Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1975)
ie 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1975 State Representative Sarah Weddington “Women in Politics” 12:30 October 2 Rm. 601 Rudder Tower © /tep Into the m/c circle WANT AD RATES j 10c per word Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication OFFICAL NOTICE"" e Commissioners’ Court of izos County, Texas, is accept- proposals to acquire real >perty in College Station for location of a Courthouse sub- tion. Any person wishing to er land to Brazos County mid address proposals to the mmissioners’ Court, Brazos mnty Courthouse, Bryan, xas, setting forth the location, e, price and any other perti- nt information. The acceptance i any proposal does not obligate azos County in any manner, illiam R. Vance mnty Judge m2 SPECIAL NOTICE BATTALION CLASSIFIED ^5^^5a5«=S3SSSS33SSSi3SS?3S?SSSSSS5S! HELP WANTED Schwinn ladies’ 10-speed bike. Mist green, drop handle bars. Excellent condition, $75. 693-5147. Scientific cal culator, Kingspoint SC-40. Algebraic entry. Rechargeable, trig functions. Unused, $75. igti TEAC 1230 Reel-to-Reel Tape Recorder. Excellent condition. Used 20 hours. $300. David, 846-2332 day. 823-2310 nights, weekends. RED TAG SALE We are over-stocked!! Many items to be sold at or near our cost. Sell to run Sept. 27 - Oct. 5 ONLY. We do all kinds of canework, stripping, repair and re- ftnishing. Layaways welcome at NIFTY THRIFTY COLLECTIBLES, 2504 S. College, 822-1293.16t5 UNE-UPS & MINOR REPAIRS AT OUR HOME OR OFFICE Datsun 6 Toyota • VW MOBILE METRIC MECHANIC 16-8213 Class of’65 17t20 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates IALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodgqi bales and Service Since 1922 1111 Texas Av e. — S23-M11 Dodge Tradesman van 1968, good tires, good condition, talk price. 822-1886 after 6; 822-2323 day. 15tfn 63 CMC, Vi ton, $450. David. Day, 846-2332. Nights, weekends, 823-2310. 1 4t7 Bring yonr bikes to White s Auto Store, College Station, your oldest and most dependable store, lor parts, repair or trade and prices you like. Due to rapid expansion of our Marketing Area, we are seeking 3 qualified individuals in terested in playing an impor tant role in this corporation’s progressive growth. College education or currently clas sified as a college senior man datory. The individuals we seek are: 1. Interested in being their own boss. 2. Interested in earning $12,000 to $20,000 the first year. 3. Interested in rapid advancement. 4. Interested in associating with multi-million dollar financial corpora tion. 5. Interested in working in this area with no travel. For further information or appointment FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENTS, INC. 846-8791 18t3 Attractive 72” divan with custom made slip cover, $70.00 693-6228. 17t3 Double Size Aquarius waterbed, liner pad, frame, com plete. $110.00, 693-7981. 17t2 • •>.! ARE YOU TIRED OF DIETING? LOSE WEIGHT THE PROTEIN WAY! 822-7600 693-3063 (evenings) BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus TV cable, all city tes Swimming pool, utilities, large lots. * ’ 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn FOR RENT ' i ® y^lsesss Has the following openings: Clerk Typist Secretaries plus shorthand Clerk Manager-Trainee Assistant Manager Salesman (salary plus commission) Aid-Trainee Laborers Carpenter AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7308 2008 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center NOTICE TO BIDDERS id forms will be available and sealed bids received the Office of the Inventory Supervisor, Surplus ► roperty Warehouse, Ross and Asbury Streets, Col- jge Station, Texas 77843, October 8, 1975; for rplus property consisting of this partial list and ler items: 1934 Ford Truck w/Drilling Rig, Radar Radio Equip., Elec. Motors, Wavetank, Office lachines. Tri-pods, Easels, Projectors, Air- londitioners. Cameras, Bookcase Wood, Coolers - y other items - total of 117 lots. This property lay be inspected between the hours of 8:00 AM and :30 PM Monday through Friday except holidays by ! ontacting Mr. Hearld Stancil, Annex Surplus at 13/823-5370. (Note: These items located in Bldgs. 