The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 16, 1975, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1975 r AfUOTHeR orue OP 1 VReK'5 EXPeRIOEA3T5 HAS Fund raises half of goal By PAULA GEYER Battalion Staff Writer The College Station United Way fund drive has raised 57 per cent of the $35,000 goal set for this year, drive chairman Joe Sawyer said Wednesday. Sawyer said since the drive began on Sept. 15, more than $20,000 has been collected. The drive is expected to be com pleted on Nov. 1. Most of the money has been col lected from the Texas A&M Univer sity division, he said. At the College Station fund drive meeting on Tuesday, Haskell Mon roe, chairman of the Texas A&M division, reported contributions to the College Station drive totaling $14,085.25. The faculty and staff of the uni versity have also donated $11,916.75 to the Bryan-Brazos County United Way fund drive. Sawyer said the contributions to both drives from the Texas A&M division this year are already higher than last year’s total. The Retired People s division of the drive also has surpassed last year’s total. The money collected from the College Station drive will go to 15 agencies in the Bryan-College Sta tion area. They include: the College Station Recreation Council, Community House Inc., Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and the Brazos County Community Council. Other agencies are the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Cent er, Brushy Day Care Center, Cent ral Brazos Valley Mental Health Center and Red Cross. Also to receive funds are the Boys Clubs of Bryan, Inc., Junior Museum of Natural History, Salva- They Rent That-Away! Sijr, —^miii I BEDROOM! APARTMENTS FURNISHED FOR AS LOW AS $20/tfONTH Stuck with furniture? Why not pick your own? Start looking ahead and thinking how to individualize your apartment. Modern has all styles of contemporary ... in different colors . . . prints, florals, plaids . . . and at different prices . . . and you can get different furniture every six months, if you like. Whether it's a roomful or houseful of furniture. Modern Furniture Rentals has it! 1816 PONDEROSA at the corner of Longmere College Station 693-1446 m Modern Furniture Rentals Fast-talking Democrat WT.A reconciles divided ranks Associated Press News Analysis WASHINGTON — When Robert S. Strauss became national Democratic chairman in the wake of the? party s 1972 disaster, he brought with liim a conservative image and a determination to unify its sharply divided ranks. In the three years since, the weal th) , fast-talking Texas lawyer has embraced a considerable measure of party reform, while keeping the backing of regulars who put him into office. As a result, except for a few dis gruntled members, most Democ rats seem determined to put the fac tional battles of the past seven y ears behind them. “I think the part) is really in terested in doing every thing it can to stay together, said San Francisco lawy er Fred Forth, one of the par ty's more outspoken advocates of Some of Strauss liberal critics, led by Texas Committeewoman Bil lie Carr, said Wednesday they are considering a court case against some provisions in the new rules. Their prospects are not considered bright. A more serious threat woidd come if the rules become caught up in the part) s unfolding presidential battle. That is what has happened in the past. The original reform effort in the 1969-72 period grew out of the con tention of Sen. Eugene J. McCar thy s backers that they had been cheated in 1968 both by the misuse and absence of clear rules. The 1972 rules reflected the de sire to end the abuses and insure a space for under-represented groups, including women, blacks and young people. The) were there at the conven tion in record numbers in 1972, many backing Sen. George McGovern. But the virtual “quota system that was responsible stirred a backlash among elected officials, labor leaders and some ethnic groups, many opposed to McGovern. World Typing & Answering Services 303 ANDERSON COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 846-7779 *779-3077 (after 5) FULLY QUALIFIED STAFF FOR ALL TYPING NEtDS ACADEMIC In addition, the success of Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey s backers in controling the Credentials Commit tee created new controversies. Research & Term Papers, Theses, Dissertations When Strauss was put into office by the anti-McGovern elements of the party, he faced the problem of overcoming his image and assuring McGovern backers he wasn t selling out reform. PROFESSIONAL Executive and Legal Whether you are a student or a professional; W.T.A. is always there with competitive rates. change With only sporadic opposition, the National Committee this week approved the rules that Strauss and liis executive director, Mark Siegel, had drafted in consultation with representatives for many part) groups. Designed to insure a more or derly' and less dwisive convention next July in New York, the) make it harder for minority positions to be brought before the full convention and narrow the grounds for creden tials challenges. If the rules had been in effect in 1972, they woidd have kept both the California and Illinois credential challenges, and many of the plat form controversies, from engender ing bitterness and dragging out con vention sessions late into the night. nn mba Eddie Oominguez '66 Joe Arcmiega 74 Greg Price z--" m ana mi If yon ivant the real thing, not frozen or canned . We rail M “Mexican Food Supreme." Dallas location : 3071 Northwest H-vy 352-857C 1976 AGGIELAND Class Picture Schedule SENIORS & GRADUATES Oct 13-0ct 17 Oct 20-0ct 24 Oct 27-0ct 31 Nov 3-Nov 7 Nov 10-Nov 14 A-F G-K L-0 P-S T-Z Nov 17-Dec 19 MAKEUPS FOR SENIORS AND GRADUATES Dress: Civilians — Coat and Tie Coeds — Optional Corps (Fish & Soph) — Class A Winter Corps (Jrs. & Srs.) — Midnights ALL STUDENTS SHOULD BRING THEIR FALL SEMESTER FEE SLIPS. Photographs are taken on a drop-in basis, 8-5 weekdays and 8-12 Sat. For further information contact University Studio. 