The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 1976, Image 3
THE BATTALION TUESDAY, FEB. 10, 1976 Page 3 n| nent ^ $50 as fion on you buil overnnieJ lobal Power in change '/liscussion of SCONA Students encounter signature-seekers ie Student Conference on Na- think tlui l Affairs XXI will take place on &M campus Feb. 11-14 with leme, “Global Power in Transi- ’ The following is a list of events Pie University Center: Wednesday, Feb. 11 ip mouse V y> ^ ormer Chairman, ITT Africa and Middle '■‘Tlie Global Corporation as a World Power. ” m Thursday, Feb. 12 10:45 A.M. Theatre Iqbal Akhund, Pakistani Ambassador to the United Nations on “The Increasing Global Influence of the Third World.” 8 P.M. Theatre William E. Schaufele, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Dept, of State on “The Increasing Strength of the Third World —The United States’ Response” Friday, Feb. 13 10:45 A.M. Theatre Admiral Noel Gayler, Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet on "The Post-Vietnam Status of the United States as a World Power.” 4:45 P.M. Theatre Dr. Kenneth Frick, Agricultural Conservation and Stabilization Service on “United States Agripower in World Politics.” Saturday, Feb. 14 11 A.M. MSC Ballroom Dr. Charles Burton Marshall, Professor of Interna tional Politics, The School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University on “U.S. Power in Transition.” ight on UT campus results rm Iranian students arrest Alight broke out last Friday at The ersity of Texas at Austin after a discussion of Iranian political mers. ording to the UT student paper, The Daily Texan, the in- it ended with the arrest of two an students. e students were members of the Ian Student Association (ISA) h protested the appearence of eza Baraheni, a visting univer- rolessor. Baraheni, now a poet, atbnner Iranian political prisoner. Iflaims that he was tortured dur- his 102 days of captivity. ISA hers claim Baraheni is a berofSAVAK, the shah’s secret PS le fighting started when a lographer was accused of work- for SAVAK by ISA peers. Her e wiera and purse were taken from |Hby two male Iranians. ^Police chased the two men and leded in tackling and handcuffing h after a brief fight. They were In to University police headquar- land then to the Austin Police ^-je lartment. Fifty ISA members fol- kd, protesting the arrest, irk 0.11 [ The Committee for Artistic and Intellectual Freedom in Iran (CAI- FI) sponsored the panel discussion centered on exposing reported rep ressive conditions in Iran. Panel members included Baraheni, Ar mando Guiteriez, University gov ernment professor and CAIFI ad viser; Mickey Leland, Houston State representive and Kate Millett, feminist author. Baraheni was imprisioned after being accused by SAVAK of radicalizing Iranian youths. After re ceiving international pressure, the Iranian government released him. Baraheni now tours and speaks on the shah’s suppression of civil liber ties. Baraheni said that the United States government is the main force backing the shah’s regime. “Ameri cans should know that they’re sup porting a government that tortures intellectuals, writers, artists stu dents, poets and religous leaders.” In 1953, a CIA-backed coup helped to place the shah into power. Millett said that, “It’s hard for Americans to emotionally under stand a society run by fear where people just disappear... It’s an abso lute monarchy with no permissible expression of dissent or opposition.” “The CIA taught the regime all of their torture methods,” she said. About one-third of the 500 member audience were members of the ISA. They repeatedly disrupted the disscusion by hissing, chanting and calling Baraheni obscene names. University of Texas professor Dr. Naim Bezirgan stood up to say, “I’ve been the adviser and supported ISA for years, and I must say that I am ashamed of them. As of this minute I resign as their adviser.” "/upTnamk* Eddie Dominguez ’66 Joe Arciniega '74 Greg Price Petitions are being pushed at people as they wander through the Memorial Student Center. About a week ago petitions to allow former Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter on the Texas primary ballot were being circulated. The petitions were given to any one who volunteered to seek the wanted signatures. The volunteers were instructed to tell students they weren’t backing Carter. The purpose of the petition is to allow another candidate to appear on the election sheet. A second petition available for sig natures calls for the release of Georgi Vins. Vins was imprisoned in the Soviet Union for preaching the Bible throughout the area of Kiev. He is currently imprisoned in Eastern Siberia’s Yakustak