The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 14, 1976, Image 12
Page 12 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, APR. 14, 1976 May be fired W Costello’s future at Milwaukee looks doubtful Mostly cl da> vvith i night a bo r 80s. Forty pei owers thi Associated Press MILWAUKEE — He’s one offive National Basketball Association coaches to top the 400-victory mark. This year, he has coached the Mil waukee Bucks to their fifth Midwest Division title in six years and into the NBA playoffs without 7-foot-2 center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, now with Los Angeles. But Larry Costello finds his future with the Bucks in doubt, despite a 407-249 record — that’s a .621 per- in eight years as a pro centage coach. Reports during the weekend told of a move by some of the team’s di rectors, especially cable television magnate James Fitzgerald, to fire Costello and give his job to Hubie Brown, coach of the American Bas ketball Association’s Louisville Col onels and a former assistant to Cos tello. And Costello said he thinks there’s some truth to the rumors. Fitzgerald, contacted Monday, declined comment on reports that he was attempting to sway enough of the 12 members of the Bucks’ board of directors to dump Costello, Gen eral Manager Wayne Embry and possibly club president Bill Alver- “I just don’t think these things be long being tried in the press,” said Fitzgerald, who began buying into the club two years ago and now heads a group which holds the most shares, about 30 per cent. “The management of the company should make this decision.” Asked whether he could verify a report that he had offered Brown the coaching job, without approval of the board of directors, he declined, adding: “I don’t want to get going down that road.” He also said, how ever, that management should have determined soon after last season, when the Bucks failed to make the playoffs, whether Costello would continue as coach, instead of “keep ing him on a limb.” Fitzgerald said he believed the board’s next meeting would be May 4, although there always “could be one sooner.” Costello, whose contract expires in June, commented on the situation after the Bucks ended the regular season Sunday night. The Bucks open a playoff series with Detroit here Tuesday night. “I guess it’s true,’ he said of the reports he’s on his way out. “I just wish some of those guys would say it to my face instead ofknifing me from behind the scenes. “I’m concerned, no question,” he said, “but I’ll be damned if it will get me down. I’m not the type of guy who quits. I won’t quit. If anything. I’ll work harder.” Costello had one vote of confi dence Sunday night. When the public address an nouncer at the Milwaukee Arena ended his introduction of the Bucks team with “the head Milwaukee Bucks . . Larry Costello, the crowd erupted in vigorous clapJ wild cheering that lasted, notes or more — and brou* from Costello. creasing By ity conti and Colh >n for at is, a Colh •das ; official, commei IJLarry 1 Bryan V Bravene intinue p ectricity 1 l decade, hat Bryai H in th pan cent HELP GIVE $250,000 TO EASTER SEALS AND BORDEN WILL HELP YOU SAVE $1.50 (Details on Borden Display) fa HAVE A OLD FASHIONED EASTER IF YOUR GROCERY BUDGETS ON EMP1Y...FIU. UP FOR LESS AT PIGGLY WIGGLY GIVE YOUR GROCERY BUDGET "GO POWER" WITH PIGGLY WIGGLY EVERYDAY LOW PRICES EVERY TIME YOU SHOP a\\ W“' piggN & tiL ya.. 5\ot® s GIVE GIVE CV.0SE0 k* si Cokes or Dr. Pepper Gold Medal Cold FLOUR Enriched Flour 10 oz. Btls. ib WE GIVE Bone-In T-BONE STEAK 78 V, Shank Portion Sprite, Tab, Fresca SMOKED HAMS Limit 3 With $5.00 Purchase. 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Nabisco 16 oz Can 1000 ISLAND DRESSING ^ 16 IS 4 Off Toothpaste CREST 7 " Tube Deodorant Spray Piggly Wiggly Orange JUICE ‘6 02 I Cans QC/mCT 8 02 Can OCUInCI Off Piggly Wiggly ALCOHOL 16 02 Btl. ..4 Swanson's Macaroni & Cheese ^ POT PIES 4 ’„y, 1 Fleischman's 16 02 Ctn EGG BEATERS OTj 02 Mrs. Filberts MARGARINE In Qtrs 1 Ib Pkg Green Giant svveU PEAS SWEET PEAS North ^ MS Carolina Ib 25 CARROTS Arizona 2 lb B 29’ B, L 6 ? I MARSHMALLOWS ’ to oz .Pkgs 1 KRAFT KRAFT i- RUSSETS ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT Economy Pack BBQSAUCI Piggly Wiggly BREAD ib Ari2ona Valencia Ari2ona Ruby Red Michigan Extra Fancy Red DELICIOUS APPLES Urge Medium YELLOW ONIONS CABBAGE 20 I 19 8 » 9 99 8 ^ 99 3 Bag 89 IS 10 I 1 / 2 Ib Loaf for lb Ib. These Prices Good Thurs Fri & Sat April 15-16-17 1976 Piggly Wiggly Grade “A” Large EGGS afTwHCOMilOOD STAMP SHOPPERS ^ Mm— Doz. 7^ Please don't ask us to r'U- accept them for illegel Kerns. Thank yeu. 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