115 college main* 846-8019* p.o. box 2 • college station, texas 77840 tion Army and Community Educa tion. Last year the College Station Un ited Way collected $27,600 for many of the same organizations. The organizational divisions of the College Station fund drive are Texas A&M, Business, Retired Peoples and Public School. The chairman of the business di vision is former College Station City Councilman Don Dale. suranee Companies; Bill Filck, John Birkner and Bill Landiss, Na tional Firms. Chairman of the Retired People; division is Dr. L. G. Jones. Vice chairmen of this division are: Dr. C. C. Doak, P. J. Alwin Zeller, Mn. George Draper and Col. Job Oliver. Vice-chairman for business are: Phyllis Hobson, Real Estate; J. E. Loupot, North Gate; Milton Ar nold, South Gate; David Breed, South Gate; Charles Thomas, In- The Public School division ii headed by Ered A. Hopson. Sawyer said he was confidenttk drive would reach its goal. “Not all the money is in butuc are still looking for large amountsil money as the drive comes toi close,” he said. ! ) TTALION ■: PT A^^TFTFD JLuUJL O O A J7 A Hi JL/ One day WANT AD RATES Hk per wora'• FOR RENT Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication 1927 Buggati replica Runs $4200. Write Stese. 920ft Tooley. Houston,77071.Q iipn Loob fatal c Ho •s Iniiii.ibleutiltkiNfji Mindilion. s 17"S m Im*%' olle OFFICAL NOTICE MIE CRAIH A I K COl.l.ECK I inal Examination lor the Doctoral Deurcc Name: Luther, Joseph Neal Decree: Doctor ol Em ironiiienlal DesifCii in l il».m 6; Reuional IMannin^ Dissertation: ECOIXXHCAL \\\lA SIS I OK I.\\D l SE I’LAWINO: \ i»koc;ra\i\ied sii \n c;i IDE. "lime: October 31, 2:00 p.m I’laee: Room 101 in the Xrcliileclnrc Khlij Cleonse W knn/e Dean ol the Orathiale Collcue 8SSS8S8SSS8$S$$$S$$SS8S8SS8S888nN| HELP WANTED SPECIAL NOTICE Service For All Chry sler Corp. Cars Bod) Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodj^e Sales and Serxice Since 1922 1411 Texas A\e. S23-S1H w Has the following, openings: Reccpt ion ist Secretaries BooLkee|>ers Managers Salesmen - salarx plus eoiniiussioii Carpenters Mechanics Cooks Lai Hirers AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7308 2(X)8 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center TUNE-UPS & MINOR REPAIRS AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE Datsun • Toyota • VW MOBILE METRIC MECHANIC 846-8213 Class of 65 y ** '' • 1 iTtg FOR SALE OR RENT - BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all : poo utilities, large lots. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less city 394tfn MR. GATTI’S is looking for additional versatile enls tainers: guitar, banjo, pianist, singes duos and groups. We are also offerint cash atvrttd plus contract for the form tion of a‘‘Mr. G. Ragtime Band. Ifrfl have talent and would like to audita call 846-4809 for appointment. FOR SALE GARAGE SALE 80 doz. T-shirts. Assorted size & colors. 1303 Barak Lane. 846-1464. $12.00 doz. Hi-crew & Pakistani. MR. GATTI’S needs full and part time help. Dayi night-time hours available. Comet between 1:30-5 p.m. daily for inlet view. Above minimum wage and (lesi hie hours for students. $100 WEEKLY possible mailingcira lars for firm I represent. Send selfail dressed stamped envelope: Mary Am Davis, Dept. T.M., 3922 Mariam Ri Temple, TX 76501. MINOLTA SRT 101 with case and 50mm f/1.7 all equipment is brand new and still in boxes, $265.00. Call BALZAK, 845-2611 0 p.m., week or schedule is workable. 846-2033, Larry 1^| less. AGGIELAf SPORTS^ is styled fc who appre fashion, pi xices. Ea: zip front fli pant with t closure, e) waist tab < looped hoi Matching I 4 pocket t set-in self All are av; blue, gree washable or no iron 10% OFF PUR( WITH AD. 21 BETWEE AND A( Chemical Technician needed. Must have atomicak tion experience. Contact Dr. Presley, Oceanogn? $ Dept., Room 403. 845-5136. Sell your used air conditioner to White’s Auto Store or trade on new Catalina home appliances. Part time hea\ \ equipment operators, Slh-olf'■ S515 Rlaek Labs, AkC. 8 weeks. Wlieelock, 1-S2S-4592. 27ll WORK WANTED Typing. Experienced, last, accurate. All kinds ^ 0544. Honda CL350 73, j^ood condition, 2 helmets, must sell, 8550. 845-7302. 2ftt4 1974 2607. Datsun. Please call after 7 p.m., 846- 9161. 25t4 Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. $ prol Call 845-1392. Typing. After 5:30, 693-0267. 1974 Cutlass Supreme. P. S., P. B., mags. 845-2711, 693-9547. 25t4 Dodge Tradesman van 1968, good tires, good condition, talk price. 822-1886 after 6; 822-2323 day. 15tfn Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 Have you tried the new RAMADA BARBER SALON? owned & operated by Troy Causey Roffler products for men. 846-8811 ext. 104 SOSOLIK S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC| Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-213 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmelrs Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-80SI j HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS We need full-time or part-time employees to work 5 days a week. Cashiers and counter work. 10a.m. 'til 3p.m. 11 a.m.'til 5 p.m. 3 p.m.'til 8 p.m. 5 p.m.'til 10 p.m. If you ntod a iob and want to work we will arran«« the hours to fit your schedule. Must be neat and dependable, Apply in person only, if possible 9:30 a.m. 'til 11:00 a.m. Hourly wage is negotiable. WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Texas Collage Station 105 Dominik