The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 16, 1976, Image 2

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FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1976
‘My client may very well have created a nuisance, your honor,
but prior to doing so he’d had his brain washed by a half-gallon of Ripple.’
David S. Broder
Carter s tactics uniqm,
■ r»rn 11
Jackson for big government
Associated Press
NEW YORK — Democratic pres
idential candidate Henry M. Jackson
envisions a federal government that
is at once bigger, more expensive
and more responsive to the Ameri
can citizen and he maintains that he
could accomplish this without rais
ing federal income taxes.
He proposes programs that would
add well over $54 billion to the fed
eral budget after a four-year period,
and a new tax deduction that could
ix>st $20 billion a year in revenues.
But the Washington senator said
economic revival would produce the
revenues to accomplish all this and
more. He based this on the conten
tion that a sharp decrease in un
employment, which he has made his
top priority, woidd put more than
enough money into the federal
treasury to finance his programs.
Jackson said that would work de
spite the economic pattern of the
past year, which has seen a decline in
the unemployment rate but not in
the anticipated federal deficit.
Jackson and several other Democ
ratic candidates, citing figures de
veloped by congressional budget
committees, say each 1 per cent of
unemployment costs the nation $16
billion in lost tax revenues and in
creased spending for social services.
A decrease in unemployment, there
fore, should produce a $16-billion
increase in revenues if other factors
remain constant.
Jackson discussed his programs in
an interview with Associated Press
reporters and editors at AP head
quarters in New York.
Asked whether increased federal
aid, such as a federal takeover of wel
fare, would not mean higher taxes,
Jackson replied: “No . . . The
payment for it will come out of what 1
see as an increase in revenue as we
move toward fuller employ
ment ...”
He denied that this revenue
would have to be used to finance his
proposed $20 billion public works
program. When you enact a jobs’
program, he said, “industry knows
that these orders are coming in, then
they are accumulating inventory,
they start putting people back to
work before the money comes out of
the Treasury ...”
Jackson scoffed at the suggestion
of rival campaigners who run, in ef
fect, against the government, and at
the proposal of former Georgia Gov.
Jimmy Carter for consolidation of
federal agencies.
“I don’t buy the argument that be
cause something is big that it’s bad,”
Jackson said. For example, he said,
“You can’t have a national health
plan unless it’s a big one . . . What
people are concerned about is the
arbitrary and capricious conduct on
the part of government officials.”
Jackson would have Washington
take over $19 billion in welfare costs
now borne by state and local gov
ernments, and would increase fed
eral aid to education, in both cases
over three-to four-year periods.
He advocates a national health in
surance program, but said in answer
to questions that he has no firm fi
gure on what the plan would cost the
government or whether it would
mean that federal tax money would
replace dollars now spent in private
He says the United States should
triple its public and private energy
development spending over the next
15 years to a total of about $2 trillion.
At the same time, Jackson advo
cates an income tax credit that would
permit taxpayers to subtract from
their tax bills a sum equal to one-half
of what they pay in Social Security
payroll taxes. Jackson said he had no
figure on the total cost of that tax
The Social Security Administra
tion estimates that the payroll tax
will raise $80.5 billion this year. The
tax credit would amount to one-
quarter of that, or $20 billion.
Texas politicos look to May 1
Associated Press
U. S. Rep. Alan Steelman, mindful
of Texans’ last-minute income tax
headaches in his U.S. Senate cam
paign, has announced that his is
sponsoring legislation to help tax
payers who are sued by the Internal
Revenue Service.
Steelman, seeking votes for the
Republican nomination Thursday at
Weatherford, said the average
American is at a disadvantage when
it comes to a court challenge against
the IRS. He said his proposal would
provide reimbursement to taxpayers
who win cases that were initiated
against them by the IRS.
Democrats Lloyd Bentsen and
Phil Gramm sniped at each other in
the Senate campaigning Thursday.
In Waco, Gramm told a meeting
of the Associated General Contrac
tors that Sen. Bentsen is to blame for
mvich of the nation’s budget deficit.
He repeated his claim that the na
tional had a $6 billion deficit when
Bentsen went to Washington in 1970
and said this has grown to $77 billion
deficit today.
Gramm said, “If all of Lloyd
Bentsen’s spending votes had car
ried into law, the deficit would ex
ceed $100 billion this year.”
Bentsen said in Austin that the
Federal Election Commission had
cleared him of allegations of impro
per spending, which the senator said
had “all the marks of a sneak cam
paign obviously filed by Prof.
