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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1976)
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 1976 SENIORS- -GRAD STUDENTS ♦FORESTRY *ANIMAL SCIENCE *AGRONOMY * AG ECONOMICS Peace Corps representatives will be on Campus Tuesday, February 3rd, to talk with you about opportunities overseas with the Peace Corps, starting May and June. Sign up now for an interview Packet at these locations: and pick up your Interview AG ECONOMICS: FORESTRY: 101 Ag. Building 120 Forestry Building Ms. Gaiser Ms. LeNoir ANIMAL SCIENCE: AGRONOMY: 213 Animal Industries Bldg. 102A Agronomy Building Ms. Williams Dr. Milford Consumer check A comparison of grocery prices v\ “Consumer Check’ will be a bi weekly feature of The Battalion this semester. Prices of items students are most interested in buying, such as books, drugs, auto service and banking service, will be compared. This week College Station grocery stores were polled according to spe cific brand names. Although some of the food stores had other brands or sizes of the product, a “not available” (N/A) will still appear on the chart if our specification was not stocked. No sale prices are included. Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED ATTENTION!!! THE MSC LANES ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW PRO SHOP, WITH ALL TYPES OF EQUIPMENT FROM TOWELS TO BOWLING BALLS. IF YOU’RE REALLY INTERESTED IN IMPROVING THOSE SCORES, COME AND SEE OUR LINE OF EQUIPMENT. -also- WIN A FREE BOWLING GAME! BEGINNING JAN. 31st, THE MSC LANES WILL HAVE “RED PIN” BOWLING. WHEN THE RED PIN IS IN THE HEADPIN POSITION, NOTIFY ONE OF THE EMPLOYEES. IF YOU MAKE A STRIKE, HE’LL GIVE YOU A FREE GAME. TIMES FOR RED PIN BOWLING WILL BE: A.M. - 2 P.M. 1-4 P.M. 4-7 P.M. 3-7 P.M. Charlie’s Grocery Sak-N-Pak 7-11 Spin ’N’ Market U-Pak-Mj N Grocery Item (Northgate) Fed-Mart Lewis & Coker Piggly Wiggly (Southgate) (Holloman) Skaggs -Albertson’s (Harvey Highway) (FM 60' 1 1 head lettuce N/A .39 .53 .49 .45 .59 .34 N/A N/A 1 1 gallon milk (cheapest homogenized) 1.39 1.55 1.61 1.59 1.99 1.45 1.19 1.49 1.79 1 can Campbell’s chicken noodle soup .29 .20 .22 .23 .25 .29 .21 .27 .23 1 dz. Ig. eggs .98 .85 .87 .93 95 .97 .86 1.15 .99 1 lb. baking potatoes N/A .25 .25 .33 .25 .37 .34 N/A N/A l-Vz lb. Buttercrust sandwich bread .50 .47 .49 .49 .50 .50 .49 .50 .45 1 lb. ground beef (70% lean) N/A .69 .95 .89 N/A N/A .85 N/A N/A 18 oz. Peter Pan peanut butter 1.29 .93 .99 .97 1.15 N/A .78 N/A 1.09 1 lb. can Del Monte green beans N/A .34 .31 .39 .37 .49 .36 .45 .35 11 V 1 lb. Parkay margarine (4 sticks) N/A .45 .59 .57 .65 .85 .55 .75 .59 1 6-pack Lone Star beer 1.79 1.49 1.69 1.65 1.75 1.95 1.39 1.75 2.00 0 RO Starkist tunafish (6-V2 oz.) .89 N/A .59 .56 .73 N/A .59 .81 N/A Kraft sliced cheese N/A Q___ (16 slices) N/A 1.75 1.27 1.46 1.49 N/A 1.23 1.53 w MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES MANOR EAST MALL No Discount No Discount Daily: 7:30-9:45 Daily: 7:20-9:35 They’re hot See JAWS ^ First! yjk\ xiffi A PGl -SUDT K H>0 XTBCf FOB YDUNGa>OaUM» ‘1.50 First Hour mmm Daily 5:45-7:35-9:25 NOT SINCE LCVE STORY- $ HI ‘THE BUST RcynoiDs OTHER SIDE ohhemme Deneuve 7Kb M OF 1 HE -HUSTU^ J^gjjj MOUNTAIN' AUNIVERSAl PICTURE • TECHNICOLOR • S*?! B.O. Open 6:30 West Screen Skyway Twin 822-3300 Fea. At 7:00 East Screen “IN SEARCH OF BIG FOOT” Plus “CREATURE WITH BLUE HAHDS” “TORSO” , x Mm* “TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE” Call For Times CampilS 846-6512 COLLEGE STATION $1.50 1st. Hour Nurses Report’ (X) Plus Made in Sweden’ (X) MANOR EAST MALL Texas at Villa Maria DEPARTMENT STORE “SAVE A BUNDLE" Remember the old, Cash and Carry, money saving trick? Buy a pizza at the Commons Snack Bar and eat it there or take it anywhere you wish. Prices are right, and the pizzas are great. Before Valentine’s Day Special Hamburger Pizza 1-29 Sausage Pizza 1-29 Pepperoni Pizza $1.29 OPEN Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. “QUALITY FIRST” ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE 'Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Come To Diamond Country Sankey Park Diamond Salon 21 3 s. MAIN DOWNTOWN BRYAN Engagement Rings ^ Wedding Rings iitmont /i (u.sirrftf WANT AD RATES One clay 10c per word Minimum charge*—$1.00 Classified Display $1.65 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must he pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication BATTALION CLASSIFIED! OFFICIAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Arias Manotti, Adolfo Augusto Degree: Ph.D. in Physiology of Reproduction Dissertation: INDUCTION OF OVULATION AND ESTRUS IN THE POSTPARTUM COW BY USING PROGESTERONE. DETERMINATION OF PROGESTERONE IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD. Time: January 26, 1976 at 1 :(X) p.m. Place: Room 402 m the University Library George VV. Kun/.e Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Khan, Mohammed Badruddoza Degree: Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering Dissertation: MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF DECISION MAKING IN REAL ESTATE CON TRACTUAL NEGOTIATION Time: March 2, 1976 at 2.30 p.m. ’ Place: Room 301 in Zachry Engineering Rldg. George W. Kun’ze Dean of the Graduate College I bedrom, furnished house in country 22 miles from campus. Place for horse, $1(X) month plus utilities, 272-8493. «st2 Must sub-lease one bedroom fur nished apartment with balcony. Pool, shuttle, very close to campus, quiet ABP, $185. 