The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 02, 1975, Image 1

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Fair and warm Tuesday and
Wednesday. Light and vari
able winds. High both days
92; low tonight 74.
Vol. 69 No. 1
Copyriglu 1975, T\\e BaUalion
College Station, Texas
Tuesday, September 2, 1975
is scarce
■ - ■ .
Get crazy, wear a button
A member of Peaceable Kingdom’s mime troop sticks a button on a young participant during Saturday nights North Gate block
party. See related story and photo, page 5.
‘Who’s Who’ nominations open
Student nominations for "Who s Who in American Colleges
and Universities ’ are being taken. There will be 56 candidates.
Nomination forms and ballot boxes will be at the Housing
Office, Commandant s Office, Memorial Student Center Service
Desk and the office of the dean of veterinary medicine.
Nominations are restricted to graduating seniors with a
minimum 2.5 GPR and graduate students with at least a 3.5.
Dr. John Kokins, vice president for student services, said
students and departments will have a week to make nominations.
The forms should be turned in between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.. Sept. 1-8.
Aggieland caught short
Distribution of the 1974-75 yearbook began and ended Mon
day morningas the first 1,430 copies of the Aggieland were handed
The crowd haff-filled the second door corridor of the Reed
McDonald Student Sen ices Building before the student publica
tion supplies were depleted.
Norman Chatman, 1974-75 Aggieland editor, said another
4,000 books will arrive Wednesday or Thursday.
Taylor Publishing Co. of Dallas will ship the remaining half of
the order later in the month, said Chatman.
Phone rate hike protested
Petitions are available on the first floor of the Memorial Stu
dent Center to protest the proposed rate increase of General Tele
The petitions will be presented to the College Station City
Council Sept. 9 to convince them that sen ices provided do not
warrant an increase.
The rate increase for on campus service will be presented to
the Board of Regents in December.
Raj Kent, student government vice president for Academic
Affairs, notes that, "if we can kill this increase in Bryan-College
Station, we 11 have a much better stand when it comes to the Board
of Regents.
Refrigerators going fast
Refrigerators may be rented from 3 to 6 p.m. daily this week.
Student Gov ernment will be renting them at the basement of the
old hospital and the Memorial Student Center Loading dock on
Monday and Tuesday. They can be obtained in the basement of the
old hospital only.
Rental fees are: $20 for one semester or $40 for a full year.
There is also a $10 deposit and a $1 delivery charge.
Degree applications needed
Texas A&M Univ ersity students seeking graduate and under
graduatedegrees in fall 75 must file a degree application by Sept.
Applications are accepted after an $8 graduation fee is paid in
the Fiscal Office, Coke Building.
Undergraduates should present the fee receipt in room 7 and
graduates should apply in room 209 of Coke Building.
Commencement will be December 13.
‘Free’ B,S&T tickets ready
Tickets to the "Blood, Sweat and Tears concert will be availa
ble this week at the Rudder Center box office, as long as the supply
Students who paid the activities fee are entitled to a free
general admission ticket.
Any tickets that remain will go on sale to the general public
next week.
Staff Writer
Many students in search of shel
ter in the Bryan-College Station
area have come to a disheartening
realization: Housing is scarce.
“As unbelievable as it may seem,
we still have people coming in look
ing for a place to stay,” Merfijo
Dean in the Student Services Office
said Monday.
According to Texas A&M Univer
sity Housing officials, the shortage
is mainly affecting single men.
Toby Rives, Assistant Student
Services Director, said there is still
space available in the women s resi
dence halls. She said there were ap
proximately 100 vacancies for
women on campus as of Monday af
The women’s housing office pro
duced a stack of cards listing women
looking for roommates. None of the
cards listed any women looking for a
Rives said there are many women
who have rented or leased apart
ments in hopes of finding room
mates but have been unable to.
“A possible solution to the prob
lem would be to consolidate some of
the apartment leases held by single
girls,” she said. “This would allow
the girls to find roommates and also
leave some apartments available for
men needing a place to live.
University Assistant Housing
Manager Gene Oates conducted a
survey last spring and found there
was enough housing for the pro
jected enrollment of 24,200 at
A&M. But the distribution has not
come out as predicted.
Several apartment managers in
dicated a lease consolidation would
be acceptable if enough tenants
could be found to lease the vacated
Managers of the five largest local
apartment complexes contacted late
Monday night said there were not
any confirmed vacancies in their
“I would say, before it’s all over,
we’ll have people coming to A&M
from as far away as 25 miles —
Navasota and Caldwell, Bob Bell of
Spearman Realty said Monday.
Bell said he had an afternoon ap
pointment to show three students a
mobile home 16 miles from the
main campus.
Other realtors contacted Monday
said they had no units to rent to
“We may have a nostalgic return
to the 1930’s and soon find people
sleeping in cars. Bell said.
Jocks sing
Nearly 6,000 students joined the Texas A&M Foot- University Night. The program included the first
ball team in singing the Aggie War Hymn at All- yell practice of the season. rimto u> c;k» joi,»s<.,.
ruled out
page 2
page 7
its proof scholarships
page 4
page 8
begins continuing
page 7
page 9
University Night kindles spirit
Staff Writers
All-University Night once again
rekindled Aggie enthusiasm as stu
dents dug out their Howdies and
dusted off their whoops.
Nearly 6,000 students met in G.
Rollie White Coliseum Monday
night to be welcomed by student
leaders and administrative officials.
The year’s first yell practice fol
Student Body President Jeff
Dunn opened the program by urg
ing students to maintain the tradi
tional Aggie Spirit despite the rapid
increase in enrollment.
President Jack K. Williams and
Vice President of Student Services
John Koldus also addressed the
crowd. Koldus expressed disap
pointment that more students were
not present, but Williams assured
him that the rest were still looking
for parking places.
Students showed that football was
their main interest by giving Head
Coach Emory Bellard the first
standing ovation of the evening.
The team also received a standing
“This bunch of guys deserves
your loyalty and complete confi
dence, he said, “and they will not
disappoint you.”
Coach Bellard ended by request
ing that he be allowed to lead the
first yell, and the colliseum rang
with “Beat the hell outa Ole’ Miss. ”
Students had recaptured enough
of the Aggie Spirit to shout, “Get
Grody” as head yell leader Jim Bob
Mickler stood up to lead the yells.
“I couldn’t believe all those
people were yelling as one,” said
freshman Jim Moore after the yell
practice. “The unity was just great.
Even Reveille IV proved to be a
worthy successor to Reville III. Her
barks could be heard echoing
whenever the yelling died down.
An anonymous student combined
the traditional Aggie philosophy
with the undying Aggie spirit when
she said, “This was great, but 1 think
it would have been better if we
could have had beer.”
Saturday: RHA pushball contest pits dorm against dorm
Trying to bust tho bsll Throwing the bstii swsy Tgxss AggiGs af piay i*i,ot»s i» yHk "