The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 29, 1976, Image 1
Weather Mostly cloudy with showers and lundershowers today, high in low 70s. ow tonight in the mid-50s. Decreasing oudiness with chance of thunder- howers on Friday. High tomorrow low 70s. Precipitation probability 60 ercent today, 40 per cent tonight, and 0 per cent tomorrow. Cbe Battalion Vol. 68 No. 115 College Station, Texas Thursday, April 29, 1976 c ^AnrEHH x ^ Two lawmen run for sheriff spot parking tickets. Students with past-due violations were prevented from preregistering. dmmittee to explore arine recruit death By LILLIAN FOREMAN Incumbent Sheriff J.W. Hamilton and detective John Miller will contend for the Democratic nomination in the May 1 prim ary of the Brazos County sheriff s race. Hamilton, 68, is a 30-year resident of Brazos County and has served as sheriff of Brazos County since 1946. Hamilton said that he is qualified for the position because of his past experience in law enforcement. “Experiemce is the main thing. You can’t beat it,” he said. Hamilton said he is running for sheriff because he believes in law enforcement that will benefit the citizens of the county. Hamilton said he has upgraded the sheriffs department and has kept within the budget for the last four years. He doesn’t anticipate any great changes in the department for the next four years. “I would like to have personnel, though, for a night patrol when funds are available, ” he said. “I’m all for the protection of the citizens and their property.” Hamilton lives at 913 Stanfield Circle in Bryan. Hamilton’s opponent, John Miller, 39, has been active in law enforcement for 10 years. His first two years of law enforce ment were spent with the Fayette County Sheriffs Department and the last eight years in Brazos County. He also has 420 hours of police schooling, many of which were received at A&M. Miller has previously been selected to provide personnel protection for President Ford and Governor Dolph Briscoe during J. W. Hamilton their visits to the community. He was also instrumental in several heroin investiga tions and in solving local theft rings, burglaries and homicides. Miller is currently employed by the Col lege Station Police Department in the Criminal Investigation Division as a detec tive. He said that he favors an active coordina tion of Brazos County law enforcement with other local and state law enforcement agencies. “This will provide a more complete form of protection for the citizens of Brazos County and also extend to areas that are not under the jurisdiction of Bryan or College Station police,” he said. Miller also advocates rehabilitation programs for first time offenders and drug addicts. One of his main concerns is to separate juvenile offenders from adidts and John B. Miller to upgrade present jail facilities. When funds are available. Miller says that he would like to establish a separate juvenile facility that would have specially staffed personnel. “There is no sense in burdening the resi dents for extra funds at this time,” he said. Miller says that he favors direct supervi sion of all investigations and prompt, courteous response, by the sheriff’s de partment to all calls and complaints from the residents. Miller said that he would like to also create a position for a chief deputy in the Brazos County sheriffs office. “This would provide a man iil the sheriff’s office at all times when I would be gone. As it is now, there is no one there when Mr. Hamilton is gone that is capable of taking over the responsibilities of the office,” he said. Associated Press IL13FKIN — Rep. Charles Wilson, Ilex., says a House subcommittee will |gin within the next two weeks its own vestigation into the recruitment and featk of a Marine recruit from Luikin. IWilson yesterday said the investigation Ml be conducted by the House Armed Services subcommittee on personnel chaired by Rep. Lucien Nedzi, D-Mich. Wilson said the chairman’s staff met with Marine officials Tuesday and the Marines “made it certain” that serious abuses had taken place at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Yesterday Marine officials at San Diego, Calif, announced that a captain and two al tate supreme court loses police records Associated Press AUSTIN — The Texas Supreme Court sterday ruled that the press and the pub ic have no legal or constitutional right to « all police records. The Houston Chronicle filed suit to test exas’ 1973 Open Records Act and con- itutional guarantees of freedom of the iress. Before the act went into effect, the hronicle' argued, police customarily al- wed reporters to see offense reports and |rap sheets.” When the Houston Post requested air- Drt police records in 1974, however, the itydeclined, and Atty. Gen. John Hill said ll e information was not public. Later, Hill id police could furnish to reporters the formation they had been furnishing hrough the years. Shuttle rides ree next week All students can ride the University’s shuttle bus system for the next two weeks free of charge, E.C. Oates, chairman of the Shuttle Bus Operations Committee, said yesterday. Oates said the students need only pre sent a Texas A&M ID card to ride a bus during May 3-14. The free bus rides are to acquaint students not using the shuttle bus with its operation. Bus passes for 1976-77 will cost $15 per semester, and student-spouse tickets will cost $22.50 per semester. Students purchasing bus passes may also obtain a free night permit for their car. The pennit allows students to park on campus weekdays from’6 p.m. to 7 a. m. and all day weekends. Bus passes and night permits are availa ble at the University Police station. Oates said about 5,000 students used the shuttle system last fall and he said he ex pects over 6,000 to use it this coming fall. Nevertheless, police refused to permit reporters to see “rap sheets,” which con tain the suspect’s name, a photograph, marital status, names of relatives