Utah: Hi 'Nation in >a StateS Che Battalion Vol. 69 No. 36 Copyright (c) 1975, The Battalion College Station, Texas Friday, Oct. 31, 1975 IRIVED Farenthold voices opposition toward oroposed charter HAIR- m Associated Press Liberal leader Frances Farenthold fi lly has found something on which she can ree with Gov. Dolph Briscoe: neither ethe proposed new Texas Constitution. Mrs. Farenthold, twice an unsuccessful ndidate against Briscoe, wrote a former onse colleague, Hep. Bill Blythe, Houston: What a pity for the state, its people and future to have the proposed constitu- m, flawed in its conception, to be on the link of acceptance. Blythe released copies of the personal |ter, which concluded, "If this document repudiated in toto, efforts can begin to ve the drafting done by the citizens of I is state, where it rightfully belongs under | r system of government. Briscoe announced earlier this month lie iposes the new document, which will he mitted to the voters in a state-wide elec- n Nov. 4. Former Speaker Price Daniel,Jr., the iident of the 1974 Constitutional Con- Intion, said, however, that debt restric- us in the new constitution “will help arantee the financial stability of Texas ies and insure against fiscal collapse, ch as that which now almost daily faces :w York City . Sen. Peyton McKnight, chairman of a itewide group that opposes the new eon- tution, said “even the proponents of the pnient admit that it would “give the gislature much more power than it has They contend that this is good while ft believe that the people are better off to [tain for them selves such powers as that to termine the salaries of the legislature. [Speaker Bill Clayton, an advocate of the constitution, said the 10-year self- Jstnict clause for state agencies "brings more than 2(H) state agencies down so p'can look them straight in the ey es and He if they are performing their duties and if ^particular agency should continue to func- Dn. President C. David Evans of the Texas liminal Defense Lawy ers Association said | association poll showed 575 defense iwyers oppose the proposal to merge the )6 i ice, Roo 1 " Court of Criminal Appeals and the Sup reme Court and only 179 favored it of the association s approximately 1,100 mem bers. Evans said proposed revisions in the court system woidd result in a "judicial quagmire and additional millions of dollars of expense. ” A former State Bar president, Josiah Wheat, said, however, that adoption of the new judiciary article would “make it possi ble to hold down the cost of operating the judicial sy stem by spreading the workload more equitably. Former Sen. Walter Richter, the co ordinator for a Central Texas group favor ing the new constitution, said, "Annual budgeting should save millions simply by requiring more frequent projections of in come. In six of eight states that recently have taken up annual budgeting, Richter said, “there was actually a significant de crease in the growth rate of expenditures. Another former State Bar president, Leroy Jeffers of Houston, said, "I doubt that a state constitution has ever been de veloped in the history of our nation which has had as much public input, study, de bate, and discussion as the new Texas constitution. The new constitution, which I support in its entirety, is a people’s document, written in the peoples lan guage, that can he read and understood by the people. Rep. Ronald Earle, coordinator of a statewide organization supporting the new constitution, said the document “includes far more numerous and infinitely more reasonable restraints on the power of the legislature than the present constitution — including such provisions as the totally new prohibition against the legislature s ability to enact a sales tax on groceries on medicine, taxes which leading legislative opponents of the constitution voted for in 1969." Earle s group. Citizens for the Texas Constitution, released a statement saying the 500-member Texas chapter of the American Institute of Planners had en dorsed the new constitution at its conven tion in San Antonio. Student Academic Council Choice of profs survey discussed A survey, which will help set guidelines [lowing students to choose their professors Id times, was discussed at the Student pademic Council meeting last night. Of the 500 students interviewed, the iajority favored being able to choose both rofessors and times. Only 37 students fa- bred being able just to choose either pro- essors or times. The majority also favored selection of lofessor rather than selection of time if ply give the choice of one. In determining [e selection of courses, the majority voted rthe seniority system with majors getting prst choice. Under the present system, subject to lange, the computer is programmed to fill mrses on a first come basis. Each course ill be filled to a certain percentage of ipacity with openings remaining to give 1 students a cushion to fall back on during Id-drop. If a student did not get a certain rofessor, a certain time, or a certain ourse desperately needed, then the cush- )n would he filled to maximum enroll- lent. To aid students in choosing their profes sors, professor evaluations will be filled out by students during the week of Dec. 1-5, and will be published before spring regist ration. Three resolutions