The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 10, 1975, Image 1

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    Rev buried
as thousands
attend rites
Managing Editor
Rarely is a Kyle Field crowd
hushed by such apparent rever
But thousands filled the horse
shoe area of the stadium last even
ing and sat with church-like quiet
ness while stiff military formalities
commanded a funeral production.
Reveille HI, Texas A&M’s mascot
for the past nine years, was going to
her final resting place. The aging
mascot died last May 31 of a recur
ring illness.
The collie’s shaven, sick body was
placed in a freezer at the vet school’s
large animal clinic so that the fun
eral could be delayed until the stu
dent body returned this fall. For
security reasons, false rumors of
other hiding places for Reveille
were circulated.
Only five people — two at the vet
school, one in the Trigon and two in
Company E-2 — knew the true
whereabouts of the frozen corpse.
The cadets of Company E-2, the
official mascot guardian, had waited
more than three months to bid Rev a
final farewell. Others attending the
funeral simply admitted to spec
tator’s curiosity.
The funeral production itself
went smoothly, with the exception
of a dead microphone and Reveille
IV’s apparent restlessness. '
A brief history of the A&M mas
cot tradition, read by E-2 comman
der Mike Clark; a poem combined
and read by J. H. Allen, one of Rev’s
former escorts; a eulogy by Mike
Marchand, corps chaplain; and a
few comments from Student Y As
sociation President Donnie Al
brecht all indicated that Reveille
and her predecessors were more
than mere animals.
“A tradition, and a symbol of
spirit,’’ they said, “she was also a
tangible missing link to (carefree)
The farewell to Rev III was tem
pered with reminiscences of the col
lie’s bouts with other universities’
mascots, including the University of
Texas’ Revo.
“It won’t be long until this Re
veille is forgotten and this new one
will take her place, Albrecht said.
While the Singing Cadets opened
into “Auld Lang Syne,” E-2 paraded
Rev’s casket to a freshly-dug grave
outside the stadium. The pallbear
ers lowered the black pine box into
the six-foot hole dug between the
graves of Reveilles I and II.
Each mascot is buried at the
north end of Kyle Field, facing the
scoreboard at the other end.
Only a few spectators, E-2 itself
and various representatives of local
and Houston media observed as
Victor Harris, Reveille Ill’s first
handler, dumped the first shovelful
of dirt into the hole. Former mascot
corporals Thomas Rideout, Bob
Hovel, J. H. Allen and Don Jones
followed with the shovel-passing
Only then did the members of
E-2 show emotion, as some looked
through tears at the wreath-banked
From the field, the Texas Aggie
Band broke into “The Spirit of Ag-
gieland,” and the crowd (still inside
Kyle Field) held a memorial yell
practice in honor of Reveille III.
“The Spirit of Aggieland extends
to more than athletics,” Head Yell
Leader Jim Bob Mickler told the
crowd. “When the football team
plays an away game. Aggies turn out
to see them off and to show the team
that they have their support.
“We’ve come here tonight to see
Reveille off, and to assure her of our
It seems that mascots at other
Texas universities haven t quite
gained the same awesome respect as
have Texas A&M's Reveilles.
In telephone interv iews Tuesday,
The Battalion found spokesmen for
the University of Houston, Texas
Tech, and the University of Texas
apparently surprised about Reveille
(See MASCOTS, page 3>
Partly cloudy and hot Wednes
day and Thursday. 20 per cent
afternoon and evening showers
both days. High 90; low 71. SE
winds 7-12 mph.
Vol. 69 No. 6
Copyright 0 1975, The Battalion
College Station, Texas
Wednesday, September 10, 1975
AQp 'dC?* 1 I
Students oppose
million-dollar raise
Stuff Writer
"It took 55 rings for directory as
sistance to answer the phone one
Sunday afternoon. ’’
That comment was made hy Joe
Marcello, president of the Texas
A&M University Graduate Student
Council, during a public hearing
Tuesday night concerning General
Telephone Company’s local service.
