The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 1976, Image 1

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    (G proposes change in name, number
anging the name of Student Govern-
to Student Association and decreas-
( le number of senators from 70 to 50
tht major revisions proposed by a
jniher Constitutional Review Com-
"g anci
& (Committee met Saturday and Sun-
e ’j ff ev * ew student body constitu-
llwas the first convention to meet
•lient-BLjobcr of 1972.
" Bd the revised constitution be ac-
[ the senators would have only
jc representation.
llarify the role and purpose of the
Student Government is the reason behind
changing the title,” said JefFDunn, student
body president.
“We are not a government and we simply
want the students to understand our posi
tion as an association. ”
Raj Kent, vice-president of academic af
fairs, proposed the title change.
The proposal decreasing the number of
senators and the elimination of representa
tion, did not pass as easily as Kent’s propo
According to the revision, on and off-
campus living area representation would
no longer exist.
Under the present dual system, there
are 40 student senators elected on the basis
of college representation and 30 elected on
the basis of living area representation.
“Dual representation is a more feasible
and logical program because there’s a bet
ter diversity in the cross representation,”
said Donny Payne, committee member.
Kent disagreed and explained how im
practical the living area method is because
two-thirds of the students live off-campus.
This makes effective representation by the
senators difficult.
“There’s no way to effectively distribute
representatives to the off- and on-campus
living areas,” Kent said.
According to the motion, the number of
senators per college would be based upon
the percentage of the student body en
rolled in that college during the fall semes
ter, with each college being allotted at least
one senator.
If possible, within each college there will
be an equal number of sophomore, junior,
senior and graduate student representa
tives. Any remaining representatives
would be elected at large. When all four
classifications cannot be represented the
senators would be elected at large within
the college.
“The reason for the meeting,” said
Duane Thompson, chairman of the com
mittee, “was to update the present con
stitution because of the many changes that
have occurred within the structure of the
Student Government.
“Also, the committee felt it was neces
sary' to reword it in order to make it clearer,
so that any new student could pick up the
constitution, read and understand it,”
Thompson said.
The requit ed grade-point ratio of a stu
dent senator was lowered from 2.25 to 2.0.
“There is no correlation between grades
and a student’s performance in the Student
Senate,” said committee member Tom
Minor deletions and word changes made
up the majority of the committee’s 50-plus
The revised constitution will be pre
sented to the Student Senate for its first
reading tonight at 7:30 in Harrington 203.
The senate will make its final decision on
the constitution at its next session on Feb.
25. If any portion of the constitution is ap
proved by the senate, final approval will
then be decided by a student body election
March 11.
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Vol. 68, No. 72
College Station, Texas
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1976
uatemala death toll increases
millions remain homeless
Grand jury expected
to return indictments
Associated Press
TEMALA CITY, Guatemala —
nan a sixth of Guatemala’s popula-
N fts reported homeless today as the
•ip atdeath toll from the earthquake last
fopped 17,000.
1C esident Kjell Eugenio Laugerud told
Jiats that the count of casualties in last
pyrrr lesday’s earthquake had risen to
132 dead, 54,825 injured, 221,994
crcfioies destroyed and 1,034,441 of the na-
ipme’s 6 million people homeless.
It was the worst recorded disaster in
Central American history.
Relief supplies from many nations flowed
into Guatemala City and on into the stric
ken countryside.
There were complaints from many
localities but “distribution of relief supplies
is far better coordinated than in any other
recent disaster I can recall,” said Brian
Moss of the U.S. Foreign Disaster Relief
, I
Epidemic strikes,
expected to linger
The flu is affecting A&M students
|n epidemic proportions. Dr. Claude
joswick said Monday night.
Goswick said that the students
started showing up last week with
fhe fever, sore throat and muscle
pain that are symptomatic of the flu.
The Health Center physicians,
^aw as many as 500 students in one
lay last week. Goswick said that he
expects the sickness to linger for a
few more weeks. He hopes that pro-
jfessors will accept the excuse that
students have been sick and allow
[them to make-up quizzes.
