The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 13, 1975, Image 10
I Page 10 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1975 Game by game in 1975 By David Walker GIVE I was sitting in a local tavern a couple of nights ago talking about (what else) Southwest Conference Football. A friend of mine said, “Now listen. I’ve read all of the PR stuff that you’ve written about this year’s football team but can they re ally win the conference?’’ That’s the wrong thing to ask me if you have to go anywhere in a hurry. Sure enough it took me about one hour to tell him why I did think the Aggies would win this year. MISSISSIPPI. I don’t think the Aggies will have as much trouble with Mississippi as they will with a couple of other schools down the line. It’s the opening game of what should be one of the greatest A&M seasons in history and the players know that and they want to get it off to a good start. (1-0) LSU. There’s no doubt this will be one of the Aggies’ toughest games. It really doesn’t matter how much better a team is than LSU when you play in Tiger Stadium. A&M ran all over the Tigers last year and won by only one touchdown. The players know the importance of beating LSU in Baton Rouge. The Aggies grew up in Tiger Stadium last year, they became a good, strong football team. I don’t think they will let 68,000 screaming Cajuns bother them. (2-0) Lights, Camera, Action ILLINOIS. This will be the Ag gies’ first dress-up before the TV cameras. You had better believe that they will be out to show some people something. Another big fac tor in this one is the starting time. The game will begin at 12:50 p.m. Do you realize how humid it is at 12:50 in College Station? Much more so than in Chicago. It’s got to wear the Ulini down. (3-0) KANSAS STATE. The Aggies went into the state of Kansas last anEv year No. 4 in the nation and unde- feated. You remember what hap- pened? So do they. Enough said. (4-0) TEXAS TECH. The record means nothing now as the S WC sea son finally begins. Tech is going to be plenty ready for the Aggies after what happened last year, but I don’t think even that will be enough to stop the hungry Aggies in their first SWC battle. (5-0) TCU. For the third week in a row the Aggies will take their show on the road. TCU isn’t going to pull a Baylor and go from last to first. The Frogs just don’t have it this year, and no one knows that better than the Frogs themselves. (6-0) BAYLOR. This is going to be a biggie. Talk about running into a bunch of mad Aggies. You see the Aggies feel like Baylor played in their Cotton Bowl last year and they will probably remember that very well come Oct. 25. The Aggie game for Baylor begins a month where the Bears have to go to College Station, Austin and Lubbock. Come to think of it, that’s a bunch of mad people. If Grant can pull them through that, even I’ll believe last year wasn’t a fluke. (7-0) SMU. This is another case of re member last year. SMU 18, Texas A&M 14,Ouch. Welcome to College Station Mustangs. (8-0) Remember 1973? RICE. Tins is the home game that the Aggies play in Houston every other year. I don’t look for much out of the Owls, but I didn’t last time A&M played them in Houston either. That won’t happen this time around. (9-0) Now this is where I have to take a break and tell you something about iV V most predictions. Most of the people I know are picking the Ag gies to go 9-2. When you ask them who they are going to lose to they say, “Arkansas and Texas. ” Arkansas and Texas are the last two games of the regular season, and when the Aggies go into those final two weeks undefeated, I can only say, “No Way,’ will they lose their final two games. TEXAS. Thousands of words have already been written about this one and countless millions more will be written before kickoff time. I’m going to say this one more time, and then I’m going to drop it until Nov. 27. The Aggies will beat Texas this year in one of the best football games around. For any doubters, hide and watch. (10-0) ARKANSAS. This may be the toughest of the year for the Ags, but too much will be riding on it for a slip-up. (11-0) Now isn’t that easy. It’s so easy to win conferences and go undefeated in August, much easier than in November. So many people ask me how I feel and why I feel the way I do, so I decided to tell everyone at the same time. I could be wrong, I have been once before, but I don’t think so. The Aggies will win the Southwest Conference, they may not go undefeated, but as long as we all get to eat lunch in Dallas on New Year’s Day, who cares? An Episcopal School 2505 South College Avenue small classes academic curriculum non-discriminatory admissions policy Pre-school through Grade VII Call for full information Telephone 822-2715 I SHOP PIGGLY WIGGLY FOR COOL SUMMER VALUES^ <f{ A- US 'C, V4t su v S 4 FINE STORES TO SERVE YOU ^ * 4*00 TEXAS AYE. * *516 TEXAS AYE. * 200 E. 24* ST. lOUE^MNN BRYAN TEXAS! AU-MEAT FRANKS ms. 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