The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1976, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APR. 6, 1976 HAL BRUNSON (Continued from Page 4) their workings with the construction companies. Do you advocate line item budgets or program budgets? Why and what are the advantages of your choice for students? I’d say that you’d really want both. More and more perhaps, you’d want to use line item. But then you’d want a miscellaneous fund for new things that were implemented. So there fore you’d need an interplay of both of them. What are the problems surround ing the user fee approach to student funding as opposed to the lump sum method now used? Right now we can project how much money we have coming in and we’re assured to receive it. So we can make projections for expanding. The problem with that is that some people who are not benefiting at all are still paying for it. Opposed to the user fee, it would be extremely dif ficult to know how much money we have coming in. Based on commis sion I think that we should go toward the user fee where it’s practicable, but I don’t want to go to the point where it’d be hurting the majority of the people. Should the business concerns in the MSC be under the jurisdiction of the University Center Board of the directorate of the MSC Directo rate and Council? I think the MSC Directorate and Council should have more participa tion since it is extremely student oriented. I don’t think it’s feasible to have total student control. They don’t have time. How should the money from the president’s concession fund be used? Why? I would like to see a vast majority of it go toward student activities. Money from this could be channeled into purchasing ice machines for the dorms. This would benefit students extremely as would more change machines on campus be helpful. I think there’s something we should do for off-campus students, too. I’d like to see a lot of it put into some free student activities or a special fund for students. Yell leaders (Continued from Page 5) Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? No, not at A&M. I don’t want to sound biased or prejudiced or any thing but the spirit A&M has some thing but the spirit at A&M has something for everybody, men and women included. I get the impres sion of a pep squad or something and I may be too closed-minded but I can’t see that at A&M. John Barnes What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? I’m a sophomore, my GPR is above 2.5. The reason I want it is kind of funny the way it came about. So many tell me “wish we could get us a civilian that we can identify with.” That’s important because many people are alienated. Condi tions here at A&M dictate you have to be in the corps or at least look like it to get into these things. If I could get on there I could show there is another faction who wants to keep the spirit and traditions of A&M go ing. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? That’s a very interesting question if it were any other school I’d say yes. I’m not sure. Most alumni would not like it and politically it might not be a very smart move. I don’t think the majority of people would go for it. It would be interesting. Tim Macmanus What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? I feel like God has motivated me in my life to run. I just want to get out and try to motivate people. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? If we want to survive as a different school we have got to work to keep ourselves different. Each person can getas involved in spirit as much as he wants. It’s an individual thing. SUSAN RUDD (Continued from Paged) tion which doesn’t give the offending candidate an apparent advantage over his opponents shouldn’t merit disqualification. The J-Board should be given more freedom in judging the degree of violation and punish ment. What is the major problem with the present rules and regulations? How would you solve it? I don’t think there is a major prob lem. I think they (the rules and regs) have proven themselves as a whole to be functional, reasonable and just committee. What do you feel about the “Aggie Code of Honor?” Why? The Aggie Code of Honor is a way of life and it would be nice if it were practiced. Sadly, I think it’s obso lete; not outdated, just obsolete. Most students are too oriented to mere survival today to bother them selves with codes of honor. If all the people here really belonged in a uni versity, things like honor codes would be resurrected. What kind of requirements should be set for elected student representatives? Why? I like the policy we have now — 2.25 for senators and class officers, 2.5 for Exec committee and yell leaders, with no conduct probation. There is at least an indirect correla tion between grade point and overall competency as a person. Should the Board of Regents have “the last say” on most campus poli cy? Why or why not? The Board of Regents is designed to run the University in terms of fu ture planning and management. Campus policy changes all the time. I don’t want to see tbe Board of Re gents react to every little crisis on campus. The students (through Stu dent Government) and the administ ration working together should handle campus policy. Should students take more in terest in staff and faculty regula tion? Why or why not? More interest but not more in volvement, per se. There are few stude'nts who are knowledgeable enough on running a university fa culty to play a major role in regula tion. I think student input is essen tial, but I think that students should be more involved with other things that they can work more effectively with. James Gaidry What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? I’m an Aggie and I came to A&M mainly for the corps, the spirit and the traditions. I want to keep these traditions alive as much as possible. