Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1975 THE OPTIQH 9HOPP6 H. W. Fulfs, Optician LATEST IN EYEWEAR FASHIONS ADJUSTMENTS & REPAIRS 10% - 20% AGGIE DISCOUNT with I.D. Card Located on the front of Manor East Mall next to Montgomery Ward. 822-6267. Scholar program attractive c Top-quarter graduates increase d October 3-5 Pt. Worth, Texas TIHI€P€ I more than 7.000 students from all over the state will be there Baptist or not Call 846 7722 tor Into 1 ' 1975 Texas Baptist Student Convention By VICKIE ASHWILL Battalion Staff Writer Scholastically speaking, the typi cal Texas A&M University student has changed. The number of students entering from the first quarter of their high school graduating class has in creased from 35 per cent in 1963 to 67 per cent in 1974. Altogether, 92 per cent of the 1974 entering freshmen were in the upper half of their high school graduating classes. Bobby Johnson, supervisor of fi nancial aid, said the President’s Scholar Awards program may be a factor in the increase. Presently there are 113 Presi dent’s Scholars attending A&M. Started in 1968, these awards are designed to recognize and honor outstanding high school students in Texas. Each year 30 to 40 new reci pients are named by the university. Recipients of the awards receive $1,250 per year for four years on the condition that they maintain a grade , point ratio of 3.00 or higher. Johnson said many of the reci pients accelerate and finish school in three years or less. Robert Logan, director of finan cial aid, said the students were nominated by their high school principals at the end of the junior year. “A subcommittee of the Univer sity Scholarship Committee reviews the nominations and selects pros pects for the awards, Logan said. “The Scholarship Committee makes its final decision in August and notifies the recipients at the begin ning of their senior high school year.” Logan said financial need was not a requirement for the awards. He said that the decision was based on high school grades, class standing, scores on the National Merit Qual ifying Tests and Preliminary Stan dard Achievement Tests, leader ship capacities and extra-curricular activities. Johnson has done past research that indicates these award re cipients also bring other students with them from their high schools. “The purpose of the program was to encourage these people to come to A&M,” Logan said. Johnson added that his research shows that recipients tend to bring good students with them and those who score highly on the SAT. “But we still get a lot of outstand ing students who don’t necessarily score high on standardized tests,” Johnson said. Logan said the average grade point ratio for the award recipients is approximately 3.7. Ten of the recipients are funded by the university and the remainder are funded through endowments , from the Former Students Associa- 1 tion. • They Rent That-Away! I BEDROOM APARTMENTS FURNISHED FOR AS LOW AS SIO/MONTH All styles ... and at different prices. Ask about our 6 month “Try it before you buy it” plan. Whether it's a roomful or houseful of furniture, Modern Furniture Rentals has it! 1816 PONDEROSA at the corner of Longmere College Station 693-1446 m Modern Furniture Rentals Tax-free income every month If this possibility interests you, sign here. NAME /o A. G. Edwards Check-a-Month Plan is de signed to put a tax-free check in your hands every month. The Plan invests your money in high income municipal bonds whose in terest is exempt from federal income taxes. For more information including advantages and risk factors, mail the coupon today. A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. Established 1887. Members New York Stock Exchange, Inc. — 1119 VILLA MARIA J3RYAN, TEXAS 846-7703^ AN-TSF-2 “SAVE A BUNDLE” Remember the old, Cash and Carry, money saving trick? Buy a pizza at the Krueger-Dunn Snack Bar and eat it there or take it anywhere you wish. Prices are right, and the pizzas are great. Before Thanksgiving Special Hamburger Pizza... 1.29 Sausage Pizza .......1,29 Pepperoni Pizza..... $1.29 OPEN Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. “QUALITY FIRST” Drive continues $135,925 sought By PAULA GEYER Battalion Staff Writer The largest single fund-raising drive in the county is in progress by the Bryan-Brazos County United Way, Bookman Peters, chairman of the drive, said Thursday. The drive, aiming to collect $135,925 before Oct. 31, was launched Sept. 15 by more than 600 volunteers. The money collected from the drive will he distributed to 15 local charity agencies, Peters said. Last year the Bryan drive col lected $131,000 in a 45-day period. Peters said the Bryan-Brazos County United Way drive saves contribution dollars by combining potential funding campaigns into one drive. The funds support agencies which provide programs for the el derly, the handicapped, young