The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 01, 1975, Image 9
TRADE-IN YOUR WARDROBE SALE. OLD JEANS WORTH $3 OFF NEW JEANS OLD SHIRTS WORTH $3 OFF NEW SHIRTS OLD JACKETS WORTH OFF NEW JACKETS House of JERfYSsis # AUSTIN: Highland Mall / Westgate Mall / Northcross Mall / Campus Store, 2100 Guadalupe / Down town Store, 412 Congress SAN ANTONIO: Southpark Mall / 5115 Fredericksburg / 4124 Blanco/ 834 S.W. Military / 907 South W.W. White / Central Park Mall / Wonderland Shopping Center. CORPUS CHRISTI: Padre Staples Mall / Portairs Shopping Center. BRYAN: Manor East Mall. KILLEEN: Mid Town Mall. WACO: Weshnew Village. NEW BRAUNFELS: Walnut Square Shopping Center. BROWNSVILLE: Amigoland Mall. VICTORIA: Town Plaza Mall. McALLEN: El Centro Shopping Center. ALICE: La Villita Shopping Center. AND SOON. NEW STORES IN: Temple, Pasadena and Del Rio. Spassky marries despite protest Associated Press MOSCOW — Former world chess champion Boris Spassky, overcoming a temporary check by Soviet authorities in the game of love, mar ried a Frenchwoman on Tuesday and said the future looks bright. “I hope this marriage will give me an extra queen in my chess competition, ” Spassky joked at a Moscow wedding palace where he wed Marina Stcherbatcheff, a secretary at the French Embassy in Moscow. Difficulties blocking their marriage dissolved after Spassky and Miss Stcherbatcheff made their troubles public and invoked the humanita rian spirit of the declarations signed at the East-West summit in Helsinki. that the Soviet wanted her to leave the country before their scheduled wedding date. Miss Stcherbatcheff said the French were also insisting that she leave by the end of the month and the only wedding date Soviet authorities would give them was Nov. 11. Spassky pleaded for a new date, noting that the Helsinki declara tions pledged the Soviets to facilitate marriages of Russians and foreigners. At that point, Spassky declared, “I feel like I am playing against an opponent I cannot see at all and I can only predict his moves. ” Spassky, 38, divorced his Russian wife and began living with the 30-year-old Miss Stcher batcheff in January. Spassky, who lost his world chess title to Bobby Fischer in 1972, said he was “never so humiliated as in these last three months since they started this wyth Marina. Early this month the couple said a year-old traffic charge had been raised against her and The affair caused widespread comment in the West, and last week Spassky said he was sud denly informed they could marry when they wanted. mmmmmmmmmmmfflmMmfflmmmigmmMm « psa.} MM M/Wm fME MBS SPECIALS GOOD WED . TMURS , fRI , SAT . OCT. I. 2, 3, 4, 1475 GLOVER OR JANET LEE RIB STEAK USDA CHOICE BEEF SLICED BOLOGNA ...i 98° BONELESS LEAN BEEF CUBES STEW MEAT " V 8 SLICED - RICH IN IRON BEEF LIVER 79 c BOOTH - JUST HEAT AND SERVE 4 40 SHRIMP STICKS il 49 KRAFT AMERICAN DELUXE SLICES 4 nO SLICED CHEESE si 09 TENDA-MADE PATTIES JUST HEAT & SERVE^^ STEAK FRITTERS 98 c USDA CHOICE BEEF LEAN EXCELLENT SHORT RIBS ... 0 .' "‘.:: - .!.68 c LEAN MEATY PORK 4 40 SPARE RIBS I 48 USDA CHOICE CHUCK USDA CHOICE BEEF-BLADE CUT LB. JANET LEE ASSORTED TOWELS 100 SO. FT ROLL NESTEA INSTANT TEA 3 OZ. JAR JANET LEE LIQUID DETERGENT PINK OR LEMON 32 OZ. BOTT. DEL MONTE TOMATO SAUCE 8 OZ. TIN 37 71 STEP SAVER FLOOR WAX 32 OZ. BOTT. FRANCO AMERICAN SPAGHETTI 15 OZ. TIN DELICATESSEN-SNACK BAR 1/4 LB. USDA CHOICt Bttr WIIH ALL THE TRIMMINGS ft 4 QQ HAMBURGERS 3 1 CRISP AND TASTY j ^ ^ MEATTACOS4„1 THE ALL-AMERICAN FAVORITE j *4 HOT DOGS 4J1 INSTORE BAKERY! COCACOLA FREE WITH PURCHASE