The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 23, 1976, Image 4

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    Page 4
Arms limitations talks
FRIDAY, JAN. 23, 1976
Progressing but no agreement
Associated Press
MOSCOW — Secretary of State
Henry A. Kissinger ended his talks
with Soviet leaders today and flew to
Brussels after reporting “significant
progress” in nuclear arms negotia
tions but no breakthrough to an
Congressional hearing
to he held on campus
Dr. John C. Calhoun, Texas A&M
vice president for academic affairs,
heads a list of witnesses scheduled to
appear at 10 a.m. Monday at a con
gressional public hearing on a bill
proposing establishment of regional
environmental research centers.
The hearing, postponed on cam
pus last fall, will be conducted in
Rudder Conference Center 301 by
the House Science and Technology
Subcommittee on Environment and
Atmosphere. The bill was authored
by U. S. Rep. Olin Teague (D-Tex.),
committee chairman.
Chairing the subcommittee hear
ing will be Rep. George E. Brown Jr.
(D-Calif.). Also in attendance will be
Reps. Larry Winn (R-Kan.) and
Charles Mosher (R-Ohio).
Appearing with Calhoun at 10
a.m. will be Dr. John Neuhold of
Utah State University. At a 2 p.m.
session. Dr. George W. Reid of
Oklahoma University and Dr. Carl
Marienfeld of the University of
Missouri-Columbia will testify.
“Some very interesting new
Soviet ideas have been introduced,
Kissinger said as he went into a final
session on the Middle East, Angola
and other trouble spots with Foreign
Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. “I
think good progress has been made. ’
Gromyko also told reporters that
there was “movement forward on
several matters.”
Kissinger emphasized that he was
talking about progress toward a new
arms limitation treaty and not about
Angola, which Soviet Communist
party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev
brushed aside in his sessions with
Kissinger. But the secretary of state
said a report by John Scali, the
former U.S. ambassador to the
United Nations, that Kissinger
might resign because he couldn’t
The Texas Instruments SR-50
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at prices you can
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Texas Instruments
slide rule calculator
Performs all classical slide rule functions —simple arithmetic,
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Features an algebraic keyboard with single function keys for easy
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Most functions process displayed data only —allows separate
processing of data before entry in a complex calculation.
Memory allows storage and recall of numbers, features sum key for
accumulation to memory.
Calculates answers to 13 significant digits; uses all 13 digits in
subsequent calculations for maximum accuracy.
Computes and displays numbers as large as ±9.999999999 x 10 !,! ' apd
as small as ±1.000000000 x 10
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is greater than 10"’or less than 10 _ "’.
• Performs operations in the order problem is stated.
• Features bright 14-character display— 10-digit mantissa, 2-digit
exponent, 2 signs.
• Display provides overflow, underflow, and error indications.
• Features the following function keys:
L+J Addition Key
I - l Subtraction Key
DC Multiplication Key
LjtJ Division Key
i = I Equals Key
; ce Clear Entry Key
□C Clear Key —Clears information in the calculator and sets the
calculator to zero.
Texas Instruments
slide rule calculator
■ Performs logarithms, trigonometries, hyperbolics. powers, roots,
reciprocals, factorials, linear regression, mean, variance and
standard deviation.
Features an algebraic keyboard with dual function keys.
Three user accessible memories permit storage, recall, sum,
product operations.
Preprogrammed to provide 20 often used engineering conversions.
Random number generator, automatic calculation of permutations,
automatic percent and percent difference computation.
User selected fixed or floating decimal point.
Calculates answers to 13 significant digits and uses all 13 digits
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Computes and displays answers as large as • 9.999999999 x 10'”'
and as small as + 1. x 10
Automatically converts answers to scientific notation when
calculated answer is greater than 10"'or less than 10
Features bright 14-character display— 10-digit mantissa with sign,
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Display provides overflow, underflow, error indications.
Lightweight, fully portable.
Rechargeable batteries or AC operation. H ffe
Full year warranty.
AC Adapter/Charger included.
.sro Store Key —Stores the displayed quantity in the memory.
f RCL J Recall Key — Retrieves stored data from the memory.
Sum and Store Key —Adds the displayed number to the number in
the memory, and stores the sum in the memory.
persuade the Soviets to end their
support of the Popular Movement
(MPLA) in Angola was “ridiculous. ”
Later, at the airport, Kissinger
told newsmen, “We settled some
important issues which will be
passed on to the nuclear treaty
negotiators at Geneva. We made
good progress on other issues.
