Millions won and lost at tables THE battalion TUC90AV. Am ao irrs (C-ontinurd from Paxe 1.) of rhanrr to build their fortune* or Xo bankrupt, depending on hiear with the addition of a stage hand, can-can girls and more crap table* and roulette wheels ' he uud kttendance dropped by about H» people. lappe said However, he noticed more parents this year About IfiO dorm residents served as dealers and saloon fcirb thnnigh- cait the evening, and three female bouncers in Woe fuses ssere on hand to keep the* gamblers in liw Two chuck-a-lucks worth $1-50 apiece were stolen while RHA member* were cleaning up ’.After all our bills are in. I figure we ll make at least $2tM). but with the kiss of erpnpment. we stand to lose a little." lapne said Tin- stage hand ''Commonwealth ( jrosided musN.' for tin- esening. ami 2 can-can girls pros id**d the sja-oal entertainment with a high-kick routine. Local merchants donated 92 prizes for the auction which followed Casino. Gamlders were allowed 15 minutes after the ckise of the tables to count their fortunes ami collabo rate with friends Th«- most cxrsr-Utf pn/.e. a night at tfa* Aggieland Inn with free drinks and meals, went for $8 million A CB radio sold for $1.2 million and smaller prizes went for no lower than $60,000 "Last year there were more |**opJe. hut the atmosphere was a lot tenser More room and the continual music pros ided by the stage hand made tl*e atmosphere more relaxed this sear. ’ Lippe said ANNOUNCING! No one can eat just one! I ~y — 1 Ford trails Reagan in delegate battle cJack Sox 'Continued from Page 1.) ter* in a Wcmdbridgr. (own . ssnagogoe Mondas night. I want to see American foreign policy committed to human rights "I m tired of detente without a human soul. declared Jackson He said the I’mted States should use trarle concessions to force the Soviet I’nion to ease its emigra tion restrictions Jackson has Cios. Klla Crasso s hacking in Connecticut's May 11 primarx Sen Frank Church. D-ldaho. attacked Ford Monday during a fhe-miiinte paid ixtlitical broadcast on C^BS Church branded Ford as a weak preskient for p.u- (kmingformer President Richard M Nixon and tor failing to punish powerful gosem inent agencies that break the law and bully tlie people Ctiurcli headed the Senate intelligence committee s recent CIA probe. C hurch also denied m a Boise. Idaho. Th© First Annual (never to be for gotten) JACK IN THE BOX. Taco Eating Contest! Date: May 1, 1976 Location: 1504 Texas Avenue apiicarancc that he was in tin- race to sec ure a nomination as \ ice president or secrc»- tary of state, or as a buildup lor a lull fledged cain|tuign in 19S0 Rep Morris L'dall of Arizona, who lost a close rate to Demoeratic front-runner Jimmy Carter in Wistxmsin earlier this month, promised supporters lie ssill win his first primary in his home state Saturdas l dall says In- w ill w in at least 15 ol the 25 delegates at stake The Supreme Court on Monday de clined to hear I'dalt’s appeal ofa ruling that will keep him oH tin* kdlot m Indiana's Max 4 primary. Carter received $108,000 from his na tional finance committee in Atlanta Monday. ami he exhorted it to keep the money coming in. ford s wife. Bettx. was grand marshal of the fiesta Riser Parade in San Antonio. Talented rock group plays at RHA weekend concert By PAI L Ml ELLER Dedicated rock music foxers at AfcM got their money’s worth at Town Hall s RH\ Weekend concert last Saturday night A disappoint ingly (hut understandably) small crowd stayed for the- concert, which featured two liands. Rahy and Jour ney. Babx, a band from Amarillo, opened the show They opened on time*, and that s about the only posit ive thing I can say aUiut them. Babx played forty-fixe minutes of oxer- arnplifiml and undertalented noise, attempting to substitute "showman ship and simulated enthusiasm for musical ability Especially obnoxi ous was the liass play er, who appar ently was as proud of his playing as he was of his torso. Both were much too evident After a short intermission. Jour ney came on stage* and made the evening worthwhile for those who afttayived the o|)ening act Journey is made up of four talented musicians: Cregg Rohe* (keylxiards and xocals) and Neal Schon (guitar). Ixith from Santana. Ross Valors (liass), from The Stexe Miller Band; ami Aynslex Dnnliar (drums), from Duxid Bow ie's hand They opened their set with “I’m Gonna Leave You from their recently released second album. Look Into The Future. Schon’s guitar was liarely audible at first, but this trouble was soon straightened out, and the kind settled down to play ing xigorous rock n roll The conceit consisted