513 & 8523 at TAMU Annex - Old Bryan Air Base.) NOTICE TO BIDDERS lid forms will be available and sealed bids received the Office of the Inventory Supervisor, Surplus ■’roperty Warehouse, Ross and Asbury Streets, Col- ege Station, Texas 77843, October 8, 1975; for urplus property consisting of this partial list and »ther items: Ford PU 64, Chev PU 52, Inti. PU 60, Plymouth Sta. Wagon 64, Lounge Furniture, 2 frailer-mounted Generators, Tape Recorders, ^ fanges - Space Heaters, Office Machines, Cameras, , Mattresses, Bunk Beds - a total of over 250 lots. This property may be inspected between the hours of 8:00 \M and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday except \ lolidays, by contacting the Office of the Inventory Supervisor at the above address. The right is re- ;erved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. For information call 713/845-7419. CITADEL 104 Plaasant THE CITADEL NORTH 401 Llkl Str„t 846-3856 1 and 2 bedroom furnished or un furnished, with or without bills paid. IF YOU NEED EXTRA CASH!! EARN UP TO $10.00 AN HOUR SET YOUR OWN HOURS 822-7600 693-3063 (evenings) ist2 The Houston Chronicle has an excel lent paper route open on the TAMU campus. Applicants must be available from 1-4 weekdays and weekend morn ings. Must have automobile. $250.00 per month. Call Julian McMurrey, 693-2323, 846-0763. I7t4 Morse pasture and stalls, 846-7015. 7tl2 ITENTION DECEMBER GRADUATES! •ders lor Graduation Announcements will be taken I ginning September 8 tbru October 10, at the Student nance Center Ollice, Room 217, MSG, Monday tbru iday, 8:00 to 4:00. ' 7tl7 OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE. 1,100 sq. ft. with cen tral air-beat. 6 oHiees, 2 restrooms, reception area, near BB&L. JACOB BEAL REAL ESTATE, 2511 Texas Ave., 823-5469. 9tl0 Horses boarded. Stalls with runs or pasture. Horses broke. Call 823-0454. 15t4 JOB OPPORTUNITIES PART TIME Evenings and Sat. earn $75 plus per week, Division of Alcoa. Apply Rudder Tower, Room 410, Wednesday, Oct. 1, Thursday, Oct. 2, 9 a.m. til 4 p.m. WANTED Students to work with floor stripping and waxing crew on weekends. Starting pay, $2.50. Call bet ween 4 and 6 p.m. Jack Alderman, Bryan Janitorial Service, 693-3592. 15t4 PERSONALS MEN! — WOMEN! JOBS ON SHIPS! American. Foreign. No experience required. Excellent pay. Worldwide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3.00 for information. SEAFAX, Dept. K-3 Box 2049, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. ist? m For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University Need experienced bar help. Call 846-9978 between 7 and 11 p.m. 17t4 Waitress wanted, possible $3-5/hr. Inquire at Sports Club after 2:00. 17t4 Chemical technician needed. Must have atomic ab sorption experience. Contact Dr. Presley, Oceano graphy Dept., Room 403. 845-5136. 14t7 ESSSg;3S3gS®S»S=:S3SSSS:3f*5SSS3SSS3SS8::i ,FOR SALE hree-wheeled bicycle with basket. Perfect condition, L35. 823-5936 after 4. 16t4 y owner: 10 acres wooded land, large oak trees near ryan and College Station. Phone 822-0707. 15t5 Need student to do general maintenance yard work and construction. Experience preferred, transportation re quired, hours to be worked out. Call for an appointment with Mike Beal, 823-5469. 9tl0 Medical transcriber in medical records, experience re quired. Call 822-1347, ext. 247. 15t4 Will pay $100 for four 50-yard line tic kets to A&M/Baylor game, Oct. 25. Call Wilson Davis Jr., 512-226-2334 days or 512-824-1366 nights. 1514 Up 13 per cent Crime remains problem Associated Fress WASHINGTON — The na tion’s crime rate rose 13 per cent during the first half of this year compared with the same period a year ago, the FBI re ported Tuesday. The rate was markedly less than the increase reported for each succeeding quarter for nearly two years. But Atty. Gen. Edward H. Levi said, “We can claim no great solace in the fact that the rate in the rise of serious crime has lessened somewhat. Crime remains an enormous national problem and current levels are, and must be, seen as unacceptable.” Broken down into three- month periods, the FBI statis tics showed an 18 percent surge for January, February and March but only an 8 per cent increase for April, May and June. That’s the first time in 21 months that the quarterly in crease has slowed to less than the double-digit level. The FBI Uniform Crime Re ports are based on the number of murders, rapes, robberies, burglaries, assaults, larcenies and motor vehicle thefts re ported to more than 8,000 state and local policies agencies. The statistical report suggests no explanations for the fluctua tions. In all cases, the percentage of change is computed by measur ing the volume of reported crime against