The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 23, 1976, Image 2
r Page 2 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, JAN. 23, 1976 '...ANb HeBvL TO T£LL US ALL PfiOUT THAT N\FTY LSTTSA " B" IS OUR OLD FR\£ND, mo "sseR noMSTeR"! houdX ^\ddos! dis is da ->RPr BEER tAONSTeR COfAI/T . PTC HA WIT' A STORY o o B6RN\£ Bof\€.ld Bought BiZARRe B6AN5 BentMC. 806 BR€LUKS B£AD BAf\)R. BetNO BOReD B6R|\JI£ BReUJeD BIG BATCH ''BIZARRG BBArO BROTH.' 1 "BLCCH!'' BBRNie BGLU0W6D „ "BLAU BeVCRAGCS BBL0IM6 BURMtb! BUT 80RM6D B€ANS 8<LCAAe BILLOWIM0 BLOBS, BATHl/UG B£RIM\£S BASerwiwr BL\NDIN6LY Black. BeRNtc (bring basically BRIGHT') BOUGHT BARCELONA BADGERS BECAUSE BA06LRS BITE SLOBBY BURNED) B6AN BROTH. v tjiiuijiiM'»iii f SfcAiu S r u i )\ \bboth j Blahs! ! |KU-a| I J But 8£cauS£ Barcelona BADDORS B£UeVO 'BOUT "BOPxU- BADGG.R BROTHCRHOOb'', BOTH Bee am Been ho Bbrmvc qrutallt. BRUlSeb BADlY, seRone Bio e>tc-by6. vK Ai WASM'T oat OOOO, KID DOS? NOW 60 BU6 YOUR HOMRY FOR A BeeR. AMD \F SBC WOM'T 6\VC Ya OMe , HOl'B Yoor BReATB Till YA torn) Bluo! works eveRY Ti/pei Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New of the ivriter of the article and are not necessarily those of the ^ork City, Chicago and Los Angeles. university administration or the Board of Begents. The Battal- The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is published in College ion is a non-profit, self-supporting enterprise operated by stu- Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods. Sep- dents as a university and community newspaper. Editorial teniber through May, and once a week during summer school policy is determined by the editor. Mail subscriptions are S16.75 per semester; $3.T25 per school year; $35.(XI per full year. All subscriptions subject to 5% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. LETTERS POLICY The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all news Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are dispatched credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of , , iiii .n ,,,, . , spontaneous origin published herein. Rights ol reproduction ot all other matter subject to being cut to that length or less ij longer. The editorial herein are also reserved. staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does not guaran- Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. tee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone number for verifica- MEMBER * l0n ' The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room Editor James Breedlove 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Managing Editor Roxie Hearn News Editor Pam Whigham Members of the Student Publications Board are: Bob G. Rogers, Chairman; Dr. City Editor Jim Peters Gary Halter; Dr. John Hanna; Roger P. Miller; Dr. Clinton A. Phillips, Jeff Dunn, Contributing Editors Sandy Russo, Steve Gray Tom Dawsey and Jerri Ward. Sports Editor Paul McGrath Director of Student Publications: Gael L. Cooper. >»2< v&k. yme:. Next Tuesday FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURE Tuesday, Jan. 27 Library Room 226 7:30 p.m. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION INCREASED MENTAL CLARITY FROM DEEP REST FOR MORE INFORMATION 846-7992 <♦> ■<«< mm mBC: m&yss& mf* I I I i i i i i i President selected by Former Students Attorney Mayo J. Thompson has been elected president of Texas A&M’s 67,000-member Association of Former Students for 1976. Texas A&M’s Centennial-year As sociation president has law offices in Washington and Dallas. Thompson is a former Houston attorney & former member of the FederalTrade Commission. Elected program vice presidents were Lawrence D. White of Fort Worth, activities; John A. Mobley, Austin, community affairs; Harvey Cash, Dallas, fund raising; Doug G. Kaspar, Shiner, high school pro grams; Robert A. Miears, Houston, membership, and Jack M. Rains, Houston, public relations. The 1941 Texas A&M graduate succeeds John W. Caple, Fort Worth businessman and 1952 A&M graduate. Chosen president-elect for the university’s anniversary year is Dr. John M. Knox, chairman of the Baylor College of Medicine’s Der matology Department in Houston. Knox completed studies here in 1946. Regional vice presidents are Raul B. Fernandez, San Antonio; Charles H. Weinbaum, Beaumont; Robert Smith, Dallas; Harry L. Ledbetter, Austin; J. C. Raney, Midland; John H. Bone, Albuquerque, N. M., and Rafael A. Urdaneta, Maracaibo, Venezuela. CRAFT SHOP SPRING WORKSHOPS Jewelry, macrame, weaving, kite making, tatting,^ cake decorating, leaded glass, painting, chair canine repair, dip & drape dolls, silkscreen, watercolor, laj bread dough, sand terrariums, crochet, needlepoint BF REGISTRATION BEGINS JANUARY 26, 1976 11:00 a.m. CRAFT SHOP, MSC 845-1631 The new Association of Former Students leaders are due here Feb. 13-15 at the winter council meeting. Anniversary Celebration We’re rolling back our prices. Just for you. Prices good from Jan. 15, 1976 thru Jan. 24, 1976 Shampoo Haircut Blowdry $2.00 off reg. price Uniperm and Haircut $30.00 short $35.00 long. Color Highlighting - does not include frosting & bleaching $12.50 short $17.50 long. We have six operators for your convenience Call or come by: Above Kesami Sandwich Shoppe 331 University Drive Happy College Station, Texas New Year 713/846-7614 ■ 77840 AGGIES! Douglas Jewelry offers Student ID Discounts! 'ftpjjUjjp 401. WF i(9fil!!nil5k>3«K' birW) !iS SsSsi '/2^ I 15% off of $ 50 00 or more 10% off of under ’SO 00 CASH PURCHASE ONLY nmmi 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 V RLM/f - SfM . DOWNTOWN BRYAN Positions Now Available APPLICATIONS FOR MSC PRESIDENT AND COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN ARE NOW BEING TAKEN IN THE MSC STUDENT PROGRAMS OFFICE , RM. 216 OF THE MSC. ANYONE MAY APPLY. DEADLINES PRESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS - JAN. 26 CHAIRMEN APPLICATIONS - FEB. 9 /tep into the m/c circle Feal Proc Direi Set* $ / pq ^ l{fhE UIWUA CoopoAl* Jj* HISC )AI