The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 03, 1975, Image 5
I Blue Cross-Blue Shield: a rip? Associated Press WASHINGTON — A prelimi nary draft of a government report indicates Blue Cross-Blue Shield has not taken advantage of its size to keep health-insurance costs low, a Social Security Administration offi cial said Tuesday. Dorothy Bice, who heads the So cial Security Administration’s Re search and Statistics office, said the report concludes that management of the giant nonprofit health insurer is less efficient than that of profit- seeking competitors. The study, said Mrs. Rice, “doesn’t make the Blues look good. They could be more efficient. ” The government report is consis tent with an Associated Press study which showed Blue Cross and Blue Shield rates were increasing faster than the cost of living, in part be cause the Blues had failed to impose strict cost-cutting measures on doc tors and hospitals. The AP study revealed that the failure to enforce standards had cost ratepayers millions of dollars. A Social Security Administration HOUSE OF TIRES HOUSE HOUSE OF TIRES CORNER OF COULTER A TEXAS I 822-7139 5 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU. BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION, PASADENA, HOUSTON, CONROE. KILLEEN ! 2133 E. SOUTHMORE 477-9961 AT BURKE 5138 SPENCER HWY. 487-3478 AT PANSY 10506 GULF FWY. 941-0236 1 AT EOGESHOOK — fc40,000 MILE V/S CARNEGIE A STEEL BELTED RADIAL bl.ems| *34” ANY SIZE IHURRY.'SOME SIZESLIMITED STOCK r-r Bock To School Savings |4 PLY POLYESTER! WHITEWALLS P-78-14 +FET 2.24-2 G-78-14 G-78-15 I H-78-1 4 H-78-15 *22". + FET 5 5-2.641 L-78- 1 5 +FET.3.13 »24»y. DUNLOP |40,000 MILE STEEL RADIAL! , F R 70-1 4 IGR 7 0-14 *36" *37" +FET 3.17-3.55 20 5-1 4-G-78-1 4 2 15-1 5— H— 78- 1 5 + FET *38" *39" 3.17-3.74 IMPORT SPECIALS IpHOENIX 4 0,0 0 0 Ml, STEEL RADIAL | 155X12-165X13-175X14-155X15 1 5 5X1 3-173X1 3-1 85X14-165X1 5 |any size listed 477022 -f FET ALSO Bill Bueller WESTERN MAG WHEELS •29** 1 .6 5-2.55 WHEflC QUALITY COSTS YOU LESS' 5% EXTRA iRstoMR . so; spokesman confirmed the accuracy of excerpts from a preliminary draft of the government’s study which appeared Tuesday in the Washington Post. Blue Cross and Blue Shield, which handle almost half the private health coverage in the United States, “have not taken advantage of potential economies of scale to re duce the cost of coverage, ” the ex cerpts said. W' m M “Instead they have dissipated the potential saving in increased ad- **JJ? ministrative costs,” said the draft, .•..j written by Ronald Vogel of the Re- i; i search and Statistics office, and Roger D. Blair of the University of !*Kji THE BATTALION Page 5 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1975 Court ends other suits on Coastal Associated Press HOUSTON — Coastal States Gas Corp. has obtained a temporary re straining order to delay further pro secution of customer lawsuits pend ing against two subsidiaries, Coastal States Gas Producing Co. and Lo- Vaca Gathering Co. The order approved by Judge Robert H. Hamilton covers cases with issues similar to those pending in a Houston class action suit filed by United Texas Transmission Co. Haldeman files appeal WASHINGTON — Lawyers for H. R. Haldeman appealed his Watergate cover-up conviction Tuesday saying he was tried in an atmosphere “supersaturated with the utter assumption of guilt.” The appeal also accused the trial judge, John J. Sirica, of pre-trial maneuvering calculated to help the prosecution. Haldeman, the White House chief of staff under former President Richard M. Nixon, was convicted along with three other men of con spiring to cover up the Watergate affair. Haldeman was sentenced to serve 2 1 A to 8 years in prison. The appeal filed Tuesday with the U.S. Court of Appeals claimed that pre-trial publicity made a fair trial impossible and that much of the publicity was generated by the gov ernment itself. It also claimed Sirica should not have allowed the jury to hear the White House tape recordings and that Sirica gave instructions that were “repetitive, slanted in favor of the government . . . and impro perly directed the jury to return a verdict of guilty.” The cover-up trial began Oct. 1 last year, less than two months after the resignation of President Nixon. Haldeman had resigned as Nixon’s top lieutenant on April 30, 1973 when the Watergate scandal was breaking full-blown into print. Inventories fall in July Associated Press WASHINGTON — Inventories of goods held by the nation’s man ufacturers declined in July for the fifth consecutive month, the gov ernment said today. It was an indi cation recovery from the recession is picking up steam. The Commerce Department said industry stockpiles decreased $950 million, or six-tenths of 1 per cent, the same as reported a month ear lier. The steady decrease since March is unprecedented in more than 14 years. The reduction of goods in warehouses and stockrooms is con sidered a vital step to boosting in dustrial production. The Commerce Department said inventories in July totaled *147.1 billion, down from *148 billion in June. Bullock challenged Associated Press AUSTIN, Tex. — Interstate Theaters Inc. filed a lawsuit