlin 18 miles and AnderwB Jerry Guthrie, team manageiHL X ineelianii said about 1' 1/ competed from throughout!(■ % and several other states. It wurarTip S econ third major race of the 1976: f or men anc j for the Aggies. has been set During the previous weet I III.' < .(.rpus < dnisii IlillvCriteiira" , ‘ on March 28. the A&M were represented by Karl JadC, , . . who finished eighth outoflBn'-mi w . A&M was the only universlfyM nandw0] resented at the event. K in{ive . y The criterium featured;sf t ra ars u P- ^ races over a hilly, sharp-tur«B tur “ a y> ^ one-mile loop. Guthrie said the Aggie raciri It is spon The meet iwns Nat; Sun Theaters 333 University The only movies in town. |>H0T( Special Midnight Shows Friday A Saturday $2.00 par perm No one under 17. Escorted Ladles Free ALL SEATS $3. $1 off with this ad.