“The Soviet side introduced some
significant new ideas last night which
we now have to study in Washing
ton, and we will come back with an
answer in a few weeks — two or
three weeks.
And we, on that basis, expect to
continue to make progress.”
Kissinger said he did not want to
set a target date for reaching another
arms control agreement. But he said,
“I believe that conditions exist to
move toward an agreement.”
News Briefs
chance to vote on the impeachment
trial of Judge O. P. Carrillo today
after attorneys present the final ar
guments on two of the impeachment
Senate deliberations are to begin
after the final arguments — probably
after noon. If Carrillo is acquitted , or
if he is not disqualified from holding
public office, the trial will continue
with Carrillo to be tried under other
impeachment articles.
TERRY SANFORD, former gov
ernor of North Carolina and a Demo
cratic Presidential candidate, is
scheduled to hold a news conference
today. There is speculation that he
he will be the first of the 11 Demo
cratic candidates to drop out of the
race. An associate has said that the
former governor may end his cam
paign in New England but remain in
the North Carolina primary.
Meanwhile, a newspaper has re
ported that California Gov. Edmund
Brown Jr. has decided to enter his
state’s Democratic presidential pri
mary. But a spokesman for the 39-
year-old governor said Brown has
not made up his mind yet.
THE SEMINOLE Indian tribe
has agreed to sell Florida to the fed
eral government for $16 million.
About 300 members of
voted overwhelmingly yesfe
accept the amount as compo
to the 4, (KM) to 12,000 mode
Seminoles for 32 million acre!
covering almost the entires
1 a f
A LEBANESE army spoljnyv
reported a 75 per cent de-<
on all battle fronts today.
An official spokesman saidfe
rian government, the autlio:l|j (
peace plan that all the waniS
tions accepted yesterday, ifiLi,
sured President Suleiman fy
that the Palestinian gnerril lUS:
entered Lebanon to help lit
Moslem Lebanese aga®
right-wing Christian fighten
be withdrawn.
P P (
Pi Key — Enters the value of pi ( «• ) to 13 significant digits into
L-*Y-j Change Sign Key —Changes the sign of the number displayed. •
L*ij Square Key —Squares the number displayed.
Square Root Key — Finds the square root of the number displayed.
fW] Reciprocal Key — Finds the reciprocal of the number displayed.
r»71 Factorial Key — Finds the factorial of the number displayed.
Li'A Sine Key— Determines sine of the displayed angle.
cos Cosine Key— Determines cosine of the displayed angle.
[* an: Tangent Key — Determines tangent of the displayed angle.
lace] inverse Trigonometric Key — Determines the angle of the selected
trig function whose value is the displayed quantity, when pressed
as a prefix to the sin, cos, or tan key.
Typ 1 Hyperbolic Function Key — Determines the hyperbolic function of
the displayed angle when pressed as a prefix to the sin, cos,
or tan key.
|Q7R; Angle Change Key —Converts the displayed angle from radians
to degrees or from degrees to radians.
l lo « I Determines the logarithm to the base 10 of the displayed number.
rin* Natural Logarithm Key — Determines the logarithm to the base e of
the displayed number.
l** e to the x Power Key — Raises the value of e to the displayed power.
fxU y to the x Power Key — Raises y to the power of x.
I‘^l x lh Root of y Key — Finds the x ,h root of y.
[*S0 Exchange Key— Exchanges the x and y quantities in y x or before
the function is processed.
Full floating decimal.
Lightweight, fully portable.
Rechargeable batteries or AC operation
Full year manufacturers warranty.
AC Adapter/Charger included.
In the
One day
10c per word
Minimum charge—$1.00
Classified Display
$1.65 per column inch
each insertion
ALL classified ads must be pre-paid.
3 p.m. day before publication
In the past, certain information has been made public by
Texas A&M University as a service to students, families
and other interested individuals.
Under the “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
1974,” the following directory information may be made
public unless the student desires to withold all or any
portion of it:
Student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and
place of birth, major field of study, participation in olli-
cially recognized activities and sports, dates of atten
dance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent
previous educational agency or institution attended by
the student-
Any student wishing to withold any or all of this informa
tion should fill out, in person, the appropriate form, avail
able to graduate students at the Graduate College and to
undergraduate students at the Registrar s Office, no later
than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 3, 1976.
