The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 25, 1976, Image 9
4 r ) saidfl, J 1 manajf, 1 met 0 ( ibson sets mark i Ags win, 5-2 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, MAR. 25, 1976 Page 9 y PAT EDMONDSON Battalion Staff Writer las ttiroiiL adistan, diers James “Hoot' Gibson and 2am. “Jj, Lockett threw six innings of iandljj s kail as the Aggie baseball ?hsclioo|j sea ' e d a 5-2 victory over the said. Brsity of Minnesota. The squads a haviw. I meet in a doubleheader, but ecaiiy/v Iroinitls cancelled the opener, afield was burned out and play two and a half hours later, win upped the Ags season ;o23-2. Minnesota, who earlier eek took three of four games he University of Texas, is now r the year. |pher errors in the second in- llowed A&M to take an early Idvantage. Randy Blanchard Id the inning with a base hit hjj S( it -looted past the outstretched or the 4 1 team tm 2en ofMinnesota second baseman [agiela. Freshman Mark Thur- I, batting in the unfamiliar de- | led hitter’s role because of a toe nMertr’ reac ked base safely as ^er first baseman Brian Denman lied a grounder attempting to ■ Blanchard at second. Catcher Biersner singled to right and [utfielder threw to third to cut off nond. The third baseman mis led the relay and it dropped to iround. Blanchard raced across ii job is! practice, e hurdle tion onli it when? in s nuial itwelajj n’t km | the plate putting the Aggies ahead, 1-0. Buddy Grobe then racked up a pair of RBI’s on a double to left- center field to extend the lead. The Farmers did not score again until the seventh inning when Bob Dulak and Winston Whiddon had a pair of base hits. Whiddon’s was a rifling shot down the first base line which sent Dulak to third. Center- fielder Robert Verde followed with a sacrifice fly. Biersner then got his second hit of the afternoon to send in Whiddon for the final tally. Minnesota scored a run on a wild pitch which bounced off the plate and over the backstop in the seventh, and another on a hit by De nman which slid by Scott Pacchal in the final inning. Gibson yielded one walk while re cording his ninth win of the year. The win tied the A&M record for career wins in a single season. The senior from Carrizo Springs equalled his victory total of last year. He also broke the school record for most con secutive innings pitched without giv ing up a run. Dan Forsythe suffered the defeat for the Gophers. The Ags square off with Minnesota again today in a single game and then resume Southwest Conference ac tion Friday against the Baylor Bears. Photo by Steve Krauss Onlookers pause as the Kyle Field infield is set ablaze to hasten drying. o progress made baseball talks >ah aagenk 2 mb • segtn; Usif»(!| | the DM I Associated Press IEW YORK — Representatives idistriiia |eMajor League Players Associa- vo won land the owners’ Players Rela- "essingn | Committee met for five hours antgoi dnesday in an attempt to settle neone»»• complicated problems, but no timed ^ress was reported. ivays h# thing (i the latest session. Present for man agement were Gaherin, American League President Lee MacPhail and National League President Chub Feeney. Briefs Associated Press FORT WORTH, Tex. — Mark Horner’s three-run homer in the second game highlighted a 13-3 and 5-3 doubleheader sweep by Texas Christian over Kent State Wednes day. TCU is now 12-17 for the year. Horner’s homer in the sixth inning of the nightcap brought TCU from a 3-2 deficit. TCU scored seven runs in the second inning of the runaway opener. HOUSTON — Rice University announced Wednesday the signing of Steve Pettit, a quarterback from Glen Oaks High School of Canton, Ohio. Pettit, a 6-3, 195-pounder, sparked his team to the state finals while completing 88 of 155 passes for 1,300 yards. He will join the Owls