The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 09, 1975, Image 1

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    Reveille’s rites
tonight at Kyle
Funeral services for Reveille III, Texas A&M’s third mascot, begin
at seven tonight at Kyle Field. The nine-year-old registered American
Collie died May 31 after an extended illness.
After students are seated in the north side “horseshoe of the
stadium, Mike Clark, commanding officer of Company E-2, will open
the 20-minute rite with brief histories of Reveille I, II, III, and IV.
Donnie Albrecht, president of the Student V Association, will then
speak about the effect Reveille III and her predecessors had on Aggie
Spirit. Mike Marchand, corps chaplain, will deliver the eulogy, andj.
H. Allen, one of Reveille’s former escorts, will recite a poem in honor
of this “First Lady of the Corps of Cadets.
Interment will be at the north end of Kyle where the mascot’s
predecessors are also buried.
Only Company E-2 will attend this burial ceremony due to space
limitations. However the Singing Cadets and the Texas Aggie Band
will perform an the company marches from the field and view of those
in the stadium. Both “Auld Lang Syne and “The Spirit of Aggieland ’
are scheduled for this performance.
During these numbers, five of Reveille’s nine former escorts and
constant companions will bury her. Although two are expected from
out-of-town, four could not attend because they are either out-of-state
or out-of-the-country. However, those assisting (in order of their
service to the mascot) are: Victor Harris of San Antonio, Thomas
Rideout of Houston, as well as Bobby Hovel, J. H. Allen, and Don
Jones, both A&M students.
Bob Vanderberry and his new charge. Reveille IV, will also observe
Reveille Ill s burial.
Pallbearers are Jay Dietz, Mike McCabe, Mike Pauling and Rock
Shoemaker, all seniors in Company E-2.
Reveille III was given to the student body in 1966by Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Husa of Fairbanks, Ala., the parents of two students here then.
The purebred Collie was known to respond with spirited barking
whenever one would signal her with a “blow on the first.
Playful, she was also frequently seen chasing an orange frisbee with
E-2 cadets.
Even though Reveille III attended numerous athletic and military
events during her life here, she didn t slight the academic arena.
Jones, her final full-time guardian, said she often attended classes
with him hut would begin barking if the instructor would talk over
A Memorial yell practice at the stadium follows at 7:30 p.m.
All funeral arrangements are under the direction of Company E-2
although a pine casket was donated by a local funeral home.
Ground school offered
COLLEGE STATION — Private pilot ground school will be
offered again this fall by the Texas A&M Flying Cluh.
The first class meeting will be Monday (Sept. 15) in Room 207 of
the Engineering Building.
As a public service, the Flying Club has opened the ground
school to non-members in recognition of FAA regulations. A potential
private pilot is required to complete a supervised course of study
before taking the FAA written exam.
Club President Dan Benson said class will meet Monday and
Thursday nights for 10 weeks, beginning with the Sept. 15 meeting. A
$25 fee covers tuition, books and materials. The fee is not refundable.
However, anyone who has to drop out may attend a subsequent
ground school at no additional charge.
Ground school students will he enrolled on a first come, first
served basis of fee payment date.
Sea grant received
COLLEGE STATION — Texas A&M University has received a
Sea Grant of $1,360,000 for continued marine-related research, edu
cation and advisory services, announced Dr. John C. Calhoun, Jr.,
vice president for academic affairs and director of the TAMU Sea
Grant College Program.
The grant, made by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Na
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will provide
partial support of TAMU s 1975-76 Sea Grant Program administered
by the Center for Marine Resources.
Willis H. Clark, associate director of the A&M Sea Grant Prog
ram, said funds from other sources, including an appropriation from
the TexasLegislature, will bring the program’s budget to $2,312,729
for the year.
9 sites
Because of a month of sunny
skies, major construction sites on
campus are expected to be com
pleted, as scheduled, by the spring
of 76, said Charles Brunt, systems
construction manager of Facilities,
Planning and Construction.
