The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 14, 1976, Image 7
I’orty Corps commanders named THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, APR. 14, 1976 Page 7 he Vietn; Company-level commanders in be 1976-77 Corps of Cadets have een named at Texas A&M Univer- ity. Forty seniors-to-be were an- ounced for the coveted posts by 'ol. Thomas R. Parsons, comman- ant. Company, squadron and battery ommanders, with the rank of cadet lajor, have the most direct leader- hip contact with underclassmen, he 40 cadets will, in the majority, ead units with which they have dentified during their first three ears in the Corps. A Corps unit will be commanded jr the first time next fall by a woman adet. The 1976-77 outfit commanders will officially take command next fall. The new CO’s will first move out in front of their units though, at the May 8 Final Review. There will be two more units next year than in the 1975-76 Corps, due to reorganization of the Texas Aggie Band. Because of its size, the band will include four outfits instead of two, with battalion-size Artillery and Infantry Bands combining into the equivalent of a regiment. Artillery and Infantry were previously used to denote company-size Band units. Units known as the Maroon and White Bands this year will be desig nated the Artillery and Infantry Bands, respectively, next fall with two company-size units each. Company W-l has been under male command, because cadet offi cers are drawn from the senior class. W-l will include its first senior women cadets next fall. The Third Battalion consists of Companies E-l, R-l and W-l and Squadron 13. It is so organized be cause the units contain athletes, day students (E-l and Squadron 13) and women. The new CO’s, in the Navy- Marine Corps First Regiment: Pat Love, San Antonio, Company C-2; Mike Tucker, Universal City, N-2; Walter Cunningham, Waxahachie, H-2; Kevin Bark, San Angelo, E-2; George Carnes, Corpus Christi, K-2; Chriss Braun, Georgetown, S-2. Army ROTC company comman ders: Terry Moran, Biloxi, Miss., A-l; Vince Gilliam, Hondo, B-l; Scott Neil, Fort Belvoir, Va., C-l; Larry Feder, LaMarque, 1-1; John Ballantyne, Alexandria, Va., L-l; Patrick Harrigan, Corpus Christi, D-l; Paul Lombardino, Liberty, F-l; Paul Michalka, Waco, K-l; Thomas Sanders, Nacogdoches, M-l; Erwin Haynes, Giessen, Ger many, E-l; Don Broach, Bryan, R-l; Pat Miller, Alvin, Squadron 13; Gail Sedberry, Killeen, W-l; Mike Gal vin, San Antonio, B-2; Don Royder, Dayton, D-2; Steve Goddard, Kingsville, F-2, and Steve Jimmer- son, San Antonio, L-2. Air Force ROTC commanders are: Squadron 1, Dean Williams, San Antonio; 2, Leonard Hruzek, El Campo; 3, Phillip Hitch, Abilene; 4, Donald Perkins, Dallas; 5, Craig Foresman, San Antonio; 6, Alan Day, Brownwood. Also Squadron 7, Jimmy Heck, Midland; 8, John Robertson, Sour Lake; 9, Thomas Wesson, Yuma, Ariz.; 10, Floyd Carpenter, Spring; 11, Ronald Yeasley, Irving; 12, Glenn Saltamachia, Houston, and 15, James Schroder, San Antonio. Batter A and B commanders of the Artillery Band will be Peter Bras well, Angleton, and Chris Roach, Shamrock, respectively. Companies A and B of the Infantry Band will be under Robert Gottlich, Dunwoody, Ga., and Otto Hanneman, Dallas. ul parentss) < d educaS •am here is; college p, said. “Tk: Czech course wont he offered again Whale Day observance includes exhibits, film cuts pn f our students currentlv enrol- , them re Hin Czech 204 are taking the last SI1 "" jojirse in Czechoslovakian that will irimap )e SoH'ered at A&M. No tenured or ized into I “ H-time faculty will be affected by ltal } :hi"$ action and there are no students rou ^ ' najoring in Czech, six throuj^Bfig curriculum iu Czech is being jradest j r0 pp et ] Because of dwindling en- ollment in the program, said Dr. 1,1 • \nne Elmquist, head of the modern ers ’ language department. She added ’ ( - s that the department is unable to find \ pn^M^Sualified part-time instructor in Czech. Elmquist said that she had re ceived a petition from about 30 stu dents who said that they would be willing to take introductory Czech next fall but that the department is still faced with the problem of find ing an instructor. The petition