The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 07, 1976, Image 1
Battalion Donate Blood Today! College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 7, 1976 Dam it ? Some groups say yes, others say no; funding argued in Washington D.C. By JAMIE AIT KEN Area special interest and citizens groups will speak at congressional hearings this week in Washington, D.C., as continued federal funding of the Millican Dam project is considered. Testimony from the Brazos River Au thority, the Environmental Action Council of Brazos County, the Navasota Improve ment Association, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will enter into Con gress’ decision whether to authorize the $435,000 appropriated to the Millican pro ject in President Ford’s 1977 budget. The Millican study has received federal appropriations totaling an estimated $2 million since 1971, said Neal Godwin, Brazos River basin coordinator for the Corps of Engineers. The Corps delayed further design studies of the Millican project last year in favor of a detailed investigation of lignite coal in the area by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Staff photo by Douglas Winship Luncheon date Jov. and Mrs. Dolph Briscoe were greeted by an honor guard of Ross Volunteers when they arrived at Easterwood Airport yester day. The Governor flew in a state jet from Uvalde to attend a luncheon on the A&M campus. The proposed Millican Dam is located on the Navasota River, 12 miles southeast of College Station. “What we’re doing now is waiting for the U.S. Bureau of Mines study to be com pleted,” Godwin said. “But through pre liminary studies, it appears there may be commercially mineable lignite in the area. This has prompted us to begin looking at other alternative (reservoir) sites.’’ The Texas Municipal Power Pool, which is composed of Bryan and three other North Texas cities, has mentioned utilizing the lignite deposits to fuel an electric- ^inate upholds veto generating plant in the Millican area. Godwin said he did not foresee any addi tional funding for lignite studies, but rather for studies of alternative reservoir sites. The Ferguson Dam Site, eight miles east of College Station, may be considered. Also under approved study, although as yet un funded, is the Navasota Dam Site, 30 miles ir NQK GP requirement stays Son Chip By KEVIN VENNER s officers must still maintain a grade | bf at least a 2.5. Student Senate upheld Student resident Jeff Dunn in his decision to bill passed last Wednesday by the ent Senate. The bill would lower the le;point requirement for class officer Jidates from a 2.5 to 2.25 he veto was sustained last night by a a of 23 to 17 with one person abstaining, -thirds vote (29) was needed to over- the veto. If the veto had failed, the ie would have been effective im- iprl/ate/y. 1 * tis the first time an A&M student body sident has vetoed a bill, a power the ^received in 1973. A&M i Feel it is appropriate and necessary to 6 the change in the election regulations class officers,” said Dunn, pis election change would not have ni initiated if key individuals had not , in affected, Dunn said. If indeed, there was not an attempt to sr election regulations for key individu- ffthen it seems logical to me that the le would have stipulated that these lations not affect these elections,” If the change was a correction of a mis take or oversight by the Senate, then it had ample time to correct the procedures since September, he said. It is not appropriate during an election. By changing the regulations during an election, the Senate restricts the ballot and breaks an agreement with the student body that these and any elections will be run consistent with the established proce dures, Dunn explained. “By changing the election regulations in any way after elections have begun (filing opened and closed), I believe that we have violated that contract,” Dunn said. Dunn, speaking to the final session of the 1975-76 Student Senate, emphasized that if a precedent of changing rules during the middle of an election can allow certain in dividuals into candidacy, then it could also be used to eliminate a person’s qualifica tions for office. Raj Kent, vice president of student af fairs, said that some students may not have run because they did not qualify with the 2.5 requirement. Others knew they were not qualified, but still filed for office. “Thus, everybody is not given the same chance,” said Kent. Other business included the acceptance of a day care center resolution, allocating $250 for a feasability study for the need of a day care center. The Student Senate passed a resolution to refer “honors” guidelines to the vice- (see Senate, page 7) campaigns for Carter Index Leo Kottke reviewed, page 3. Sonny P. is national slam-dunk champ, page 10. Aggie Band reorganizes, page 6. Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Center, page 5. Carter, Jackson, Ford take prim ary wins, page 5. A column in The Battalion yes terday erroneously identified a woman voter as the daughter of College Station Mayor Larry Bravenec. She is not related to the Bravenecs in any way. By JIM CRAWLEY With 24 days left until the May 1 prim ary, College Station received its first na tional campaigner: Chip Carter, son of Democratic hopeful Jimmy Carter. Carter, 25, spent an hour at Easterwood Airport and held an impromptu news con ference with local reporters on the airport’s parking lot. Carter predicted his father would get a third of the Texas delegates in the primary. “That would be a fantastic showing from my father’s standpoint,” said Carter. The candidate’s son predicted that only two candidates would be left after the Texas primary, that Humphrey would not enter the presidential race and that his father wouldn’t accept the vice-presidential nomination. The two candidates that would be left after the primary weren’t named, but it can be suspected tbat his father’s name is on the list. Carter won the New York primary yes terday and came in second in the Wiscon sin race. The loss in Wisconsin broke a ;ed Wi ng Fool fax. 7 PM Election run-offs, results n.v Bryan schedules final vote, wears in new councilmen DAY PECIflt id Beef ream College Station public hearing set by newly-elected city council toes and e other le j and Tea The Bryan City Council last night heduled a run-off election for April to decide contested Place 2 posi tion on the council. Anastacio (Andy) Herrera edged Pies E. Turner by nine votes in Saturday’s Bryan municipal elec tions, but did not gain a majority of the votes cast for the Place 2 seat. Lovey Jewel Hammond finished third in the race with 15 per cent of the vote. Harmon (Son) Bell will remain on the council until after the run-off elections, said Bryan Mayor Lloyd Joyce. Henry Seale and Daniel Hernan dez were sworn in as councilmen for Places 4 and 6, respectively, at last night’s meeting. Both were elected Saturday. Record of city election figures The newly-installed College Station City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed gas rate increase at 7 p.m. tomor row in City Hall. Lone Star Gas Company has requested what would amount to an eight per cent increase in operating revenues. If the re quest is granted, average monthly gas bills for area residents would be increased by 80 cents, said A. L. Bartley, manager of Lone Star Gas. The council will also consider several re zoning ordinances, two of which are in the name of Southwood Valley Inc. To be considered are: rezoning a 2.24- acre tract southwest of Longmire and Pinon Dr. to single-family residential, re zoning a 1.9-acre tract in Southwood Valley to apartment building district, and rezon ing tracts of land in the Crawford Burnett League from single-family residential to apartment building and general commeri- cal district. The council will also hold a public hear ing on the question of rezoning two other tracts of land in Southwood Valley. These are the precinct-by precinct results of Saturday’s Col lege Station municipal elections. 'ECIAL /ENING { DINNE ith auce essing I - &\0 ea of any ble Absentee Voter turnout-118 Place 2: Homer Adams-59 Lane Stephenson-55 Place 3: Larry Ringer-55 E. Murl Bailey-45 Jim Crawley-17 Place 4: Jim Gardner-89 Clinton Robison-21 Place 6: James Dozier-67 Bob Bell-48 Proposition 1: For-60 Against-47 8) South Knoll Elementary School Voter turnout (of these registered)-50.7% Place 2: Lane Stephenson-428 Homer Adams-361 Place 3: Larry Ringer-388 . E. Murl Bailey-360 Jim Crawley-54 Place 4: Jim Gardner-614 Clinton Robison-171 Place 6: James Dozier-520 Bob Bell-307 Proposition 1: For-320 Against-322 9) A&M Consolidated Special Services Bldg. Voter tumout-43.11% Precinct tallies of school vote These are the precinct-by precinct results of Saturday’s Col- • lege Station school board elections. (see City Council, page 7) Absentee Voter Turnout-144 Place 1: Lambert Wilkes-72 Elliott Bray-66 Place 2: Roger Feldman-65 Elizabeth Naugle-29 George Boyett-27 Hoy Richards-18 Place 4: Helen Wilborn-39 William Fitch-38 Fred Bouse-29 William Wasson-28 Bruce Upham-6 Bond Issue: For-92 Against-49 2) Wellborn Water Supply Bldg. Voter Turnout (of those registered)-25.43% Place 1: Lambert Wilkes-173 Elliott Bray-69 Place 2: George Boyett-148 Roger Feldman-47 Elizabeth Naugle-38 Hoy Richards-29 Place 4: William Fitch-161 Helen Wilbom-41 Fred Bouse-30 William Wasson-22 Bruce Upham-12 (see School, page 7) north of College Station, in Robertson County. The Brazos River Authority (BRA) sup ports construction of a reservoir on the Navasota River. The Authority, a state agency, holds the rights to basin water sales and would pay a third of the construction costs of a Corps-built dam. Sue Mellor, president of the EAC, said the letters recommend that no money be funded for further design studies of Milli can, that the project be deauthorized, and that a moratorium be declared on all further water impoundments on the Navasota River. BRA spokesman Carson Hogue said further funding will be needed for con tinued design work on Millican and studies of alternate reservoir sites. “If the Millican project is deauthorized, then we will obtain a delay (before further projects are opened),” Mellor said. “Then it will become evident that the need was never there.” “We would like to see any new locations as close to the Millican site as possible,” Hogue said. “This is to provide as much flood protection, and as nearly as possible, the water supply, as Millican would.” Walter Wells, general manager of the BRA, cited subsidence (a lowering of the water table) in the lower Gulf area, flood protection, and a water supply for munici pal and industrial use (both in the Millican area and south of Houston) as reasons for the project. Wells has advocated construction of a new reservoir at the earliest possible date. In its statement to Congress last year, the EAC said the project’s projected economic benefits had been exaggerated. The EAC contended that Bryan-College Station would not need the water supply and that it would be used instead by cities and industries on the Gulf Coast. Thus far, no other cities have testified that they have a need for water from a reservoir on the Navasota. Opposing the Millican project in the hearings is the Environmental Action Council of Brazos County (EAC). The council has made economic and environ mental studies of the Millican site and for mally opposed the project at last year’s hearings. The EAC statement also charged that the lake would permanently inundate more land than it would protect through flood control. Inadequate recreational facilities were also foreseen in the EAC studies. The Navasota River Improvement As sociation (NRIA), represented by its presi dent, Coulter Hoppes of Bryan, is testify ing before Congress this week on behalf of Millican landowners. Although no EAC representatives will testify at this week’s hearings, letters ex pressing the group’s concerns have been sent to the U.S. House and Senate sub committees on Public Works. The NRIA sought a delay in the con struction of the dam at last year s hearings so that the lignite fields could be strip- mined. Hoppes was unavailable for com ment concerning the details of this week’s testimony. Stumping Staff photo by Douglas Winship Chip Carter (right), son of Jimmy Carter, was in College Station Tuesday for about an hour speaking to members of the news media about his father’s presidential campaign. He is shown here speak ing to A&M President Jack Williams (center). string of primary victories for Carter. With the voting still in progress, young Carter predicted a close race with his father on top in both primaries. The candidacy of California Gov. Ed Brown was predicted to affect his father’s campaign, but he added that Brown’s votes would be taken from the other candidates as well. Traffic panel suggests Spence Street closing LEE ROY LESCHPER Battalion Staff Writer Members of the University Traffic Panel recommended last week to block off the main north-south cam pus street. The panel recommended last Wednesday that Spence Street be closed to motor traffic between the entrances of parking lots 13 (be hind the Engineering Building) and 34 (behind the Animal Pavilion). Dr. John Koldus, vice president for stu dent services, must approve the re commendation before it goes into ef fect. Concrete planters would be placed at each end of the closed sec tion of the street to block vehicle entrance. Panel members said the large amount of pedestrian and bicycle traffic using that section of Spence make closing it necessary. “The problem is the tremendous pedestrian flow (across Spence) from Ross to Lamar Streets,” panel member Eugene Ray said. “We’re really lucky we haven’t had any fatalities there.” The panel made a second recom mendation that if administration of ficials do not approve the blockage action, all on-street parking for the same section of Spence be removed. The current landscaping and traf fic routing plans included closure of Spence, Ray said. The closed section would become a part of the north- south mall running the length of the campus. Removal of all streets inside the main campus area has been a univer sity landscaping goal for several years. The panel also recommended ad ding bicycle paths along both sides of New Main Drive (Eastgate) includ ing the semi-circular drive in front of the Systems Administration Build- in g-- s . The panel meets today at 3:15 p.m. in Tower 607 to discuss future parking needs and problems on- campus. Aggie blood drive first day turnout lower than expected The Aggie Blood Drive made one of its slowest starts ever Tuesday at Texas A&M. Student workers estimated 250 donors by the 6 p.m. closing time. “It puts us way behind on the goal of 1,000 units we set, ” a spokesman for Alpha Phi Omega said. “It’s pretty bad, actually. ” A&M students and faculty turned out for a 1,331-unit drive last fall. The drive continues Wednesday and Thursday, in rooms 225 and 226 of the Memorial Student Center. Wadley Insti tute of Molecular Medicine personnel of Dallas will receive donors between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.