The following areas, accompan
ied by estimate of total cost, will
be finished bv next spring:
1. Shisn Hall renoNittion $1 million winter/ 75
2. Intramural complex $500,(XX) winter/ 75
3. Mosher-Aston $10 million wintei7’75
4. PurclinsiiiK and $2 million winter/75- 70
Stores Bldg.
5. Coke Street $2 million winteiV 75- 70
0. East Campus Mall $5(X),(KX) spring/'70
7. General campus $500,000 spring/ 70
S. Central Campus $1 million spring/ 70
Mall (I larringtoiD
9. North Dorm $500,(KM) spring/*70
Several areas on campus, such as
Mosher-Aston and Ross Street,
may be completed sooner as they
need only a few finishing touches
in landscaping, said Brunt.
Seven major sites, most of which
lie west of the railroad tracks, are
not expected to be completed until
10. Architecture annex $$ million !all/'77
11 Utilities Ex|>unsion $2 million spring/ 77
Power Plant
12. West Campus $2 million summer/'77
Steam and 1 tilities
13. Soil and Crop $•$ million sunnner/*77
14. Classrooms and lahs $5 million spring/7S
15. Animal and Poultrx $12 million winter/*77
Science Bldg.
10. Motor Pool $1 million winter/'7f»
Total cost of the construction
presently underway, said Brunt, is
expected to reach $56 million.
The funds for construction origi
nates from several different sourc
es, Brunt said. Monies for auxiliary
services such as the Sbisa Hall
renovation, Mosher-Aston, parking
lots and athletic facilities are paid
for by income generated by the
facilities. Bonds are pledged against
the cost which is then paid for by
room rentals, payments on board
plans, football tickets and parking
The building of classrooms and
the improvement educational facil
ities are paid for by the Available
University Fund (a constitutionally-
provided source of income for
A&M). This fund can be used in
only educational areas, and not for
auxiliary services that generate
their own income.
“One of the reasons for the con
struction is a basic desire to improve
the campus for the Centennial,
Bi unt said.
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Monday afternoon shower
A special welcome back is issued from
one Corps upperclassman to another.
The method is called “the quad” and is
administered by dumping on the honoree
photo l>> Chris Switch
50 gallons of any liquid alternating hot and
cold. The “tradition” is not limited to
Monday afternoons, but is an all-occasion
Campus construction
B-1 cadet
in game
A Texas A&M University
freshman cadet was reported in
satisfactory condition Monday night
in a Temple hospital, recovering
from a head injury suffered during a
pushball game Saturday on Kyle
Britt W. Bumguardner, 18, a
wildlife science major from El
dorado, was rushed to Scott and
White Hospital by helicopter after
receiv ing a hard blow to the head.
Doctors later determined that
Bumguardner suffered a skull frac
ture. He was reported out of inten
sive care Monday morning, follow
ing surgery Saturday afternoon.
Hospital officials said they did not
know when he would be released.
Bumguardner is a member of
Company B-1 at A&M.
Bugle rank chosen
COLLEGE STATION — Twelve seniors have been chosen for
the bugle rank of the 1975-1976 Texas Aggie Band.
The senior-booted cadets with banner-hung bugles will lead the
300-member Aggie Band in halftime performances and other events.
The bugle rank includes Aggie Band Commander James C.
Ledlow of Lafayette, la., and Maroon Band Commander Tom henry of
Huntsville. Maroon and White Bands are company-sized units that
make up the Aggie Band. As band commander, Ledlow will march at
right guide.
Selection to the bugle rank by maj. Joe Tom Haney, director, and
Associate Director Capt. Joe McMullen is based on marching ability,
military bearing and other criteria.
Bugle rank members, from right guide, are Ledlow, Mark Her
rington of Palestine; Richard Rutherford, Sherman; Richard Clark,
Bryan; Daniel Sorenson, Irving; Steve Fuller, Jones Creek; Robert
Collier, Hondo; Steve Stone, Dayton; Henry; Ben Sterling, Dayton;
Craig Bishop, Houston, and Robert Arbetter, San Antonio.
Abuse program opens
COLLEGE STATION — A program on child abuse opens the
first semester meeting of the Texas A&M Student Education Associa
tion Sept. 17.