“He tried to get recognition with
phony charges and we disproved it, ”
Bentsen said.
Bentsen exhibited a letter from
the Election Commission stating it
was closing the file on the complaint
that he had used presidential cam
paign funds in his Senate race, ad
ding, “They didn’t even ask me to
file an answer.”
Railroad Commission candidates
also kept things lively in their hotly
contested race.
Walter Wendlandt, the lone Re
publican running, told an Austin
news conference the commission’s
decision Monday on Lo-Vaca
Gathering Co. was a “a cop-
out . . . a complete pass-the-buck.”
Wendlandt said again that his plan
to reimburse San Antonio, Austin,
and other Lo-Vaca customers from
future profits was “workable” and
should be adopted by the commis
“If they tell me it is necessary for
me to get out of the race in order for
them to adopt the Wendlandt plan,
then I am prepared to do that,” he
Rep. Lane Denton, a Democratic
candidate for the commission, said in
San Antonio that he had been en
dorsed by the Solar Energy Coali
tion of Texas. Denton said his cita
tion called him “the only legislator to
author bills in support of solar
energy as an alternative energy
Cbe Battalion
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Editor * Jerry Needham
Managing Editor Richard Chamberlain
City Editor Jamie Aitken
Campus Editor Kevin Venner
Sports Editor Paul Arnett
Photo Director Jim Hendrickson
News Editor Lloyd Lietz
WASHINGTON — The cartoon
in this week’s New Yorker shows a
quizzical gentleman with a campaign
button reading, “Jimmy Carter — I
Think.” That is a pretty good sum
mary of the equivocal status at the
moment of the Democrats’ front
The “ethnic purity” controversy
has brought the first major crisis to
the former Georgia governor’s pur
suit of the presidential nomination
and caused the first serious waver
ings among many who were begin
ning to believe in either the desira
bility or the inevitability of a Carter
As is often the case in politics, it
has also caused some to forget how
much Carter has already ac
complished. He has changed the na
ture of the 1976 election, and even if
his own campaign were to stop dead
in its tracks — which it will not —
fundamental aspects of the Democ
ratic Party and the presidential cam
paign would have been altered.
The first change for which Carter
can claim credit is in the relationship
of black leaders to others in the
Democratic Party hierarchy. Blacks
have earned an increasing role in
that party ever since the Kennedy
campaign of 1960. Kennedy, Lyn
don Johnson and Hubert Humphrey
all enjoyed the confidence and bene
fited from the advice of black Ameri
cans. But in every case, it seems fair
to say, these Democratic Presidents
and presidential candidates enlisted
the aid and assistance of black lead
ers only after they had secured their
basic political support in the white
Carter’s candidacy has been of a
different character. The first and, for
months, only prominent Georgia
politician to support him was Rep.
Andrew Young (D-Ga.), a black.
Young and State Rep. Ben Brown
head a touring group of black politi
cians who have been perhaps Car
ter’s most indefatigable campaig
ners. By all odds. Carter’s most im
portant endorsement is the one he
has received from the Rev. Martin
Luther King, Sr.
Unlike the last four Democratic
nominees, who used their strength
among whites to cajole backing from
blacks, Carter has used his support
from black voters and black leaders
in an effort to establish his credibility
in the eyes of whites — particularly
the activist liberals and trade union
leaders. The alteration in the rela
tionship — the out-front role for
blacks in his campaign — is likely to
be remembered and felt by others in
the Democratic Party, no matter
what happens to Carter himself.
The second thing he has done is to
redefine the South for other politi
cians of both parties. In over
simplified terms, for the past decade
the South has been seen by most
politicians as George Wallace coun
The belief has been inculcated
that the South would give its votes
either to the Alabama governor or to
the politician who could most effec
tively echo parts of Wallace’s apeal
— whether it was Barry Goldwater
or Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew or
Ronald Reagan.