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? Yes, I think women would have a place in helping Aggie Spirit. I ha ven’t given much thought as to their duties. They could paint signs. Joe Reagan What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? I’m overflowing with spirit and I’m the type of individual who can motivate people. I’m athletic cor poral for 1-1. I’d like to change some things as yell leader, like meeting a lot of people and changing the animosity between military and civi lian. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? Shoot yeah, I’d accept them. Dif ferent heads from different dorms like RAs. Get them organized and talk up yell practices, have them make signs, spirit signs on the dorm and things like that. Doug Fogle What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? I think to be a yell leader a per son’s got to have a personal en thusiasm and spirit within him so he can contribute to the school and try to build up school enthusiasm and spirit. He has to be a leader who can deal with other people and get other people motivated. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? Yes, I think some kind of organiza tion like this could be helpful. One thing that kind of goes along with this is the Diamond Darlings for the baseball team. Something organized along that basis for each of the sports and have it so more girls can get into it. Working with the yell leaders it could be real helpful. A lot of people say it’s the yell leaders duty to or ganize school spirit but if we could have support from another organiza tion, like a girl’s organization, we could reach a lot more people. We’ve got to work extra hard now because the enrollment is a lot big ger and since the school is larger What was Bonanza is now STEAKS & SEAFOODS IT’S THE SAME . . . ONLY BETTER! Better Quality Foods & Better Selection of Entrees. 317 N. COLLEGE AVE. 846-8741 there is a tendency to lose unity. If we had a broader reach we’d be a lot more unified. Bill Fisk What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? Well, I believe my qualifications for this office are that I feel I have enough spirit for the team, I believe I can lead the student body and have the ability to. The reason I want yell leader is I believe in tradition at the Scruggs SCOTT GREGSON (Continued from Page 4) be able to decide and make our deci sions on how the construction com panies are affecting our campus. Do you advocate the line item budgets or the program budgets? Why? What is the advantage of your choice for students? I can’t say I’m totally in favor of just line item budgets or program budgets. I like the itemized budget in the fact that you get a basic under standing of what’s going on. The line budgets are necessary as long as there is someone there to totally exp lain their budget request. What are the problems surround ing the user fee approach to student funding as opposed to the lump sum method now used? I think the student service fee is the best and least expensive ap proach for everyone. I feel we should keep away from the user fee as much as possible. Should the business concerns of the MSC be under the jurisdiction of the University Center Board or the director of the MSC Directorate and Council? I really am not familiar with the exact purpose of those two boards. The one who is most informed should take the responsibility of de aling with the problem although I don’t consider it a problem. I think the council should have some say in it since there are students involved in the council. How should the money from the president’s concession fund be used? Why? There should be a small amount set aside for Jack Williams, but I don’t know if we should set aside the entire fund for Dr. Williams. I can’t see that all that amount of funds is needed to further the causes of Texas A&M. So the students are paying to lobby for A&M. I’m not all for that. I feel that the students should be get ting part of their fees back. Battalion Classified 845-2611 university, that is the key word when it comes to yell leader. Without trad ition the university would absolutely be just like any other. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? If the committee was going to put up signs around the dorms, posters in the dorms, well heck, I don’t see anything wrong with that. I would have it do anything that was within university regulations. bring the guys working in the stack ing area water and cookies and sandwiches. And I think that is great. I think there is a place for women to do activities like that. anything that would stay within trad ition and still support the team (Continued from Page 3) Should the A&M student body have an active lobbyist in Austin during the legislative sessions? Why or why not? I don’t know if the student body should. But I think the main colleges in Texas should together. Because most students have about the same problems all over and ought to be represented by somebody. What is the major problem facing A&M? What would you do to solve it? A&M s growth is too fast. They need more construction but planned construction. I would get on the Campus Planning Committee. We need student participation in that. How important are the national organizations to which A&M is af filiated? Which are the most impor tant and why? NSL (National Student Lobby) is important. It’s to help get all the stu dents’ views across to the people like the Texas legislature. Mike Roiz What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? I’m an active individual. I partici pate in junior class council, I’m a delegate to RHA, I’m very active in intramurals. I love A&M and what it stands for. I feel like I would be very capable of doing it. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? Well, during bonfire, the women around here take the time out to Richard Ponder What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? Well, to begin with I’ve had a Ion; family background at A&M. My da< graduated here in ’49. I’ve had un cles, all sorts of relatives here since 1910. I know a lot about A&M, about its traditions, its people. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? A women’s spirit committee, if it is going to do anything would probably do things like spirit signs. They would be involved, in my mind, in promoting athletic events. Spirit, though, can cover lots of things. It could be information involving the campus or briefing students on a tradition. They could work in con junction with the yell leaders. It would have to be a distinct and sepa rate entity from the yell leaders. David George One seeks RHA post What policy will be used in man aging the Quonset hut? Will it be open for all interested parties? Under the policy that we adopted recently, people can sign up in A-2 lounge with Larry Ludewig. They will have to put down a $50 deposit for each day they plan on using the Quonset hut and then the user fee will be $50. The members of RHA, residence halls, will have priority over it, but it becomes open for all University ac tivities if the halls don’t book 3 weeks before their event. What are your qualifications for this office? Why do you want it? Last year I was the publicity chairman iri my dorm, Davis-Gary, and this year, I served as the presi dent of Davis-Gary. I just think it’s a real good way to get involved. I see it’s there to belp organize the civilian dorms on cam pus into a unity where we can get some things done. What is the purpose of the Resi dence Hall Association and do you want to expand it? Why or why not? Mainly, it points to getting a unifi cation, get something solid, some good support, where we can carry out our activities. I think that we really need to start spreading out and to get involved with some of the other on-campus, as well as the off- campus, people. We need some more people in volved. A lot of people don’t know what the RHA is and they don t knovy what we do. If we can work with Student Gov ernment, we can probably change some things that need to be changed. What areas aside from dorm Tlve St^ape Tilings HAIRSHAPING f MPORIUM FOR MEN & 846-7614 33 I Un ivers ify (Upstairs above Kesami) McLaughlin’s of corpus christi THE BEST HAIRCUT OF YOUR LIFE . . . OR YOUR MONEY BACK. We truly believe that no other men’s or ladies’ hair stylist in College Station is so dedicated to the art of beautiful hair sculpture as McLaughlin’s. We cost a little more (Artists don’t come cheap.) But we are very good. For proof we make this offer: Let us cut your hair. Wear it for 10 days. If you’re not showered with compliments we’ll happily refund your money. Call 846-5764 for appointments 1403 UNIVERSITY DRIVE COLLEGE STATION programming should RHA take a strong leadership role in? This year we’ve been involved in a few other things. A few of our com mittees were dorm improvements, parking, a visitation hours commit tee and a laundry committee. I was looking through the Con stitution last night. In our Constitu tion, it stated that the RHA presi dent has a seat in the Student Se nate. Hopefully, we will start filling this. Should visitation hours be ex tended? Why or why not? We just recently got an extension on visitation hours. Each of the dorms voted and we did have two that kept the same hours. It would create problems if you had 24 hour visitation, but then again it may help things. You can create a lot of prob lems with roommates having visitors up there all hours of the nigbt. Then again, it would maybe help the R. A. s out because they wouldn’t have to be walking around here patrolling. Should the Corps be included by dorm as part of RHA? Why or why not? / I don’t think so really, but I do think that we should work together: The Corps Staff is the organization that is in charge of the Corps. They have it worked out. We try to coor dinate the civilian activities, whereas they coordinate the people in the Corps. Should there be coed dorms? Why or why not? If you’re talking about every other floor, you’re going to have to impose certain hours or either everyone’s going to have to be well aware of when guys can be in and out. That would nearly have to mean 24-hour visitation. If you had every other suite, once again you would run into the 24-hour visitation and the safety of the girls. ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment' 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Give your "chick” flowers Easter Plants Permanent & Fresh Easter Arrangements Drawing Board Easter Cards ©GREETING CAROS INC Foetal I usheri 846-6713 Across From A&M 5 707 Texas Your complete florist! 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