The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1976, Image 5
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APR. 6, 1976 Page 5 leaders - of the MSC •cil? nder thejur, Mike Outlaw sit\ (,enterl/| 1a { are y 0ur qualifications for ice and why do you want it? oiug back to high school, I was see them t or anc l Senior class president. I -ate and G jj, the National Honor Society •osed ofstud&rticipated in four sports. I feel -ledgeable a*an get up in front of people. I m. I think tM] can handle myself in front of .udents as Utple an( J i am closely associated sts. Bthletics. I think I can tie those us. If it would help the girls, then I would accept it. Dane Bokencamp the money l 4 er an< ^ do a pretty good job g the student body and sup- g the athletes. uld you accept a women’s committee? What activities you have it perform? e things are changing and I’d |o see women participate. 1 thatcouldlifBthey could help out in the wo- I athletics and maybe some of ■-called minor sports. Athletes need to be well rep- f //ftf nted and helped out as much as il'le. dents' money So after machines, A les, etc., (hi ; students. What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? You have to have enthusiasm. You have to want to do it and have the time to put into it. As far as those qualifications, I believe I am qual ified. I think I have the time to de vote to it and I believe I would really enjoy doing it. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? I would accept any kind of spirit committee. I’d like to see more people involved at A&M than there I’ll be a Senior next year. Last year I wanted to run for junior yell leader and I just didn’t have the time. People kept pushing me, saying, “We want a civilian yell leader.” Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform ? We have the Diamond Darlings. If they want to do something like that for some of the non-spectator sports. I’d be willing to go along with it. The yell leaders are there to take care of the major spectator sports. If it was more like the Diamond Darlings I think it would work out. want to keep alive traditions at Texas A&M. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? Yes, I would accept a women’s spirit committee. I think girls here at A&M have kind of pumped up the Aggie spirit even more, and I see no reason why we should restrict them doing that any further. are now. Mark Pool What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? Frank Shannon What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? In the office of Yell Leader you have to be a true Ag with maroon blood. You have to know your fellow students. You have to know your school. In short, give your all for- Texas A&M. Of these qualifications I think I qualify. I want the office of Senior Yell Leader because I love Texas A&M. I Joe Mickler What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? I think I am very well qualified for yell leader because I was junior yell leader this year. The qualifications are someone who wants to work, has a deep love for A&M, someone who can communicate to the people. I think I have these qualifications. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? It might get a lot more people in volved. It might be a good idea, but I’d have to think about what I’d like them to perform. Maybe stuff like Pee Wee Sellars ■e any bigij pon student! n work fromflSat are your qualifications for tsomethinglnfice and why do you want it? nething’s think qualifications for yell Jy way thatjipi should be a person that truly tiveness ists A&M and what it stands for. A on should be willing to give 1CK) companiessj§ht to uphold the traditions that ipletion datflis famous for and which we all ire that thej in is contini Seeks academics post iv because tl |uld you accept a women’s committee? What activities you have it perform? that eom'K liere were enough people in- inanced. I Ated, then I would accept it. The ild ensure are a part of this university e would be* 6 accept that. 1 come from a adminisi U high school and women’s ISON p„„]ts were just as important as the ' s. They had a girl’s basketball lack team and we all got to- „ lerand backed them. I played all , U,lMrsity sports in high school. We rted them and they supported any Stan Stanfield What are your qualifications for this office? I am a University senator from Schumacher, Crocker, Mclnnis and Caine and a member of the Academic Affairs Committee and University Curriculum Committee. Whatever happened to the pro fessor evaluations? What are the problems that have been encoun tered with it and how do you hope to solve them? Professor evaluations have been compiled and will be in the Battalion office by April 6 for later publication. Problems with professor evaluations have been both mechanical and philosophical, too detailed to answer briefly. How much influence should stu- en a ut election I uld you cliij ans active lobbying Jerri Ward low important are our member- >s in Texas Student Association National Student Lobby? How y directly benefit the student? A&M strive to establish a Grant University Organiza- |Why? Should there be a Texas system student association? membership in these organi- pns is extremely important be- /■of the impact that the State and lal legislatures have on educa- he Texas legislature considers 7 .P. of External Affairs Rudd islation that concerns student on givingl 5 ’ student involvement