was passed on to Dr. William Maxwell, dean of the college of liberal arts. re isama< “Part of the problem is that now you find Czech at U.T. Austin, the University of Houston, Texas Tech and a variety of junior colleges,” Elmquist said. “A few years ago we were virtually the only institution of higher learning that offered Czech in the state of Texas. “Where we used to get all the people that were interested in Czech, now they can go. almost any where and pick it up. ” The decision to drop Czech was made over a year ago by a de partmental committee comprised of all the senior professors in the de partment of modern languages. The committee’s recommendation was approved by Maxwell. Observance of World Whale Day on the Texas A&M campus Thursday (April 15) includes exhibits and a film on the type of whale most Texans are probably familiar with — the dol phin. Displays on World Whale Day are scheduled from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday on the first floor of the Memorial Student Center. At 7:30 p.m., the public can see the film “Last Day of the Dolphins?” narrated by Dick Cavett and focus ing on the plight of commercial fish ing and porpoises. The film, in Memorial Student Center 206, will be introduced by Suse Shane, one ofTexas A&M’s first University Marine Fellows. Shane received statewide attention as part of a recent Texas Monthly Magazine article on the capture of dolphins for amusement parks. itmue to Committee jobs 3 students® ^ Research awards A&M seniors ltinue to be announced Id said. pass $2 million may pick up the ideao we main|t Senate meeting > with the® illen. Students will be appointed to 143 luok at tbt| n ' vers ity committee positions next Vilen Vi vee k by newly-elected Student lody President Fred McClure. vfcClure will announce the ap- ailder ointments at the Student Senate neeting April 20. Ull'Ope Students interested in holding hese year-long positions should x A!' — ipplyand set upan interview time in Iton has J, e Student Government Office, ding gent yi ernor ial Student Center 216. in south : McClure is interviewing students ntagon intjerested in committee appoint ments today through next Monday replace®L 1.5 p.m. daily. 1 Zais in t® for March ’76 announcements headqit iwlton is European North Vietnam’s piarters response to U.S. nnouncec called 'chilly’ VASHINGTON (AP) — North “Vietnam has responded to a U.S. Coverture on possible post-war dip- Qlomatic relations between the ^longtime Indochina foes without closing the door on future dis cussions. E TYPIST,.f’. However, Hanoi’s response, deli- RETARYm. vered through the U.S. embassy in ER 16 YET Par >s Monday, is characterized as ■hilly” hy U.S. officials. They _ SATl p would not discuss the note in detail. 1, fY| if In the year since the war ended, Hanoi and Washington have kept DUNES. 1 their distance. s a prerequisite to normal rela tions, the U.S. has insisted that P: there be a full accounting of 2,200 — Americans lost in the Vietnam war. Funds awarded for research at Texas A&M University topped the $2 million mark for the second con secutive month in March. March’s total of $2,049,316 in re search value boosted the cumulative for the 1975-76 fiscal year (since Sept. 1) to $24,744,045, a record for this time of year and $6,343,524 ahead of last year. With addition of the March figur es, Texas A&M has reached over 88 per cent of last year’s research total. The largest portion of March fund ing went to the College of Engineer ing, Texas Engineering Experiment Station and Texas Transportation In stitute which shared $979,667. The College of Science received $490,526, while $290,244 went to the College of Agriculture and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Sta tion. The College of Geosciences was earmarked for $204,064, Moody College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Resources for $84,095 and College of Liberal Arts, $720. Graduating Texas A&M students who ordered graduation announce ments may pick them up beginning Monday. The orders will be available in the Memorial Student Center 216. They should be claimed between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Extra announcements for May