The hearing, held in response to a
re<iuest For a $1,073,193 yearly re
venue increase by General Tele
phone, was attended by approxi
mately 75 people.
“We are completely opposed to
an increase, Marcello, speaking in
behalf of A&M’s graduate students,
said. “There have constantly been
bad connections in both long dis
tance and local calls and many bil
ling mistakes.
Marcello said that, in general, the
Joe Marcello
service has been extremely bad.
If an increase is absolutely
necessary, we would like to have
some guarantees in writing of im
proved service by General Tele
phone, he said.
Jeff Dunn, Texas A&M student
body president, presented a peti
tion containing 1,484 signatures of
College Station residents who have
had at least one problem with their
telephone service.
“It seems to me that if were going
to have a public monopoly, it should
be responsible tq the public,” Dunn
About ten other persons, some
from Bryan and Kurten, also spoke
against the proposed increase. No
one spoke in favor of the increase,
but several complimented General
Telephone’s Division Manager B.
A. Erwin for his cooperation with
local residents on their service prob
Mayor Pro-Tern Bob Bell said the
city is working very closely with a
rate consultant to ascertain what
would be a fair increase to grant to
General Telephone.
Bill McMorries, an Amarillo
phone fate consultant, has been
hired by both Bryan and College
Station to help work out an agree
ment with General Telephone.
“It is basically the authority of the
city to regulate the rates,” Coun
cilman Jim Dozier said. “The law in
Texas regarding this matter is that
the telephone company is guaran
teed a fair and reasonable rate of
return on tbe fair value company’s
Dozier said the law is vague, at
best, in determining what is a fair
and reasonable rate of return.
General Telephone claims the
rate of return on invested capital as
of June 30 was 5.43 per cent. The
company has requested a rate in
crease to 8.40 percent to counteract
inflationary costs.
Erwin explained that the prop
osed increase was determined by
deciding the company must receive
a certain amount of profit from their
In this case, Erwin said when the
rate of return on invested capital
was computed, an 8.40 percent re
turn was calculated.
The requested rates are de
signed to produce a total annual in
crease in local service revenues of
Dozier, a member of the city’s
phone rate subcommittee, said the
rate increase must be agreed upon
by Bryan, College Station and Gen
eral Telephone. Pie said from that
(See PHONES, pane 3>
Tradition: The New Watches The Old
Company E-2 observes a solemn moment as Reveille HTs been strong, and the Reveille tradition at Texas A&M
casket is prepared for interment. Her replacement. Re- emphasizes this feeling. Pallbearers, left to right, are Mike
veille FV, also seems a bit melancholy during the cere- Pauling, Mike McCabe, Jay Dietz and Rock Shoemaker,
mony. The relationship between man and dog has always stair pi oaud McCan oii
Enrollment won’t hike fees
Jeff Dunn
The 18 percent increase in stu
dent enrollment this year will not
result in fee increases.
Inflation might.
Increases in fees will be more de
pendent on inflationary pressures
than on more students, said Dr.
John Koldus, Vice President of Stu
dent Services in an interview Tues
day. “Hopefully the extra funds
from increased enrollment will ba
lance off the inflationary increases. ”
The University Health Center
fees will probably not be increased
even if inflation continues to rise,
Koldus said. The fee, which is now
Accused woman
‘wanted attention’
Associated Press
Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme told a
Manson trial attorney during a
jailhouse visit that she never in
tended to shoot President Ford, the
lawyer said Tuesday.
Attorney Dave Shinn said he vis
ited Miss Fromme on Monday and
“she said, ‘I wasn’t going to shoot
him. I just wanted to get some at
tention for a new trial for Charlie
and the girls.
Also disclosed was the identity of
the man who owned the gun used in
the attempted assassination of Ford
in Sacramento last Friday.
