The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 26, 1976, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1976 Academic Affairs considers SG course Centennial exhibit» part of stock show By LILLIAN FOREMAN Future professor evaluation ques tionnaires, alternate grading systems, a new honors program, departmental counseling, expansion of the inter- library loan system, an increase in the Gathright Award program and a 485 research course for student sen ators are projects being discussed as projects of the Student Government Academic Affairs committee. The projects should be completed in two weeks. The projects should be completed in two weeks which will allow the Student Government ample time to consider some of the proposed rec ommendations of the committee, said Kent. The professor evaluation forms, dis tributed last semester are being com piled by the Data Processing Center for use during spring pre-registra tion. This will help students to choose professors, Kent said. “We need to phrase the questions so that a student will read them and not just check all of the negative or all of the positive responses, Kent said. To relieve part of the evaluation problems, a remark section will be included on the next evaluation form. The committee also says that the evaluation questionnaires will contain the most common questions that are asked by students: How many tests are given during the se mester? What is the professor’s atti tude toward teaching and toward the students? Is the professor fair? What is his teaching ability and does he add to the book? Is he available for extra help? Kent also expressed his desire to create a distinction between the ques tionnaire and the Faculty Evaluation forms used for tenure and promotion by the department heads. A new grading system is being con sidered by the committee to allow the WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1.65 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p. m. day before publication OFFICIAL NOTICE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS O BE ELIGIBLE TO PURCHASE THE TEXAS A&M UNG, AN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT MUST IAVE AT LEAST ONE YEAR IN RESIDENCE, :REDIT FOR AT LEAST NINETY-TWO (92) SEMES- ER HOURS AND BE IN GOOD STANDING WITH TIE UNIVERSITY. A YEAR IN RESIDENCE MAY :ONSISTOF THE FALL AND SPRING SEMESTERS )R ONE OF THE ABOVE AND A FULL SUMMER ESSION (BOTH THE FIRST AND SECOND ERMS). THE HOURS PASSED AT THE PRELIMI- JARY GRADE REPORT PERIOD IN MARCH 1976 4AY BE USED IN SATISFYING THIS NINETY-TWO J2) HOUR REQUIREMENT. STUDENTS QUALIFY- NG UNDER THIS REGULATION SHOULD LEAVE HEIR NAMES WITH THE RING CLERK, ROOM EVEN, RICHARD COKE BUILDING. THIS MOULD BE DONE PRIOR TO MARCH 10TH IN IRDER FOR ALL RECORDS TO BE CHECKED TO DETERMINE RING ELIGIBILITY. STUDENTS AL- IEADY HAVING NINETY-TWO (92) COMPLETED lOURS ON RECORD AS OF THE FALL SEMESTER 975 MAY ORDER AT ANYTIME. THESE REGULAR pRDERS ARE MAILED THE LAST WEEK OF EACH ilONTH. GRADUATE STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE O ORDER WITH PROOF (RECEIPT) THAT THEY I AVE FILED FOR GRADUATION. JlRDERS FOR MID-SEMESTER WILL BE TAKEN IY THE RING CLERK STARTING MARCH 22, 1976, vND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL APRIL 23, 1976. ALL IINGS MUST BE PAID FOR IN FULL WHEN THE DRDER IS PLACED. STUDENTS WILL SAVE TIME F THEY WILL BRING MID-SEMESTER GRADE IE PORTS ALONG WHEN READY TO ORDER. ITUDENTS WHO HAVE FAILEDTO LEAVE THEIR «IAMES IN ADVANCE WILL BE ASKED TO RE- PURN LATER TO ALLOW TIME FOR RECORDS TO IE CHECKED. I'HE RINGS ARE DUE TO ARRIVE AT THE REGIS TRARS OFFICE ON JUNE 29, 1976. ALL RINGS OR DERED. REGARDLESS OI WIIETIIERON MARCH ’.2. 1976 OR APRIL 23, 1976, WILL ARRIVE AT THE ;A'ME TtCTE THE RING CLERK IS ON DUTY FROM 8 A M. TO 12 'ICON AND 1 P.M. TO 5 P.M. OF EACH WEEK, vlONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. HOWEVER, IN OR DERS FOR RECORDS TO BE CHECKED, ORDERS vlUSTBE PLACED PRIOR TO 11:30 AM AND-I P.M. VE HOPE THIS INFORMATION WILL BE HELP- UL AND EXTEND OUR CONGRATULATIONS. EDWIN H. COOPER, DEAN ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS CAROLYN WELLS, 1, RING CLERK BATTALION CLASSIFIED use of plus/minus notation with let ter grades. This would create a sharp distinction between the letter grades that A&M presently uses. The pos sibility of replacing the present grad ing system with numbers is also be ing researched. The University Rules and Regula tions Committee changed the pass- fail grading to satisfactory-unsatis factory and raised the passing aver age from “D” to “C”. The Honors Program may be ex panded to more individual colleges and include the listing of the hon ors credits on a student’s degree and transcript, said Rob Spiller, commit tee member. At present, only a few colleges offer the honors cour'ses in their curricu- lums, Spiller said. The committee is also working on a comparative study with other uni versities on the importance of the use of grade points to select honor graduates. The study includes the grade point average requirements used by other universities and their percentages of honor graduates. The present regulations