The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 25, 1976, Image 5
> ousing now luxury r renting students (Continued from page 1) are moving out of a house or mobile home. Another good method, says Bonnie Lin- gren, a sales representative for Culpepper Realty Co., “is for students to check the classified ads in the local newspapers and call local realtors to see what is available. “It’s never too late to start looking.” Lingren said she is already getting phone calls from students looking for a house or duplex to rent this fall. She said she would not know what specifically will be available until late July or early August. “Some will become available in June when students leave here to go home and others arrive to attend summer school.” Lingren said Culpepper rents a number of low-rent duplexes and houses close to campus. The unfurnished duplexes rent for $159 a month plus utilities. Rent for the houses ranges from $125-175 a month for a two-bedroom, one-bathroom unit. The company also manages several duplexes in Wellborn. Surprisingly some students are making down payments towards the purchase of a home as an investment. “Right now, it’s a lot easier to buy than rent a house in College Station,” Lingren said, “but prices average about $3,000 to $4,000 higher than in Bryan. “It’s almost impossible to find anything here for less than $30,000.” Brad Crane, a salesman with Jacob Beal Real Estate, said the firm is having very little trouble renting its properties. “Whenever we obtain a property we place an ad in the following day’s paper. By 8 the next morning the phone is usually ringing off the wall. The property is usually rented a half-hour later,” he said. “There is a desperate need for adequate rental property in this area and it is just not available. ” Crane said his firm is renting mostly two- and three-bedroom homes, but also rents apartments, duplexes, fourplexes and mobile homes. Rents range from $100 a month for a one-bedroom duplex to $250 a month for a three-bedroom house plus utilities. Rent is generally a bit lower for units in Bryan because of their distance from the A&M campus. Marge Freund of Home Finder Realty said she has a fairly long list of persons, mostly students, who want to rent a house, particularly in College Station. “It’s critical,” she said, referring to the housing shortage. “The builders are build ing as fast as they can at mass-production rates.” She said a typical two-bedroom house rented by Home Finder in College Station costs about $165 a month plus utilities. Most houses and duplexes, she said, are rented on a one-year lease. Many students are finding mobile homes to be a cheap way of living off campus. Parents of some students will purchase a mobile home for them to live in while at school then sell the unit when the student graduates. Prices for a mobile home vary from $2,500 for a small, used unit to $9,000 or more for double-wide units. In the Bryan-CoIIege Station area rent for mobile home spaces ranges from about $35 to $50 a month, depending on the variety of ser vices provided by the mobile home park.There are 16 mobile home parks in the Bryan-College Station area. Tomorrow: An analysis of the local hous ing situation. Pack’s Plaster & Ceramics Spring Sale Tuesday-Sunday March 23-28 20% off Master, candles, candle rings. V2 price on box purses, [hardware, prints, and all kits. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. FM 2223 - Old Wheelock Rd. 823-3965 Willie Nelson picnic: issue of student lobby convention THE BATTALION THURSDAY, MAR. 25, 1976 Page 5 Willie Nelson’s Fourth of July pic nic just might be sponsored by the Texas Student Association (TSA) this year. This and other issues will be discussed at the student lobby group’s Spring Convention in San Antonio this weekend. Members of the Texas A&M Stu dent Government (SG) will join members of other student govern ments in Texas to attend workshops on different programs the Associa tion has been working on. Near the convention’s end, mem bers will elect the new TSA presi dent for next year along with all of the Board of Directors. U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen will be there to speak on Saturday, and Willie Nelson is scheduled to give a concert Saturday night. TSA is considering sponsoring Willie Nelson’s 1976 Fourth of July picnic to generate money for Texas students. Jeff Dunn, student body presi dent, said that more students than usual are going to this convention. He added that A&M is basically sending underclassmen who will be here next year, so that they can familiarize themselves with TSA. — LeAnn Roby ^Uc^Kengie-^aWu/ih BUSINESS COLLEGE Inquire About Our Term Starting March 23 Phone 822-6423 or 822-2368 ! Earn extra cash as a plasma donor at Plasma Products, Inc. 313C College Main College Station Library to sponsor week of music poetry readings “Collegium Musicum”, poetry readings and a booksale will high light National Library Week, April 5-9, at Texas A&M. “Collegium Musicum , a musical group composed of students from Sam Houston State University, specializes in Baroque and Rococo music. The group will present a bi centennial program. Additional selections will be performed from European music written from 1650 to 1850. The program will be April 5 in the Forum of the Rudder Complex at 8:00 p. m. Our Traditional Expertise in Diamonds . . . And now Two-Day setting service. ^^Carl Bussells X/Diamono Room 1KMBKR AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY ( (S ) 3731 E. 29 846-4708 Top of the Tower Texas A&M University Pleasant Dining — Great View SERVING LUNCHEON BUFFET 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Each day except Saturday cAGGIECON 7 AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY'S RUDDER CENTER BankAmericard $2.50 DAILY $3.00 SUNDAY Serving soup <1? sandwich 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Monday - Friday $1.50 plus drink Available Evenings For Special University Banquets Department of Food Service Texas A&M University “Quality First” TiEXAS MOVIES: Friday * FANTASTIC PLANET MEPHISTO WALTZ DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL THE WIZARD OF OZ Saturday* THX 1138 RDLLERBALL Z.P.6. SEVEN FACES OF DR. LAO Sunday* GUESt ‘i H0M0R.:-i jm./WrREY author of the joroous X) ragemri de rs of Pern J STRR TREH EPISODES! ALSO DEALER'S ROOM AMATEUR ART CONTEST ART EXHIBIT MODEL EXHIBIT AUCTION SF TRIVIA CONTEST l-PAN EL DISCUSSIONS r iF0ft noRE MOMumsi, I r WRITES [ ftetHEcoNun, ct-PHiw v/uuhbie TEXftS Rtn UNIVERSITY Memorirl sruoENr center P.o. Box S7W Coueoe Sr/rrioN, tx 7'/»Y7 Oft CALL : (.713)" 845-/5/5 ADVANCE TICKETS 5 *1“ per 1^/2“ for all3 days ON SDU: ffr THE RUDDER BOX OFFICE MfWCH 24-25 AT THE DOOR* $1“ PER DW f3“forocl 3 DOYS DEALER’S TABLES* “T* 8 ™ : INCLUDES 2. MEMBERSHIPS DATE- MARCH 2G.27.28 flu . noon - Sun. 8 pm