I Page'll) i Mt bA I i ALIGN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1975 LAKEVIEW CLUB 3 Miles N.on Tabor Road Saturday Night: Tony Douglas & The Shrimpers From 9-1 p.m. STAMPEDE Every Thursday Nite (ALL BRANDS BEER 35 cents) Every Tuesday Nite LADIES FREE MEN $2.00 All Brands Beer 35c 8-12 Music furnished by the Brazos Sounds Lacrosse begins practice Gets set for exhibition d (//re Ab Phoi By PAUL McGRATH Staff Writer While footballs will soon fill the autumn air, the Texas A&M Lac rosse Club begins preparation for competition in the newly-formed Southwest Lacrosse League. Although primarily a spring sport, the Aggie stickmen are don ning their pads earlier than usual this year. For the second time, A&M has been invited to give a lac rosse exhibition in Irving s Texas Stadium. Coach Dave Gruber’s squad will perform before the Dallas-Los Angeles football game September 21. Thus the Aggies are hitting the practice field much sooner than usual. In addition to the 15 return ing varsity players, Gruber has a fine crop coming off the junior var sity squad. “We have a good bunch of ballplayers returning and a tre mendous amount of potential com ing up from the B team,” said Gruber. “We re looking for a pretty good team with these players returning and we only lost five varsity players. One of our main keys will be our defense. We ought to be an excel lent defensive team. We ll have to AUCTION A FINE COLLECTION OF ANTIQUES, ART OBJECTS, JEWELRY, COINS antiques, furniture, glassware, collectibles, brass and copper ware, bronzes, crystal, paintings, gem-stones, coins, indian jewelry, oriental furniture and art objects, ivory, cloisonne, pub signs, patio and decorator pieces. SEPTEMBER 2 7:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER 3 7:00 P.M. 2300 TEXAS AVENUE/HWY 6 TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY EVENING HOLIDAY INN/BRYAN Lakehurst Galleries, Ltd. TERMS: Cash. Check Money Order Master Charge BankAmericard All Sales Final Payable at End of Sale Bob Roundtree Auctioneer cv,. ••••*,•'... ,', r Lacrossers shown in action dur ing 1974-75 season. ■ ■ 89 th eANNIVERSART CELEBRATION CHARGE IT ON SEARS REVOLVING CHARGE SAVE $3 Interior Latex Flat Wall Paint . „ ;s , C? ■! Regular $8.99 5 99 Gallon Jill! guarantee* ^ •spot lili Formulated to fill your painting needs, priced to cut your painting budget. ^GALLON —-sm.. 30 86005 86005 SAVE $4 Exterior Flat Latex House Paint * Regular S7.99 3 99 Gallon FULL WARRANTY AT TIME OF APPLICATION Sears paints, when applied according to directions, will cover any color with one coat (except rough or textured sur faces) where indicated by checkmark in the chart or you get necessary addi tional paint or your money back. FULL WARRANTY FOR YEARS SPECIFIED When applied according to directions, if paints fail in any of the respects in dicated within the years specified, you get necessary additional paint or your money back. Save 55c Sears 60, 75 or 100 Watt Light Bulbs Regular 99c 26005 Super Savings on warran- teed 1-coat latex paing. In several colors. PAINT NO. 86005 26005 1 coat colorfast spot resistant s s *: :v S *: V. 8 s •>: V. i •X 8 :•> •x I I •••. 3 3 44c pkg- Gives a bright glare- free light and up to 50% longer life than our standard frosted bulb. Package of 2. PRICES IN EFFECT THRU SATURDAY •••« SAVE $1 Interior-Exterior Spray Enamel Regular $1.89 83c Dries quickly to a dirt resis tant gloss finish. Use on wood, metal, plaster . . .in doors or out. .»»»;« I CRAFTSMAN POWER TOOLS I Save $1.50 15 lbs. Heavy-Duty Laundry Detergent Regular $5.49 3 99 So economical to use . . . it’s concentrated! Vi-cup does an average family wash load. Whites come whiter and colors brighter. § SAVE $12 to $14 Your Choice 19 99 I 3 3 S each $32.99 Craftsman dual ac tion sander. Develops maximum 1/5-HP; has orbi tal and straight-line action. Regular $34.99 Craftsman Win. drill. Variable-speed reversible drill develops a maximum 1/5-HP. V 3 si i ififi SAVE $3 A super low price on 800 watt Styler Dryers for men and women Style and dry hair quickly with a 2 speed, 2 Regular $14.99 heat dryer complete with brush and comb -g ^ ^ attachments. Comes in styles for men or II / women. 'Manufacturer’s rated wattage each SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back TOWNS HIRE SHOPPING CENTER 822-0111 OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:30 am-9 pm SATURDAY 9:30 am-7 pm work on our offense though.’’ New players are welcomed hy Gruber, and no equipment or pre vious lacrosse experience is neces sary. The Aggies will hold their first workout tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. on the main drill field. Interest in lacrosse has blos somed greatly since last year. Gruber is now looking to get enough people to make two teams, hut al ready has the equivalent of one and a half squads available in the return ing players alone. However, those ranks may swell with the amount expected to join the stickmen. osal will he determined byli amount of student interest. The league is in its fourth and in its second year as then panded Southwest Lacroi League. The Aggies willbefatjj stiff competition from several] college teams. Baylor is the newest entrantiJ the organization which alsoincltj LSU, Tulane, Texas Tech, L and A&M. Previously the Ag were forced to contend with i soned non-college clubs which h many former lacrosse All-Amerxj on their rosters. Interest has also sprung from the female side of the campus as several women have expressed a desire to organize and field a women’s lac rosse team. Gruber said their style of play will he similar to that of field hockey as no pads are used except by the goalie. I# Another expansion of lacrosse may extend into the present physi cal education program. Proposals have been made to Dr. Carl Land- iss, head of the Health and P.E. Department, and Emil Mamaliga, associate professor in the depart ment, concerning the inclusion of lacrosse into their program. If al lowed, lacrosse would he offered in the fall of 1976. Action on the prop- Despite this disadvantage,) Aggies still had four men reettl post-season recognition. AttaclaJ Ted Sauer was named to they team All-Southwest LaerosJ League squad while inullii'!,-| | f* \ j Chris Litras, defenseman DaleflBV Hams and goalie Phil LeskocM tained honorable mentionlabekl The Aggies had “a lot of injii ^ ^ last year and we did not do as well we wanted to, says Gruber. Bl with the returning nucleus ofe| perienced personnel, Gruberisq timistic. Mon. Fall practices officially start Wednesday at 4:30 and willci tinue to he held on Wednesdays! remainder of the semester. Intramural entries to close soon in FE Once again it is fall, and football is in the air. The Intramural Office is providing students and faculty of TAMU an opportunity to partici pate. Flag football entries are now being accepted in the Intramural Off ice. Seven man flag football is the name of the game this fall for the non-intercollegiate player. Leagues are being formed for dorm teams, corp teams, off campus residents, women and co- recreational teams. The deadline for entering a team is September 9, 1975 with actual league play begin ning September 16, 1975. In anticipation of a large turnout for flag football, individuals are being sought to referee and umpire. Experience is desired but even new officials are welcome. A training program has been organized to pre pare officials for the upcoming sea son. An initial meeting has been set for Sept. 4 in room 267 of G. Rollie White Coliseum at 6:30 p.m. K low up clinics are also schedule prior to league play. People exps enced as officials or interested becoming an official are encourap to attend the meeting. A full slate of activities haveb« scheduled hy the Intramural Ofe for the fall semester. Everyone! encouraged to stop hy DeWa Field House and sign up for anyi the following activities. Tennis entries close on Sept! followed by bowling on the ilrctal handball and open badminton boil with closing dates of Sept. 30. Golf and field goal kicking cloa on Oct. 7, followed a week lata (14th) by swimtnihg and volleyball Rackethall and open billiard close on Oct. 21 and table tennis aid open soccer will close out on Ib 28th. Open archery and open oral country will shut down on Nov.4b round out the fall intramural prey ram. A Resi umv through I thous; save GI Ameri * I .iSS»»CEC Bob Gibson honored in Cardinal ceremony Associated Press A visibly moved Boh Gibson was saluted Monday hy a sellout Busch Stadium crowd and confessed, “I ve never been this nervous . . . even in a World Series. The occasion was a ceremony prior to the St. Louis Cardinals game against the Chicago Cubs dur ing which Gibson, who will retire at the conclusion of this season, was honored. The pitcher’s uniform number 45 was retired, only the third 6me the Cardinals have done that for a player. “It’s going to be a new life, a strange life for me, Gibson told the crowd. “But I just hope that I can he half as successful as I have been in baseball. “One thing I’ve always been proud of is the fact that I ve never intentionally cheated anybody out of what they came to the ball parkin see,” Gibson said. “But most of all I’m proud oftk fact that whatever I did I did it way,” said the 35-year-old riglil hander, whose 251 victories are topi among active major league pitchen Those on hand to honor Gibsor included Cards board chairman August A. Busch Jr. and baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. i Busch presented Gibson withi| 30-foot mobile home on behalfol the Cardinals. Read during the ceremony wasi| letter from President Gerald Fori which saluted Gibson’s record ac complishments, including li strike-outs in a World Series ganiq and a 1.12 earned run average dur ing the 1968 season. Former Cardinals on hand in eluded Stan Musial, a Hall ofFamer whose uniform number was retired I in 1963, and Bill White. GOING SOMEPLACE...TOGETHER? GO GREYHOUND CHARTER AND LEAVE THE PLANNING TO US! Greyhound Charter takes a char ter trip out of the ordinary. .. for any group. There’s air-conditioning, rest rooms, roomy reclining seats, tinted picture windows . . . the works! All at an easy-on-the-budget price. Just tell us where you want to go... and where to pick you up. We’ll do the rest. CHARTER US » ***«.. For information and THE BUS. 4^”^ priCe SChedU ' e ' Ca " 3 Greyhound A change for the better. 823-8071 GREYHOUND BUS STATION 1300 TEXAS AVE.