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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1976)
*' >- • / Women’s basketball teams to start tournament today STATE OOIXECE. Pa. — The not-«o4Htle wncnrn of cnllrxe h**- kethall air Kathcnnc here to sweep the boards, polish nff opponents and see who can sew up the national title The 16-team tournament opens today when defending champion Delta State of Mississippi, led by Toomey says no need for Olympic fuss NEW YORK — Bill Toomey say s he doesn t understand all the hiss over the stadium in Montreal not being finished in time h»r the ( >lvm- pics Dressing moms? I don t even know what they re talkingahmit,** hr said. You don t need dressing rooms All an athelete needs is a place to sleep, to work out. to eat. to compete. And. he added, a little more re spect Toomey reaped Olympic gold in the decathlon at the 196H Games in -Mexico City. Whoever wins the two-day, 10-discinline event is con sidered the best all-atvund athlete in the world. . Yet. Toomey said, when he at tended the next Olympics, the 1972 Games in Munich, he would have been just part of the mass of human ity had he not lieen a member of the President’s delegation. Munich trier! in a token manner to recognize former winners,” he said, but I talked to a lot of guys and they felt they weren't a part of it ” Toomey said the feeling was per vasive even among active athletes. That s why he says too much stress is being placed on the Montreal Olym pics' physical plant, particularly the stadium for track ami field, and too little on the athletes — past or pre sent. T don’t even have tickets for Montreal, " In* said. I d like to go, hut 1 don't know whether I'll be able to see the events I want to see. I think there should be a VIP program of some kind, maybe a special sec tion, for former athletes.” While he laments the athletes’ plight during the Games, Toomey s^iys the American Olymijjaiu'J()| is improving each'year, since he won the decathlon at the age of 29, he has become active on the athletes' advis ory panel of the U.S. Olympic (annmittee (USOC) and is a member j of a special Presidential Olympic commission. "The rules (amateur) are much more objective," he said. "The athletes bill of rights is a beginning — just a beginning — and I think the USOC is very' good alxmt realizing that we need all the help we can get. Toomey. a school teacher- turned-television s|x>rts personality, was on hand Tuesday with two other U.S. Olympic decathlon champions — Bob Mathias. 1948 and 1952. and Milt (^ampliell, 1956 — for a preview of the 10-part television series. The Olympiad, being slmwn by the Pub lic Broadcast Service Ix'ginnmg in MavC Appropriately, the first o f the series is called "The Decathlon." Toomey narrates part of the script, which takes the spectators through the aches of competition, the joy of victory . the pain of defeat 6-fcw>t-3. 185-pound Lusia Harris, meets overmatched Penn State. Penn State v Lady Lions. 10-8. get a berth onb because they’re hosts in the tournament held by the Associa tion for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women Any team can win on any given night.’’ Delta State's 62-year-old coach. Margaret Wade, said last week — which might explain why the Delta State-Penn State game starts at 11 a m. Delta State may encounter real suspense in the Saturday night final — and the opponent will lilceh lie Immarulata (College, a 645-student (Catholic school for women located outside Philadelphia. Immaculata will come here with an unofficial pep choir of nuns who sing "When the Macs come march ing in’ from the stands, it will be a mission of atonement for the Macs, who won three straight national titles before losing to Delta State in last year’s final This is the best team we’ve had by far, ” sa id Immaculata Coach Cathy Kush, whose husliand is pro Iwsketliall official Ed Kush Delta and Immaculata split two regular season games this year, each winning at home. Delta’s joss at Im maculata was the only setback of the season for the Lady Statesmen. 