keep on doggiri. BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE ALL SOCKS 30% OFF SELECTED HANDBAGS 25% OFF India Print Leathers & Carpetbags of America SELECTED SHOES 20% to 60% OFF Baretrap Diesse Cherokee Sandler of Boston . . . and more! Rhala’s Shoes E. 29th 846-1148 SPECIAL! Stovepipe Sandler of Boston Boot ONLY $35.20 Fee recommendations set THE BATTALION THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 1976 Page 3 Committee trims requests Preliminary recommendations for use of Student Services Fees were decided last night by the Student Fee Allocation Committee. The committee made cuts in 10 of the 13 student organization re quests. Following the philosophy of send ing the general student body the committee pared a requested total of $1.15 million to $1 million. The committee removed the fund ing for the student lounge located in the Old Exchange Store Building from the Student Service fees cate- — - — * .t.gory completely. ARTS COMMITTEE POETRY AND FICTION WRITING CONTEST “We’d be setting a precedent of funding the operation out of services fees,” said Joe Marcello, committee member. He recommended that op erational money be taken from vend ing machine profits. “The Athletic Department total student money request is $444,000, ” said Raj Kent, student vice- president of academic affairs. Only $120,000 is requested from the ser vice fee fund. “Looking at last year’s budget, a 20 per cent increase would amount to $360,000. The sale of 20,000 season tickets at $15 and giving the depart ment $60,000 in fee money would total $360,000,” said Kent. “We’ve got to keep a high level of women’s athletics funding going under the threat of HEW, ” said Bill Flores, committee chairman. “The Athletic Department is also starting substantial payments on Caine Hall next year. Another athletic fund, extramur als, took a substantial cut. “There are only 1,000 participants, and those teams represent A&M no more than the minimally subsidized judging teams, said Kent. “There is money in equipment ac- m Entries close Feb. 13, 1976. For details contact The Arts Committee, Room 216, MSC 845-1515. Student .Service Fee Allocations Committee Preliminary Recommendations ORGANIZATION Athletic Department 1976-77 REQUEST $120,000 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION $ 90,000 $ 12,926 Student Activities & Student-Y Student Publications JUSTIFICATIONS FOR CHANGES Gradual change-over to usej s fee. Total student expenditures not to exceed 20 per cent increase. Over-stalled. Delete filing cabinets and move graduate assistant to Arts and Crafts. Cut OPAS ticket subsidy and add a fall program. Poor attendances and expected 1975-76 surplus. Expected surplus, tightening of spending. Accepted as requested. Limited student involven participation in fund raising. Estimated limited by available facilities. Accepted as requested. Drop in income because of declining readership in fidl 1975. M Accepted as requested. Funding from serv ices fees precedent stopped. Coke counts which hasn’t been touched, and travel could easily be set at 5.5 cents per mile, said Kent. They requested $35,338, and the recommendation is set at $18,000. Intramurals’ request was slashed because the committee found a 40 percent increase in competition and use of faclities a physical impossibil ity “there isn’t going to be any in crease in hours of operation and facil- tities are being used at maximum now, said Marcello. Intramurals asked $227,489, and the recommendation is set at $180,000. The Battalion asked for $90,000 and the recommendation is $77,000. The student legal advisor fund was cut from $47,735 to $47,000. The cut was made by deducting money from membership fees for professional as sociations. The rest of the money is directed toward hiring another at torney and a part-time secretary. Town Hall was cut from $60,000 to $55,000. “Subsidizing the few stu dents who attend OPAS would prove to be an ineffective use of funds, said a committee member. The com m i t tee recoin n lend ed that student government receive $20,000 of Student Service Fee funds. Appeals will be heard tonight at 7:30 in MSC 203. The final recom mendations will be taken before the Student Senate at their next meeting Feb. 4. The budget must ultimately travel from the vice-president of stu dent services office to the president’s office for final approval. SG officers scheduled for TSA meeting Student fees, student regents, and book co-ops will be discussed at the Texas Student Association’s Eastern Mini Conference this weekend in Beaumont, Texas. Members of the Texas A&M Stu dent Government will join members of other student governments to at tend workshops on different pro grams the association (TSA) is work ing on. The legislative process will be the topic of the first workshop of the re gional conference at Lamar Univer sity. Chester Slay, Jefferson County State Representative, will discuss lobbying and some of his bills that affect students. The pros and cons of student members serving on university boards will also be reviewed, and in cluded in this discussion will be the legislation proposed in past sessions of the Texas Legislature. A compari son of student fees will take place between schools. The A&M Student Government along with student associations from approximately 15 other universities in Texas comprise TSA. It was formed primarily for the purpose of disseminating information regarding plans, programs and services be tween the different student govern ments. TSA’s most important function, Dunn said, is lobbying in Austin for issues and legislation that affect stu dents. Some of the bills TSA has supported in the past are student re gent bills, financial aid bills and bills concerning student control over ser vice fees. Texas Instruments New SR-5IA SuperSlide-Rule Calculator DISCOUNT PRICE SR51A $104.95 SR50A 68.95 SR16II 39.95 255011 42.95 Plus $2.50 Shipping By Air Mail Texas Resident 5% Tax SEND MONEY ORDER OR CASHIERS CHECK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Other Models Also Available DISCOUNT CALCULATOR SALES P.O. BOX 30392 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 PHONE 214-691 -0215 3801 E. 29th SIZES 3-13 SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! This Saturday, January 31, the Clothes Horse is putting its spring merchandise on the racks. 60-day layaway plan also THERE WILL BE SEVERAL RACKS OF MERCHANDISE REDUCED 20% to 50% Town & Country Shopping Center 846-2940