The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 16, 1976, Image 15
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APR. 20, 1976 Page 7 (jlayan art reveals society souring n elitist civilization May wants new values ly HOLLY HUTCHINSON Prison r t Ped, >e ai t work of the Mayas, which 2 eomiinjisurvived almost 5,000 years, 111 's Lai) ( Whe impression of an elite ization, according to John ' of the ((ifif'd, professor of art history at * *onier vffi u nies Do msford, who is also curator of Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, ^tepheni 6 Friday night on “Maya Civili- ‘ apj)oj,|| t in|Art and Architecture Reveal a ‘ation CoFty His slide presentation and named(3 r< f 011 t ' ie Maya civilization de- ■t'Art in Man’s Experience, ffivas the last in the College of ■ Arts series, “A World for [I A L ‘ :30 p.i gies vs e Field. j ^ Fsnc entration was placed on the Vic period of the Mayas which i from 200-300 A. D. to'9(K) A. D. I Jimord explained that because j^almost always dealing with the A, Wvilization,” one often gets a siled view of the Maya world as ‘id the d ' n their architecture, - e ,it 5| ptlres and vases. He chose these tot i n - e fciods of art to reveal the soci- nan(s afrtlie Mayas. he Mayas remain technologically —2^.^tone Age. Lunsford said this .K^lld Dievent their use ol any metal IB 4 Is in their stone and jade carvings, to Unsaid their simple tool kit proba- PMMBtained jade axes. Hints, tubu- ^ hil's of hone and bamboo, and SSP^fTpowder which was used as an VG Tpishe to polish the carved 10 p.m,r n ' s - R is a very hard stone and was OJVIC i|'d ere d by the Mayas to be their *ater :t P'ccious material. B\Mi die vases were painted ng mineral pigments), burnished ished with jade powder), and d (subjected to heat),’ Lunsford ii Although their fires were not enough to produce a glaze, the ids had a slight shine, he ceramic works have been iESDAHd in quantity, but, Lunsford J p.m. Ris yet, no ev idence of a kiln ig. snlised for baking or drying) has S T ATE n found. iUpsiord said the Mayas created ?:30 p.nHlyphics (a picture used to rep- lia, Pe snt a word) and many of these ■carvings were of aristocrats i, Dr. CjiYteredistinguishedby their arti er WarCpHy flattened heads and large >es The babies’ heads were ■■■■“■■ind at birth to produce a flattened ffl| On vases, the aristocrats were nted a darker color than the lower ises of people. I JAMH^ough the facial features of the itocratic men and women were e Doniin}| e ti m il ar j n the art work, a dis- e Arcimec;j.tjon could be made as the men Greg Pi j clipped hair and the women’s /■’as shown over their collars. Vlany of these carved of painted |s carried fans which were ag rule argued ASH1NGTON (AP) — The slmedia asked the Supreme ■ yesterday to bar lower courts irestricting news coverage of iding criminal trials. SKNebraska prosecutor argued ilqie orders are needed to protect : rights of defendants. ■Barrett Prettyman of Washing- I'epresenting news media or ations, said these orders were phiing more frequent and he ■ of 11 of them in the last six nths. “symbols of aristocracy and probably authority,” Lunsford said. The lords and priests had strong features with “assured and virtually arrogant ex pressions, often seeming to be preoccupied with thought as they probably were involved with the in tellectual leaders,’ he said. “The royal women were probably ahead of their time,’ Lunsford said, explaining that they had consider able power and authority. Women of royalty were even allowed to rule if they had no heirs. Much of the stone carving was also repeated in the architecture of the Mayas. Jaguars and serpents were popular carved images as they had some spiritual significance for the Mayas. Besides creating works of art, Lunsford said the Mayas also de veloped a writing system and elabo rate math system which included zero. “Their writing is one of the most beautiful and fanciful writings de veloped,” he said. Witnesses taped in Marine’s death OCEANSIDE, Calif. (AP) —The lawyer for the family of Lynn McClure said Monday he has inter viewed two ex-Marines who helped beat McClure to death in a close- combat drill in San Diego. Attorney John Gyorkos called a news conference to play taped inter views of two men he identified as former Marine recruits who were ordered to beat the 20-year-old, 110-pounder from Lufkin, Tex., dur ing a pugil-stick drill at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot. McClure was knocked uncon scious last December and remained in a coma until he died March 13. By C. E. COWART Our society has lost its sense of freedom and values Dr. Rollo May said in a Great Issues speech last night. May is a New York psychoanalyst and author who talked about the pre sent nature of man. May noted that our freedom and values interlocked and that freedom was necessary for having values. He defined freedom as the human capacity to be aware of the stimuli around us and to throw our weight into a response to a certain stimulus. May said if one wanted to be free he must accept the possibility of a life of loneliness and misunderstanding. “People don’t want the burden of freedom; it takes