An FBI source said Harold
Eugene Boro gave Miss Fromme,
26, the .45-caliber automatic pistol
that was seized by a Secret Service
agent. The source described Boro as
a 66-year-old grandfather who was
“Sugar Daddy” to the Manson girls.
Shinn said Miss Fromme, who is
charged with attempted murder of
the President, also told him she will
ask to represent himself as her own
Miss Fromme and other followers
of convicted murderer Charles
Manson have demanded frequently
that he and his women codefendants
be given a new trial in the 1969 Sha
ron Tate murders.
Shinn, a Los Angeles attorney
who represented Susan Atkins at
that trial, said he was in Sacramento
on other business and visited Miss
Fromme as a friend.
Shinn said Miss Fromme also
plans to ask tor a change of venue to
San Francisco for her trial.
Boro, who now drives a Cadillac,
once owned a red Volkswagen, ac
cording to neighbors in this North
ern California Gold Rush town
where Boro moved last July. He had
lived in Sacramento.
The FBI spokesman said he
didn’t know whether the red Vol
kswagen which Miss Fromme used
was a gift from Boro. He said he
believes it was registered in Miss
Fromme s name.
Relatives of Boro in Jackson said
they were “shocked as can be” at tbe
news. They said they had no idea
where he could be reached.
“He’s a very quiet man and never
was interested in women or any
thing," said his white-haired aunt,
Mildred Boro. “We sure didn’t ex
pect to hear anything like this about
Washington columnist Jack An
derson reported that Boro, a retired
Air Force worker, told the FBI he
bought the .45-caliber pistol from a
friend and showed it to Miss
Fromme, whom he had befriended.
He reportedly denied giving it to
her, but said one day she grabbed it
and ran off with it.
Dwayne Keyes, U.S. attorney in
Sacramento, said that account gen
erally was correct, but he refused to
Boro is among witnesses from
whom a federal grand jury is
scheduled to hear testimony Wed
$14 per semester, has a legislated
maximum of $15. At this point the
center has been keeping level with
the rise in costs, and has been able
to expand its services with the addi
tion of a new administrator, he said.
Room and board prices will also
not be affected by increased enroll
ment, Koldus said. Dormitories and
eating balls are auxiliary services
paid for solely by students. They
receive no state funds.
Bond payments on the dor
mitories are unaffected by inflation,
Koldus said, but salaries, supplies
and utilities are not. If prices go up
in this area, the major reason would
be because of a raise in salaries or of
a bike in fuel prices, he said.
Howard Vestal, Assistant Vice
President of Business Affairs, ag
reed with Koldus;
“The number of students eating
in the dining halls is not particularly
a pressure. If it becomes necessary
to raise student prices, it will result
from inflationary pressures. Just last
year, there was a 25 per cent salary
increase for personnel making less
than $10,0(X) per year. The raise in
fuel prices also doubled the cost of
There is no maximum on the cost
of parking permits, Koldus said,
however he sees no reason for an
increase at this time.
“If the cost of asphalt, steel and
concrete level off, then possibly we
will be able to even decrease the
cost,” he said.
In the case of lab fees, the only
reason for an increase would be a
rise in the cost of expendable
supplies. Again, the number of stu
dents enrolled does not affect the
price of the fee because the $8 now
being charged is the legislated
Building use fees will not in
crease, as they too are now the
maximum allowed.
Student Services fees, Koldus
said, are harder to predict. Al
though an increase in students will
demand an increase in services,
there is not a hike in the foreseeable
future, he said. The maximum al
lowed by the legislature is $30 and
students are presently charged
$19.80 per semester.
As of the 5th day of classes, en
rollment totaled 24,953.
Meetings scheduled
Alpha Phi Omega, a national service fraternity, will hold rush
Thursday at 8 p.m. in room 140 of the Memorial Student Center.
Guest speaker will be John West, and refreshments will be served.
