The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 12, 1976, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, APR. 2, 1976 Women discuss two-career marriages By DENISE EDMONDS “There has always been a women’s lib,” said Ruth Schaffer, professor of sociology at Texas A&M yesterday during the fourth day of the Wo men’s Career Conference. Joyce O Rear and Kerry Hope from the A&M Personal Counseling Service spoke to the 30-member au dience about the obstacles and ad vantages of being a married career woman. Hope related the progress through history of the American woman in the working world. “Even in colonial America, women were not completely passive,” she said. By the end of the 19th century, only four and one-half per cent of the women were outside the home work ing, compared to the 55 per cent in 1965, said Hope. “Now women are 35 per cent of the working force, and they usually still take a man’s name,” Hope said. Even Freud sensed women’s in- VOTE FOR E. MURL BAILEY, JR. Place 3. College Station City Council Associate Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine will exert strong leader- ship. Shares your concerns about Utilities Uncontrolled Growth Traffic Safety Bike Ways & Walkways Enforcement of Ordinances ELECT E. Murl Bailey, Jr. to College Station City Council Place 3 Saturday, April 3, 1976 Paid Pol. Adv. Friends of E. Murl Bailey, Jr., Jean C. Bailey, Treasurer, 1807 Sabine Ct. College Station, Tx 77840. Qbc) INTERSTATE /^ea/?ted UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 846-6714 & 846-1151 ONEFUWOVER THE CUCKOOS NEST STARTS TODAY! I'ir. uj, - T »< BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR Jack Nicholson BEST ACTRESS Louise Fletcher BEST DIRECTOR Milos Forman 'TFiinitisy'Tf’ilms presents ,1 VI///ts //JAMM Y///..VI JA( K \/( I«>LSn\m~<>XI II.HWOVIR TIIIX LX KOOS MSI .Woty/XJUS/ IU H III u.m.l U//././.IVI KUVII l.r> X reenpLy Lmil.M I I /.It HI \./«./ IU > < •( >1.1 > UI \ /U.,'i/on r/i<- >.ur<-/ Ay Y/..Y KJ-lSI.y ■< toroj VL.h^n.phx IIA.SKI U to'I.XU k Vl„ -n ^ T -w-. ^ * .--r — * Released thru V United Artists |Ri RESTRICTED-32- CINEMA I /« k XII/.M III l‘r,Ju,eJh\XACI. /A I MV .mj V|/< //.I/./. Ill K '< ./-•I'' ■ Puri teJ b VI////S tORMAS BOX-OFFICE OPENS AT 6:30 SHOWS AT 7:00 & 9:30 SAT.& SUN. AT 2:00& 4:30 also SORRY, PASS LIST SUSPENDED Exclusive! JKKKY CKKSIUUN m.1 Kl.I.lnl l K \SI M l: m ( IIARLKS BRONSON m mist am; .M\< i.i..\ns ‘BRKAKIIKART BASS' iisn Mamii): BKN JOHNSON• RK’HARD CRKNNA-JII I, IRKI.AND 1 rHAKBKS Dl'RNINC-KO LAITKR* DAVID Hl'DDBKSTON Writlui In AI.ISTAII; MAl'I.K\N-lni'<inl In Tf>M lil.'IKS-MiM. i.v 11.1:13 O'l.l'SMIIII Y United Artists the express to Breakheart Pass. PG PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED TODAY AT 7:35 6 9:30 SAT. & SUN. at 2 :10, 3:55 & 5:40 also SAT. ALSO $1.25 G ’YELLOW SUBMARINE” by THE BEATLES FI T I I T T I t feriority complex when he thought that women were malformed men. According to Freud, when a woman realized she was not built the same as a man, she felt inferior, Hope said. Obstacles for women desiring a family and career are: 1) children (how to provide mother substitutes), 2) husband (what are his attitudes), 3) household chores (who does them), 4) money (whose is it), O’Rear said. Ruth and Albert Schaffer, Warren Dixon and his wife, Mary Lenn Mil ler were the two married couples who have dealt with the obstacles in a two-career marriage, and shared some of their experiences with the audience. Albert Schaffer, professor of sociol ogy at A&M. The most fundamental thing to be decided when two people who both want careers get married is if they want children, and how the division of labor will be worked out , said Warren Dixon, assistant professor of political science at A&M, said even if you are open minded, when you get married you find yourself playing the sex roles. For example, not marrying until 34 years old and probably ironing shirts before his wife was born, he finds himself tel ling her when he needs clean shirts. he said. Some advantages for a t\vi marriage are: 1) fulfillingyoj as a woman, 2) bringing s«| more vital to your marriagtl extra money, said O’Rear. > Today is the last day off men’s Career Conference ] periences of five women witlj is the subject of today’s: 601 Rudder Tower, noont Movie Review By BILL CURNUTT FELLINI’S ROMA — Fredrico Fellini and his fantasy vision of Rome and its beginning. Arts Committee Film Series. Showing this Monday