29-1. "I believe we had the hardest schedule in the nation We had the title and we had to defend it,“ said Mua Wade, who as Delta coach be came the first woman ever named to the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame Delta's queen on the court, and also at Iasi fall’s homecoming, is Miss Harris, who’s averaging 31.9 points and 15.7 rehounds per game. Another top center in the tourna ment is 6-foot-2 Nancy Dunkle. a criminal justice major at Cal State- Fullerton. Her sweeping hookshot helped win the Western Regional. Top small players include Delta’s 4-foot-ll Debbie Brock, cited bv her coach as "probably the best playmaker in the nation.” and Im- maculata’s 5-foot-6 Marianne Crawford-Stanley, an excellent de fensive player. Today's first round games: second seed Immaculata vs. Long Beach State, third seed Cal State-Fullerton vs. Wisconsin-Lacrosse; fourth seed (Queens of New York vs. Mississippi Caillege; fifth seed Wayland Baptist ofTexas vs. Utah; sixth seed William Penn of Iowa vs. Tennessee Tech; seventh seed Montclair State of New jersey vs. Portland State, and eighth seed Southern Connecticut vs. Bavlor. ( SWC wrapup Auociated Pre« Texas’ Mickey Re ic he bach missed a pitcher’s dream by one pitch Mon day in Southwest Conference baseball action against non conference hies. Reichenhach hurled a one-hitter in the first game of a doubleheader against Minnesota in an 8-0 victory before the defending national champions stumbled in the nightcap 4-1. The only hit against Reichenhach came in the ninth inning. Texas, now 20f6,^inleashed su consecutive hits against Gopher pitching in 'the opener, including a two-run homer by Charles Proske. In other games. Texas Christian upped its season mark to 12-17 with 8-5 and 7-2 victories over Kent State and Oklahoma City swept Texas Tech 3-0 and 4-1. Texas Tech is 911 for the year. Arkansas defeated Luther College 6-5 and 13-3 in a double-header at Fayetteville. NORMAN, Okla — The Univer sity of Oklahoma used some sharp pitching, a commodity in short sup ply for the Sooners this season, to down Texas Tech, 3-0 and 7-0, in an afternoon doubleheader here Tuesday. In the opener, freshman Alex kager hurled a four-hitter to post the shutout. The Sooners racked up a big sec ond inning in which they used one hit, two errors and two walks to score all three of their runs. Senior righthander Mickey Lashley also gave up only four hits in the nightcap to record his shutout. Oklahoma got six hits, five of them in a row in the third inning, to pro vide all the firepower Lashley needed. Oklahoma now stands at 23-10 while the Raiders hill 11-13. DALLAS — Bruce Gietzen and Mike Jaccar drove in the winning runs here Tuesday as the Southern Methodist University' Mustangs won their first two games of the season w'ith a doubleheader sweep of the University of Dallas, 1-0, 2-L . Mike Hall shut out the Crusaders on four hits in the opener and the Mustangs put three hits together in the fifth inning to score on a run with Jaccar provided the winning single. Jim Beard won the nightcap after scattering seven Crusader hits. Gietzen drove in Chris Ritchie ac ross with the winning run in the last of the seventh. SMU is now 2-22 for the season. Dallas is 8-23. HUNTSVILLE — Steve Ramsey scored the winning runs Tuesday as the Sam Houston State Bearkats de feated Baylor in a non-conference liaseball doubleheader, 3-2, 6-5. Ramsey came home on a single by- Bill Cheatham in the bottom of the tenth inning of the first game. He scored the winning run in the nightcap on a single by Doyle Campbell who had an excellent day at the plate with four runs driven in including three on a homer in the third inning. Sam Houston is now 8-14 for the year. Bavlor’s record is 13-12. TAMU Circle K MSC Rm 224 SQUARE DANCE No Experience Necessary $2 March 26 7:30 pm Proceeds to Huntingtons Disease Research Texas AirM University Town HaH Special Attraction proudly presents LEO KOTTKE Friday, April 2, 1976 8:00 pm r Rudder Auditorium Tickets and information available at MSC box office. 845-2916 All Seats Reserved A&M Student $2.50 General Public ‘ $4.50 No cameras or recording equipment will be allowed TL .-JL THE BATTALION usn. M. WED., THRU SAT. 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