The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1976, Image 3
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APR. 27, 1976 Page 3 £™/Zs primary at tight race Ford begins longest campaign tour ttiereoi zzas are Cial Associated Press WASHINGTON — President ird begins his longest speaking urof the campaign today, aiming at 'M' voters who will choose be- In him and Ronald Reagan on Irday in a primary that Ford an uphill battle. Ford was making an afternoon 'hi to Barksdale Air Force Base, and nearby Shreveport to con- | a public forum and address the lal military ball of the Louisiana [atjonal Guard. Louisiana stops, which pre- Ian overnight stay in Longview, e\ were on the agenda because ftveport’s television stations lap sizeable audiences in the ine\ Woods country of East Texas. In a filmed interview Monday ith KMOL-TV of San Antonio, 'o|d again said he is the underdog in May 1 primary, with 96 dele gates at stake. But he added, “I think we have an opportunity to close the gap and make it a very, very tight race.” Reagan has contended that Ford has allowed the United States to lapse into second place in military power. But the President told the San Antonio station, “I don’t think there are any reliable sources that say the United States is No. 2.” On Reagan’s statements that the Soviets have about twice as many men under arms as the United States, Ford said “only about half of those are what we would call active duty military forces.” Ford added that “if Mr. Reagan is saying that the United States should have four million men, not 2.1 mil lion, then I think you have to assume that he is expecting to reinstitute the draft. ...” Deputy White House Press Sec retary John Carlson said Monday that “at this point I know of no plans’’ for Ford and former Texas Gov. John B. Connally to meet during Ford’s visit to the state. Few in the Ford entourage would be surprised at a meeting, although Connally has indicated he has no plans to endorse Ford or Reagan. Ford acknowledged that a Connally endorsement would have a “very significant impact,” and some Tex ans with ties to Connally suspect the ambitious former governor might give Ford an 11th hour boost. Ford will make appearances Wednesday in Tyler, Fort Worth and Houston. On Thursday, he will go to Conroe, Waco and Dallas. He will visit Lubbock and Abilene on Friday before returning to Washing ton. Teague defends poor vote record A Good Diamond is Good Forever A Bad Diamond is Bad Forever. Come see the difference at: shelter is goal of humane society Be kind to Animals Week will be t week to promote awareness of responsibility of pet owners to r pets. he Brazos County Humane Soci- will hold a benefit auction and ce to raise funds to build an ani- shelter. It will begin at 8 p.m., 1, in the National Guard Ar- ry, 1700 E. 25th St., in Bryan. A iber of items have been donated, uding a used Volkswagen, slide projector, movie camera, a vacuum cleaner, some tents and many novelty items. Tickets are $1.50 in advance and $2 at the door. They are available at Bill’s Garden Center, First Bank and Trust, KTAM Radio Station, Kirby Vacuum, Triangle Fish Supply and the University Center Beauty Salon. Anyone wishing to donate an item for the auction or any group wishing to add a ribbon to the Maypole is 'entennial class to dedicate larting gift in Spence Park asked to call the Humane Society at 846-1031 or 846-1890. The Humane Society and the Au xiliary to the Texas A&M Chapter of the American Veterinarian Medical Association will conduct a pet clinic at the College of Veterinary Medicine from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 1. It is designed for young children and will cover all as pects of pet care. The fifth annual Pet Adoption Day will be held May 1 from 10 a. m. until 4 p.m. in the parking lot of the old Cook’s Dept. Store. To Cover the costs of distemper and worming shots, dogs will cost $16.00 and cats $12.50. Congressman Olin E. “Tiger” Teague said Friday morning that his voting record was justified in light of the time he spends in committee hearings. Campaigning for re-election to the 6th Congressional seat, Teague said that too much time was wasted on roll calls. Teague’s opponent, Ron Godbey of Ft. Worth, has charged the congressman with high absen teeism in Congressional roll calls. “We waste more damn time on a quorum call, just to say, T’m here,” he said. “And yet, throughout the day you establish the fact that you were there. “Time is so important to me,” Teague said. “And to run over to the floor, I go about three blocks to an swer a roll call and come right back. Well, that’s just ridiculous. The people I work with know I haven’t abused my voting, and anybody can establish where I was every min ute.” Teague encouraged Brazos County “to look where it’s going in 1980.” With an expanding popula tion in the 6th District, Teague forewarned a split in the near future where Brazos County will be in another district. The congressman did not say if he would run in the new district. Teague said people are becoming more concerned and knowledgeable about politics, and public frustration over political decisions in govern ment is of prime concern. “Take defense, for example. Everybody wants to be first,’’ Teague said. “They don’t mind you spending money when they’re get ting their money’s worth, but they sure get upset if you waste it. ” As chairman of the congressional science and astronautics committee, Teague emphasized the technical advances made on the way to the moon. He said the moon project is overemphasized and more consid eration should be given to the ac complishments achieved as by products to the space industry. uy«) Carl Bussells ~iamond Room 3731 E. 29th 846-4708 MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY NOW BUYING USED BOOKS LOUPOT’S Northgate - Across from Post Office Dairtj Queen * Located on S. Texas Ave. between K-Mart and Gibsons SPECIALS MON. & TUBS. APRIL 26 & 27 D.Q. Dude 79c WED. & THURS. APRIL 28 & 29 Country Basket $1.39 FRI.-SUN. APRIL 30-MAY 2 Hungerbuster & French Fries $1.09 FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL Every Wed. Night — 5:00-11:00 Hunger Buster, ^ ^ "IQ French Fries, Small Drink I ■ I w The centennial class of 1976 will picate its parting gift to the Uni- sity at 11 a.m. Saturday, fhe gift is a replica of the centen- I logo and stands at the north end I pence Park. It has a six-foot, ma lm concrete base topped by a jmze eagle. The eagle is 5 feet tall rl has a wingspread of 9-1/2 feet. |The class of 76 has been sponsor- fund-raising projects for two jars to raise the $17, (MX) needed to |\ for the memorial. It is the second ING ORE Tl|€ sn«p| Tilings Hair Shaping Emporium For Men And Women 846-7614 331 University BdUpstairs above Kesami piece of sculpture to be dedicated on campus this year. Both works were created by Houston artist Pat Foley. His other creation is of two students and stands on the mall by the Rudder Tower. ft/plnamba Eddie Dominguez '66 Joe Arciniega '74 Greg Price s: M limn mi If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned .. . We call it "Mexican Food Supreme." Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 1976 RING DANCE IN IY PHOTOS WILL BE TAKEN: 5:30-6:30 - Before The Banquet 8:00-1:00 - During The Dance by barker — photography NORTHGATE 846-2828 HOUSE OF JEANS TRADE-IN YOUR WANDROOESALE TRADE IN YOTTR tfAGS FOR RICHES THIS WEEK AT THpJ iOUSE OF IEANS! OLD SHIRTS WORTH OFF NEW SHIRTS OLD JACKETS WORTH ea OFF NEW JACKETS TRADE-IN MERCHANDISE GOES TO CHARITIES OLD BELTS WORTH $1.50 OFF NEW BELTS OLD JEANS WORTH $3 OFF NEW JEANS SALE MERCHANDISE EXCLUDED House Of JEflrVS MANOR EAST MALL, BRYAN