commencement will go on sale April 22, at the same location, on a first- come, first-served basis. The perfect way to say “Thanks” * to your Parents A beautiful corsage from Petal Pushers for Parent’s Day. I^etal l^ushers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Z9fR coo tfi event, 846-6713 * 707 Texas Across from A&M * A&M Press wins 2nd award on 1st book ion Country music king ied suffers heart attack i 7 PM ■ NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Country music singer Roy Acuff, ; hospitalized after suffering a mild Heart attack, should take a two- ihonth rest from performing, his doctor says. ®Acuff, 72, the “King of Country Music,” is in the cardiac care unit at Miller Hospital Clinic. He was stric ken over the weekend. rn Acuff will be hospitalized for two or three weeks. The first book published by the Texas A&M University Press has won a second major award for its au thor, Dr. Elizabeth A. H. John of Austin, said Frank Wardlaw, direc tor of the new scholarly publishing house. Storms Brewed in Other Men’s Worlds: The Confrontation of In dians, Spanish, and French in the Southwest, 1549-1795 was cited at the annual awards meeting of the Texas Institute of Letters as the book which made the most important con tribution to knowledge during the past year. The award, which included a $500 prize, was sponsored by the Friends of the Dallas Public Library. Dr. John’s hook, which was re leased last September won the $1,200 top prize in The Sons of the Republic of Texas (S.R.T.) “Presidio La Bahia Awards” for 1975. It was judged the year’s best published re search regarding Hispanic influence on Texas culture. EASTER PARTY & SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 15 EASTER GOODIES TO BE GIVEN AWAY ALL DAY! WITH EACH PURCHASE YOU'LL GET AN EASTER EGG FILLED WITH CANDY AND DISCOUNTS UP TO 50%! We have dressy and casual Easter wear. 707 TEXAS 846-1148 . - •••••••••••••••••••••< • ••••••••••••••••••••••« • ••••••• WE’RE LATE NOW AVAILABLE IN COLLEGE STATION PASSPORT PHOTOS IN ICIfll ENIN® din* h uce ssing . Butter ■ d! any le LIVING COLOR — INSTANTLY UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 College Main • Northgate • 846-8019 •••••••••••••••■••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a :s:::::s;::sssu:susssss:s;;ssss$s:s:;sss;:s::::i But we have some excellent career opportunities for Liberal Arts and Business graduates who graduate in May. Crum & Forster is an insurance company but we’re not looking for door-to-door sales personnel. We offer careers in Underwriting (Risk Management), Claims Administration, and Marketing. The training is comprehensive. The prospects for substantial responsibility, high. Salaries and benefits are very competitive. The jobs are located in Texas. If you haven’t made a firm decision, and can offer a record of success in your academic and personal activities, sign up for an interview at the Placement Office, Rudder Tower, 10th floor. NOW OPEN! INTERVIEWS ON APRIL 21 Wilton Johnson’s Bar-B-Q 606 Tarrow 846-7412 Across from Fed Mart LUNCH SPECIAL $1 .80 with this coupon (Reg. $2.80) LOW PRICES AND GREAT BARBECUE! CRUM & FORSTER INSURANCE COMPANIES THE POLICY MAKERS. An Equal Opportunity Employer Dining Room or Take Out WANTED Chemical Engineering Student to work SUMMERS Wouldn’t you prefer to work in a summer job which would benefit your career goals!! If you are a ChE student with 2 years of study completed, and want summer work related to your field of study, why not check the opportunity we have for you at The Ortloff Corporation? Contact: Terry Baldwin, 915-684-6681 THE ORTLOFF CORPORATION! a sub. of Elcor Corporation Wilco Building Midland, TX 797011 We Are An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F MON., THURS., FRI. 10:00-8:30 TUES., WED., SAT. 10:00-6:00 HU MANOR EAST MALL Easter Is Sunday, April 18th Jr. Dress SALE! 30.00 to 34.00 Values These Jr. dresses capture the casual spirit of the Gulf Coast. Choose from a large selec tion of styles and colors including skirt sets, 1-pc. dresses, culotte skirts with vests, and tunic tops with pants; great to wear with T-tops. Solids and plaids as dazzling as spring. Sizes 5-13.