The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 05, 1975, Image 1

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    The Aggies are back!
A crowd showed up for the year’s first yell practice— one yell leader said it was the biggest
Photos by Jack Holm
Photography Director
weekday turn-out he’d ever seen
Beg your pardon
Because ol an editing error, a page one story in Thursday’s
Battalion mistakenly reported that 8,000 Aggielands were distributed
The actual figure was about 1,430 of the 1974-75 yearbooks.
Because of another editing error, the headline concerning
bookstore profits on page three of Thursday ’s issue of The Battalion
incorrectly read “$6,500 handed out.
The correct money figure should have read $24,753.
BS&T tickets available
About 4,000 tickets remain for the Blood, Sweat and Tears
concert, Friday at 8 p.m. Students need A&M identification and
activity cards to receive the “free” tickets at the first floor
Rudder Tower Box Office.
Monday morning students can start picking up “free” Hues
Corporation tickets. Tickets for Preservation Hall Jazz Band will
also go on sale then.
Waggle buzzings
The infamous “buzz” shows up on a couple of Waggie faces
during the fable.
Weekend activities
Weekend entertainment will be varied for those stayingin
the College Station area.
“You re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” will be performed in
the Rudder Forum at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
“Serpico” will be shown in the Rudder Theater at 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday.
A “Howdy Dance,” sponsored by the senior class, will be
held Friday in the Grove at 8 p.m. for 50 cents.
SCONA sets interviews
SCONA committee membership interviews will begin
Monday. Applicants need to go by the Student Programs Office,
Memorial Student Center, or call 845-1515. Interviews will be
held 5:30-8:30 p.m. through Friday.
Senate seats available
Student Senate has a vacancy for a junior and a graduate in
the College of Agriculture and a graduate position in the College
of Education.
There is also a vacant graduate seat on the Judicial Board.
Applicants should contact the Student Government Office,
second floor of the Memorial Student Center.
Cabinet Aides sought
Applications are available in the Student Programs Office on the
second floor of the Memorial Student Center for freshmen interested
in becoming Student “Y” Association Cabinet Aides. Applications
must be completed and returned to the Student “Y secretary no later
than 5 p.m. Friday, September 5. Eight aides will be chosen after
interviews are conducted, with the residts being announced at the
Student “Y Steak Fry on Tuesday, September 16.
Fish intramural day set
Fish intramural day will take place 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday.
Corps freshman will participate in flag football, basketball, track
and field, and tug-of-war. Spectators are invited.
Degree deadline set
People planning to graduate in the fall of 75 must file a
graduation application before Friday.
An $8 graduation fee must be paid in the Fiscal Office
before undergraduates submit their application in Room 7 of the
Coke Building and graduates in Room 209.
Alpha Zeta will meet in the Rudder Center parking lot at
2:30 for a ride to the “get acquainted” picnic. Cost is $1 per
Math Club will hold an organizational meeting in the third
floor lounge of the Harrington Center, 7:30 p.m. Thursday,
September II.
The A&M Veterans Club will hold an organizational meet
ing in room 230 of the Rudder Tower at 8 p.m. Thursday. Those
wishing to play football should meet at the Sulphur Springs Road
elementary school Monday at 5:30 p.m. for practice.
Delta “Y” will hold an organizational meeting in Room 226
of.the Memorial Student Center at 8:30 p.m. Monday.
The Inter-Service Council will meet Sunday in Room 305
of the Rudder Tower at 7 p.m.
Alpha Phi Omega will meet Sunday at 8 p.m. in Room 229
of the Memorial Student Center.
The Irving Hometown Club will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m. in
Room 141 of the Memorial Student Center.
Isshinryu Karate Club will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in
Room 225 of the Coliseum.
Alpha Lambda Delta will meet at 7 p. m. in Room 701 of the
Rudder Tower, Monday. Guest speaker will be Roger Miller,
chairman of the Centennial Committee.
College Life will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in Room 301 of the
Rudder Tower. Walt Steitz will speak on prophecy.
The A&M Hillel Foundation will hold Rosh Hashanah
seivices at 8 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. Saturday at Beth Shalom.
SG radio begins
fall programming
Staff Writer
Student Radio will begin 24-hour
broadcasting Sept. 15 with new
equipment, expanded program
ming and a new F.M. cable fre
quency of 89.1.
“Our programming will encom
pass areas of radio programming not
presently offered in the Bryan-
College Station area. These include
progressive country, progressive
jazz, classical and non-Top 40,” said
Scott Sherman, station manager.
The station will also broadcast
news, something not done in the
past year. Newscasts will be at 5
p.m., 7 p.m. and 11 p.m.
Student volunteers will work
with The Battalion staff to provide
the news. The actual broadcast will
be phoned from The Battalion office
to the station.
Keeping the station open re
quires about $150 a month. This will
be funded by advertising. How
ever, there will be only eight adver
tisements per day, one every hour
from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sherman said
the station just wanted enough
money to pay for monthly bills such
as rent and utilities.
Over 55 people have shown an
interest in working with the radio
station, which caused Sherman to
remark that he had enough disc joc
keys this year “to fill each shift
Sherman explained the station
never had a hard time keeping
people on the staff during the past
two years, but that previously in
ferior equipment had caused many
“The equipment was terrible.
The turntables felt as if they had
lead weights on them,” Bill Hill,
one of last year’s disc jockeys, said.
With $2,000 from last year’s Stu
dent Government budget, all new
equipment has been installed, and
the entire radio station has been re
wired. Nearly $1,100 of that was
spent to buy a new modulator-
stereo generator.
The working situation is strictly
voluntary at Student Radio. Sher
man said the staff is paid, “Nothing,
and we would pay them less if we
could get by with it.”