district. The petition is sponsored by the Christian Prisoners Release Interna tional, a part of the Underground Evangelism. “I’m trying to sell the release as a human rights move rather than a political or religious issue,” Thomas said. The petitions have room for 25 signatures per sheet and will be sent to the Soviet Embassy in Washington D.C. “What we re try ing to do is get people to write their representatives, senators and the embassy demanding that the Soviets live up to their constitution, which guarantees freedom of religious worship.” “Get it on with Suzuki” New Dealer’s Aggie Special Special Price 1976 Price 1975 TC-100 $595.00 $692.00 1975 TS-185 $795.00 $945.00 .. .and many more specials! SUZUKI SPORT CENTER 2609 S. College Bryan 822-9439 ;ite onn he SSI | ute toi i rid andi r. roofisap ey engii -craft uni ut General. Campus Briefs is I’" 1 " , „l liol*! .•hoot •bool ye* .,teM ling- ^ ..rrJl BID for earthquake-shattered luatemala is being assembled at l&M by the International Students nation. More than 17,000 have died in the Itral American disaster, and most Ivors have fled cities to escape Ikened structures, ike group is asking for a wide var- of materials for relief, specifi- food, clothing and medical dies. Money contributions will iccepted. Contributions may be taken to the jmational Student Office in the A VALENTINE Day Dance is ned for Saturday night at Texas m. It will be from 8 to midnight in SC 224-26. exas A&M students will be ad- Ited for 25 cents per person. TOP ADMINISTRATORS from as state agencies, colleges and liversities will explore energy con- tvation techniques at A&M on ;b 17 in the MSC at 9:30. The Texas State Agency Energy onservation Conference will imine ways in which state agen- es can decrease their energy con- imption levels. Participants include directors and |sidents of the largest state agen- , colleges and universities, which unt for 90 per cent of the energy sumed by the state government. Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — < All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 5:30 846-5816 A CENTENNIAL-themed Brazos County A&M Club meeting with Dr. Henry DethlofF is planned Feb. 18. Author of the three-volume his tory of A&M, Dethloffwill talk about his work and autograph books for members at the meeting. It is scheduled for 7 p.m. at Wyatts Cafeteria. Required reservations may be made by calling Hesta Mulloy at 846-1223 or 846-7578 between 8 and 5 Monday through Friday before 5 p.m. Feb. 16. If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned ... We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location; 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 A.&/H STUDIO 303 WILLOW BRYAN Serving the Aggies for 30 years. SAVE ON SPRING SPECIALS 1-11 x 14 WALL-SIZE COLOR PORTRAIT ONLY $8.95 Regular $29.95 Value 1-8 x 10 COLOR PORTRAIT ONLY $6.95 Regular $22.95 Value One special per person. Groups slightly higher. CALL 822-6377 FOR APPOINTMENT Fast service on passports and job applications. Specials may not be used with any other A&M Studio offers. „ l iy% "".Dali IV 1 i I f HE 'till CHARLI'S BOUTIQUE A)7 TEXAS 846-9626 ALL YOU CAN EAT BUTTERMILK PANCAKES and COFFEE 9Vv GETTING HUNGRY PUTTING IN THOSE LATE NIGHT STUDY HOURS? HERE'S AN OFFER THAT WILL FILL YOU UP. NOW OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY (^j^) International House of Pancake: ■ ^P...for many good reasons - 103 N. COLLEGE COLLEGE STATION UNIVERSITY SQUARE — Are You Really Ready for the Campus Recruiter? Unless I miss my guess, you are not! I say this because most job appli cants are not really ready to face and handle the single most important hur dle in getting a job — the employment interview. And I know, because I have spent my entire working life in personnel, in dustrial relations and employment. I have interviewed thousands of ap plicants from recent college graduates to top executives, and I will say flatly that the interview is by far the most important aspect of getting the job you want. But most people don’t know the first thing about how to really handle the interview. It is easy to see why. Employers do not go out of their way to reveal the real techniques they use in selecting employees. And most people have not done enough interviewing to truly understand the interview. Practically no one is aware of the psychology in volved. I have written a book you will want if you are going to interview for a job. There has never been a book like this one! There have been many books written for employers, to assist interviewers. But few have been written which ad vise the applicant on how to handle the interview. And there have been no