There is little that students can do
to prevent catching the flu because of
the close proximity in the classroom
of students and its air-born nature,
he said.
It’s the season for flu, Goswick
said, and the unpredictability of the
General care for the flu is to take
aspirin to bring down the fever and
stop the muscle pain, drink plenty of
fluids and get lots of sleep, Goswick
Visitors are asked not to come un
less a person needs something be
cause of the number of patients in
the ward.
Col. Guillermo Echeveria of the national
relief committee, said 100 armed troops
were sent into four villages Monday to con
trol food distribution.
“There have been disturbances but no
thing serious,” he said, denying reports
that a helicopter crew was attacked and all
the craft’s cargo of food stolen at San Andres
Itzapa, 50 miles north of Guatemala City.
Laugerud met with the diplomatic corps
to discuss additional aid.
Moss said U.S. government aid so far
totals more than $1.5 million and could
reach $5 million.
Private U.S. relief agencies have com
mitted more than $13 million in short-term
aid, a report from Washington said. The
U.S. Embassy said these organizations
have already delivered 47 tons of food and
11 tons of medicine.
Authorities started a program of mass
vaccination against typhoid and tetanus
throughout the 30,000 square miles of
stricken area. U.S. military experts worked
to get water mains functioning again and to
purify contaminated wells and cisterns.
Another strong earthquake was reported
Monday afternoon in the Pacific Ocean off
Mexico. It was not felt in the closest towns
on the Mexican coast although it gave Rich
ter Scale readings of 5.5 to 6.2. The big
quake in Guatemala measured 7.5.
Associated Press
AUSTIN, Tex. — A holdover Travis
County grand jury was expected to return
at least two more indictments today against
Senate Secretary Charles Schnabel.
The strongest allegations remaining
against Schnabel involve the purchase of a
hi-fi set for his Capitol office and the use of
“volunteer” work by five Senate employes
to type “heat sheets” at the Texas Relays.
Beth Beto, daughter of former pr
Popcorn, boiling water
return to legal status
Dorm residents may again pop corn and
boil water legally.
Director of Student Affairs, Charles
Powell, banned all cooking in the dorms
two weeks ago. However, he said that he
would be receptive to any alternative plans
that the Residence Hall Judicial Authority
might propose.
Last Friday, the RHJA, with the ap
proval of the Residence Hall Association
members, submitted a proposal to Powell,
which was accepted and issued to all resi
dents and resident advisors Monday even-
The proposal states, “The only
enclosed-heating-element appliances to be
used are electric percolators arid popcorn
poppers. Electric percolators may be used
for the sole purpose of boiling water to
make only the following items: coffee, tea,
hot chocolate and instant soup mixes. Pop
corn poppers are to be used for the exclu
sive purpose of preparing popcorn. ”
“The confiscation of illegal cooking prop
erty for a specified period of time” was the
recommended penalty for violations of the
policy as stated in the proposal. “In case of
second-offense violators, the individuals
shall be referred directly to the Area Coor
— Gale Kauffman
director Dr. George Beto, reportedly says
she never received a $184 supplemental
paycheck in 1971 when she worked in
Schnabel’s office. The hi-fi set cost about
that much.
The five Senate employes all had worked
overtime for which they were not going to
be paid, and Schnabel reportedly offered
extra pay for those who worked at the re
lays. Four made $50 each for 6 V2 hours, and
the fifth worked both days of the relays and
earned $92.
The state called eight witnesses before
the grand jury Monday tocomplete presen
tation of its evidence in the Schnabel case.
Schnabel decided not to testify before
the grand jury, sources have told The As
sociated Press, for two reasons: the grand
jury cannot rescind the three indictments it
already has voted against him, and since
the jury refused his plea to testify prior to
returning those indictments it is unlikely to
be sympathetic to anything he has to say.
Smith declined to say whether the grand
jury was looking att anyone besides
Schnabel and former Senate Print Shop
supervisor Alex Martinez for possible in
“It is an autonomous body. I wouldn’t
want to predict,” he said.