in Rudder Theater, at 8. Admission $1. YELLOW SUBMARINE — Peter Max-styled animated non sense loosely based on the Beatles song of the same name. Cinema One, shows Friday and Saturday at midnight. Admission $1.25. ONE FLEW OVER THE CUC KOO’S NEST — All the big Oscars went to this one, including Best Pic ture, Actor, Actress, and Director. This adaption of Ken Kesey s novel about the patients in a mental in stitution stars Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher. Directed by Milos Foreman. Cinema One, weekdays 7 and 9:30, weekends 2, 4:30, 7, and 9:30. Call theater for admission prices. LENNY — A stark, but com promised film which makes Lenny Bruce more a martyr than what he really was: an erratic hut incisive comedian. Dustin Hoffman is all wrong for the part, but Valerie Per- rine is letter-perfect as Bruce’s messed-up stripper wife. Honey. Di rected by Bob Fosse. Aggie Cinema, Friday at midnight in Rud der Theater. Admission $1. THE SUNSHINE BOYS — Wal ter Matthau and George Burns pro vide the spark of intelligence and humor that keeps this from becom ing just another Neil Simon play on film. Manor East Two, shows week days 7:25 and 9:30, weekends 3:15, 5:20, 7:25 and 9:30. Call theater for additional information. MACINTOSH AND T.J. — Roy Rogers returns to the screen in this movie, filmed in Texas, about a modern day cowboy. Also stars Joan Hackett, who is always good. Manor East One, shows weekends 2:40, 4:25, 6:10, 7:55, and 9:40, weekdays 6:10, 7:55 and 9:40. Call theater for additional information. DOG DAY AFTERNOON — Al Pacino in one of 1975’s best films. Manor East Three, shows weekends 2:15, 4:35, 6:55 and 9:15, weekdays 6:55 and 9:15. Call theater for addi tional information. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MISS JANE PITTMAN — One of the best television films ever made. Cicely Tyson and Michael Murphy star in this story of an ancient black woman who tells a young journalist of her life as a slave and as a free woman in the South. Aggie Cinema, Tuesday, April 6, in Rudder Thea ter, at 8. Admission $1. BREAKHEART PASS — Charles Bronson, Jill Ireland, Ben Johnson, and Charles Din ning are featured in tin's Western mystery film. Cinema Two, shows weekends 2:10, 3:55, 5:40, 7:35 and 9:30, weekdays 7:35 and 9:30. Call theater for additional information. MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES MANOR EAST MALL HAPPY_HR.JN_I ^ m ONLY JILL _7:Q0 6:10-7:55-9:40 The bronc buster and the kid were looking for a home. EOT R00ERS THEY FOUND 208,000 ACRES OF TROUBLE! Produced By I'M PENLAND Color By Technicolor k! Released thru LPP) United Artists 6:55-9:15 mHCOCR* _ Ipii WWR BHOSOawWW ? COMWI' Skyway Twin West Screen at Dusk ‘Hollywood Blvd.’ plus (R) ‘Cover Girl Models’ East Screen at Dusk HARRY NOVAK PRESENTS V U H Starring SAM CHEW ELISABETH CHAUVET A BOXOFFICE INTERNATIONAL PICTURES RELEASE fPGl color Plus ‘Stanley’ Campus IUS 846-6512 COLLEGE STATION CALL FOR TIMES MORE! MORE! MORE! OF WHA1 YOU LIKE BEST .. ONLY WE'VE MADE IT WILDER, SEXIER AND GROOVIER l Starring JOHN ALDERMAN SHARON KELLY-LYLLAH TORENA LOIS LAINE and PAXTON QUIGLEY in EASTMAN COLOR <g> a N fWl Production “ 1IP release j TV SOAP OPERAS GO WILD- and get an “X" Rating THE BOOB TUBE — An X-rated spoof of last year’s satire on televi sion, “The Grove Tube. Campus. Call theater for information. HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD — Rated R. Skyway Twin, west sc reen. Starts at dusk. Call theater for information. COVER GIRL MODELS — Rated R. Skyway Twin, west screen. Second feature. Call theater for in formation. RATTLERS — Rattlesnakes on nerve gas go crazy and start attacking everything in sight. Features Sam Chew, Elisabeth Cheavet, and Dan Priest. Skyway Twin, east screen, first feature, starts at dusk. Also showing at the Palace. Call theater for additional information STANLEY — Another* little animal movie, this sequel to "Ben, which wi some cute rats. Skyway TV screen, second feature. Cal for additional information. THE BICYCLE THIEF torio De Sica’s most famousfiflstructi one of the best example post-war neo-realism. Fil black and white, with a caslSpects professional performers, DB'ofesso tells a moving story ofa poo J () 1 son, and their search lorthB 11 ) the bicycle which is their only gVisitii possession. English Film®’ ec ^ to Showing this Thursclav, ilRts the HECC 108. $1 donation reJ ion <\ f jp of dal Creek §os” m< 1 nistO struct! JsdRions ; FilMlate