The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1975, Image 1

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    Che Battalion
Vol. 69, No. 21
Copyright © 1975, The Battalion
College Station, Texas
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 1975
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Society in assassination cycle’ Phone rates
Battalion Stall Writer
American society appears to
be in an “assassination cycle"
and President Gerald R. Ford is
tempting fate, Newsweek’s
Tommy DeFrank said Sunday
The 1967 Texas A&M Uni
versity graduate has been with
Newsweek for five years and a
White House correspondent
since late 1973.
The United States has gone
through cycles of student de
monstrations, then hijackings
Defrank said. Now a cycle of as
sassination fever is beginning.
He was 15 feet from the Presi
dent during the first assassina-
Captain and Tennelle
The hit Pop duet, Captain and Tennelle performed Satur
day night for an enthusiastic noncapacity crowd in the
Rudder Auditorium.
Photo by Douglas Winship
RICHARD LEVENSON will speak on “International Terrorism
. . . The Inside Story” in a Great Issues presentation Tuesday at 8
p.m. in the MSC Ballroom.
Levenson, an International Affairs Specialist and a Military Intelli
gence Analy st, has specialized in Middle East military situations. He
will speak on the methods of terrorists and the counter measures of
the Israeli Intelligence.
The lecture is free to Texas A&M University students with an
activity card. Admission for all others is $1.
ANY MSC COMMITTEE chairman or officer who has posted a 2.4
GPR or has a 2.4 GPR overall will he put on probation with one
semester to solve the problem, the MSC council said Monday.
The council also has re-establish a European travel program during
Christmas vacation and has organized a Food Cost Comparison
Committee to Food Services prices with those of caterers off-campus.
AUDITIONS FOR “Petrified Forest will he held in room 212 of
the MSC at 7 p.m. These are open to any interested student.
Personal Dy namics seminar to help individuals develop qualities of
leadership tonight and Wednesday night.
The seminar will he from 7 to 9 in the Texas Room of Bryan Building
and Loan at 2800 S. Texas Ave.
Speakers for the seminar are John Birkner, University National
Bank; Col. Glendon Jones, Bank of A&M; Bryan City Councilman Jim
Wright, Bryan Building and Loan; and Jim Smith, James Smith and
Associates, Inc.
There is no charge. For more information call Bo Blackledge,
CARRILLO’S LAWYER, ARTHUR Mitchell, has requested that
the Texas Senate grant a "bill of particulars” spelling out the charges
against Carrillo.
The request was denied and postponement requests for the trial
were also denied.
House prosecutor argued Monday that the Senate alone decides
what constitutes an impeachable offense.
tion attempt in Sacramento and
100 feet away when the shot was
fired in San Francisco.
DeFrank said the President's
constant travelling recently has
had several bad effects on both
him and the President. First, it
exposes Ford more to possible
assassins. Secondly, the more
Ford speaks in his travels, the
more people realize he has no
thing intelligent to say. And
third, since DeFrank must ac
company Ford, he is seldom
home with his family.
“When Ford went to the
White House, I went with
him,” he said. “I can’t tell you
how long he’ll be there but I’ll
probably be there as long as he
“In August of’74, the country
was on the brink,” DeFrank
said. “Ford has really calmed it
down. The Imperial Presidency
of Nixon and Johnson are be
hind us. Integrity and decency
are in the oval office again."
DeFrank said, however, that
Ford is a poor leader with little
vision of the past or future. He
suggested that history would be
kinder to the man than the
American voters will be in the
next election.
“If I bad to bet right now, I’d
have to say there will be a
Democrat in the White House
in 1977,” he said.
“It will be determined by two
things: the economy by June or
July, and who the Democrats
run. But one thing I have
learned in Washington is to
never underestimate the
Democrats’ ability to destroy
“L F. Stone once said that all
government officials are liars,”
he said. “Irresponsible? Maybe,
but look at the litany of lies that
has been fed to the press in the
recent past — Eisenhower and
the U-2 incident, Kennedy and
the Bay of Pigs, the Pentagon
Papers revealed several lies.
The Jack Anderson papers
showed we were lied to about
the U. S. involvement in the
India-Pakistan War.
“We were told for years of the
hands-off policy towards Cam
bodia while all the time we were
bombing the hell out of it. Then
there’s Watergate.
DeFrank cited a lie from
Ford when he denied the exis
tence of any secret treaties in
Vietnam. The treaties were re
vealed just before the fall of
Saigon to the North Viet
“No administration tells it
like it is but bow they want you
to think it is,” he said.
rise again
City Editor
Local phone rates have goite up
again to the ring of8496,000, follow
ing an out-of-court settlement Fri-
da\ afternoon between General
Telephone Compam and the cities
of Biyan and College Station.
The increase is retroactive to
Oct. 1.
All three parties met briefh in
85th Dist. Court Judge W. C.