people, the sick and the needy, Pet ers said. The agencies, tire chosen to par ticipate In the drive by the Budget Committee of the local United Way, he said. Peters said the agencies submit budgets to the committee which de cides how much money to allocate each agency out of the total amount of funds contributed. College Station and Texas A&M University also began fund-raising projects Sept. 15 for the United Way. The College Station United Way has set a goal of raising $35,000 be fore Oct. 31 for many of the same agencies supported by the Bryan drive. The Texas A&M campaign will raise money for both the College Station United Way and the Bryan-Brazos County United Way, Dr. Haskell Monroe, head of the campus campaign, said. The main agencies supported by this year’s United Way fund drive are: Boys Club of Bryan, Inc., $38,000; Boy Scouts of America, $17,000; Girls' Clubs of Brazos County, Inc., $16,500, American Red Cross, $13,500; Brazos County Rehabilitation Center, $12,000; and the Bluebonnet Girl Scout Council, $11,000. Other agencies receiving funds are; Salvation Army, $9,500; Cent ral Brazos Valley Mental Health Center, $4,000; Youth Center, $2,700; Retired Senior Volunteer Program, $1,300; and Junior Museum of Natural History $1,200. IMPORTS 1970 MERCEDES 280-SEL 4-dr., automatic, air, power win dows, sun roof, new Pirelli tires. $5500.00 1974 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE Automatic, air, 15,000 miles. Also slated to receive United Way funds are: Brazos County Commun ity Council, $900; U.S.O., $550; Camp Sweeney Diabetic Founda tion, $390; and Texas United Com munity Services, $300. The Bryan-Brazos County United Way will also use $7,085 to pay for office and campaign costs. •5^- i't *£ r - ?v* t Til Zachry’s foamy fountain The fountain in front of the Zachry En- dumped some detergent in it. The clean- gineering Center is now very clean thanks out reached its peak around noon yester- to some anonymous social worker who day. WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication SPECIAL NOTICE BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE OR RENT -A, HELP WANTED TUNE-UPS & MINOR REPAIRS AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE Datsun # Toyota # VW MOBILE METRIC MECHANIC 846-8213 Class of ’65 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Sen ice Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — S23-S111 RED TAG SALE We are over-stocked!! Many items to be sold at or near our cost. Sell to run Sept. 27-Oct. 5 ONLY. We do all kinds of canework, stripping, repair and re finishing. Layaways welcome at NIFTY THRIFTY COLLECTIBLES, 2504 S. College, 822-1293.16t5 Limousine Service to: Houston, $30; Austin, $30; San Antonio, $50; Dallas, $60. Call 846-9925 or 823- 8569. Itl6 ATTENTION DECEMBER GRADUATES! Orders for Graduation Announcements will he taken beginning September 8 thru October 10, at the Student Finance Center Office, Room 217, MSC, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 to 4:00. 7tl7 TEAC 1230 Reel-to-Reel Tape Recorder. Excellent condition. Used 20 hours. $300. David, 846-2332 day. 823-2310 nights, weekends. IRISH SETTER PUPS. Bred for hunting from proven blood lines. AKC and FDSB. 846-3946 13H BELAIR Mobile Home Park 6 minutes from campus Swimmingr pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn WANTED Will pay $100 for four 50-yard line tic kets to A&M/Baylor game, Oct. 25. Call Wilson Davis Jr., 512-226-2334 days or 512-824-1366 nights. 1514 Three-wheeled bicycle with basket. Perfect condition, $135. 823-5936 after 4. 16t4 No use drix ing and hunting - just see Cowan’s White Auto Store, North Cate. We have it: auto parts, home appliances, hikes and repair, home needs and lawn FREE — playful black male kitten named Attila seeking permanent posi tion as house cat; 8 weeks, box-trained, references. 846-5826 Now taking applications for wait resses at Bryan Pizza Hut. Applyin person at 2610 Texas Ave. Part time farm help needed Farm machinery maintenance farm labor. Contact Sanr F. DrStflann. Box J-aU, Mumloul. I\ 713/279-3701 after 6:30 p.m. Nurse’s Aide iu Pediatrics. High school diploma. No experience necessary Will be trained. Call for interview, 825-6444. Mr. Mark Bouliane, Navasota Medical Center. $7295.00 1971 TRIUMPH ROADSTER Excellent condition. $1895.00 1975 VOLKSWAGEN BUS Automatic, air, AM-FM, 8,000 miles.. Still in warranty. SAVE $900.00! RUDDER MOTOR CO. 603 TEXAS COLLEGE STATION 846-8011 SPEARMAN REALTY NEW LISTING IN C. S. BEAUTIFUL FOUR BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOME ON CUL-DE-SAC. FORMAL LIVING ROOM, FIREPLACE IN DEN, ALMOST 2000 SQUARE FEET OF LIVING AREA, HOME IS ON A DOUBLE LOT, AND HAS BEEN MAGNIFICENTLY KEPT. PERFECT FOR A LARGE FAMILY. QUALITY BUILT BY SPEARMAN HOMES. LOTS OF STORAGE AREAS PLUS ROCK-lined VEGETABLE GAR DEN IN BACK YARD. CALL BOB AT 693-7519 LIVE IN BRIARCREST ESTATES IN THIS ULTRA NICE 3-2 HOME. FORMAL LIVING AND DINING ROOM. OVER 2000 SQ. FT. OF LIVING AREA WITH LANDSCAPED YARD AND A DOUBLE DETACHED GARAGE. GREAT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. CALL MARILYN AT 823-8445 CHILDREN IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAN WALK TWO BLOCKS TO SOUTH KNOLL SCHOOL FROM THIS ROOMY 3-2 HOME. FORMAL LR, AND WALK-IN CLOSETS IN ALL BEDROOMS. OVER SIZED FAMILY ROOM TOO. CALL BOB AT 693-7519 NEW HOME UNDER CONSTRUCTION ON ANGELINA IN C.S. 3 AND 4 BEDROOM. STILL TIME TO SELECT COLORS. 