846-3819. Furnished apartment. Good lor 2 bovs, $90. ‘A utilities paid, 846-5132. fit),8 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 hud- room furnished apartments. Reads for occupant's IA miles south of campus. Lake fpr,.fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 5, 846-8145 or 822-6135 33tf,; Restaffing, taking applici I now. Waitresses, hosle bus boys and dishwashen shifts available - part timf full time. Apply in person betv 2 & 5 p.m. r a clvtson of 103 N. College Avem No phone calls pleasel OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TEXAS A6cM l MVKHSITV STUDENTS FOR SALE In the past, cert ain information has In cn made pi blic In Texas A&M Un versitv as a sen ice t< .students. 1 unilies and other intert •stud individuals. Under the Fan il\ Educational Rights and l’ri\ ae Act ol 1974," the folio' ving directory information max b ■ made piihlic unless tl e student desires to withold all or any portion of it: Students name , address, telephone listing. <1. te and place of birth, i lajor f ield of studv . p otic,pat,on in ulii- cially recognize d activities and spor s, dates ol atten- dance, degrees uul awards receiv ed, a id the most reeent previous educational aijenev or instil it ion alien led In the student. Any student wi.x ling to withold anv or all of this a Ibrtna- tion should fill 0 it, in person, theappre ipriate lorn . a\ .al able to graduate students at the Grach ate College and to undergraduate students at the Registr. r s Olltce. , o later than 5:00 p.m.. Tuesday. February 3 1976. Edwin II. Cooper Dean Admis sions and l< coords Texa. A&M Uni ersity ATTENTION SHUTTERBUGS: Century 2 A \ 3 A Graflex with case and all equipment. Exact a II with portrait lens and extension tidies. Revere 44-1 Man ual projector and Federal enlarger. Collectors item, make offer. Ph< • 846-6660. SNOW SKIER SPECIAL Kneissl Red Star Racer Skis, 195 cm. w/bindings, $150. Volkl Zebra Skis, 190 cm. w/bindings, $100. Lange Competi tion Ski Boots, men’s 8M, $125. 823-3096 6616 FULLTIME POSITION AVAILABLE PSYCHIATRIC IN PAT 1 UNIT CONTACT: DIRECTOR HOSPITAL SERVICES 822-7326 Eil CENTRAL BRAZOS VAIJ MENTAL HEALTH CEN MR. GATTI’S SPECIAL NOTICE 1970 Dodge Coronet, blue, white v inyl, 846-4571. 64t4 HP-65 with hard case. Security Cradle, Math Pack I, and 2 extra batteries, $650. 845-2873. 64t4 MEN AND/OR WOMEN: DOES YOUR JOB PAY $20,000 yearly?.Start part time $300-500 a month. When well-trained begin full time earning $20,000 yearly. Call 846-9414 after 5:30 p.m. 66t4 Sears gas stove, $150, 846-7174. ’73 Triumph GT-6, extra clean, $3000 firm or will con sider trade. 845-5028, 596-6331. 64(5 is looking for additional versalil tainers: guitar, banjo, pianist,? duos and groups. We are alsool cash award plus con tract for tW tionofa“Mr. G. Ragtime Band have talent and would liketoa* Sell your used air conditioner to White s Auto Store or trade on new Catalina home appliances. Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Both Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales ami Sen ice Since. 1922 fill Texas Axe. - 823-8111 Amarillo Texas A&M Club hits scholarships available and requests interested Sophomore and Junior students from Amarillo-Canyon area inquire: c/o James Wilson 65, President, 501 W. 9th St., Amarillo, TX. 64t4 ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES! Orders for Graduation Announcements will be taken beginning February 9 thru February 27, at the Student Finance Center, Room 217, Memorial Student Center, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 to 4:00. FOR SALE OR RENT BELAIrt Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots 0 822-232(T or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn FOR RENT Horse pasture and stalls, 846-7015. 59t9 Sublease large, one bedroom, furnished. Friendly com plex. Close TAMU. Pool, hills paid, $220. Kirchner, 845-6335, 822-1480. 65(3 EXPERT WATCH HAPPY COTTAGE Gift Shoppe 809 E. 29th 3 blocks from City National Bank SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 ■ □□□■aBOQOCll □ □□EHSBBODQQB BBBBB BOO Dill BOBBOBBaOBElB SALES • SERVICE RENTALS