Tues day challenging the authority of Comptroller Bob Bull^bk to collect theater admission taxes. A date for a hearing on the case has not been set. The suit seeks to recover $230,905 in admission taxes paid to the state during April, May and June. The tax was paid under protest but the protest was denied by Bullock following an administra tive hearing. The petition filed by the theater chain claims a 1962 ruling of the Texas Supreme Court held that the admissions tax was unconstitution al. Welcome back AGGIES! Smile Washateria :IES HOUSE OF TIRES HOUSE Clean and Cool 1 block behind Pepe Taco on behalf of all customers of Lo- Vaca’s gas system. All customers also were re strained from filing or causing to be filed any new lawsuits raising simi lar issues. Pending suits affected by the order have been filed by the City of Austin, City of Brownsville, Central Power & Light Co., City of Corpus Christi, City of San Antonio, and the City Public Service Board of San Antonio. Also affected would be further ac tion or retrial of a Bryan case in which the Lower Colorado River Authority was awarded a judgment totaling $26.1 million. Hamilton, a former Texas Sup reme Court justice, set a hearing for next Monday on a temporary in junction. Hamilton has been ap pointed a special judge to try the United Texas suit that is pending in 113th Civil District Court. United Texas, formerly Pennzoil Pipeline Co., filed its suit in 1973 seeking to rescind certain transac tions that allegedly adversely af fected deliveries of gas to Lo-Vaca customers. Lo-Vaca and Coastal States Gas Producing later filed counterclaims seeking a declaratory judgment in the suit, contending they, as public utilities, are entitled to allocate av ailable supplies of natural gas among all customers, in accordance with regulatory authority rules, without liability. Lone Star Gas Co., one of the cross defendants named by Lo-Vaca and Coastal States Gas Producing, later filed a cross claim seeking damages for gas curtailments. Florida. McCarthy refuses FEC audit Associated Press The Federal Election Commis sion (FEC) decided against sending auditors from Washington to Eugene McCarthy’s presidential campaign headquarters as scheduled today after McCarthy said he would not submit to an au dit. “The commission meets Thurs day, and it will be referred to the commissioners then,” a commission spokesman said. “It will be up to them what we do next.” The commission planned to audit McCarthy s books as it does all pres idential candidates. But McCarthy’s campaign manager said Saturday the auditors would not be admitted today. Campaign chairman Ronald Cocome said “our repeated efforts to learn the purpose of the audit have been met by confusing and contradictory statements from the commission . . . we are forced to draw the conclusion that there is no specific purpose or legal basis for the audit.” McCarthy, who sought the Democratic presidential nomina tion in 1968, now is running for president as an independent. He has opposed in the courts the new election reform law, which created the FEC, as an unconstitutional re straint on the freedoms of candi dates and contributors. A ruling last month against his position is being appealed to the Supreme Court. m St HI m m m $ c : ml m The ^ Shape v '■*' Jivy/ Roger Rozell APPOINTMENTS MADE 1-6 WEEKS IN ADVANCE FROM DAY OF HAIR CUT: SAVE $2.00 ON CUT & BLOW DRY. BAUBLES, BEADS & THINGS Come In & String Your Own MON.: 9:00-5:30 TUES. - FRI.: 9:00-9:00 SAT.: 8:00-5:30 331 UNIVERSITY DRIVE 846-7614 m m as m m >«< M n >«< m m m m K* •T-TwTSTf »75!i rWi ,'.i HlXIl Jutlt AMERICA S FAVORITE PIZZA <0^ Share a Our regular $1.89 Spaghetti Dinner with meatsauce, served in true Italian style with garden fresh salad and garlic toast. today. INo. 2 Pizza Inn of Bryan Next to Bryan High 1803 Greenfield Plaza No. 1 Pizza Inn of College Station 413 Texas Ave. You don’t have to wait for your commission to join the 5 out of 6 active duty officers who carry USAA insurance. As an Advanced ROTC student, you are eligible to apply for USAA insurance—for your car, personal possessions, and personal liability. USAA is an association of officers serving fellow officers with the lowest possible premiums, quick and fair claims settlements, and a sharing ot dividends. (Though not guaranteed, USAA has been paying dividends every year since 1924.) You may save as much as $20 to $60, depending on where you live, on auto insurance alone. And a special USAA feature, the Household Goods Policy, is available to insure your personal property at home, at school, or in your car. for only $10 per year per $1,000 of insurance protection. Small wonder more officers insure with USAA than all other insurance companies combined- Mail the coupon for details—at no obligation | Please Print or Type 5278 | 1 Full Name | Street Address 1 (Area Code) Phone No. Soc. Sec. No Student Proijram Cl Air Force FJ Army L Navy L Marine Corps D Advanced ROTC Program Other _(Title of Program! Name of College or University I am interested in information I At No Ob’iga tion) on: d Automobile ^Household Goods 13 Personal Liability Ifti us/v\ For more information u . -te USAA USAA Building San Atfonio. Texas 782S4