OF 2-7 1/4 OZ. PKGS. ALBERTSON'S PLAIN OR BAR-B-Q TORTILLA CHIPS PLUS DEPOSIT SOUR CREAM ~ i38 JANET LEE SLICED OR DICED ^ oz. $ J VANILLA WAFERS il49‘ APPLESAUCE CAKES LARGES INCH TWO LAYER FRENCH BREAD p ‘" 0 " llDtD 3 1 FUDGE BROWNIES JO' CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS ™ 19' RANCH ROLLS 30.0*1 FROZEN FOODS LAMBRECHT CHEESE HAMBURGER-SAU SAGE PEPPERONI 12 OZ. PKG. PIZZA 69 PURE ALL FLAVORS V? GAL. SQ. ICECREAM 88 DONUTS 65 MORTON S CAKE PLAIN OR POWDERED 10-1 4 OZ. PKG STRAWBERRIES vJlll TROPHY 9 ■ 10 OZ. PKG WFSTPAC CUT 10 OZ. PKG OKRA 43 WASHINGTON STATE EXTRA FANCY! APPLES RED & GOLDEH DELICIOUS BARTLETT PEARS ! w . i . l . , .i N0 . 8, . p . 1 . 3 l .o« s l CARROTS ""i'.". * 49* POT ATOES ."““‘.'.“V" 6 .?!" ,,25' CAULIFLOWER „ 39' MUSHROOMS ." ,0, .! , :. , .". i * u .^. f . fo . ,,88 1 98 IVORY i85 c 301 So. College Store Hours Monday thru Saturday 8AM12PM Sunday 9AM10PM ■■ THE BATTALION Page 9 v VA/ernMcervav rv^T-r^ocrD ^ 1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1975 EEOC can get papers Associated Press AUSTIN —Texas’ Open Re cords Act does not dilute the power of the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to obtain applica tions for employment in the state’s public schools, Atty. Gen. John Hill said Tuesday. Superintendent D.P. O’Quinn of the Alvin Indepen dent School District asked Hill if the Texas law would prevent him from disclosing to the EEOC applications for employment. Hill said the EEOC “has ad ministrative subpoena powers to obtain evidence relevant to charges of unlawful employ ment practices. This power ex tends to information in person nel files and records even though it is personal, private and confidential.” “The regulations expressly provide that the requirements concerning record keeping and disclosure of records concern ing employment practices supersede any provision of state or local law which may conflict with them,” Hill said. UT holds women’s lectures Associated Press AUSTIN — What coor dinator Liz Carpenter refers to as a “feast of brilliant women speakers” will appear at the University of Texas Nov. 10-11 for a conference on Women in Public Life. The main speakers are Elizabeth Reid, first assistant to the prime minister of Australia, and Rep. Barbara Jordan, D-Tex. Bill Moyers, former press secretary to president Lyndon Johnson, and his wife, Judith, will moderate a panel on “The Women’s Movement Through the Media’s Eyes.” Panel members include Peggy Simpson of The As sociated Press, president of the Washington Press Club; Sey Chassier, editor of Redbook magazine; Molly Ivins, coeditor of the Texas Observer, and Susan Caudell of KERA, Dal las. Other women on the program will be Jill Ruckelshaus, presid ing officer of the President’s Commission on International Women’s Year; Anne Armstrong, former adviser to presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford; former congress-, woman Martha Griffiths of Michigan; U.S. District Court Judge Sarah T. Hughes of Dal las; Frances Farenthold, twice candidate for governor of Texas and former president of the Na tional Women’s Political Caucus; Rep. Sarah Wed- dington, D-Austin; Mayor Lila Cockrell of San Antonio, and Hanna Gray, provost of Yale University. The conference is sponsored by the Lyndon B. Johnson Lib rary and the LB J School of Pub lic Affairs here. Have you tried the new RAMADA BARBER SALON? owned & operated by Troy Causey Roffler products for men. 846-8811 ext. 104 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 A}Y'vi4?)! pTof^ssjoKs dontrY cjZ'i e - ■t a t ; 3:1: