Page 4 .THE BATTALION FRIDAY. OCT. 31. 1975 Oldest human fossils in Africa Associated Press WASHINGTON — The oldest known fossil remains of man’s an cient ancestors have been disco vered in a dry river bed in East Af rica, scientists announced Thurs day. The fossilized teeth and jaw hones of 11 individuals have been accurately dated by radioactive isotope techniques at between 3.35 million and 3.75 million years old, they said. “These are good firm dates. They are now the earliest, firmly dated horn in id remains anywhere in the world, archeologist Mary Leakey told a news conference Thursday. Hominid is a general term for man’s ancestors. Senate approves loan for New York City Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Senate Banking Committee approved on Thursday a $4 billion loan guarantee bill for New York City, but the Ford administration reaffirmed its oppos ition to providing federal aid for the financially stricken city. The bill faces a threatened filibus ter on the Senate floor and a proba ble presidential veto if it survives House and Senate opposition. Treasury Secretary William E. Simon, appearing before a House economic stabilization subcommit tee, said New York City had not exhausted all possible sources of cash to stave oft bankruptcy. Simon suggested emergency funds could be obtained by raising the state sales tax from 8 to 11 per cent or borrowing money against municipal pension funds, proposals under consideration by Albany leaders. In Los Angeles, Ford told repor ters that the New York crisis should be a warning to all municipalities to manage their affairs properly. The loan guarantee was approved in the Senate committee by an 8 to 5 to vote. Sen. Robert Morgan, D-N.C., was the lone Democrat to vote against it and Sen. Bob Packwood, R-Ore., the only Repub lican to vote for it. Sen. John Tower, R-Tex., re minded the committee of Ford’s statement Wednesday that he would veto any “bail-out or loan guarantee to prevent New York City from defaulting on its obligations. “The fact is,’ Tower said, “there ain’t gonna be no loan guarantee legislation. You can talk about the horrors and gloom of default all day but the fact is the city’s going to default. Mrs. Leakey, along with her late husband Louis, has been a pioneer in the search for early man’s origins in East Africa. The Leakeys, who began their search as a young mar ried couple 40 years ago, had con centrated in the Olduvai Gorge reg ion of Tanzania. The latest find, first made last Dec. 26 and 27, was in a dry river bed in an area called Laetolil, which is 25 “bone-jarring miles” from Olduvai, she said. An expedition, sponsored by the National Geographic Society and headed by Mrs. Leakey, returned to Laetolil last summer for more fos sil collection and geological studies. Samples of the geological bed in which the fossilized teeth and jaws were found were sent to the Univer sity of California at Berkeley for radioactive dating. Results of the dating were com pleted in recent weeks. Mrs. Leakey said the fossils ap pear to represent the genus Homo, or true man, rather than the genus Australopithecus, a smaller apelike creature related to man. Experts now believe Au stralopithecus died off, perhaps one At Space Center The Varsity Shop Security measures tight for Sadat’s visit Friday Beatrice Alaya Associated Press SPACE CENTER, Houston — The tightest security measures ever ordered at the Johnson Space Center go into effect today for the visit of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, officials announced Thurs day. A spokesman at the center said that for the first time ever the home of America’s astronauts will be closed to all visitors during normal working hours. “At the request of the U. S. Secret Service, the Johnson Space Center will be closed all day Friday because of the visit of . . . Sadat and U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefel ler," announced public information officer John MacLeaish. The center, which attracts up to a million visitors and tourists annual ly, was never closed during past tours by U.S. Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon and by numerous other heads of state, including such contrpversial figures as Marshall Tito, the communist premier of Yugoslavia. Asked if he were told by the Sec ret Service why the center was or dered closed, MacLeaish said, “I can only assume it was for reasons of security, since that is their Secret Service charter." He said there were never any in cidents during the visits of two pres idents and a number of heads of state. The Johnson Space Center, lo cated about 30 miles south of Hous ton, is surrounded by a high, barbed-wire-topped fence and is patrolled by uniformed guards. Secret Service men prowled the grounds of the space center Thurs day, preparing for the visit of Sadat and Rockefeller. The security check included such chores as checking the inside of a lunar module on display to make sure no one was hiding there. Sadat and Rockefeller, accom panied by an official party of about 50, are scheduled to fly into El lington Air Force Base, near the space center, about 3:55 p.m. EST. They will go by motorcade to the nearby Space Center where they will be greeted by George Low, as sociate administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administra tion and by Christopher C. Kraft, director of the Johnson Space Center. THE PANTRY 3525 TEXAS AVENUE 846-6897 Natural Vitamins & Health Foods. 3715 EMrr 2f*f £T- Town* C+onbry Gw ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Fish vote, turnout light "/vpfnamba 31? ' Edaie 'o-ninguez Joe /-■ cmiega 74 Grej Price^ Elections were held Thursday for freshman class officers and senators. 816 of the 4,894 freshman class members voted. A senator for Krueger, Aston and Mosher was also elected. Ronald Lastovica was elected president with a total of 429 votes. Vice-President will be William Babb, elected with 450 votes and Randi Mays received 417 votes, electing her freshman class secret ary. A runoff election will be held Thursday between Michelle Marti and Toni Hymel for the office of tre asurer. Five freshmen were elected for the position of freshman class senator-at-large. They are Reagan Tower, Michelle Marti, Brad Wakeman, Bruce Gottlieb and Bruce Cummings. John Lynch was elected as senator for Krueger, Aston and Mosher. Ml) MMU la Mm y Wolher Alta SAVE A BUNDLE Remember the old, Cash and Carry, IJT'' money saving trick? <“JL • '••4 . A- Buy a pizza at the Krueger-Dunn Snack Bar and eat it there or take it anywhere you wish. Prices are right, and the pizzas are great. Before Thanksgiving Special Hamburger Pizza 1.29 Sausage Pizza ......1,29 Pepperoni Pizza $1.29 OPEN Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m.*1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. QUALITY FIRST” If yon .vant the real thing, not frozen or canned . We rail M "Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas loration-. 3071 Northwest Hwy. 352-857f Engineering Graduates, Aramco has a career for you in Saudi Arabia. The Arabian American Oil Company (Aramco) has exciting and challenging career positions open in several multi-billion dollar projects in Saudi Arabia. We are interested in hiring Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, and Petroleum Engineers with Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. degrees. If you will be graduating this Fall, Spring, or Summer, we would like to talk to you. Our Aramco Services Company representative will be on campus for interviews on Monday, November 3,1975 1976 AGGIELAND Class Picture Schedule SENIORS & GRADUATES Oct 27-Oct 31 Nov 3-Nov 7 Nov 10-Nov 14 L-0 P-S T-Z Nov 17-Dec 19 MAKEUPS FOR SENIORS AND GRADUATES Dress: Civilians — Coat and Tie Coeds — Optional Corps (Fish & Soph) — Class A Winter Corps (Jrs. & Srs.) — Midnights ALL STUDENTS SHOULD BRING THEIR FALL SEMESTER FEE SLIPS. Photographs are taken on a drop-in basis, 8-5 weekdays and 8-12 Sat. For further information contact University Studio. 115 college main* 846-8019* p.o. box 2•college station, texas 77840 BATTALION CLASSIFIED million years ago. He probably coexisted with Homo for perhaps 2 million years before disappearing for some unknown reason. Why one genus might have perished and the similar Homo genus survived to spawn modern man is unknown. Mrs. Leakey said she and her husband first visited Laetolil in 1935 and then again in 1959 without find ing any fossilized remains of man. Then in 1959 they discovered hominid remains at Olduvai Gorge and obtained National Geographic sponsorship the following year. They made more discoveries at Olduvai in succeeding years and their fame spread. Louis Leakey died in 1972, but his wife and a son, Richard, have carried on the search. One day WANT AD RATES 10c per word Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must he pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication FOR RENT ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. Oneandij , furnished apartments, heady lot occv^ftwv j s south of campus. LaVe for ftshitw,. YJasWett miles south of earn pus. LaVe for ftshin^. YJ&Wtt grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. h. H23-0934 or after 5, H4b-3059 or m-6135. ED :P I Join us W ~-*il r-,- neanlj VW, P* 1 cmprc, A Vlask^M ■ h. SPECIAL NOTICE Furnished apartment, 2 hovs, $45 each. Call^ 5132. RN's join your professional organiza tion now. Contact district 30 membership committee. 