in >'/Q ra g e j n Won-making such as a student on shments J oar( l °f Regents and student i. A hannijf a *d. The U.S. Congress appropriations to University ident gi ant programs. Of par- concern is the proposed cut in asic Educational Opportunity eing considered. It is impera- that students present their case hese law-making bodies through , ^ k anizations such as TSA and NSL. ^ )n the question of a Land Grant iversity organization, the feasibil- jm Char!i: an( l need of such an organization not been demonstrated clearly to 11' ■^^il^^quir^jnor^^esearch before I can make a commitment to this proposal. Are you planning to lobby during the next session of the Texas Legis lature? If not, who is going to and why? Yes, I plan to be actively involved in the next session. In addition, I intend to set up a committee of lob byists and researchers to prepare testimony and to be involved in lob bying activities. What is the best means of becom ing involved in city and county gov ernment? Why? The best means is to become ac tive in citizen’s committees. These committees do the research and make proposals to the council. How do you plan to give the in formation you acquire from conven tions to the students? I will provide such information through the Student Government Informer and The Battalion. What are your qualifications for this office and why do you want it? I have been involved in Student Government and the External Af fairs Committee for three years. Throughout 75-76 I was the vice- president for external affairs. I’ve learned how to get things done through my position this year. I can provide the continuity, management ability, and dedication required by this office. EIGHT BALL DOUBLE ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT sponsored by the MSC Recreation Committee 'll be held at the MSC Bowling and Billiards area April 10 parting at 9 a.m. Entry fee is $1. Last day to register is April You may register at the counter. R MEN AND WOMEN Domingu* Arcinieg3| Greg Pri^l MSC ARTS COMMITTEE presents POETRY READING by ir. Jack Hardie and Dr. Paul Christensen Forum 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 6 FREE dents have on their curriculum? How can they get greater input? Curriculum is influenced by many groups, among them students, fa culty, and employes. Students may attain greater input by using what is now available and expanding it. There are three students on the Uni versity Curriculum Committee, the first step in changing curriculum. How important is recruitment of minority students to the education quality of A&M? Why? Minority recruitment is a rather important issue. Education is a broad term used to introduce stu dents to as many learning situations as possible. Anyone who says that he or she does not learn from interac tion with a minority is lacking in self-assessment. What is your feeling on mid-term grade reports? Why? Mid-term grade reports are faulty in many ways and are helpful in very few. Giving the student and/or the parent a realization of the student’s progress is good, if that is what it is. Blanket grades, grades before a curve and purely subjective grading are definite faults especially when these may be used for elections, vet erinary school entrance and awards. Should there be a stiffer policy for satisfactory-unsatisfactory courses? Why or why not? Should there be more credit-by-examination? Why or why not? For the 1976-77 academic year, a “C” in a satisfactory-unsatisfactory course will be required to receive the satisfactory designation as com pared to a current “D ”. The re quirements which will be in effect will be justifiable. Should there be a core of re quired classes which everyone, re gardless of major, takes? Why or why not? Required courses at this time are English 104, Poli Sci 20^5 and 207 and History 105 and 106. This is required by state law. How important is on-the-job training (internships, practice teaching, co-ops)? Should such programs be extended and should the Accreditation Boards be pressed into allowing more credit hours for such training? Why or why not? Such programs have been trying to expand the internship proposal which the Student Senate endorsed this year. Accreditation boards are not the stagnating factor, trying to get their requirements and intern ships into a four-year program like engineering is the problem. Should students have input on te nure hearings? Why or why not? On selection of department chairmen? Why or why not? Tenure and department chairman selection is an area concerning the personnel of the University. Student assessment of the professors is cur rently used by the selection process. What might be a better question is: Should the process be re evaluated by the University? Yes. Should there be greater consid eration in evaluation of transfer hours? Why or why not? Leave the consideration of equal academic credit hours to those who are able to assess that quality, the professional academicians. TEXAS Ai?M UNIVERSITY dm PRESENTS cIeveIanc! ORCHESTRA LORIN MAAZEL conducting “Maazel led the orchestra in a concert that left no doubt that Cleveland still has one of the world’s magnificent symphonic ensembles.” DONAL HENAHAN, NEW YORK TIMES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1976 8:00 P.M. RUDDER AUDITORIUM TICKETS: REGULAR A&M STUDENT Zone I $12.50 $ 6.25 Zone 2 $9.00 $4.95 Zone 3 $5.50 $4.40 Tickets and Information: MSC Box Office 845-2916 /tep Into the m/c circle A TAMU OPAS Centennial Presentation paint signs at the dorms, help form spirit lines. That is a tough question because it has never been attempted at A&M. Warren Neeley What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? I live over in Moses Hall and I’m sophomore representative on the dorm council and on the judicial board. I’m a member of SCONA. I enjoy working with people. I think that if I was yell leader I could yell and I could help other people to yell. I believe that the crowd and the spirit is a large part of our success with our teams. I think I could do a good job and contribute to our win ning. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? I’d like to see them be able to do more on the bonfire. But there’s a lot of truth that if a girl gets hurt the bonfire might have to stop. Serving cookies and Cokes is not the idea of good bull to most girls. I’m not sure what could be done, if something else could be set up for them as im portant. No pom-pom girls, no short skirts, no kick routines. There is no place for that at A&M. Some kind of advis ory committee, I don’t know how they’d pick it, it’s a good thought. Paul Bracher What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? I meet up to all the qualifications of the election committee has set aside. In the past yell leaders have con centrated their efforts on football, basketball and maybe baseball. Should other varsity sports be sup ported by the yell leaders including women’s events? The thing about yell leaders is they are there for the students and they are for spectator sports. Unless you’re not into golf it’s not really ex citing. Girl’s basketball is coming up and if people got interested in it the yell leaders ought to be there. Robbie Tucker What are your qualifications for the office and why do you want it? First of all, I was a junior yell leader last year, and senior yell lead ers are the ones in charge that run all five of them. I feel I’m very qualified because this year I have met all the university campus leaders. I have a head start over all the other people when it comes to running things. Would you accept a women’s spirit committee? What activities would you have it perform? Well, I don’t know exactly what you mean by a women’s spirit com mittee. The women do carry on a big part of the spirit. As far as I’m con cerned, they are doing their part. (See YELL LEADERS, Page 6) The MSC TRAVEL COMMITTEE is presently organizing for school year 1976-77. Meeting will be held Wednesday, April 7 7:30 p.m. — Rm N Student Programs Office For more information call 845-1515 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TOWN HALL SERIES PRESENTS JOURNEY 11c RARY plus BABY SATURDAY APRIL 17, 1976 8:00 P.M. G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM TICKETS: A&M STUDENTS NON A&M STUDENT/DATE GENERAL PUBLIC GENERAL ADMISSION FREE RESERVED 4.50 3.00 4.00 4.50 6.50 TICKETS AND INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT MSC BOX OFFICE, FIRST FLOOR RUDDER TOWER. OPEN 9-4, MONDAY-FRIDAY. 845-2916. NO CAMERAS OR (r - ^ EQUIPMENT WILL BE ALLOWED. ^vc ]bu?KI T es AGGIE CINEMA in honor of ' BLACK AWARENESS WEEK presents THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MISS JANE PITTMAN “The vibrant story of one black woman and her interpretation of events transpiring around her for more than 100 years. ’ Tues., April 6 /"“"v Rudder Theater 8:00 p.m. Admission $1.00 AGGIE CINEMA The following is an Aggie Cinema Film Poll for the Fall semester 1976. Please turn in polls at the Student Programs Office, or the Ballot Box in front of the Aggie Cinema display case on the first floor of the MSC. POPULAR Pick 12 of the following: Nashville The Four Musketeers Godfather II The Wind and the Lion Mahogany Mandingo Earthquake Love and Death The Black Bird Bananas Bite the Bullet Once Is Not Enough The Exorcist Cabaret Alice In Wonderland The Way We Were Magnum Force The Drowning Pool Death Wish Tommy Freebie and the Bean Man Who Loved Cat Dancing Three Days of the Condor The Eiger Sanction The Return of the Pink Panther Funny Lady Day of the Locust Rooster Cogburn Hard Times The Other Side of the Mountain Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore The Odessa File The Tamarind Seed Farewell My Lovely The Front Page French Connection II MIDNIGHT Pick 5 of the following: Monty Python and the Holy Grail The Killer Elite O Lucky Man The Parallax View The Conversation W. W. and the Dixie Dance Kings Mean Streets Royal Flash Night Moves The Night Porter Harry and Tonto The Trial of Billy Jack CLASSIC Pick 8 of the following: Some Like It Hot Bringing Up Baby Adam’s Rib Arsenic and Old Lace Jezebel Singing in the Rain Dark Victory The Bad Seed Dames Mr. Smith Goes to Washington I Could Go on Singing The Mark of Zorro A Star Is Born Gone With the Wind Little Caesar East of Eden Wuthering Heights Rebel Without a Cause Treasure of the Sierra Madre Inherit the Wind Psycho Moby Dick Ben Hur INTERNATIONAL Pick 8 of the following: The Emigrants A Man and a Woman The Passenger Lies My Father Told Me The Trojan Women Roman Polanskis Macbeth Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob Hamlet Day for Night SUGGESTIONS Lacomb Lucien Discreet Charm of the Bourgeosie The Adversary Lord of the Flies Tom Jones The Lion in Winter Great Expectations Oliver The Little Prince Brother Sun, Sister Moon The Beauty and the Beast