That was always a distortion and
an oversimplification of reality. In
the same period that Wallace was
claiming to speak for the South, the
Confederate states elected other
governors and members of Congress
from both parties who were moder-
hriller f
n whit
prm ei-
ate in their racial viewsand lown i
sive in the economic arhorou i
philosophies. iCBlieri
Southern politicians vPrentiss
heroes of the long impejinisewi
ordeal — from Sam Ervinti uul in
Jordan. Hut si
But it remained forCarteiB * ^
defeats of Wallace in the Flo*^ s p
North Carolina primaries
monstrate conclusively sc i
moderate voices are dominj^K
South. And by doing that,
only increased the chancesaH r( \ ^
erners being on both tickets* ^ ^
but has changed the kintU^Ko it
all presidential candidates**! j i lN
to the South — and thus,toH ( j ( i ( ', | .
tion - Harp
None of this is offeredtosBlm for
or justify the disturbing, ! made h
language Carter used in irepeller
housing policy — lor whii! m|nd I
apologized. But it is partd
cord, as much as the wordsfe
he is properly being
count, and it should
(g) 1976. The Washington Post Gimp
Nuclear power pushed, shunn
Few, if any, nuclear energy issues
were resolved during the Ecofair-
sponsored debate last night in Rud
der 601.
Dr. Barrie Kitto, professor of
chemistry at the University of Texas,
presented the anti-nuclear view
point. He was answered by Dr. R. D.
Neff, radiological safety officer and
professor of biochemistry and nuc
lear engineering at Texas A&M.
Kitto said the nuclear industry is
now in distress.
“The nuclear industry was once
seen as the goose that would lay the
golden egg of cheap and abundant
energy,” Kitto said. “It now appears
that the goose is a turkey — a male
turkey at that and incapable of laying
any eggs at all.”
Kitto said 1975 was the worst year
in history for the nuclear industry
with the industry moving backward.
Nuclear plants construction havegto
average three per month to meet
earlier predictions, hfr added.
Kitto also cited anti-nuclear
groups, petitions and proposed nuc
lear moratorium referendums in 22
states as evidence of popular opinion
against nuclear energy.
Kitto gave his three reasons for
anti-nuclear opinion.
He said the increasing rates in
energy usage prior to 1963, which
first made vast new energy sources
seem necessary, has slowed down.
Due to the energy crisis, fuel shor
tage and inflated fuel prices; people
are no longer using more and more
energy. The demand has dropped.
The industry’s decline in popular
ity is the inefficient operation of
existing plants, Kitto added. Many
plants which should be operating at
80 per cent capacity are operating at
about 55 per cent, he said.
“Money is tight and building a
nuclear plant costs lots and lots of
money,” Kitto said. A nuclear plant
costs about 20 per cent more to build
than a fossil-fueled plant. That cost is
rising at a rate of 25 per cent a year,
he said. This is the primaryreason
construction has slowed.
Kitto blamed inefficiency of the
nuclear cycle — mining, enriching,
operation of the plant and disposal of
waste — for much of the problem.
He said there is not enough uranium
in reserve to meet demands until
1980 and that enrichment plants,
where the ore is enriched to the
necessary three per cent fissionable
U235, are scarce.
Kitto cited disposal of nuclear
waste as another problem. He said
that plutonium 239, the waste from
nuclear plants, is highly toxic and
remains radioactive for 250,000
years. There are no permanent dis
posal systems at present, he said,
i, - In defense of; nuclear power, Dr.
' Neff said nuclear power must play an
important part.for at least 50 years.
Neff said gas supplies will last only
10 more years; oil will last 15 years or
less. Oil and gas produce 80 per cent
of power used today.
“Many schemes have been prop
osed for producing energy in the fu
ture, but we need energy within the
next 10 years,” Neff said.
Geothermal energy, drilling a
hole in the earth and using the steam
from hot formations to produce
energy, is limited in its extent by the
location of the formations, he said.
Neff explained that fusion reactors
are oriented to the future and that
solar energy is not adaptable to large
scale power.
“There is enough coal to last the
next 100 years, but there are many
problems involved,” Neff said. He
mentioned the recent mining acci
dent in Kentucky which caused 20
Neff said most coal generates toxic
gases when burned, and that the low
suffer coal mined in Montana must
be strip-mined. It isn t leasable to
transport the low suffer coal to plants
all over the country because the av
erage fossil plant burns 100 railroad
cars full of coal per day, Neff said.
Uranium must also be strip-
mined, but because so much less is
required for each plant, the mined
area is much smaller.
Neff said that because of negligi
ble releases into the environment by
a nuclear plant, nuclear power is en
vironmentally preferable.
He added, in spite of the higher
initial cost of a nuclear plant, fuel for
such a plant is about 40 per cent
cheaper than fuel for a conventional
“It’s not true that we don’t have
waste disposal techniques,” Neff
said. “The problem is that the gov
ernment won t make up its mind
about them.