at A&M state that a student with a grade point average of 3.25-3.49 will gradu ate Cum Laude, 3.5-3.749 Magna Cum Laude and 3.750 or above Summa Cum Laude. "The purpose of the study is to see how valuable a degree with hon ors is and to increase the academic- standards to keep from making A&M a diploma factory,” said Keith Mer rick, committee member. SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES! Orders for Graduation Announcements will be taken beginning February 9 thru February 27, at the Student Finance Center, Room 217, Memorial Student Center, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 to 4:00. FOR SALE Save Money! Buy Our Antique Furniture, Chairs, Rockers, Dressers, Beds, Tables, Wash Stands, Pie Safes, Ad Infinitum. Why Not Restore One Yourself. Many Unusual Collector Items For You. 1,000 & 1 Iron Collectibles & Things, Iron Beds, Pots, Stoves, Wheels, Plows, Sweeps, Discs, Antique Tools, Wood Decoys, Depression Glass, Lamps, China, Rocks, Minerals, Geodes, Agate, Petrified Wood, Crystals, Rough Turquoise (Battle Mountain No. 2), Stained Glass Door and Window. We Buy, Sell, & Trade Monday thru Saturday. Collectors Em porium, 608 South Bryan, Bryan, Texas. 779-4361. Our Place Is Worth a Visit. Murry! 82t6 FOR RENT SOUTHWEST VILLAGE APTS One and two bedrooms. Two bed room studios. Furnished and un furnished. Individual beating and air conditioning. Shuttle bus ser vice to A&M. Tennis courts and gameroom. Swimming pool and sauna. Two laundry rooms. All utilities paid and cable. 24-hour security guard. Call Resident Man ager, 693-0804. 1101 Southwest Parkway, C.S. SOSOLIK’S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental ri3S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: (’all: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Horse pasture and stalls, 846-7015. 68tl6 Small trailer, one person, close to TAM U, 846-9334. 82t2 EKTACHROME PROCESSING & DUPLICATING FAST barker — 1 ' pnotoarapfiy DELIVERY NORTHGATE HELP WANTED 1970 MGB-GT hard-top, good condition, 845-5918. 8014 ’55 Chevy 2-door, 283, column standard, 845-5579. 80t4 For Stile: 1973 Toyota pick-up, excellent condition. Call 846-2450. ,81t2 For Sale: 1967 Jeep Wagoneer, fully equipped for off road. Call 846-2450. " 8112 6.5 Falcon standard, 846-8151. 1975 Ford LTD 2-door, low mileage, tilt/cruise, AM-FM. Call after 5, 822-2164 . 81& 15’ Lone Star fiberglass boat with galvanized trailer, $400. 846-8979. 80t8 Hilltop Lakes Choice corner lot. Make offer on equity. Expense-paid weekend for inspection. 846-1688. 80t4 MR. GATTI’S is looking for additional versatile entertainers: guitar, banjo, pianist, singers, duos and groups. We are also offering a cash award plus contract for the formation of a “Mr. C. Ragtime Band. II you have talent and would like to audi tion. call 846-4809 for appointment Sell your used air conditioner to White’s Auto Store or trade on new Catalina home appliances. FOR SALE OR RENT SPECIAL NOTICE Portraits taken at the Freshman Ball may be picked up in Room 216, MSC starting Friday, February 27. BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn RN needed for 3-11 and 11-7 shifts. Part time or full time. Call or come to Grimes Memorial Hos pital, Navasota, T\. Ask for Mrs. Winklemann, 825-6585. 29tl» If you have never heard the mountains singing, or seen the trees of the field clapping their hands, do not think because of that that they don't. Ask God to open your ears so you may hear it, and your eyes so you may see it, because • though few men ever know it, they do, my friend, they do. — McCANDLISH PHILLIPS BIBLE CLASS 9:30 «.m. SUNDAY 10:45 a.m. tad 8 p.m. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL By VIR ANDERSON Manning a booth at livestock shows with conventional bad coffee, corny dogs and smelly chickens is part of the job of Roger Miller, co ordinator of centennial activities for Texas A&M. In an interview last Wednesday, Miller said the reason for presenting a centennial exhibit on A&M to the crowds at fat-stock shows in Texas is “a way to tell the people of Texas where their tax dollars are going since this is a tax-supported institu tion.” The exhibit consists of a three- panel backdrop and two cubicles containing mounted photographs and a narrative on A&M’s origin and history. It also includes a slide show with tape-recorded narration on A&M as it is today. Miller said that in addition to these two features of the exhibit, someone is at the display at all times to provide current enrollment in formation, catalogs and general in formation on A&M. “We re certainly not trying to re cruit new students, but, if there are any high school students there in terested in A&M, we can answer their questions,” Miller said. The display at the Fort Worth Stock Show was right across a curtain from the poultry exhibit. Miller explained. He said besides the smell, roosters who were on diffe rent time schedules crowed all day long. Miller said the range of people who stopped at the exhibit was “un believable.” He encountered “ev erything from two or three people asking when the results of their soil samples would be returned to talking to 6- or 7-year-olds