!i I i^j f ii V ''r v 1 'i : ; ;s : ;, : n r, V llff ’’if r's ‘ ji Page 6 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCT. 3, 1975 Return to Kansas as favorites BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOBM Last year’s memories linger By DAVID WALKER Battalion Sports Writer With visions of last year s Kansas disaster dancing in their heads the Texas Aggies leave the state today for game number four against the Kansas State Wildcats. “I’m sure the players will re member what happened last year in Kansas,” coach Emory Bellard said of last year’s 28-10 loss to Kansas. The Aggies went to Kansas last year with a 3-0 record and a number four national ranking only to see it all go down the drain at the hands of the Jayhawks. This year about the only differ ence is that the Aggies are number six in the nation (although they are number four in this week’s Sporting News) and have the experience of last year’s disaster. The Aggies will be playing for the first time under the 48 player limit. This season visiting teams can only suit out 48 players to 60 players for the home team. Early weather reports indicate that the temperature will range from the mid-forties to the low fif ties. The cool weather should help the Aggies. The Aggies will be going with the same starting lineups that they had last week against Illinois. David Shipman will start at quar terback with Bubba Bean and Skip Walker at the halfs and Ronnie Hubby at fullback. Shipman has gained 188 yards on 36 carries for a 5.2 average and has completed nine of 20 passes for a .450 per cent. Bean has gained 291 yards on 34 carries for an 8.6 yard average. He is the team leader. Walker has gained 93 yards on 19 carries for a 4.9 aver age and Hubby has 80 yards on 26 carries for a 3.1 average. The Aggies offensive line will have Glen Bujnoch and Dennis Smelser at tackles, Billy Lemons and Bruce Welch at the guards and Henry Tracy at center. Richard Os borne will be the tight end and Carl Roaches will be at split end. The Aggie defense will have Tank Marshall and Blake Schwarz at the ends, Edgar Fields and Jimmy Dean at the tackles, Ed Simonini and Garth Ten Napel at the outside linebackers with Grady Wilkerson at the middle linebacker spot. Pat Thomas and William Thompson will be at the corners with Lester Hayes and Jackie Wil- Contest regulations clarified for participants In announcing the contest to predict the time in which Bubba Bean would become the all-time Aggie rusher, we failed to ask that each entry specify whether the time be time elapsed or time remaining. More than half of the entries did not specify. Since the standard method of keeping time in football seems to be the time left on the clock, we will assume that all entries which do not specify in actuality refer to time remaining on the clock. If you meant your entry otherwise, please call The Battalion office and ask for Tony Gallucci or leave a message as to your intent. The number is 845-2611. In addition, several unpub licized rides have been violated and will heretofore be an nounced. The main one is that all entries from a single person must have come to the office under separate cover. Anyone having sent more than one entry per person per envelope is invited to take their entries back and re turn them under separate cover. Secondly, the exact time when you predict Bean to break the record must be given. Any pre diction given as, say, “between eight and nine minutes will not be taken into consideration un less called in and given exactly. The contest entries are now closed and only corrections to the above errors will be ac cepted. liams at the safeties. The Aggie defense is number one in the nation in total defense and also number one against the rush. Kansas State will counter with 6-1, 191 pound sophomore Joe Hatcher at quarterback. Hatcher has completed 17 of 37 passes for 231 yards and has rushed for 36 yards on 37 carries. He will be joined in the K State backfield by tailback Rosco Scobey 5-10, 190 pound junior who has gained 181 yards on 48 carries. Ver- dell Jones will be at fullback. Jones is a 6-0, 202 pound junior who has gained 131 yards on 32 carries and splitback Mike Harris who has gained 114 yards on 19 carries for a 7.1 average. The Wildcat defense is led by tackle Rickey Gray, a 6-3, 240 pound senior and linebacker Carl Pennington, a 6-2, 215 pound junior. The Aggies are anywhere from 18-24 point favorites