books writ ten for job applicants which revealed the secrets that personnel men and other interviewers have used for years — until now! I have written a book which reveals the real qualities employers seek. It describes the subtleties of the psychol ogy involved and the techniques you must employ to turn this psychology to your advantage. Most applicants blow the interview either because they do not know what the employer is really seeking or be cause they blunder into a trap and commit a fatal error. I have seen practically all of the mis takes an applicant can commit in an interview. And while some are worse than others, I will tell you that some are fatal to your chances. In fact there are seven fatal mistakes to avoid at all costs — if you commit one of them, your chances to get the job you want are over. You will learn the seven fatal mis takes and much more. But this book does not simply contain lists of “do’s” and “don’ts. ” It zeroes in on and reveals the positive and con structive things you must do to finesse the interview. It reveals the most powerful ingredi ents known in handling the interview, to convincing the employer you are the one for the job. You will learn the six secret steps to turning the psychology of the inter view in your favor. The six steps are not tricks. They are dynamic and powerful principles and actions you will utilize — and they work! I call them secret because not one applicant in one hundred is consciously aware of them. And all employers re spond to them! You will learn the pressures which apply to the interviewer and how to use these pressures to your advantage. This book reveals the interviewing strategies used by employers across the country. It demonstrates the tech niques required to counteract these strategies and explains why these tech niques work. This information is vital, for it is sim ply not enough to be qualified or to be a good employee. You must be good dur ing your interview! Employers do not necessarily hire applicants with the best qualifications, but they do hire applicants who best present their qualifications during the interview. Furthermore, employers do not hire on the basis of scientifically proven or totally objective criterion. They hire people who impress them. You can impress the interviewer and you can convince him you are the one for the job. But you can do it only when you know how. You can acquire mastery of the interview, but only when you know what you’re up against. You must know the pitfalls to avoid. You must know specifically what the interviewer is looking for and you must give it to him. You will learn this and more: • Special tips for the college senior • Qualities to project which impress every campus recruiter • How to handle the “killer ques tion,” the one question most appli cants do not handle • Specific questions asked in inter views and specific answers which work • How to place the interviewer in proper perspective • How to handle the salary problem • How to handle psychological test ing • The Seven Fatal Mistakes to Avoid At All Costs • The various types of interviews and the secrets to handling them • Preparation for your interview • Sample resumes and cover letters • The secret steps to take in turning the psychology of the interview in your favor • Unique difficulties faced by the ex perienced applicant and how to cope with them • The dominant aspects of the inter viewer’s job which affect his psy chology and his assessment of ap plicants • Many other helpful ideas to assist you in getting the job you want If you are to get the job you want, you must convince the employer you are the one for the job. You do this in the interview. You will want to read and re-read this book. When you apply the princi ples revealed here, you will be utilizing the most powerful techniques known in mastering the interview and getting the job you want. Send the coupon in now. I believe you’ll be convinced this book is every thing I have said it is. Bank Reference: Mr. Russell Archbold, President Fayette Bank & Trust Co. 536 Central Ave. Connersville, Ind. 47331 Registered With: Connersville Chamber of Commerce 111 West 7th Street Connersville, Ind. 47331 r David Knight I 13 Dorsett, Dept. 531-B l Connersville, Indiana 47331 Send me your book, “How To Interview For That Job And Get It!” I Enclosed is my check or money order for 10 dollars. I understand I may I examine the book for 10 days. If I return it — FOR ANY REASON — , within that time, you will mail my full refund immediately. □ Please send , First Class — Air Mail. I enclose an extra dollar. I (please print or type) , NAME 1 ; i ADDRESS I I CITY .STATE. .ZIP. © 1976 David Knight