who were diehard Aggies.” The exhibit is scheduled to he at other shows and events in the state, such as an oil show in the Midland- Odessa area. Miller said he and Tom Nelson, who is field director for the Associa tion of Former Students, haul the ■■■ Photo courtesy ol Kevin Roger Miller exhibit to shows in a univeri owned van, set it up and take It managing it. Miller said liis travel expensesiMi Sij paid for out of a centennial activitiB. account and Nelson’s expenspADe covered by the Association.'Ber5 Former Students. The centennial exhibit, which at San Antonio’s stock showliij week, is now being display through March 7 at the Houstonfi| Stock Show. It will then he sented at the stock showinSal Angelo from March 10-14. |ocia MS( Is; Today in A&M history Ags vote for volunteer corp 315 N. Main — 846-6637 Hubert Beck. Pastor Need decorator to work part time. 15-20 hours weekly. Apply in person at Star Furni ture, 3400 E. 29th St. See Mr. Hayes, Monday-Thursday, 1-5 p.m. sou ROOM FOR RENT Service For All Chi vsler Corp. Cars Body W ork — Fainting HALS ELI , MOTOR COMI ANY INC. Dodge Sab ‘s and Service Since 1922 1411 Ti “8as Ave. — S23-S11 1 Private room for rent upstairs with three girls. All TAMU students. Kitchen privileges. Large home, 5 minutes from campus. Will con sider pet. Call 846-5694 after 5 p.m. Slt3 Addressers wanted Immediately'. Work at home — no experience necessary — excellent pay. Write American Service, 1401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 101, Arlington, Va. 22209. 72t30 WORK WANTED Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. Yardwork done. Dependable student. 845-5666. 781.': ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bed room furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. 1V4 miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co.,' .823-0934 or after 5, 846-8145 or 822-6135. 33tfn WANTED Riders east, 822-4066. APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE 3200 South College 823-7506 Reserve your apartment now for the Summer or Fall Semester before the prices increase. We Will Show You a Wide Selection of Apartments in the B-CS Area. OUR SERVICES FREE TO YOU Cynthia Jensen 779-2047 Murray Sebesta 693-8950 Jenny Pitts 846-1924 J. Glenn - Broker LOST The LaSalle. a resident Hotel FACULTY, STAFF, POST-GRADS: Do you need a quiet, dignified place to live & study? Room and board: $ 250 go month new owners new management Today is Thursday, Feb. 26, 1976, the 39th day of the spring semester. There are 72 days until Final Re view, 78 days until the last final exam. On this date in 1969, the Aggie basketball team, coached by Shelby Metcalf, won the Southwest Confer ence championship lor the first time since 1964. On this date in 1965, A&M stu dents voted in favor a non- Includes private room w/bath, all utilities, 3 meals daily served in our coffee shop & dining room, linens & daily maid service. A/C - steam heat. Owner/Live-ln Management. La Salle Hotel 120 S. MAIN BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 713/822-1501 Interested in advertising or P. R. Get your start as chairperson for the Residence Ha)! Assoc. Public Relations Committee. Call or come by RHA office, Rm 216 MSC, 845-1515. Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize in Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jeweiry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 compulsory Corps of Cadets andu ftaiiic restricted co-education. pV On this date in 1935, a colfe|® rill R wide snuff dipping contest wasi nounced. Favored in the compfij tion was cadet “Hoss Face I and his buddy Steve, an employe I the Mess Hall. They were report to dip from same can. ‘The Blue Angel in HECC tonigli! m it 9:e Josef von Sternberg’s 1929 CM film, “The Blue Angel,” willli shown tonight, at 7 p.m., in HECC 108. The film, a story about tin doomed romance between club singer and a stern, schoolmaster, stars Emil Janninf and Marlene Dietrich, in the roll that made her a star. It is m Germs with English subtitles. Admission free, hut a $1 donation tocovercoS L / of the film rental will he appreciated F town iwn A&f r Ft )ike oche Cl Lost 3 rings in first floor men’s restroom, MSC. Two tur quoise, 1 high school ring. Johnny Rodriquez, 823-5213. Reward. Gold Geneve 845-5954. .'atoll, front of MSC. Reward $25. Call 81t3 Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $1.49 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 AM to 1:30 PM — 4:30 PM to 7 PM ■□□□■aaciaociB ■■■■aaoonaBR BOBBOBBaOBOa SALES • SERVICE . w?*.' ■ “ ff* V‘V.<r v >”• v RENTALS MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY SPECIAL EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Chicken Fried Beef Dinner Steak w/cream Two Cheese and Gravy Onion Enchiladas Whipped Potatoes and w/chili Choice of one other Mexican Rice Vegetable Patio Style Pinto Beans Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Tostadas Coffee or Tea Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable ALLEN Oldsmohile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 /upTnamL Sill' Eddie Dominguez'66 Joe Arciniega 74 Greg Price Battalion Classified Call 845-2611