courage to accept the fact that you are free,” Dr. May said. “Freedom is also anxiety; it’s what makes you try to do, and some times unknowingly do, better,” he added. May said Americans have noticed something has gone wrong in our so ciety. “We have achieved our first two goals of our human education: to cope with war and defense and to deal with commerce and the power of money. But we have become drunk on the power of money. We have failed to achieve the ultimate goal: to become a nation involved in the humanities and the arts.” Dr. May characterized this Haw in America by pointing out losses of in dividualism, provacy and rationalism. Individualism has been overtaken by conformity May said. May said privacy has been replaced by gossip, slander and libel, and rationalism is dying or already dead. May said values are radically changing. “Our society does not have the stable values we need and we can’t absorb outside values. The old val ues are going out and the new values have not fully formed yet. But with our new set of values we must de velop a new freedom. “We are now living in a time of hopelessness with a lack of goals and direction. People have to practice being human by exercising their freedom and learning right from wrong,” May said. May cited present-day notables who had failed to accomplish their freedom. He said the Watergate criminals were well-adjusted crooks who were victims of obedience. He said it was destructive that Ford had pardoned Nixon, because Nixon hadn’t become aware of his crimes and was worse for it. May also said Patricia Hearst was better for having been found guilty because she would now have a chance to solve her prob lems. May emphasized the importance of using one’s freedom to select indi vidual values. He says many of to day’s society think of themselves as well adjusted, but they are fat, com fortable and negligent of respon sibilities to themselves. Winning is not part of freedom. May said. A sense of job, creativity and productiveness can be gained in our complex world without worrying about time, May said. “The evidence for freedom cannot be found outside yourself, said May. College Station fines give city $78,400 after deductions in '76 Dairy Queen * MON. & TUBS Located on S. Texas Ave. between K-Mart and Gibsons SPECIALS APRIL 19 & 20 Country Basket $1.39 WED. & THURS. APRIL 21 & 22 Malts and Shakes 64c FRI.-SAT. APRIL 23-25 Beltbuster & French Fries $1.39 FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL Every Wed. Night — 5:00-11:00 Hunger Buster, "IQ French Fries, Small Drink I ■ I w College Station court fines are ex pected to reap $78,400 for the city this year after state deductions. The state levies $2.50 from each court fine. In 1975, $522.24 col lected from these fines was sent to the Criminal Justice Planning Fund via the governor’s office. The Criminal Justice Planning Fund uses the money to update law enforcement agencies and support the criminal justice system. The $2.50 state deduction is raised to $7.50 for misdemeanor convic tions or fines. A $12.50 deduction is assessed on each felony charge. Provided College Station meets the tax deadline, the city retains five per cent of the state’s funds as ser vice fees. Warm spring saps sap Associated Press MAPLE CORNERS, Vt. — For the maple sugar makers of the Northeast, an unseasonably warm spring boils down to one thing: a bit ter financial year ahead. “We’ve only produced about half as much as last year and the season’s just about over, said Floyd Fitch, whose son, Sedric, tapped 600 maple trees here. “It’s downright discouraging.” That Place PROGRESSIVE PRECISION HAIRCUTTING 707 TEXAS 846-6933 -si* •X* «sL» •X* vL* vL- vL* -A* *¥* •T* "T** •T* •X* •X* *TS This is National Secretaries week. gncifts pe mm Recipe #/ 2 Be kind to your secretary . . . and surprise her with a corsage, plant, or hud vase from: 6 t ^ i ZA3RADO: ★ Add ice to a mixing glass or jelly jar, depending on your financial situation. ★ Pour in 2 oz. of Jose Cuervo Tequila. ★ The juice from half a lime. ★ 1 tbsp. of honey. ★ Shake. ★ Strain into a cocktail glass or peanut butter jar, depending on your financial situation. 707 TEXAS 846-1148 1 ! Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 5:30 846-5816 “BRAVO” in Rust and Natural AW by Frank Sbicca ax. O ^ ±a£JLA V /\ l Petal Pu«her* 846-6713 * 707 Texas Across from A&M * sH **** ************************ * JOSE CUERVO®TEQUILA. 80 PROOF. IMPORTED AND BOTTLED BY ©1975, HEUBLEIN, INC., HARTFORD, CONN. TIGER TEAGUE Ifll' ecim j Bee f ea^ )es ^ othe' □ one-to-one contact with speakers such as Richard Leakey, Dr. Rollo May, Jack Anderson, Bill Turner □ concise, businesslike meetings □ limited membership □ friendship and partici pation □ a new insight on today’s crises and tomorrow’s opportunities □ this is . . . uc® ssW jf ^ . . . maybe it’s for you. accepting membership applications now, student programs office, 2nd floor MSC. CONGRESSMAN Invites YOU to Join Him 4* for an Informal Coffee & Discussion 10'-00 -12:00 a. m. Friday, April 23 Ramada Inn Ballroom Ad paid lor by TEAGUE FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE Dr. James R. Gill, Treasurer