But he wouldn’t rule it out?
“No.” Then he paused and said, “I
wouldn’t want a great number of people to
get paranoid over it either.”
He said there was nothing to rumors the
grand jury might be considering indicting
31 persons. “I don’t know where they (re
porters) got that number,” he said.
There are 31 state senators.
Schnabel fired Martinez last Sept. 15 for
allegedly stealing state paper. On Sept. 22,
he filed a complaint against Martinez and
Penni Stoner, an Austin woman with whom
Martinez says he had only a “casual” rela
Frank J. Smith III, a Senate employe
Schnabel is accused of working on
Schnabel’s farm on Senate time, says the
relationship between Martinez and Miss
Stoner was “purely sexual.” Her attorney
twice declined to allow her to be inter
Martinez was among the witnesses who
testified Monday.
Others included a bank employe, who
brought records of Schnabel’s personal
checking account, and Doug Richnow,
former head of Senate Media Services, now
with the State Bar of Texas.
Richnow was one of four Senate
employes who went to Arkansas to pick up
canoes for Schnabel allegedly on Senate
time. All of the employes reportedly had
“comp” time coming when they made the
The grand jury indicted Schnabel Dec.
30 on one count of official misconduct and
two counts of theft.
'arst testifies
atty claims £ death threat’
Associated Press
FRANCISCO — Weaving a chil-
pga of fear and degradation, Patricia
Jt says her Symbionese Liberation
kidnapers forced her to embrace
ent revolution and enslaved her mind
I the belief she would never escape the
ist underground.
fighting back tears. Miss Hearst finally
[her story to the world Monday in tes-
jiy at her bank robbery trial. It was a
I'e account of weeks in darkness, sex-
sault, months of living with the recur-
hreat of death and a night of watching
i of her most vicious tormenters die in
tifying with the jury absent, she said
k part in the robbery only out of fear
jath and said she never surrendered
ause remaining SLA members
itened to stalk her for the rest of her
she did. She was captured last Sept.
Nowhere to go
ith a whispy voice that was barely au-
| at times, the pale newspaper heiress
ight was futile as two surviving SLA
hers continued to carry on the legacy
D wiose who died — to imprison her
l^yer in a mental dungeon.
■here could I go?” she asked several
Ses, saying the SLA convinced her that
ihad been abandoned by her family and
®t|the FBI wanted her dead,
iss Hearst renounced all her taped
^nuniques from the SLA as products of
don, disclaimed her celebrated love
lain SLA member Willie Wolfe as a
1 and said she was forced to help rob a
; and later tell a teen-ager that she
1 freely.
hey told me I would be killed, ” was
simple direct explanation of many of
actions. She said she was threatened
death “hundreds of times.”
liss Hearst, 21, took the stand at a spe-
■hearing at her bank robbery trial as the
icnse sought to suppress all evidence of
er movements after the April 15, 1974,
Be robbery.
the teen-ager to whom the defendant
tedly confessed, Thomas Dean Matth-
was scheduled to be the first witness
^Pphe prosecution today in its attempt to
ince U.S. District Court Judge Oliver
J. Carter to let the jury hear a tape of Miss
Hearst and young Matthews’ testimony.
Under questioning from chief defense
attorney F. Lee Bailey, Miss Hearst said
SLA members William and Emily Harris,
now awaiting trial in Los Angeles, kept up
the barrage of intimidation after six SLA
members were killed in a fiery shootout
with Los Angeles police on May 17, 1974.
Reflex actions
She admitted under cross-examination
by U.S. Atty. James L. Browning that she
sprayed a sporting goods store with gunfire
a day earlier to allow the Harrises to flee a
bungled shop-lifting attempt.
She called it a reflex action from repeated
SLA indoctrination on how she should act
in a given situation.
dent Ford view Washington and the
federal government similarly. Page
were arrested in Austin when a fight
broke out after a panel discussion
about political prisoners. Page 3.
National Affairs schedule is an
nounced. Page 3.
