The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 03, 1975, Image 13
fennis team young THE BATTALION Page 13 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1975 sr )() t-5 jacl:, 'er'Hft I B y MARK MNG n K last I Sports Writer NFI rt’' I a ^h 16 yea'' when the word by n i ports” becomes synonymous witli I • ^ the gridiron and World Series, it’s virtually impossible to think of okie |uthwest Conference tennis. Un- 3 a r r ' I less you re Texas A&M University ‘st 11° ^ P' s coac ^ Richard Barker. To A t cl I I 11 ’ even * n ^ ie pigskins take a ,, .- |ck seat to nets, rackets, and " Lallfor '' Lrts y Fairbai.; ’ doping! |The former doubles champ of the buss Frar ( luthwest Conference is in his sec- ( iklaliot Id year as head tennis coach, after ° ■'state,T| brilliant high school coaching Tt end\ jiaieer and three years as an A&M was the'Issistant coach. I Cusidc the sects/ • dnift. Juniors to carry load ) 3S Id Foothj as down | icsday afti nchise w astic aetia vestorshi gthy del;ii' finalize i nchise n stors depc- g $175,(W ig partntf' other to ions dek ments aiic vhich tk not lemmete: acken 4: i theleagm more arc m went th the Winds, I i/.at ion re neter. Tlf time toal- the WR ■ franchise, y One tk ot he toler “That ms| vas grante Barker recently wound up a very Iccessful recruiting campaign in nidi he signed some of the out- pranding talents from Texas, m&tatva, and Mexico. This sinn er the Barker inked the Louisiana ite champ, Robin Baker, of Cap- in Shreve High in Shreveport; gh school standout Mike Moss, of Houston Westchester; and Roger Pier, of Tampico, Mexico. Barker expects the new freshmen to blend in well with the older members of the squad and he feels, “They’ve got a good chance of mak ing the top six.” Barker goes on to explain, “These new kids have a whole lot of potential and they’re very well drilled on the fundamen tals.” The Aggies are looking for ex perience to come from outstanding juniors Charles Emley, of San An tonio; Tom Courson, of El Paso; Mark Silberman, of Odessa; and John Kirwan, of Midland. Coach Barker also expects sophomores Mark Parker, of Galesburg, Illinois; and EdTeran, of Quito, Ecuador; to provide good experience. Reacting to the question of how he felt the new NCAA rule cutting the number of scholarships availa ble fr om eight to five, would affect the team, Barker stated, “I person ally don’t feel the new rule will hurt the schools so much as it will the IT’S AN AGGIE HOWDY PARTY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 — 7:30 P.M. at the BAPTIST STUDENT CENTER (NORTHGATE — ONE BLOCK NORTH OF LOUPOT’S ON COLLEGE MAIN) ★★ FELLOWSHIP | Bis Tennis Coach Richard Barker Photo In Ciiris S\atek ENTERTAINMENT AND A McDonalds HAMBURGER & DRINK! 1975 STUDENT FOOTBALL TICKET INFORMATION Distribution of Season Ticket Coupon Books: A) Must have 1975 Fall Semester Activity Card. B) Present paid fee receipt and activity card to receive coupon hook. Books available beginning August 25 at G. Rollie White Coliseum. C) Must have proper classification when Season Coupon Book is obtained. Tire Season Book will not be exchanged for classification changes. D) After August 25, Coupon Books may be paid for and picked up in G. Rollie White. Distribution of Football Tickets: (similar to past) A) Tickets will be distributed to Season Ticket Holders by classification, i.e. on the week prior to the game. Graduates and Seniors will draw tickets on Monday, Juniors on Tues day, Sophomores on Wednesday, and Freshmen on Thurs day. Students who wish to purchase individual game tick ets at $3.50 may do so on Friday with their Fall Semester Activity Card. For away games, see schedule below. B) Each student will be eligible to draw a maximum of six (6) tickets (limited to one guest ticket for each student ticket). Distribution Plan: Graduates & Seniors Juniors Sophomores Freshmen Mississippi 9-8 9-9 9-10 9-11 L.S.U. 9-15 9-16 am 9-16 pm 9-17 am kids. If all the schools in the NCAA follow the new limitations, then ev erything will be all right from the school’s standpoint. It’s the kids who are not able to receive a scho larship who will be hurt by the new rule. And I think you will see a lot more kids trying out for the tennis team because of this rule. ” When asked who he felt would be coming to the front in singles and doubles. Barker explained, “Right now Emley and Courson stand as our top two singles players (replac ing departed Bill Hoover and Bill Wright) and we re looking for some one to team with Charles Emley as our number one Doubles Team.” In comparing this year’s netters to last year’s squad (which finished fifth in the Southwest Conference), Barker stated, “We ll he a lot younger and not as experienced as last year. It will be hard to find im mediate replacements for those who graduated, but we feel our young players have lots of potential and, after some experience, will be able to step forward and give us lots of help. The Aggies face some very for midable foes on this year’s schedule, including Trinity Univer sity of San Antonio, which ranked third in the NCAA last season; SMU, right behind Trinity in fourth; The University of Texas, ranked tenth in the NCAA last year; and the University of Houston, last year’s Southwest Conference Champs. Barker did a little prognosticating concerning this years Southwest Conference race. He picked the University of Houston to repeat as conference champs, with Texas a close second and SMU right be hind. He also expects Arkansas to be one of the best teams in the confer ence this year. This is the Razor- backs first year in conference play and they should have a fine team. Barker also said he believed that the conference was more balanced as a whole than last year. /GOOP\ (every) <0 1966 United Feature Syndicate. Inc. All Rlfhti Reiervad, YOU'RE A 6000 MAM CHARLIE BROWW" a Mi/ticAi EitfiAfMrfMO'r n* mi iMriAE FVduJf *ME* OA TttC C0«.C SWlR PCWOTt '**CHARLES M SCHULZ Mutic AAPHHitS er CESNER Forum, Rudder Center September 3-6, 8:00 PM Students $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 Others 2.00 2.25 2.50 Tickets on Sale Now Rudder Center Box Office, 845-2916 Sales Center For: RIDE OH! PEUGEOT RAL£i<?H FOLDS Bicycle parts & accessories ^ WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF BICYCLES CENTRAL CYCLE & SUPPLY 3505 E. 29th St. — 822-2228 Take East University to 29th St. (Tarrow Street) Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Special Notes: A) Refund Policy Students desiring refunds for Season Tickets must apply for such at the Athletic Business Office between September 1 and Septembers. No refunds will he allowed after September 5. Guarantees — All Season Ticket purchasers are guaranteed a student ticket to home games if picked up by closing time (4:00 p.m.) on Thursday preceeding the game. Student guest tickets (date) are limited and will be sold at $7.00 each on a first come basis by classification depending upon supply. The minimum student allocation for all games is 18,533 seats. C0URTEA HAIR DESIGNERS -Am SHAG CUT A FULL SERVICE SHOP FOR THE DISCRIMINATING MAN RADIAL CUTS SEBRING STYLE PROMPTER WE USE & RECOMMEND ALL RK ACID BALANCED PRODUCTS DORTHY DUNN Owner CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 3808 OLD COLLEGE RD. - NEXT TO TRIANGLE BOWLING - BRYAN ars ia. dive ied. ore, ibirtW last. Aw urfirs 1 nicer /treat- tbiis!# 1 esearctf | leople 10 aican I it to# I) ne. : The SILVER FAWN Gift ^tpp TURQUOISE & STERLING SILVER FROM $5.50 UP. FED MART SHOPPING CENTER SUITE 404 COLLEGE STATION 846-7877 : //v 4/.//// /-/