846-9096 24tl3 FOR SALE OR RENT Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Sen ice Since 1922 1411 Texas Are. — S23-M11 BELAIR Mobile Home Park minutes from cam TV i I utilities, large lota. Swimming pool, TV cable, pus all citr 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Beat for Leas 38illi HELP WANTED TUNE-UPS & MINOR REPAIRS AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE Datsun 4) Toyota # VW MOBILE METRIC MECHANIC 846-8213 Class of ’65 33t 18 Deadline lor refunds lor '76 Aggielands is Nos ember I. 1975. Bring lull *75 lee slip to Bin. 216, Heed McDonald Bldg. 2t5 GARAGE SALE LARGE GARAGE SALE MOVING An accumulation of 20 years Garage door, king size foam mat tress, mirrors, tools, electric appliances, etc. Sat.-Mon., Nov. 1-3 begins 8 a.m. 1510 E. 25th St. Bryan 608 Sovth Bryan Friday and Saturday Glassware, Depression Glass, Gas Heaters, Wood Cook Stove, Wood Heater, Bottles, Antique Iron Bed, Wash Pot, Dining Chairs, Wood Table, Mini-Bike, Old Oak Bed with Carvings, Clothes, Boots. Shoes. 36t2 3V Has the following openings: Typi«tt Receptiotiutt Secretii lie* Executive Secretaries BooLLee|>ers Managers Salesmen - salary plus commission Carj>enters Mechanics Saturdi Zachry at 12:3' f I Classi I puff l 300 AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7308 2008 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center FOR SALE MR. GATTI’S is looking for additional versatile enter tainers: guitar, banjo, pianist, singers, duos and groups. We are also offering] cash award plus contract forthefornu. tionofa“Mr. G. Ragtime Band.”Ify have talent and would like to audition call 846-4809 for appointment. HELP WANTED Apply in person at Pepe Taco, 3312 S. College Ave. SPEARMAN REALTY A REAL VALUE IN A HOME is wait ing at 1407 Holleman. 1377 square feet with three bedrooms, large utility room, a covered patio with gas grill. You’re on the bus route to A&M yet close enough to bike or walk. Gas lights front yard and back yard and a double garage. Spearman Homes built it three years ago. Spearman Realty would like you to see it. Shown by Appointment. Call Spearman Realty 822-1534 Marilyn Beverly 823-8445 Bob Bell 693-7519 RN needed for 3-11 and 1U shifts. Part time or full time. Cal| or come to Crimes Memorial Hospital, Navasota, Tx. Ask (j Mrs. Winklemann, 825-6585 m Night clerks wanted. CalfSaber Inn, 846-7755.1 Electronic parts salesmen, lull and part lime.n 4862. ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate needed. Male. Private room, all : - $83/month. 846-7176 after 5. LOST Mini-Bike $85.00, Lincoln Conti nental Classic $725.00, Winch Truck Headache Rack with Gin Pole Brackets $350.00, 4 Wheel Trailer $175.00. Phone 779-4361 Day or Night. 36t2 St. Bernard. Age: 9 months. San AngeU tags. Last seen near Hensel Apts. Rt-| ward. Call 846-6800 or contact city dog catcher. Lost medium-sized black and tan, male dog. Nil library, Oct. 22. 823-2144. 34tf| REWARD. Antique gold pin. Lost 22nd Sept & 6827. 331 I 600 T-SHIRTS $1 each. Assorted size & color 1303 Barak Lane Bryan WORK WANTED Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 846-1464 Typing. Experienced, Inst, accurate. All kinds.I 0544. IH 1 34t3| Typing. After 5:30, 6934)267. No use driving and hunting — just see Cowan’s White Auto Store, North Gate. We have it: auto parts, home appliances, hikes and repair, home needs and lawn Typing. Call Betty afternoons, 822-6977. WANTED /A Mobile borne, 12x60, 1 ‘A baths, IV2 lots. Cyclone fence. 125’ x 75’. 3 out-buildings. 822-4159 anytime. 36t4 Calculator H P.-45, like new. Call Mike 845-4265, Dunn Hall 423. 36t2 K Mart 8mm movie Him indoor type A, $1.00. 33t4 Soligar 400mm telephoto lens. Call 693-5043. 3413 WANTED Responsible Person or Couple to take care of our three children ages 5, 7, 11, in our home after) . p.m. dailv, Nov. 16-23. Call 823-0538. 1966 VW convertible. Needs work. Best offer, call 693- 3977 after 2 p.m. 35t3 Need four pairs of tickets toT. U. game. Phone 693-6H' No reasonable offer refused. SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmexs Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS We need full-time or part-time employees to work 5 days a week. Cashiers and counter work* 10a.m. 'til 3 p.m. 11 a.m.'til 5 p.m. 3 p.m.'til 8 p.m. 5 p.m.'til 10 p.m. If you need a fob and want to work we will arrangt tfw hours to fit your schedule. Must be neat and dependaMt. Apply in person only, if possible 9:30 a.m. 'til 11:00 a.m. Hourly wage is nagotiabla. WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Taxes Collage Station 105 Pominik noi Texas