The initial meeting is set for 7:30 p.m. in Room 225 of the
Memorial Student Center. Eight dollar association dues may be paid
at that time to the SEA.
Chairmanships available
Chairmanships are open for the Crafts and Arts Committee and
the Recreation Committee. Interviews begin at 7 p.m. in the Student
Program Office Conference room, Sept. 18. Applications can be
obtained in the Student Programs office. Applicants must have a 2.4
grade point average.
Short course scheduled
COLLEGE STATION — A free, introductory shortcourse to the
Data Processing Center facilities at Texas A&M University will be
held Thursday (Sept. 11).
The class will be limited to 35.persons and registration may be
completed by contacting Susan Sandefer at 845-4211.
The course is designed primarily to acquaint new users with the
available facilities. Layouts, locations, available services, operational
procedures, compilers and the use of tapes and disks will be covered.
Cadets make switch
Staff Writer
The average college student finds
it necessary to move into his dor
mitory room at the beginning of tbe
school year and move out at the end.
But for the average cadet at Texas
A&M University, moving into a
room at the beginning of the year
means a temporary lodging at best.
Once a semester, the corps dorm
area becomes a maze of people car-
rying assorted belongings from one
dorm to the next, from the fourth
floor to the first or from room 207 to
Many cadets are moving because
their unit is joining the rest of the
brigade in another dorm. Some
move to fill rooms vacated due to
early losses and “no-shows ’, those
who change their minds about col
lege at the last minute.
Other cadets, mostly freshmen
and sophomores, move when a
junior who has a carpet cut to fit a
right-handed room is originally as
signed to a left-handed room. (The
position of the sink and room di
vider determines the handedness of
the room.)
But whatever the reason, on a
Sunday afternoon shortly after the
beginning of a semester, the Dun
can quad is alive with the com
plaints of those who have to move
and the whoops and whoo-wahs of
the cadets who were fortunate
enough to miss the call.
Moving day is characterized by
freshmen whose meager amount of
gear is transferred in short order but
who pitch in to help move their up
perclassmen’s belongings in a com
radely sort of way.
Then there is the sophomore who
proudly struggles under the burden
of his new wall-to-wall carpet. He
can later be seen carrying a pair of
maroon and white drapes,
emblazoned with his class number,
still hanging on the curtain rod,
while balancing all his military hats
on his head.
The junior who arrived on cam
pus a week early piffling a U-Haul
trailer is a sad sight to see on moving
day. His collections of beer clocks
and revolving lights cause almost as
much of a problem as putting the
beds back together. Many can be
seen hunting for an extra desk to
replace the one discarded in favor of
a couch and refrigerator.
Seniors are the hardest to under
stand. Some have forsaken comfort
for convenience in their old age.
Others pull out the stops in remod
eling their spartan dorm rooms into
plush bachelor pads.
The extravagant seniors are the
most vocal when it comes time for
them to tear out paneled cabinets
and entertainment centers and start
all over in another location.
Last but not least are those who
don’t have to move at all because
(Cither proper foresight and anticipa
tion of needs or dumb luck. These
(Cadets usually loiter around the
.dorm area until they tire ofwatching
their buddies sweat and toil.
El Chico’s during Happy Hour is
a favorite haunt for Aggies who are
trying to forget that the rest of the
Corps of Cadets will probably be up
until midnight moving out and mov
ing in again.
Almost cloudy with a little bit of
sun on Tuesday. Chance of bliz
zard by Wednesday. High of 95
on Tuesday; Low on Wednes
day 17. 90 percent chance of
hurricane by Saturday.
basement of the Memorial Student
Craft classes start
The Arts & Crafts Center,
Center, is offering the following craft classes:
Macrame — Beginners 7:00, Sept. 15; 7:, Oct. 1
Advanced 7:00, Sept. 7; 7:00, Oct. 1
Sand Terrarium — 7:00 Sept. 18
Weaving — 7:00, Sept. 16
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A walking mattress?
The semesterly relocation of E-2, was one of the unfortu-
cadets took place Sunday after- nates who moved in only to
noon. John French, Company move out again, piiotoby nm.R winship
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