For further information call 846-2037 or 845-1582.
Wildlife Biology Association will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in
room 601 of the Rudder Tower.
Finance Association will meet Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in room 607
of the Rudder Tower.
Junior Class Council will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in room
701 of the Rudder Tower. All juniors are invited to attend.
Snow Sid Club will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in room 510 of the
Rudder Tower to make plans for the January 11-16 trip to Brecken-
ridge, Colorado. Dues and trip deposits will be collected.
Motorcycle Club will meet Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 7:45 in room
502 of the Rudder Tower. A petition concerning university parking
facilities and fees will be discussed.
A&M Wheelmen will meet every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at the
Rudder Tower Fountain for a short bicycle ride.
Robin’s Aero Squadron, Texas A&M University’s hang-gliding
club, will meet at 9 p.m. in room 301 of the Rudder Tower.
Marketing Society will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Casa
del Sol party room. All marketing majors are invited.
Black Awareness will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in room 504 of
’the Rudder Tower. The committee is open to all interested students,
.’staff and faculty. A slide show will be presented at the meeting.
Senior Class Council will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in room
410 of the Rudder Tower.
Aggie Bass Club will meet Wednesday at 7:30 in room 302 of the
Rudder Tower.
American Society for Metals will meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in
room 203 Zachry. Brian Fanslow of Cameron Iron Works will speak on
the melting of alloy steels used in the nuclear and aerospace indus
Senate to consider
limiting LSU tickets
Staff Writer
A resolution limiting LSU foot
ball game-ticket distribution will be
considered at the Student Senate
Meeting tonight.
Should the resolution pass, only
students with season ticket books
will be able to get a ticket and no
blocks will be permitted. A student
will only be able to get two tickets.
This will allow as many A&M stu
dents as possible to attend the LSU
LSU has allowed A&M 5,504 tic
kets and only 798 remain reserved
for distribution to students begin
ning Monday.
This year’s first meeting of the
Student Senate will be at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 601 of Rudder Tower.
In other Senate business, Jeff
Dunn, student government presi
dent will give a legislative program
speech to the Senate. Dunn will
outline senate objectives for the
75-76 school year.
“We are going to try to increase
the number of student government
projects that will save students’
money, to end arbitrary rules and
give students control of their lives,”
Dunn said.
The Senate will then v ote on uni
versity committee changes that
were made during the summer.
Several committee members res
igned due to low grades or dropping
out of school.
For nominations to the Univer
sity Disciplinary Appeals Panel,
Dunn will recommend Cyndi Davis
and Margaret Woodall. Tico Foley,
Denice Barfield, and Chris Boc-
kholt have been nominated for the
Council on Teacher Education
Committee, and Pedro Sanabria for
the International Student Advisory
For the Environmental Safety
and Health Committee John Tem-
perilli has been nominated, and
Kathryn Hrncir for the Library
Council. The Book Store Advisory
Committee was formed this sum
mer and the three students ap
pointed; up for approval, are Mary
Ellen Martin, Raj Kent, and Fred
Also up for approval is the sum
mer expenditures: $2,000 for stu
dent radio, $1,000 for the academic
program evaluation, and other
minor items in the 1974-75 fiscal
Another resolution will be to allo
cate money for two information
boards, one to be placed in public
places, like the MSG and the lib
rary. The boards will display infor
mation about the student govern
ment, answers to student questions.
There will also be a place on tbe
board for student suggestions and
gripes. Dunn said that the boards
would help the Senate respond to
student needs.
A third resolution to be consi
dered by the senate is one which
would end a contract with American
Publishers, Inc. This company is re
sponsible for printingcampus maps.
Reasons the resolution include are
the rates are too high and it would
be better to print the map locally so
the money can stay in the College
Station-Bryan area. American Pub
lishers is located in San Diego,
Lastly, the two contracts with
Midwest Cable and Community
Cable for student radio cable casting
will be up for approval tonight.