The original A&M radio station
was started in 1952. It was sold in
1959 due to the possibility of gov
ernment taxation. Just a few months
before, the station had bought
$25,000 worth of equipment. The
University sold the station and the
equipment for $32,000.
Sherman is excited about the
$2,000 that has been spent for the
renovation. He says he doesn’t even
mind that the station is in the back of
Bill Moon’s Barber Shop in Ridgec
rest Shopping Center.
I mmm mmm ■■■. mm mosm
Pedestrians beware
Bicycles and pedestrians are certain to get
together on campus frequently during the
Increasing cloudiness Fri
day. Continued hot today
and tomorrow. 30 per cent
late afternoon and evening
showers both days. High
today 90; low tonight 72;
high Saturday 92.
Vol. 69 No. 4
Copyright 1975©, The Battalion
College Station, Texas
September 5, 1975
Marrieds’ housing
left to community
Staff Writer
Texas A&M University expects the community to
come up with needed additional housing for its married
A university spokesman, who declined to be iden
tified, said Thursday that Phases II and III of the plan
ned married-students housing expansion have been
shelved for the time being.
Of course, there’s no more room in the existing hous
All of the 908 apartments for married students on
campus are filled, Ken Nicolas, director of student
apartments, said.
The oldest of the apartments are scheduled to be torn
down, beginning in May.
Nicolas speculated that the University is depending
on the commerical builders to provide adequate hous
Apartment housing for this fall has been filled since
December 1974. Nicolas estimates 180 more people
applied for housing but were turned down.
He expects to have 139 vacancies by this December.
Those planning to vacate, however, have the option of
extending their leases. Nicolas said that 40 per cent
usually do.
Presently the apartment complex includes College
View Brick, 84 units; Old College View, 287; Hensel
Terrace, 252; College Avenue, 226; and Southside
(south of Kyle Field), 59.
Executive Vice-President A. R. Luedecke said Phase
II expansion includes 315 additional units, with Phase
III being a “little smaller. ” The plans were designed
two years ago, however, and Luedecke says they are
“probably out of date.
A&M student enrollment is expected to reach 25,000
this semester, and Nicolas feels that the surrounding
community population needs to be 125,000 to amply
accommodate student housing needs.
“College Station, Bryan and the outlying small towns
don’t even amount to 100,000, but it’s difficult for any
one to determine what the needs will be until they
become pressing,” he said.
Army’s Armees
If the football team doesn’t kill the opposition, the Twelfth-Man underarm smell might.
Yearly sport
Dodge those bikes!
Staff Writer
Unless you decided that it wasn’t
worth it to get out of bed and attend
classes this year, you have undoub
tedly noticed the large number of
bicycles being used by Aggies who
do attend class.
Freshman pedestrians may feel as
though they are taking their lives
into their own hands as they walk
down Spence Street to Zachry En
gineering Center at eight o’clock in
the morning.
They soon learn that a bicycle is
an all-terrain vehicle not restricted
to the street nor bound by traffic
Transfer students who hoof it
around campus probably regret
their decision to change schools as
they dodge ten-speeds under the
elevated walk at the Memorial Stu
dent Center.
But battle-wise upper classmen
can be seen everywhere nimbly av
oiding head-on collisions and doling
out fatherly advice to mounted com
If you ’re fortunate enough to have
narrowly escaped disaster up to this
point, here are some pointers to
keep in mind during the daily strug
gle for supremacy of the sidewalks.
First. Keep a sharp eye out for
bicycles approaching from the front.
As the two-wheeled terror nears,
make your decision for evasive ac
tion parly. Know which way you’re
going to go. When the moment
comes make your move without
Second. Realize at all times that
the bicycle has the obvious advan
tage, being able to leap curbs and
make amphibious assaults on mud
puddles. However, large trees and
automobiles, especially those with
personalized license plates, are con
sidered relatively safe shelters.
Third. If you are taken by sur
prise from the rear or either flank —
don’t panic. The best procedure is
to hold your ground and force the
bicyclist to go into the maneuver
known as “the wobble.” Alternative
action includes screaming at the top
of your lungs, wildcatting or pray
Fourth. If at all possible avoid the
President Richard M. Nixon has ag
reed to turn over to Senate inves
tigators tapes and documents relat
ing to Chile and domestic intelli
gence gathering. White House
counsel Philip Buchen said Thurs
The Senate intelligence commit
tee “will be furnished those docu
ments which relate to the sub
poenas” issued last month, Buchen
said following a meeting with com
mittee members. “This will be con
ducted in short order,” he added.
Chairman Frank Church,
D-Idaho, called the agreement,
which is still subject to formal court
MSC, C. Rollie White Coliseum,
Sbisa, Kreuger-Dunn Commons
and the Academic Building during
passing periods, at noon and shortly
before a thundershower.
Finally. Any good Aggie will
make the best of a bad situation.
Encounters with bicycles can be
turned from a brush with death
into a pleasant sightseeing tour.
Particularly since halter-tops came
into style for warm weather.
Armed with this invaluable in
formation, no student should feel
intimidated when accosted by
hordes of Huffy’s, battalions of
BMA’s or scores of Schwinns. Good
approval, “a good-faith effort to pro
vide the committee the papers it
Under the agreement, which was
worked out Wednesday among
lawyers for Nixon, the White House
and the Senate committee, the
former president’s attorneys will
search the files to determine what
documents and tapes the committee
should have. Last week Church in
sisted that his investigators be al
lowed to determine for themselves
what documents they needed.
Vice-chairman John Tower,
R-Tex., said the agreement re
moved the possibility of a lengthy
court battle that could have further
(See NIXON, page 3)
Nixon gives tapes
to Senate committee
Associated Press