o Did you bother your bike this will It be there when REEL0CK is the first bicycle locking system to offer convenience and absolute safety The system attaches to the frame crossmember, and cannot be removed in lock position Cham refracts into tamper proof case when not in use Locks and unlocks in seconds! cyv REELOCK 1 The Worfcte Most khmad Bkyde Lodting System | to lock, morning? |e study Bing an you return? [nte compact steel case bolts to frame locks and unlocks in seconds cut. shatter and tamper prool costs less than inadequate tystems ORDER NOW! only $1495 post-paid arg Td s pi unles Id may ace, sail ■M stud Available only by mail trom: The Williams Company 370 East 11th Avenue Denver. Colorado 80203 Allow 4 6 weeks for delivery American Cancer Societ LJISIE M. D. Anderson Hospit; and Tumor Institute A reader explains: “I own a furniture factory and recently one of my best woodworkers had a cancer operation. He seems fine and wants to come back to work. Wouldn’t he be better off retiring early and not have to face people?” ASSWERline: Absolutely not. There is nothing shame ful about having been treated for cancer. The man wants to enjoy the life that his treatment has made pos sible. It’s our hunch that he will be a better woodworker than ever. It’s not a kindness to deny him the right to do meaningful work, of which he is capable. It might interest you to know as an employer that a study done by the Metropolitan Insurance Com pany of its many employees who returned to work after cancer treatment, showed that they had no more ab sences for sickness than other employees. H i h lllllivun i mission, i Hungt Ber last 'i s were rjbia), E [Ida), tap's), ant lationul in at A& lullivan ilitical in er-devt bitted I time fo In tries |e the p Tbe U.S r itself s antibiotics in the sense»I which you are familiar, (llture 1 agents against bacteria), i I'y food because they are chemici I pbosph that can interfere withil saic b division of cells (cancer Bu Hi van« the endless division Rworldfc reproduction of cells.) Ai ’tablishin mycin is an example olincy foi powerful new antibio’’T’b'ses, al reset developed in Italy, whiclil now proving effective part of the treatment several forms of cancer • example, some bone canci advanced breast cancer leukemia. However, it is useful for all patients cause of side effects. Ii not useful for all cancers! but we are glad to have ! up chai [libation [erican p Hie rest |nis to e.\] hungr (erica for said. A teenage girl writes: ‘T’ve just learned how to do breast self-examination for cancer in my hygiene class and I think that it is a great idea. I was surprised to discover that my mother and my married sister don’t do breast self- examination. Shouldn’t all women?” A SSWER line: Unfortunately, a recent Gallup survey showed that fewer than one- fourth of American women practice breast self-examina tion regularly, Sometimes it is a matter of ignorance or fear. The American Cancer Society seeks to teach every woman this life-saving habit. Why don’t you suggest they ask their doctors about it. Also, your local American Cancer Society Unit has a leaflet on step-by-step in structions that is free for the asking. Question: “What is Hodgkin] Disease? Is it cancer?" ANSWERline: Yes.Hodgl is cancer of the lyi system. Once this form cancer was hopeless, today there are succesi treatments for a great nuflij of patients. A wife asks: “Can you? me some facts about I length of time a person loi from his life if he smo)| cigarettes. My husband just twenty-one but he smol them a lot and I’m worried! ANSWERline: You mightl f your husband that a care! study has shown that the fii who is a pack-a-day smoS by age 25 runs the risk living six years less than!) young man who doesn’t, i is at the point in his li when he can make a decisi that might actually exte his life. The decision shot be to quit completely and he needs help, please diP with your local AmeriO Cancer Society Unit. Mush Whip] You One I or Con Coi A housewife writes: “We all know that antibiotics, can do wonderful things. Now I hear that there is a new one for cancer. Is that true?” ANSWERUne: Several anti biotics are useful against cancer, not because they are Do you have further questions? Call your local unit of the Ameri can Cancer Society or write: Cancer Com munication Center, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital & Tumor Institute, Texas Medical Center, Houston. 77025. FRID BRE FILE lor Ci Te