A UT COMMITTEE has recom
mended that students pay for the
newspaper and that refunds be al
lowed as means of protest. Page 4.
tonight in a key SWC battle. Page 6.
are no longer given by Texas A&M.
Page 7.
day and Wednesday is mostly
cloudy, warm and windy. Winds
are from the south at 15 mph,
gusts to 25 mph. Tuesday’s high,
79; tonight’s low, 68; Wednes
day’s high, 77.
Asked by Browning if she had felt good
about aiding the Harrises with her gunfire,
she replied, “It did not give me any feeling,
it happened so quick, I did it without even
thinking. ”
She said the Harrises ordered her to tell
Matthews that she had willingly joined the
SLA and freely participated in the bank
robbery. If she failed to follow their instruc
tions, she said, “they told me I would be
Miss Hearst spent four hours on the
stand Monday, and quietly implicated
nearly a dozen persons in her underground
odyssey, some dead, most still alive.
She said the April 24, 1974, taped com
munique in which she boasted of her role in
the bank robbery was written by SLA
member Angela Atwood.
During cross-examination. Browning
handed her the brown-barreled, sawed-off
Ml carbine she had wielded in the bank
and asked if it was her weapon. She said it
was, holding it with both hands and basing
her identification on v “the stock and the
Asked if the weapon was loaded during
the robbery, she replied, “I believe it was. ”
Bailey objected at that point but was over
ruled, and the defendant later said she
Miss Hearst sat emotionless through
much of the testimony, sipping water from
a styrofoam cup and occasionally waving
her right hand softly in the air as she made a
She startled the courtroom twice,
perhaps most dramatically with her decla
ration that she had been sexually assaulted
by Wolfe when she was kept blindfolded in
a closet for several weeks after her Feb. 4,
1974, kidnaping.
She said her June 7, 1974, taped eulogy
of Wolfe and the other SLA members who
died in the fire was written by the Harrises.
In the tape, she proclaimed her love for
Wolfe, calling him “the gentlest, most
beautiful man I’ve ever known. ”
Sexually assaulted
On the witness stand, however, she por
trayed Wolfe as callous.
Choking back tears. Miss Hearst said
Wolfe accosted her in the closet a month
See Hearst, page 5
Senatorial duties take
priority over campaign
John C. White
John C. White, Lloyd Bentsen’s presidential campaign man
ager, spoke in the MSC Monday night on the necessity of
cooperation between banking interests and agriculture.
Alien Bird
Presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen
may limit the number of states where he
will campaign, but he wants to stay in the
race for the presidency, his campaign man
ager, John C. White said.
In an interview last night at the Memo
rial Student Center following his speech to
some 200 bankers and agri-businessmeri.
White, Texas commissioner of agriculture,
said that he had talked to Bentsen around
noon yesterday.
“He has to make a decision whether to
spend more time campaigning or to spend
more time in the Senate,” White said.
Bentsen feels his Senate duties may be
more important than time spent campaign
ing, White said. Bentsen was veiy upset by
the defeat of the Krueger bill which would
have de-regulated natural gas prices.
“Bentsen recognizes the fact that he lost
votes over his support of the Krueger bill
which called for an increase in natural gas
prices,” White said.
“We don’t regulate intra-state gas, there
fore we are paying more for gas in Austin
than people in the east,” he said.
White supported Bentsen in his belief
that we all must share equally in the cost of
natural gas.
In defense of Bentsen s poor Oklahoma
showing, White said that he thought
Bentsen had done well for only three days
of campaigning.
“Being a Texan is a disadvantage in Ok
lahoma,” White said.
“Considering he was running against
Wallace and Carter, who had campaigned
there for years, Fred Harris, aformer U. S.
Senator from Oklahoma, he did well,”
White commented. Bentsen won two of the
six congressional districts in the race.
Asked if he thought Bentsen would lose
face if he withdrew from the presidential
race. White said that was not realistic.
“Jackson and Reagan both have run sev
eral times, not to mention the non
candidate, Hubert Humphrey," White
“Texas needs national leadership. We
need people like Bentsen who can speak for
us,” he said.
— Kathy Young