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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1975)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1975 Imperial Naval cadets study^ harder Iranians stride into corps life Expert quaffers find same beer different I -yH T ft I' r By DON MIDDLETON Staff Writer Iran is a Middle East country of 32 million people covering 1.6 million square miles. It is the 13th richest country in the world and the 4th leading oil producer. It exports caraway seed, petroleum and Impe rial Iranian Naval cadets. One thousand such cadets are in colleges and universities through out the United States, 10 of them at Texas A&M University. Iran, known as Persia in ancient times, is a member of the Organiza tion of Petroleum Exporting Coun tries (OPEC), but is not a member of the Arab bloc of nations. The Iranian Aggies are candidates for commissions in the Imperial Navy. They were sent to A&M to study Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, said Cadets Yousaf Hafezizadeh and Manucheher Kavehkar, freshmen in Company K-2. The government of Iran is sub sidizing the program, Hafezizadeh said last week, and provides the cadets with transportation for a month-long vacation home each summer. “Mechanical engineering in Iran is not good for a naval officer,” said Hafezizadeh. He also said the gov ernment is currently in the process of improving its engineering prog ram, but until it does, Iranians will be sent to the U.S. to study. Kavehkar, who comes from Rasht in northern Iran, said that the major difficulty the Iranians encountered was translating American textbooks. “If one of our American friends lias to study for two hours, ” he said, we have to study for four hours — it takes two hours to look up all the words in the dictionary.” The Iranians’ conversational En glish is strikingly good. The trouble comes when they are faced with homework problems using the En glish measurement system. In Iran the metric system i^> used exclu sively. Adjusting to life in the U.S. has also meant changes in dress and eat ing habits. Hafezizadeh said that the clothing of Texas was much more casual than that of Iran. Reaction to the Iranian cadets by other members of the Corps and the Military staff has been mostly posi tive. Colonel M. H. Ivins, head of the Naval ROTC department, said that the Iranian cadets “wear the un iform well and seem to readily ac cept discipline.” But he expressed concern that the other cadets might be slow in accepting them. His worries seem to be un founded, however, as reactions have run from mild to enthusiastic. Derrick Suehs, commander of Company K-2, is convinced that the Iranian cadets will make good Ag gies and naval officers. David Hac- kemeyer, who commands Company N-l, is also impressed with the two Imperial Naval candidates in his unit. The main obstacle Hafezizadeh, Kavehkar and their countrymen worry about is one of study time. "We have heard many people complain that they do not have enough time to study, Hafezizadeh said. “If there is not enough time for them, there is certainly not enough time for us.” Associated Press PHILADELPHIA — Television ads, not your taste buds, probably determine what beer you like best, according to a recently published study at the Wharton School of Bus iness and Commerce. The study tells of250 regular beer drinkers who were given four diffe rently labeled cans of beer. All 250 selected a favorite brand. Most said they found one beer that tasted hor rible. All four cans contained the same brand of beer. The study, conducted by Whar ton Profs. Russell L. Ackoff and James R. Emshoff, was soundly at tacked last week by the luncheon crowd at Cavannaugh’s, a hospita ble drinking spot only blocks from the Wharton School. “I not only can taste the differ ence, I can smell it,” said Hank Letherland, who says he is almost 60 years old and has been enjoying beer since age 12 when he helped his father mix home-brew in the basement of their home. “Even when I have a load on," said construction worker Jimmy Brandt, 30, “1 know what I’m drink ing. I give it light hack to the bar tender, sometimes in the face. He should know better than to give me anything but my brand.” Ackoff and Emshoff are consul tants to Anheuser-Busch, Ine,, brewer of Budweiser and other beers. They invited 250 proven beer quaffers to what they saidwasa tasting session for four beers that Anheuser-Busch was thinking of putting on the market. The participants were given a psychological test to determine what type or category of jverson they might be: heavy drinker, light drinker, extroverted, shy, what ever. The study says participants who tested into a particular personality category usually liked most the beer that had been promoted in the TV blurb by a personality with traits from the same category. m m Persian fish 'Yousaf Hafezizadeh (left) and Manucheher Kavehkar are fish «i in the Texas A&M Cadet Corps and are simultaneously cadets) of the Imperial Iranian Navy. [They and eight other Iranian! jofficers-to-be are studying en-| [gineering at A&M. Photo b\ Mike Hodgson! EMBREY’S JEWELRY Your Gift Headquarters We feature a complete line of: a* RINGS - LADIES & MENS BRACELETS - LADIES & MENS CHARM BRACELETS WATCHES - SEIKO, BULOVA CARAVELLE & TIMEX ARNEX POCKET WATCHES SMALL SILVER GIFTS SMALL CRYSTAL GIFTS NECK CHAINS - ALL SIZES CROSS PENS & PENCILS PENDANTS EARRINGS CHARMS LOCKETS KEY CHAINS TIE TAGS LIGHTERS CUFF LINKS BABY GIFTS Iranians grant stilted interview The Battalion encountered several problems in trying to inter view the Iranian students in the Corps. The first was an Iranian governmental regulation prohibiting the cadets from speaking to reporters. The rule is one imposed on all military personnel, but was waived after the Naval ROTC depart ment contacted the Iranian embassy in Washington, D.C. The Iranian liaison officer at first insisted the A&M ROTC de partment screen the questions to be asked and supervise the inter view. This was also waived, but the Naval ROTC department met with the reporter before the interview and approved the text after ward. The Iranian cadets understood at all times that they were not to answer any questions pertaining to government policies, petroleum or any other controversial subject. The final delay was due to the embassy’s desire to tell the cadets directly that they would be allowed to take part in the inter view. The matter remained unresolved for two days due to scheduling difficulties. The interview was eventually held without this formality, but with the full approval of the Iranian embassy and the Naval ROTC department. Squeeze hits jails VICTOR S OF COLLEGE STATION COR FORM SHOES (heavy double sole) STORM WELT $27.95 m Si BLACK TIES SI.75 ' \ COMBAT BOOTS (heavy double sole) $21.95 RIDGEWAY CAPS (olive green) $3.50 MIDNITE TIES $1.75 WHITE PARADE GLOVES $2.00 DIAMONDS - TO SET IN AGGIE RINGS TURQUOISE JEWELRY - ALL KINDS THE WINNER OF OUR FREE AGGIE SWEETHEART RING WAS: V0NDA HARRISON Associated Press HUNTSVILLE - Texas Depart ment of Corrections (TDC) Director W. J. Estelle, Jr. said Monday the state prison system will suffer from overcrowding by 1980. Estelle, in a news release, said there will be facilities for only 21,860 in five years under the de partment s current building prog ram . But if the present trend con tinues, there will be an inmate population of 22,309 by 1980. “The facts are clear, we are run ning out of room,” Estelle said. “With multiple factors contributing to this trend of increasing commit ments, there is no relief in sight. Texas rate of parole is one-third less than the rest of the country, he pointed out. This could be im proved if the Board of Pardons and Paroles gets more resources, Es telle said. The Texas prison population has grown from 12,622 in 1970 to more than 18,000 this past August. WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must he pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication COMPANY ASCOTS $2.00 UPPER CLASSMEN BUCKLES $2.00 FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS CORPS OF CADETS CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE! COMPANY INSIGNIAS $1.50 201 COLLEGE MAIN N0RTHGATE BATTALION CLASSIFIED FREE GIFT WRAPPING WITH ALL PURCHASES 415 UNIVERSITY DR. COLLEGE STATION 9:00-5:30 MON.-SAT. SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 OFFICAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: deBrnin, Richard Da\ id Degree: Ph.D. in Ci\ il Engineering Dissertation: DISTRIBUTION OF NON-Bl OYANT MATERIAL FROM A CONTINTOI S SOI RCE IN SHEAR FLOW. Time: September IS, 1975 at 2:00 p.m. Place: Civil Engineering Conference Room in the Civ il Engineering Bldg. George W. fCmr/.e Dean of the Graduate College SPECIAL NOTICE Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 14H Texas Ave. — 823-8111 67tfn FOR SALE FOR RENT HELP WANTED COTTONWOOD CREEK MOBILE PARK 1707 Palasota, Bryan. Large nice lots, with 2 months free rent, $28.50 monthly rent, cable contract, water furnished, park-recreation area with trees, sensible restrictions. 822-3014 or 846-1854. It8 ( MSC Cafeteria MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea New and Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $1.49 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 AM to 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM to 7 PM Snack Bar 7 a.m. — 7 p.m. TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w/chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Beef Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENTS In the p.Lst, certain information has been made public by Texas A&M I’niversity as a service to students, families and other interested individuals. I'nder the “FamiK Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,” the following directors information max he made public unless the student desires to withhold all or any portion of it: Student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of studs, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance, degrees and awards receix ed, and the most recent prex ions educational agency or institution attended bx the student. Any student wishing to withhold any or all of this infor mation should fill out, in person, the appropriate form, available to graduate students at the Graduate College and to undergraduate students at the Registrar's Office, no later than 5:(X) p.m., Friday, September 12, 1975. FOR SALE 1975 650CC Triumph chopper, girder frontend, soft tail frame. Must see paint job to believe it. $2450.