and iden tifying marks such as scars and tattoos. Police also reserved the right to withhold the offense reports. The primary purpose of the “rap sheet” was to list chronologically all of the offenses for which the suspect bas been charged, but, the Supreme Court said, “The final deposition of the charge is not always noted. ” Disclosure of such information, the Houston Court of Civil Appeals said, con tains “the potential for massive and unjus tified damage to the individual.” Neither the Open Records Act nor the state or federal constitutions require “dis closure of the complete records sought by the Houston Chronicle,” the Supreme Court said in an unsigned opinion. Since the city of Houston did not appeal the appeals court ruling, the Supreme Court did not respond to whether the press and public have a “statutory or constitu tional right to obtain all of the information which the court of civil appeals has held to be public information.” The appeals court ruled that police ad ministrative records — such as police blot ters, show-up sheets and arrest sheets — are public information. These records in clude the name, age, sex, race and occupa tion of a suspect; name of the arresting officer and the charge. The appeals court also said the Chronicle had a constitutional right to see a portion of the offense report, including a detailed de scription of the offense, location, identifica tion and description of the complainant, premises, weather and the names of the arresting officers. Off-limits in that report, the appeals court said, are police speculation about a suspect’s guilt; police views on a witness’ credibility; summaries of purported con fessions, and the results of polygraph examinations. This information, the court said, reporters often pick up anyway in in terviews. drill sergeants will receive gener courts-martial and another sergeant will receive a special court-martial for their in volvement in the training exercise that re sulted in the death of the Lufkin recruit, McClure. In addition, the commanding of ficer of the recruit training regiment will receive a letter of reprimand. McClure, 20, was injured last December during a recruit training exercise involving pugil sticks — a weapon used to simulate a bayonet. He was knocked unconscious and was transferred to a Houston hospital where he died in March without regaining consciousness. Wilson raised serious questions about the manner in wbich McClure was re cruited by the Marines, including the claim that McClure was coached to pass the Marine test. In its announcement yesterday the Marines said that: V Sgt. H. E. Aguilar will be tried by general court-martial on charges alleging negligent homicide, maltreatment of a re cruit, dereliction of duties and violations of a general order. V S.Sgt. Harold L. Bronson will face a general court-martial on charges of in voluntary manslaughter, aggravated as sault, maltreatment of a recruit, dereliction of duties and violations of a general order. V Capt. C. V. Taylor will go before a general court-martial on charges alleging dereliction in the performance of duties, failure to obey a lawful order, and violating a general order. V S.Sgt. H. C. Wallraffwillbetriedbya special court-martial on charges alleging dereliction of duties and violating a general order. V Col. R. A. Seymour, commanding of ficer of the recruit training regiment in which McClure served, will receive a letter of reprimand. Other administrative punishment was expected for Capt. J. B. Ullmann of the headquarters and service battalion. Precinct 7 constable primary draws two By DAVID WHITE Rick Cockrell will try to bring youth and new blood into the race for county consta ble of precinct seven, the College Station area, while his opponent, incumbent E.W. Sayers will stand on his experience in the primary election, May 1. Cockrell, 24, of 409 Jane St. in College Station, is a teacher at Allen Academy. He hopes to interject young ideas into tbe job and acquaint local youth with law enforce ment and the need for a change in the attitudes young people have toward the law. Cockrell says he will carry the constable duties beyond the normal functions. “I’d like to see the local youth become more involved in youth organizations and community organizations to keep them busy. I would try to do this as constable with the cooperation of the police.” Cockrell is a graduate of Texas A&M with a bachelor of arts in history. He is also an accredited teacher. He said he has no experience in law enforcement but if elected, he would be sent to a constable school for training. He says that Sayers has had some con frontations with the local youth and college students and he would try to cultivate bet ter relations with them. Sayers, 57, of 506 Brooks St. in College Station, works for Montgomery Wards in See PRECINCT, Page 7 Three Democrats in race for County Constable Auto insurance may rise again Associated Press AUSTIN — Car insurance companies are in a “back-to-the wall situation” be cause of inflation and will have to ask the state Insurance Board for rate increases this summer, an industry spokesman said today. The board, which raised rates an average of 17 per cent on Jan. 1, has scheduled its annual car insurance hearing for July 15. He said medical and car repair costs co vered by auto insurance have nearly tripled in the past eight years. Who has the authority to arrest the sheriff, should he commit a crime? The only county official able to do so is the County Constable. The authority to en force the law, and to serve subpoenas and citations handed down from the Justice of the Peace Court, also belongs to the const able. In the May 1st primary, three candidates are vying for the Democratic nomination for county constable, position four. The race is being contested by Dick Munday, Jessie Stanfield and Paul Ponzio. Incumbent, Dick Munday, 42, is employed with State Farm Insurance. Munday has served as