mainly of songs taken from laiok Into The F'u- ture. a collection of dix erse material mostly xvritten by Schon and Rolie. Versatility is only one of Journey s strong |M»ints, and it swell illustrated by the* songs the* hand play ed Satur day night They encompassed a whole spectrum of musical sty les, from the smooth jazz flavor of Any wayto the blues influence evident in "I'm (amna lease You, to the* Santana-like sound of Midnight Dreamer, to the all-out hard rock of “On A Saturday Night TIk* members of the band demon strated skill ami professionalism to match the quality of tlieir songs \ al- ory’s solid bass and Dunbar s energetic drumming combined to form a tight rhy thm section behind Schon’s flashy guitar and Rolie s smooth keyboard work. Schon and Rolie often traded licks on their re spective instruments, in a nice* varia tion on the usual two-guitar format Journey is a guitar-oriented band, and Neal Schon had no trouble iix ing up to his reputation as a hot new guitarist. His play ing Saturday night included everything from slow, con trolled blues lines to electrifying high-s|N*ed nflx. ami a whole lot in l*etw«*en "The kind left the stage after play ing eight songs, amid a standing oxa- tion (one* of sexeral tliex reeeixed (hiring the show). They, returned a few minutes later to do a high- powered rendition of It s All Too Much and then an instrumental finale with a quiet, sulKiued ending. This double encore bad the audience standing on their chairs and scream ing for more Tliex didn t get it, but they went home happy with what they had seen. One final note — if you liked the concert, you'll probably like Jour ney’s album l/ook Into The Future, from which most of the concert ma terial was taken, 'flu* band s energy comes across almost as well on rec ord as it does on stage. After Saturday night’s concert. Journey had some interesting things to sax akmt music in general, akuit their own music in particular, and even about Texas A& M Gregg Rolie ^und Ross Valory were the most vocal Of the musicians, while Neal Schon and Ay nslex Dunbar were more subdued. Rolie compared the drummer's exertions during the course of a ty pical concert to running a five-mile sprint. Dunbar exen has a wheelchair to use when he’s really worn out. Asked about the musicians who have influenced Journey’s music, Rolie listed several, including Jinii Hendrix, the Beatles, and the Mahavishnu Orchestra. Schon named Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Jeff Beck, among others, as some of his faxonte guitarists. The hand objected to the use of the term "acid rock to 'describe Journey s music. I think it’s a new music.’” said Walter (Herbie) Herbert, the group’s manager. I think maybe the Ix-st name was the name that Tom Vickers of Rolling Stone Magazine gave the music. He called it 'heavy space Herbie called San Fran cisco, where the hand originated, a "cultural Mecca’* lor new types of music "that defy labeling. Ml IN < lldsiuobilc ( .ulilhn s M I s - Sf BM< I U hi ii soti^fiirtiiin is sttiiiilnnl i'i/iiifiim nt 2 401 Texas \\r. S 23-8002 greennouse COLLEGE STATION’S NEWEST AND MOST UNIQUE CLUB AND GAME PARLOR JOIN VOUR FRIENDS OVERLOOKING THE POOL AND TENNIS COURTS AT THE BRIARWOOD APART MENTS WHERE YOU CAN ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE DRINK SURROUNDED BY A GARDEN OF GREEN PLANTS. WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVING CLASSIC AND EXOTIC DRINKS. OUR PLUSH GAME PARLOR OFFERS THE FINEST IN POOL TABLES, FOOSBALL. PINBALL AND ELEC TRONIC GAMES. WE RE OPEN AT 4 P.M EVERY DAY AND HAVE A CppfM A| HAPPY HOUR ON MON. THRU WHERE ALL DRINKS ARE 2 FOR 1 1201 HIGHWAY 30, BRIARWOOD APTS., (FORMERLY “THE PENTHOUSE CLUB ”) Unlike some performers in the past. Journey s members didn t seem to mind the lact that only a lexx thousand people turned out to see them play According to Boss Val ors, the actual size of the audience is not as im|x>rtant as the xxax people react to the music. The band seemed impressed with the enthusiasm showed by the Aggies. “That’s probably one of the biggest entertaining factors tl have, Holie commented about crowd reaction. "We enjoy ourselves and people enjoy it. The band sounded optimistic akmt the way nx-k music is headed. "1 think it s getting away from a lot of trash,” said Rolie. referring to the musical confusion of sexeral years ago. "I think people are starting to listen again." Valory noted that nx k has become more sophisticated; It s getting to lx* a lot more than two chords." Asked if he had formed any im pressions akmt A6c M, Rolie replied, “Yeah, I’xe got one great one. It s go