(K). Call Mike, Houston 649-1306 5t3 Single, with hath. Private entrance. Central air, heat. Nicely furnished. Close to campus. 846-0454 or 845- 2124. 4t2 Large, 2-bedroom, furnished apartment, Bryan. I'tilities paid, except electricitx, 822-5311, 822-1078. 4t2 OFFICE FURNITURE Desks, Filing Cuhinet, Storage Calnnets, Cal culators, Typewriter, Typewriter Table, Typist cliairs. Executive Cbair, Check Writer, 19" Zenith Black & White Portable TV. Phone SIB-32IS. FOR SALE OR RENT BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots, 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn Edwin II. Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Texas A&M Unixersity 3tfi Fossilized SHARK’S TOOTH Jewelry Necklace, key chain, tie tack, $2.98 each. Broughtons, Box 3321, Sarasota, Fla. 33578 HELP WANTED Has the following openings: Secretary Experienced Credit Clerk Clerk-Typist Bookkeeper Sales Clerk Experienced Brick Layers AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7308 2(X)8 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center Part time production workers wanted, 5:30-930 p.m. Trailite, Inc. 822-6671 An Equal Opportunity Employer SPECIAL NOTICE THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE BwikAmericard Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FREE COUNTERFEIT MONEY. Each evening from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. any person who purchases food totaling $5.00 or more will receive a free enlarged reproduction of a REPUBLIC OF TEXAS FIVE DOLLAR BILL 608 South Bryan Woodburning Heaters & Cookstox es. Round Top Trunk, Yictrola, Foot Pedal Sewing Machine, Iron Washpot, Antique Oak High Back Bed, Brass Firep lace Set W/Andirons, Kerosene Lamps, Depression Class, Silverware, Brass Items, Flower Pots, Rock ing Chairs, Oak Tables, Oak Pie Sale, Washstand, Old Pictures & Frames, Antique Walnut What- authinkitis?, Antique Woodworkers Tools, 1,(XX)& 1 Iron Collector Items, Old Books, Rocks, Petrified Wood, Crystals, Geodes, Agate, Mineral Speci mens. Furniture Restoration, Repairs, Refinishing, & Woodcarx ing. 3t6 FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL ‘‘Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable Deadline for refunds for 76 Aggielands is November 1, 1975. Bring fall 75 fee slip to Rm. 216, Reed McDonald Bldg. 2t5 Limousine Service to: Houston, $30; Austin, $30; San Antonio, $50; Dallas, $60. Call 846-9925 or 823- 8569. it 16 65 fmpala SS, good condition, $595. 693-7900 after 6 p.m. weekdays. 5t2 Beautiful toy poodle puppies. 6 weeks old, $35 each. 846-9190. 5t3 Dyna 70 watt power amp. and pre-amp. Dual 1019 turntable. Dyna FM. Bo/ak B-203 speakers. $55 each or $3(X) all. Olci, but great sound. 779-3771. 5t2 English Shepherd puppies. I'.K.C. registered, excel lent stockdogs, watchdogs, pets, companions. 823- 0828. 3t4 Panasonic A.M-I’M receiver with 8-track player- recorder and automatic turntable, $170, 846-8329. 3t5 3 bedroom, 2 baths house. l«irge den. Phone 822-4900, alter 6 p.m. 5t4 Let White’s Auto Store, College Station, serve yon with your hardware and plumbing needs. North Gate. 338tfn TEXAS A&M GRADUATE ASSISTANT Needed for position in Arts & Crafts Woodshop Need Industrial Education, Industrial Technology Experience, re.s|K>nsihle for woodshop and instruc tion, 20 hours/week, 12 month position, must he in Graduate School at A&M, $375.00/month, available immediately. Contact: fhe Arts & Cr;ifts Center 845-1631. RN NEEDED 30 bed Caldwell Hospital has immediate opening for staff nurse. Good benefits plus tnix el pax . Call collect 536-3246 Student Assistance needed by local funeral home. Living quarters provided plus salary. Neat appearance and ability to answer phone is necessary. 823- 8125. 2t4 MOM, help balance the family budget with part time income and he a full time mother, too. For appointment and in terview, call 846-7381, afternoons. Need someone to share a two bedroom, fiirni.slied apartment three blocks from campus. $7()/ino. Call 846-9371. 5(2 FOR RENT 3 bedroom, 2 hath, a/c house across campus, $180. 846- 4421. 5t4 Part-time student employment in driv e-in grocery. Ap proximately 15-20 hours weekly. 846-4141. 4t3 Need 3 students, part time work, 7-11:30 p.m. Baskin and Robbins lee Cream Store, 2500 Texas, 822-9732. 5t4 Female help wanted. Apply in person. Good time Char lie’s, 807 Texas Ave. 846-9513. 3t6 53¥SafS55S5fiS5g3Sg£SSSSSS WANTED Need to buy or borrow text for Math 209. 693-8692. 5(2 ‘Quality Firsf’i ■□□□■aBQaocia □□□□□■■□□□□a ■ ■■■BOO □(]■■■ OOHBH3BHIBiaQ0 0 SALES • SERVICE RENTALS Have you tried the new AUTO INSURANCE RAMADA BARBER SALON? FOR AGGIES: owned & operated by Troy Causey Call: George Webb Roffler products for men.' . Farmers Insurance Group 846-8811 ext. 104 3400 S. College 823-8051 Need rug for dorm room. Call 845-7675, Tom or Chip. 5(2 mimissssssssss^sss^^^mm j WORK WANTED Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 392tfii Typing. Experienced, last, accurate. All kinds. 822- 0544. ill 1 Typing, all kinds, IBM Selcctric. lowest rates in limn 69.3-3512. Slid ROOMMATE WANTED