were also passed by the council. A resolution allowing students to obtain a double major at Texas A&M was passed unanimously by the council. Prog ram options would include substitution of second major requirements for electives of the first, basic requirements would have to he fulfilled in both major fields of study, and a notation on degree transcript. Credit for off-campus internships was another resolution passed. Such projects allow students to work off campus, with the approval of a faculty member. According to the resolution a student working at Baylor College of Medicine could receive credit hours for it. A ‘491’ Program was the last resolution passed. This resolution provides a research course for undergraduate students. Stu dents in this course would work on indi vidual research with the aid of an adviser. The grade would be on a pass-fail basis. Toy gun jolts Ford’s agent ■m - 7;;;. V n - j>nr ; r M H i 3 J L J l J v l i-JL _3 K jUJL_ Campus Vampires Dave Herrington (left) and Tom Vitek were among the spooks who turned out for the trick-and-treating Thursday night. among dormitory students Staff photo by Steve Goble OPAS GUILD BUFFET is scheduled Nov. 11 in the Rudder Tower at 6 p. m. The Pennsylvania Ballet will be the feature. Students with OPAS tickets may sent $5 to Mrs. Frank G. Anderson, Jr., 743 S. Rosemary, Bryan, 77801. Student reserva tion deadline is Nov. 1. • THE CLASSES OF ’76, ’77 and ’78 will sponsor a Halloween Dancefriday night in DeWare Fieldhouse from 9 to 1 a.m. The cost is 50 cents per person and the proceeds will be contributed to the Freshman Class. Music will he by Jack Bryant and students should wear costumes. • A HALLOWEEN DANCE sponsored by the Dairy Science, Horsemen’s Associa tion, Poultry Science, Range Science and Saddle and Sirloin Clubs will be held Fri day, 8 p.m. at Lakeview. “Young Country” will be featured. • GIRLS ARE NEEDED to work exclu sively with the A&M swim team. Girls in terested should call Mary Ann, 845-6080; Laura, 845-7280; or Diane, 845-7064 to find out about interviews. • THE DATE FOR STUDENT Y Coun selor Appreciation Hamburger Fry and Mixer has been changed to Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. in the Grove. All counselors are asked to call 845-1626 and R.S.V.P. • A CHESS TOURNAMENT will be held Saturday and Sunday in Room 601 of the Rudder Tower. There is a $2.50 entry fee, and prizes will depend on the number of entries. For information call Kermit Pittman at 846-8497. “Z”, presented by the Arts Committee, will be shown Monday at 8 p.m. in the Rudder Theater. After the movie, a discus sion will bv led bv Dr. Paul Parrish. ' • AGGIE SPIRIT is scheduled to he spot lighted nationally Saturday on the “CBS Evening News with Dan Rather.” A network film crew was on campus this past weekend to shoot student activities surrounding the game with Baylor. The news team documented a wet but spirited “midnight yell practice,” was on hand for the “spirit line through which the players passed Saturday morning en route from Cain Hall to Kyle Field and then filmed the “Twelfth Man in action in the stands. The newsmen also interviewed Coach Emory Bellard and yell leaders. KBTX-TV will show the clip on the 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. newscasts Monday. Bryan High School, 3401 E. 29th St. Prizes will he awarded and refreshments and en tertainment will be provided. Texas City GOVERNOR DOLPH BRISCOE, in an address to the Dallas Salesmanship Club yesterday, renewed his opposition to the proposed state constitution which will he voted on Nov. 4. • SAN ANTONIO’S Northside School District trustees filed suit to block a Texas Education Agency order calling for pairing of six elementary schools. Attorneys will argue today whether busing should he used to attain racial balance among 1,800 chil dren in the school district. The suit said there is no legal or educational basis for the TEA directive. THE BRYAN PARKS and Recreation Department is conducting basketball and volleyball leagues this season, Roy G. Ross, recreation superintendent has announced. Managers’ meetings for the leagues will be Tuesday night in the Medallion Room of the Bryan Utilities Building. Managers for Men’s Open Basketball will meet at 7 p.m.. Men’s Church Basket ball at 8 p.m. and Mixed Volleyball at 9 p.m. • BICYCLE SAFETY and Awareness Week ends Saturday with a Pedal Power Parade starting at 9 a.m. Bryan residents should meet in the Civil Auditorium, 800 S. Coulter, and College Station residents should meet in the Red mond Terrace Shopping Center parking lot, 1400 Texas Ave. The parade will end at the parking lot of National THE THIRD AMERICAN in eight days was kidnaped by unidentified Lebanese gunmen in Beirut yesterday. He was iden tified as Clyde Huddleston, 47, of Fort Worth. Meanwhile, Moslem gunmen appeared to gain the upper hand in Lebanon’s civil war as they and their Palestinian allies overran the last forward Christian militia outpost in the downtown hotel district in Beirut and moved into the shadow of the 25-story Holiday Inn. World THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT an nounced in Madrid last night that it has transfered power temporarily from Generalissimo Francisco to his heir. Prince Juan Carlos, as Spain’s new chief of state.