the volume for the same period a year earlier. Other studies indicate that ac tual crime may be two to three times higher than reported crime. The new report showed in creases in all seven crime categories, in cities ol all sizes and rural and suburban areas as well. But the 13 per cent jump for the six-month period was noticeably less than the 17 per cent increase for the full yearof 1974. The current trend of crime increases began in the last three months of 1973 when the rate rose 16 per cent compared with ; the final quarter of 1972JIB I wclcomi a©©ii€/i The SILVER FAWN gift TURQUOISE & STERLING SILVER DO-IT-YOURSELF: Sterling Silver Beads Turquoise Nuggets Cones Hooks & Eyes Shell Heshei Liquid Silves Tiger Tail Cord FED MART SHOPPING CENTER - SUITE 404 COLLEGE STATION 846-7877 DeGaetano sets powerful mood HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS We need full-time or part-time employees to work 5 days a week. Cashiers and countar work. 10a.m. 'til 3p.m. 11 a.m. 'til 5 p.m. 3 p.m. 'tilSp.m. 5 p.m. 'til 10 p.m. If you nood a fob and want to work wo will arranee tha hours to fit your schadula. Must ba naat and dapandattfa. Apply in parson only, if possibla 9:30 a.m. 'til 11:00 a.m. Hourly wage is nagotiabla. WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Taxas Collage Station 105 Dominik Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822- 0544. 4tl4 Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. Female roommate wanted, two bedroom apartment. Call 693-4241 after 5 p.m. 16t3 COMING SOON New typing & answering services at competitive rates. Fully qualified staff for ALL TYPING NEEDS For information call 779-3077 after 5:00 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 By ARTHUR J. BROWN Critic Robert DeGaetano made his sec ond appearance at A&M Tuesday night as a “tool to transmit something from a higher power.” That “higher power” being music. “Music is like electricity,” he said after the performance, "We can’t see it but it makes us feel good.” His performance was proof of his state ment. He strode confidently onto the stage with a slight smile on his face and began with “Introduction and Rondo” by Felix Mendelssohn, building to forceful peaks and rolling down to slow peaceful lulls. De Gaetano’s face showed deep con centration and his eyes reflected the mood of the music he played. His music did transmit a mood, as in “Jeux d’eau”, when the rippling music gave an impression of water running down a mountain stream. The entire audience felt the mood and their applause brought him back for two encores. A Bach toccatta, the second selec tion played, started slowly but built quickly to a strong and lively body, then tapered off again to a peaceful end. A sonata by Samuel Barber and “Etude-Tableau by Sergei Rachmaninoff were Ixith long selec tions with great variation of intensi ty. Both had sections containing sev eral seconds of silence. At the end of “Etude-Tableau” a few people clap ped hesitantly. DeGaetano turnedto the audience and with a smile said to the doubters, “It’s over." The last selection on the program, a sonata by Frederic Chopin, was quiet, restful music with which De Gaetano soothed the audience. The first encore was “Consola tion”, a peaceful and beautifully played piece of music. For the sec ond encore he played "Harpsicord Toccatta , a fast and lively selection, after which he received a standing ovation. DeGaetano s profession takes him to many parts of the U.S. and abroad as he gives solo performances and plays with different orchestras. He says that the size of audiences at col leges and universities has increased over the past couple of years. He enjoyed the A&M audience, though it was small. Possibly, he said, lie- cause of poor public relations an nouncing the event. Perhaps when he returns to A&M more people will be able to enjoy the gift of music he has to give. U >Ur M M M >»< M >1K >«• >Kt H >][•: u >!fi M , TI V c ^ T ~ Shuuc // ' r-V Roger Rozell APPOINTMENTS MADE 1-6 WEEKS IN ADVANCE FROM DAY OF HAIR CUT: SAVE $2.00 ON CUT & BLOW DRY. BAUBLES, BEADS & THINGS Come In & String Your Own MON.: 9:00-5:30 TUES. - FRI.: 9:00-9:00 SAT.: 8:00-5:30 331 UNIVERSITY DRIVE 846-7614 I : ^TcLryos la r Mbc/e 'm ■V $ 1 i y i ’£ n f: * U M 19.90 Reg. 26.00 Texas Avenue at Villa Maria/Bryan Special savings on this one-piece dress ... polyester ribbed beige bodice with cotton corduroy patchwork print skirt...other styles to choose from 5-13. J