constable for two terms. ‘Hot checks’ were a problem before I became constable, and they will always be a problem,’ Munday said. “Eighty per cent of business is done by checks, and as long as people write checks there will be hot checks’.” Munday said he would work toward helping apartment dwellers collect their deposit if they leave the apartment undam aged. “If a guy has cleaned up the apart ment like the lease specifies, he ought to get his deposit back. ” Munday is married and lives in Bryan. Jessie L. Stanfield, 44, was a law en forcement officer for 13 years. He served four of the 13 years as county constable. He recently sold his business. Acme Auto Sales. Stanfield is a graduate of Texas A&M Police Academy and the A&M Academy for Constables and Justices of the Peace. He said he would strive to work directly with the people of Brazos County. “I will be available for service to the people who elect me to this position. I pledge to work with citizens of all ages in understanding and enforcing laws of state and country. ” Stanfield said he thinks the occurrence of “hot checks” can be greatly reduced. ‘Hot checks’ are not being handled properly now,” Stanfield said. “I would expedite in every manner serving the pap ers. Stanfield is married and lives at 912 Stan field Circle in Bryan. Paul Ponzio, 52, is owner and operator of See DEMOCRATIC, Page 7 Statewide thunderstorms hit area electrical service down for while Because of thunderstorms and heavy shower activity in the Bryan-College Sta tion area early this morning many people were without power and possibly were late for work. The power failure occurred shortly after 2 this morning. The storm was part of a line of thunder showers across the state. Within a 45- minute period, the city of Bryan reported an inch of rain. In the Houston area, the forecast by the National Weather Service simply said “wet.” A line of heavy thunderstorms was centered over the southern half of the state from Del Rio to Houston. Severe winds were also reported in the area. In several of the counties of South Cent ral Texas, there were severe weather flood warnings. Central Texas received moder ate to heavy rains after a cool front became active sometime during the night. In other sections of the state thick fog and slight drizzle reduced visibility. North Central Texas reported generally light rains this morning after heavier rain- fall yesterday. However, more rain was predicted for the same area. Forecasters are predicting more rain in all parts of the state today, but the shower activity should decrease over the West Texas area tonight. Temperatures early this morning ranged from a low 46 degrees at Amarillo to 76 degrees at Brownsville and Corpus Christi. Senate panel urges intelligence watchdog r Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Senate intelli gence committee’s catalogue of a variety of domestic intelligence abuses marks the end of its investigation and the beginning of a fight over whether a special congressional panel should monitor spy agencies. In a 396-page report released Wednes day, the committee detailed previously disclosed abuses such as CIA domestic spy ing, the FBI’s Cointelpro program and the National Security Agency’s eavesdropping. “All this occurred because intelligence agencies were ordered to break the law, felt they had a right to break the law, and even felt they had a duty ... to break the law,” Sen. Walter F. Mondale, D-Minn., a member of the committee, said after re- • lease of the report. The intelligence panel declared that “in telligence activities which undermine in dividual rights must end” and made a total of 96 recommendations, including the for mation of a strong congressional panel to guard against future spy agency abuses. Without the new watchdog panel, “the great work of this committee will have been lost,” said Mondale. But within hours of Mondale’s remarks, the Senate Rules Committee voted to gut that recommendation by stripping all budgetary and legislative authority from the proposed watchdog panel. Rules Committee member Dick Clark, D-Iowa, called the 5 to 4 vote “a direct repudiation” of the intelligence panel’s findings that the government used bug ging, burglary and blackmail to collect vast information on the private lives and politi cal beliefs of Americans. The Rules Committee adopted instead a substitute proposed by chairman Howard W. Cannon, D-Nev., to convert the prop osed watchdog panel to a study group with no legislative or budgetary powers. Clark, along with most of the members of the intelligence committee, vowed, in Mondale’s words, “to fight very, very vig orously” when the issue reaches the Senate floor within the next two weeks. Clark predicted that the Senate would not take up the issue of revealing the U.S. spy budget, another recommendation of the intelligence committee, until it has re solved the problem of what type of perma nent intelligence committee it wants. Two Republican members of the intelli gence panel, vice chairman John Tower of Texas and Sen. Barrv Goldwater of Arizo na, have announced their opposition to creation of a new intelligence committee. The nine other members of the committee appear united in their support of such a panel. Both Tower and Goldwater are members of the Armed Services Committee, which traditionally has been responsible for monitoring activities of the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA. Sen. Richard S. Schweiker, R-Pa., a member of the intelligence committee, declared Wednesday that “Congress bears a heavy responsibility for ignoring its consititu- tional oversight role.” Index Czech program at A&M is clarified. Reader’s Forum, Page 2. Mushrooms may be fatal. Page 3. Thomas, theater arts professor, resigns. Page 4. A&M provides one in eleven vet erinarians in the United States. Page 5. The A&M baseball team’s NCAA berth is at stake. Page 9. Classifieds. Page 4. Entertainment. Page 8. '