Davis chambers earh Frida) morn
ing prior to a scheduled 9a.m. hear
ing on a permanent injunction
against General Telephone. Both
cities and the phone compam then
spent neark ada> negotiatingo\ era
fair rate increase before reaching an
The out-of-court settlement
which was recommended b
phone-rate consultant Bill McMoi
lies of Amarillo, stipulates th;
General Telephone ma> not requeM
am future rate increases until th
Texas Utilities Commission god
into effect Sept. 1 next \ear.
The agreement is similar to th
one made a couple of sears agj
when General Telephone Compan
last sought a rate increase in Ma j
1972. That settlement was mi
reached until after a sear of litig: i
tion in district court.
The new monthls rates are: 87.5 ;
for residence one-parts line: S6.,3j|
for residence, two-parts line: 85.O j
for residence four-parts line: 815.9ji‘
for business one-parts line: an
812.82 for business two-parts line
Senate considers tickets, again
Battalion Staff Writer
Worries about date tickets for
sold-out football games are over
if the senate passes the guest
ticket resolution Wednesday
night at 7:30 in room 204 of the
Harrington Center.
A group tickets proposal
would allow groups of over 6
persons to pick up their tickets
on their designated class days.
Lynn Ashby
Tickets not picked up by those
groups are to be allotted to the
next day’s ticket purchasers.
Two senators from the
Aston-Mosher-Krue^er area
may be elected at-large if the
senate passes a possible con
stitutional amendment to ex
tend the limit of living area
senators from 30 to 31. Filing for
election would begin Oct. 9.
All students with season
‘Half can’t read,
rest can’t write’
coupons are guaranteed a ticket
to football games, and there are
only 200 seats available after all
coupon holders buy their tic
The possibilitx has existed
that there would not be enough
seats available for freshmen.
The date ticket resolution pro
vides that all students with sea
son tickets will get a seat
whether in the stands or on the
All student seats will be sold
under the current distribution
system, with the reservation
that date tickets be sold if there
will be enough seats for student
season ticket holders.
The senate will also vote
whether to approve the lease
with Ridgecrest Shopping
Center for the Student Radio
Two bills pertaining to the
University of Texas will also be
introduced to the senate. The
first bill endorses the actions of
the UT student senate request
ing the resignation of Dr.
Lorene Rogers because the
student-faculty input was ig
nored in the selection process.
The other proposal states that
the Texas A&M student senate
“publicly opposes any Board of
Regents who ignores the re
commendations of a student-
faculty committee concerning
administrative appointments or
major issues affecting the stu
Duane Thompson, Vice Pres
ident of Rules and Regulations,
will nominate Danny Coleman
for the senate vacancy in Mar
ried Student Housing.
Vacancies m the Graduate
Student Council exist in the col
lege of Science, College of
Geosciences and the college of
Veterinary Medicine. Applic
ants should contact Joe Mar
cello in Room 216 of the Memo
rial Student Center. Applica
tions close Oct. 13.
Both the Judicial Board and
the Student Services Commit
tee will meet Tuesday evening.
J-board will meet in Room 216
E at 7 p.m. and Student Ser
vices will meet in Room 216 N at
7 p.m. in the MSC.
Battalion Staff Writer
“Half the people in Texas can’t
read and the other half can’t write,”
remarked Lynn Ashby, Houston
Post columnist, Sunday night.
Ashby then hedged and mumbled
when asked which half he belonged
Waving his arms about and some
times pressing them together as
though in prayer, Ashby addressed
his listeners with anecdotes about
his profession.
“Of course my own job is some
what tenuous; Mr. Hobby keeps tel
ling me not to make any long range
plans . . . like winding my watch.”
He indiscriminately poked harm
less fun at the Pope, Patty Hearst,
Houston police and Austin legis
Ashby was one of the guest
speakers this weekend at the 23rd
Annual Conference of the Texas
Junior College Press Association.
A graduate of the University of
Texas, Ashby started his lecture
with the usual cuts and jabs at Texas
After the preliminaries, he
started with a bang and gave his
opinions of his own profession —
“If you like money, don’t go into
journalism, blacksmithing pays bet
He also admitted that there were
drastic drawbacks to his type of
work. The hours are terrible, the
divorce rate is high and drinking al
cohol is a major problem.
Ashby warned the future jour
nalists that they would become high
profile targets. “Journalists are a
scurrilous bunch of people, he
boasted, “so we must be careful of
what we write and how we run our
private lives.
“There are many charlatans and
terrible incompetents in the field
and these people’s actions reflect on
me. They are my personal and pro
fessional enemies.
"I make myself look bad daily,”
he said, “so I don’t need their help. ”
Ashby finally mentioned some of
the advantages to being a journalist.
The travel is great because “it’s hard
to hit a moving target.
He regarded the pay as adequate.