40's. NOW BUILDING ON CHERRY CK. CIRCLE IN BRYAN. SOMMERVILLE MOBILE HOME AND 2 LOTS FOR $18,500. 14x70 COMPLETELY FUR NISHED HOME. 5 ACRES IN HARVEY - OWNER WILL HELP WITH 2nd LIEN. 4.43 ACRES SOUTH OF C.S. OWNER WILL FI NANCE. 94 ACRES NEAR WHEELOCK - $795 ACRE - EXCELLENT HUNTING. GOOD TERMS 150 ACRES OF PASTURE LAND NEAR BRYAN. POND, DEEP WELL, FENCES, ALL MINER ALS, COUNTY ROAD FRONTAGE. $895 PER ACRE. TERMS 55 ACRES ON FM 60 INVESTMENT PROPERTY OR FOR COUNTRY ESTATES AND RANCHET- TES. MARILYN BEVERLY 823-8445 BOB BELL 693-7519 OFFICE 822-1534 ’74 Trans Am Firebird 455. Midnight blue metallic, .$3850. 823-8405 days. After 5:30, 693-1024. 13t4 1973 Vega, new engine, 693-4652 before 9 p.m. 15t2 Dodge Tradesman van 1968, good tires, good condiHon, talk price. 822-1886.after 6; 822-2323 day. 15tfn New Thorens manual turntable w/base and dustcover, $185 or best offer. 846-4571. 15t2 By owner: 10 acres wooded land, large oak trees i Bryan and College Station. Phone 822-0707. CHILD CARE LAD N LASSIE SCHOOL & CHILD CARE CENTER 2214 Cavitt, will be open during the Aggie game, Saturday, 11 a.m. -5p.m. Lunch and planned activities will he provided. For reservations, phone 822-7147 or 823-8430 WANTED Students to work with floor stripping and waxing crew on weekends. Starting pay, $2.50. Call bet ween 4 and 6 p.m. Jack Alderman, Bryan Janitorial Service, 693-3592. Houston Chronicle needs a confident, aggressive, young person to handle a good-paying newspaper route. $400 per month plus extra benefits, 3-4hours per day, 7 days a week. Must have dependable au tomobile and he available from 1-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. and weekend mornings. Call Julian McMurrey, *693-2323 or 846-0763. 1314 Graduate couple, if you are considering moving to a more suitable apartment, please call for details. A comfortable, furnished, a/c apartment. Attractive, quiet. Bills paid. 822-6668. 13t4 Horse pasture and stalls, 846-7015. 7tl2 State Apts., $95, bills paid, 822-4518. 9t8 OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE. 1,100 sq. ft. with cen tral air-heat. 6 offices, 2 restrooms, reception area, near BB&L. JACOB BEAL REAL ESTATE, 2511 Texas Axe., 823-5469. 9tl0 Small trailer close to campus, a/c, furnished. 693-4652 before 9 p.m. 12t5 Horses boarded. Stalls with runs or pasture. Horses broke. Call 823-0454. 15t4 Medical transcriber in medical records, experience re- 5; quired. Call 822-1347, ext. 247. 15t4 £'• ».j Chemical technician needed. Must have atomic ah- sorption experience. Contact Dr. Presley, Oceano graphy Dept., Room 403. 845-5136. 14t7 Has the following openings: Bookkeeper/Secretary Clerk-Typist Experienced Bookkeejier Manager Trainee Salaried, plus commission, salesperson Secretary with medical experience Carpenters Bartender Food Waiters or Waitresses AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7308 2008 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center Part time jobs av ailable, 822-7146. ROOMMATE WANTED Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. Typing, all kinds, IBM Selectric, lowest rates in town. 693-3512. 5tl0 Need student to do general maintenance yard work and construction. Experience preferred, transportation re quired, hours to be worked out. Call for an appointment with Mike Beal, 823-5469. 9tl0 63 CMC, '/» ton, $450. David. Day, 846-2332. Nights, weekends, 823-2310. 14t7 Have you tried the new RAMADA BARBER SALON? owned & operated by Troy Causey Roffler products for men. 846-8811 ext. 104 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmejts Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822- 0544. 4tl4 ■■■■BDoonaaB BDBOOBBBOQQB SALES • SERVICE RENTALS SOSOLIK’S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS We need full-time or part-time employees to work 5 days a week. Cashiers and counter work. 10a.m. 'til 3 p.m. 11 a.m.'til 5 p.m. 3 p.m.'til 8 p.m. 5 p.m.'til 10 p.m. If you notd a job and want to work wa will arranga tht hours to fit your schadult. Must bt ntat and dapandabta. Applyin person only, if possible 9:30a.m. 'til 11:00 a.m. Hourly wage is negotiable. WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Taxes Collage Station 105 Oominik Female roommate wanted, two bedroom apartment. Call 693-4241 after 5 p.m. 16(3