football varsity when fall drills begin in August. NOW AVAILABLE IN COLLEGE STATION PASSPORT PHOTOS IN LIVING COLOR — INSTANTLY UNIVERSITY STUDIO 115 College Main • Northgate • 846-8019 issssssssss:sssssstuuss:sss:ssssistsssss:s:::s::s ..for many good reasons terward, it was announced that via Miller, executive director of players union, and John Gahe- the chief negotiator for man- nent, would confer Thursday , set up another meeting date, the in the series. they ause tie amwM ;h the i ,'tice pi Theop] ‘S In '£ iTeclil ednesday’s session, conducted laherin’s office, dealt with a re- twand discussion of all the issues negotiations. No new ideas ire proposed. 1 was the first meeting between two sides in 10 days and the first in of any kind since March 17 i the Executive Board of the jrs Association met in Florida, at time, the union’s executive art! neither accepted nor rejected e owners’ offer of March 15, in- sad calling for more talks and the ping of spring training. le camps were opened the same by order of Commissioner Bowie [hnand Wednesday’s meeting was first negotiating session since the ps opened after a 17-day shut- fn. cludin£| It the last confrontation between >n Tech | t wo parties, the management imittee had presented what it cal ifs “best and final offer to the [vers’ group. hat proposal recognized the -agent rights won by the players arbitration last December and isequently upheld in two federal irts. The owners offered free nt status to all major leaguers in next two seasons, but tied certain re st W Mahons to the proposal, including net Ilf® eight-club draft of the players hi ved. ^—UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL Togo.... or & not to go... Worship with us Sunday: 10:45 a.m., 6 p.m. Bible Class 9:30 a. m. Take advantage of us. m oftli cominji 29, urn thefl ickl le t I for tdi finish ;nceim of three nd tivd OO QO aO aO oO aO oO HELP US CELEBRATE! MONDAY - GROUND SIRLOIN BANQUET. 100% pure gg: Ground Beef with Sauteed Onions, French Fried Po- ig:- tatoes, Garden Salad with Choice of Dressing . . . $1.29 S;:-: TUESDAY - SPAGHETTINI BANQUET. Spaghettini and §§ Meat Balls covered with Italian Style Marinara Sauce, ig:- served with Garlic Bread and Salad . . . $1.29 WEDNESDAY - CHILI MAC. Chili and Beans, Spaghettini, jg: Green Salad and Garlic Toast . . . $1.29 rig: THURSDAY - MIGHTY BURGER BANQUET. A Mighty gjjj Burger accompanied by French Fries and chopped ig*: Green Salad with Choice of Dressing . . . $1.29 m FRIDAY - FISH AND CHIPS. Served with Golden French £§§§ Fries and Crisp Salad with your favorite Dressing... $1.29 jSgggia 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. only gg (no student discount on specials) OPEN 24 HOURS UNIVERSITY SQUARE IN COLLEGE STATION es Stal ; 1976* again* 1 ] [When the union’s executive board 3 not act on the matter, the owners phdrew it. Miller and counsel Dick Moss rep- Sented the Players Association at m 3715“ B. Z?T>* JSirfcfT TfeWfA A GoOfrhCfy CiTtiY tor'll baskef 5 Are You Interested In: Dance Programming 'Spot Programmingr Chess? Bridge? 'Public Relations? ? Table Tennis? •Bowling? Billiards? ►Cards, Checkers Dominoes or Backgammon? • Finance? Then come Wednesday, March 31, at 8 P. M. to HECC 105 and discover how to get more enjoyment out of your interests! Sponsored by MSC Recreation Committee m/c A KENWOOD SPECIAL H *** CD Si CD US > =r =* o> <t> DOro Si to 1.1 “□ to a 3 W ■ 5*. 50 Tl ^ -c 3= -AJ rrt go T| Cs- L. rffws* 30 S3 51 CO S’ gp - ^ - * - 1 ■n (/) H m 7) m O 7) m o m < m 7) i\\ CD 5 CD CP eo 5 m Tl H m 7) ?! ^ 7) m O m < m 7) . . . and we have turntables, tape players, speakers and quad players. 3806-A Old College Road (Next to Triangle Bowl) 846-3517 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 10-5 {Thursday & Friday 11-7