but they all too well remember last year when they went to Kansas as favorites. athletic oatmeal 4 ’ ^ , . • i Panel of Professional Predictors PAT DR. GERARD DR. BRIAN GAEL MARLA TONY DAVID JAMES PAUL EDMONDSON O’DONOVAN CAIN COOPER GAMMON GALLUCCI WALKER BREEDLOVE McGRATH A&M - KSU A&M A&M A&M A&M A&M A&M A&M A&M A&M BAYLOR - S. CAROLINA S.C. BU BU BU BU BU BU BU BU SMU - W. VIRGINIA W.Va. W.Va. W.Va. W.Va. W.Va. W.Va. W.Va. W.Va. W.Va. OKLAHOMA - COLORADO OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OKLA. ST. - TECH OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU OSU MICHIGAN - MISSOURI Mich. Mich. Mich. Mo. Mich. Mich. Mich. Mo. Mich. UCLA - OHIO STATE Ohio St. UCLA Ohio St. Ohio St. Ohio St. Ohio St. Ohio St. Ohio St. Ohio St. OILERS -CINN. Cinn. Oilers Oilers Oilers Cinn. Oilers Oilers Oilers Oilers CONSOL - SPRING Spring Spring Consol Consol Consol Consol Consol Consol Consol BRYAN - KILLEEN Bryan Killeen Bryan Bryan Bryan tie Bryan tie Bryan Last Week 8-2 7-3 6-4 7-3 6-4 7-3 7-3 4-6 6-4 Season 17-3 16-4 14-6 14-6 14-6 13-7 13-7 12-8 12-8 Percentage .850 .800 .700 .700 .700 .650 .650 .600 .600 By TONY GALLUCCI Battalion Sports Editor Ah, how things change in a week. I was all set to tell you how Bryan-College Station was apparently THE place to he in Texas if you wanted to see the best in Texas football. I will end up telling you that anyway, but I was going to put it all together with one simple statistic that would bring the point home. That through four weeks of football, the four teams of varsity status had amassed an amazing 12-2 record. A&M is 3-0, A&M Consolidated is 3-1, and Allen Academy is 3-1 and Bryan WAS 3-0. Notice whose titles begin with an A and whose with a B and who is and who was. It’s very unfortunate that anyone who accidentally had a back playing who was too old should find out about it three games too late. It is, I m sure, an accident. Nocoach woidd work hard and develop such a fine program if he thought it would hurt the team in the long run. Nor would he have announced it himself if it was intended. I don’t know the circumstances of the ’routine check but I get the impression that the guys must have been celebrating when word got around just what birthday was being celebrated. I assume that any routine check of the sort to check players’ ages woidd be done before the season. It does raise some questions. But I don t care to ask them. Everything looks OK, and everything has been adjusted so that it is now legal. It brings Bryan the distinction of possibly being the only 4A team in Texas schoolboy history to have an 0-3 record and a simultaneous No. 1 ranking. This does get us down to tonight’s meeting in Kyle Field of Killeen and Bryan. Bryan of course has been the No. 1 team in the polls since pre-season. But how about Killeen. They were unranked during the pre-season but have knocked off three ranked opponents in a row, giving them the No. 1 spot in the UPI poll. This week Bryan is No. 1 in the AP ix>ll and No. 2 in the UPI list, while Killeen holds the No. 3 spot down for AP. This is definitely the showdown of the y ear for Texas schoolboy football; it’s just too bad that they are in the same district. Despite Bryan’s record, I am one of those who knows that Bryan whupped three tough opponents, including a team I respect greatly, Conroe. I am also impressed by a team that can beat the spread three straight times. The picks vary greatly. I’m going to chicken out of this one. 1 can’t see an edge either wav. I say a tie, either 0-0, 3-3, 6-6, 7-7, 9-9, 12-12, etc. As for that other ranked team in town. I have no qualms about who will win. The Ags can always overcome little jinxes. The Ags travel again to Kansas 3-0, but they won’t be up against the same team. And publicity has been shown to have an adverse effect upon this lot. The offense didn’t like to be talked about so they showed it. There has been enough talk in every paper this week about the Kansas jinx to kindle a forest fire. The Ags will put that fire out. Kansas has little talent and less ability' to use what they have. I see A&M by 52-6. FRESHMEN Cl F > V m at - | I Make certain your photograph is in the 1976 Aggieland. Fish makeup photographs will be taken Oct. 6 - Oct. 10 at University Studio in North Gate. Dress: Civilians - Coat and Tie • Corps & Fish - Class A Winter • Coeds - Optional university studio 115 college main northgate 846-8019