After being asked exactly how much
he makes a week, Ashby im
mediately answered by saying,
“That’s a very good question.
Maybe 1 can answer that for you.”
He then expounded on the relativ
ity of his salary compared to others.
For five minutes, he answered
without giving an answer.
All he would say about his pay was
that it isn’t enough for what he does.
He then launched into an explana
tion of his job.
“I give people the facts. Then I
tell them what to think about what
I’ve just told them.”
Realizing that he still hadn’t given
an adequate answer about his sal
ary, he said, “I make enough to sup
port a wife, three kids, a dog, a
hamster named Felix and a
parakeet. Anyway, it’s none of your
damn business.”
Ashby closed his witty
monologue by telling the confer
ence what he plans to do when he
gets out of journalism.
“Die I suppose.”
Pot seized, two charged
City Editor
Two Texas A&M Universit) students were
arrested last week b\ Universit) Police on
charges of misdemeanor possession of a control
led substance.
Charged were Vernon Milan Kindall, 19, a
sophomore mechanical engineering major from
Seabrook, and Kenneth Arnold Schenker, 20, a
sophomore business management major from
League City.
Kindall was arrested about 4 p.m. last Tues
day when police searched Kindall’s room in
Moses Hall. Police said they found 63 “black
mollies,” a type of amphetamine, and two
marijuana cigarettes.
Police had earlier obtained a search warrant
from Justice of the Peace Jess McGee to search
Kindall’s room.
According to police reports, Kindall later led
officers to an isolated area in Wellborn where
police said they found several marijuana plants
growing. Officers said they then seized the
Schenker was arrested about 12:30 a.m. last
Wednesday. Officers said they searched his
room in Hart Hall after obtaining a search war
rant. Police said they found a quantity of what
may be amphetamines and barbituates.
Police also seized what they said appeared to
be eight “baggies” of marijuana.
Both men were charged in Brazos County
Court and are free on bond.
Confiscated plants
Campus Patrolman Stan Wade displays
three marijuana plants confiscated by po
lice last week in Wellborn.
Photo by Glen Johnson
Moving the tracks
Railroad threatens to split campus in two
Battalion Staff Writer
What was in 1876 a boon to the
developing Texas A&M.Universit)
empire threatens in 1976 to split the
campus in two.
With the first of the major west
campus construction, the Soil and
Crop Sciences Building, scheduled
for completion in late 1976 and the
second, the Animal Industries
Building, in 1977, the campus will
soon be divided by the Southern
Pacific Railroad tracks on which 11
trains make their daily, noisy trek.
The tracks were first laid on the
existing railroad route (running
parallel to Wellborn Road) in 1867
by the Houston and Texas Central
Railroad Company.
Some time later, Southern
Pacific, the oldest railroad company
in Texas, bought the tracks and have
owned them since.
During the earl) history of Texas
A&M, the railroad played a very
important role in bringing students
to and from school and delivering
Passenger sen ice to the area was
discontinued in 1958, so a portion of
the service offered when the rail
road was built is no longer available.
What is wrong with the present
location of the tracks?
Texas A&M President Jack Wil
liams said last week that the current
railroad location presents no prob
lems except for the noise of the pas
sing trains, but said he does foresee
problems with the railroad as a bar
rier to the University’s expansion.
“If we go across Wellborn Road in
some strength, we 11 have the rail
road in the center, and it will be
both a noisemaker and a general
confusion-causer, Williams said.
Biyan Mayor Lloyd Joyce last
week said there is more involved
than just the noise problem in
“We still have a danger in cros
sing the tracks. There is also the
inconvenience and a certain amount
of fire danger because of the possi-
bilit) of trains blocking the road,'
he said.
Southern Pacific makes five daily
runs on the tracks,.and the Missouri
Pacific Railroad Company leases the
tracks from Southern Pacific from
Biy an to Nay asota and makes six
daily runs.
N. E. Allphin, Southern Pacifie s
local agent, has said the only prob
lems encountered b) the company
with the present track location is the
maintenance of crossings.
Keith Langford, Biyan Fire
Chief, said freight shipments by rail
run the spectrum as to content.
Any thing that is shipped in bulk to
industries is carried by rail includ
ing fertilizer and liquified gases, he
Texas A&M presently ships and
receives less than fhe percent of its
supplies by rail, according to Uni-
y ersit) officials.
Between 15 and 20 industries ii
Biyan are currently served In tin
Langford said that several car
loaded with liquid petroleum ga:
and fertilizers exploded after derail
ing near Mumford three y ears ago
The train had then just passec
through Biyan.
Langford said that if the accideu
had occurred in town, a one- o
two-block area would have been dq
stroxed from the blast.
“Trains observe self-imposet
speed limi ts wh ile t rax el ing t hrongl
town, ' Langford said. "Tbe rail
roads here are doing a real good jol
of maintenance.