Neff said one solution wjl
pose of the waste in saltbds™cE]\
underground salt forma; i 0 | in t
only in very stable situat p ,
three cubic yards of waste
by a nuclear plant in one yeiML j ( ]
be solidified, encased in stfHpjj |
tainers, and buried inthes
137, 12
Neff said the chance of MKC 2
accident and subsequentmelHg^g]
of a nuclear plant is one in T,L vn e'
ion - p.m. A
The possibilities ofterrori?H^
ing plutonium and making
negligible, Neff said, bn Ms*
extremely difficult to oblH
plutonium, the equipmentHtom
pertise recpiired to make® p m
crude plutonium bomb. glsTU]
Plutonium is toxic onbHLepti
breathed into the lungs in tlie^l^Q^
tinv airborne particles, Neff| 0
‘Country ghetto’ problei
cured by media studies
Rudder Complex reserved
for major student functions
“I wouldn’t allow a beer bust or
cattle show in the Rudder Au
ditorium. It wouldn’t be appropriate
for the facilities,” Steve Hodge, head
of the Theater Complex, said.
Rudder Theater and Auditorium
are reserved for recognized student
activities, conferences and direct
University functions.,Hodge tries to
limit the auditorium and theater to
large attendance events.
“If there is an expected crowd of
20 or 30 people, I 'try to relocate the
event to a smaller conference room,”
Hodge said. The exception is when
the small group in question needs
visual or other equipment located in
the auditorium.
There is no set rental for the au
ditorium or theater. Although it
costs $65 per hour in utilides and
overhead, the rental fee for a student
activity is $33 per hour. The differ
ence in cost is absorbed by the stu
dent usage fee. However, if the
event is a visiting ballet (or some
thing related) the overhead cost
would range from $200 to $300 per
hour and the promoters would pay
the entire fee.
“There are 100 reasons why we
charge different fees for different ac
tivities. It’s a very complicated cost-
function system,” Hodge said.
State University’s basic English
courses are designed to fight the
“country ghetto” problems shared
by students from small, secluded
Dr. Louis S. Bolieu, Jr., freshman
English director, explained. “Our
students need to learn to write as
badly as any area’s students ever did,
but their increasing contact with
communications such as popular
magazines and television developed
a need for new perspectives and new
evaluations,” Bolieu said in his ad
In describing the TSU student
body, he said 94 percent is Anglo-
Saxon and 94 percent comes from
towns under 25,000 population. Of
all the national concerns, his stu
dents are affected only by poverty.
He said students exhibit a region
ally peculiar silence which is a pro
duct of the “country ghetto.”
“The result of the life-style is not
so much lethargy as contemptuous
indifference, ” Bolieu said. “It is frus
trating for the students; believe me,
it is frustrating for their teachers.
These young people feel ignored.
The thrust of their whole educa
tional lives seems to be that they
really do not count. This view they
seem to accept without question or
In a new program for freshman
English, a class was developed with
emphasis on popular magazines,
recognizable TV commercials, popu
lar fiction, newspapers, microfilm
and other media.
“Our resulting freshman year in
English starts with a three-hour
composition and grammar course
that teaches basic writing skills,” he
explained. “The second tliretfP'j'
are our mass media study.
“Typically, the student
on six to eight media proje(tl„
ing from a study of advertH'
journalistic media to TV f |||
movies and other electronic
Bolieu added.
“We had assumed thehai
of the course would be
techniques of the newer m*
cause the students were in
tact with TV, movies, magi
newspapers,” he pointed
were all wet.
“We discovered that for
course was an introduction K
first time to the very nicH TUF
thought they had been eifjcoinmi
ing,” he said. “Often theinstHathol
found they were performing*! fermin
eational function hy just poin’j called
that Atlantic, Harpers, or tic report
Monthly exist. Broved
However, some of the gr*B| The
of these basic courses areno«Hnable
teaching posts in the North* lieved
Texas public schools andarepHal sh
the information they leanpHas wr
their students. Hnce o
“Business majors, througl|
derstanding of the psycholo]
peals of advertising, call ii
ethics of the profession they
herit,” he said, pointing out®|
feet on all majors.
“An agriculture major m?
elude that not only is farm
roneously dipicted in TV
but that many of his social
tions have been shaped by
ly’s unquestioning adoption!
life patterns that such sho"*
taught them. Media studii
convinced, are humanistic s
Bolieu concluded.
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