Edwin 11. Cooper, Dean
Admissions and Records
Texas A&M University
1 bedroom, furnished apart
ment, excellent location. Prefer
university personnel. Married
couple or young man. For par
ticulars, please call 822-6668.
room furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. IMi
miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on
grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co .
823-0934 or after 5. 846-8145 or 822-6135. 33tfn
One bedroom trailer, close to campus. Air conditioned,
furnished, available now. 693-4652 Indore 9 p.m. 60t4
SERVICES 822-7326
Furnished apartment. Good for 2 boys, $90. Vi utilities
paid. 846-5132. 6Gt8
Horse pasture and stalls, 846-7015.
Service For All
Chrysler Corp. Cars
Body Work — Painting
Dodge Sales and Sen ice Since 1922
1411 Texas Ave. - H23-hlll
1972 Honda 750-4 1973 Honda 350-4
Both have windshields, fairings, front &
rear safety bars. Luggage racks, saddle
bags, & floorboards. In excellent condi
tion — original owner.
Jim Moreland Hilltop Lakes, Tx.
Hilltop Dr. & 713/855-2382
Bermuda Ln.
R\ needed for 3-11 anl
shifts. Part time or full tinJ
or come to Crimes Mel
Hospital, Navasota, Is.
Mrs. Winkleinann, 825-f
Orders for Graduation Announcements will be taken be
ginning February 9 thru February 27, at the Student
Finance Center, Room 217, Memorial Student Center,
Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 to 4:00.
’70 Ford Cortina, 2-door, good condition. New tires.
$650. 846-0635 after 6. 63t4
No use driving and hunting — just see
Cowan’s White Auto Store, North Gate.
We have it: auto parts, home appliances,
hikes and repair, home needs and lawn
Two ail' coiulitioners.' Carppf phTs'pnd. 822-5:
Earn While You Learn.
Part Time, Contact Wd
fords Extra Income. Fa
pointment. Call 693|
Weekdays, 7-9 p.m.
Mobile Home Park
5 minutes from campus
Swimming: pool, TV cable, all city
utilities, large lots.
822-2326 or 822-2421
Get the Best for Less
Roommate needed. Private bedroom in
large trailer, $75 a month, all bills paid.
No pets. Call 845-7551 between 8 and
5. Ask for Bruce.
Call 693-3648 after 5.
Female student needs 2 female
roommates to share 3 bedroom
home. Near A&M. Fenced
yard, all bills paid, $80 a month.
Need male trailermate for two bedroom trailer house. $60
per month. Contact Holiday Mobile Park No. 49. 63t3
Two male roommates. $80 month. All bills paid. Briar-
wood Apartments, No. 246. 693-8013. 61t3
Male roommate needed at Plantation Oaks, No. 564,
2 female roommates needed. Briarwood, rent $65, Jan.
paid. Brenda, 693-9403. 62t6
Bryan Manor
500 E. 31
Bryan 822-2019
• 12 month lease
• 2 bedroom
• whirlpool bath
• lauhdry facilities
• covered parking available
resident manager, apt. 110
is looking for additional versatile enter
tainers: guitar, banjo, pianist, singers,
duos and groups. We are also offering a
cash award plus contract for the forma
tion of a “Mr. G. Ragtime Band.” If you
have talent and would like to audition.
call 846-4809
for appointment.
AMF Head tennis
parking lot beti
USDABldg. andCrof
Phone 845-46
Woman's watch. 1-18-76, 846-2372. Bewari|
Now accepting applications for
waitresses at the Bryan Pizza
Hut, 2610 Texas Avenue.
Apply in person.
Embrey’s Jewelif
We Specialize In
Aggie Rings.
Diamonds Set-
Waiters or waitresses, 5-10 p.m. 3 days a week. 3-C
Corral, 1808 Barak Lane. See Larry Lawless. Apply in
All types watch/jewelf
Aggie Charge Account
Waitress wanted. Possible $3 to $5/hr. Inquire at
Sports Club, 846-2415. 59t9
Must sub-lease 1 bedroom, furnished* Pool, shuttle, bills
paid, $220. Kirchner, 845-6335, 822-1480. 61t3
Call: George Webb
Farmefcs Insurance Group
3400 S. College
Zenith Sales and Services
TV Rental
713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133
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Exercise Rooms
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Ttfliere your friends
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1201 Highway 30 (713)693-2933 (713)693-3014)