Page 12 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1975 The Greek Speaks Enthusiasm high in Oiler camp By NICK VOINIS Special Correspondent One Sunday afternoon some nine months ago in Minnesota the Hous ton Oilers entered their quiet vis itor’s dressing room. Ready to shower, dress and begin another lonely flight back home. The Oilers had dropped another one. This time they were soundly thrashed by a more experienced Viking team. Whipped like a child being scolded by an elder. selves, that’s for sure. They had re ceived much the same treatment the Astros receive everyday now, by the fans and most of all, the media. Writers wrote them down con stantly, TV news and sportscasters teamed to bill the “the joke of the NFL”. Everyone laughed. Though, slowly but surely things began to happen. In a matter of weeks turn-around ’74 had taken ef fect. Uncle Sid had kept his pre season promises and delivered a re spectable product to Houston con sumers. They were even beginning to buy it. The team had rebounded to finish with a strong 7-7 record at season’s end. Sid Gillman was re garded a genius by those who cursed him weeks earlier. He was even named Coach of the Year by his peers, but most of all turn around ’74 became reality. The Oilers now prepare with en thusiasm for a new season. With the addition of a few new faces, the team looks basically the same. So Charlie Ford, Carl Mauck, Jerry Levias and Morris Stroud will be helpful addi tions to the young Oilers. But there’s something different this year. Under new head coach O. A. “Bum” Phillips the team feels confident of its chances in ’75. The team has been receiving abundant space in the Houston sports pages and air time on sports- casts. Better yet, they’ve been given support and encouragement. The Oilers are now heroes to those who made goats of them one year ago. Season, tickets sales this year are expected to reach 28,000 by the opening home game against Washington August 16. Individual tickets for that game and a later match with Dallas on the 30th are becoming harder to come by. Sell outs are expected and they’ll all be cheering. The “Boobirds” have flown away to some distant NFL city, which will suffer the disasters previously experienced in Oiler town. May they never return. How times change. TRY A PERFECTLY PERMANENT SOLUTION! Get a perm this week for $22.00 Quality Hair Care for Men and Women 331 University —Northgate 846-7401 This had been the Columbia blue sixth game of the young 1974 Na tional Football League season. But it seemed as if it were all over, for they had only won one of those games. GIVE Everyone remembered the pre vious two Oilers’ seasons and the disastrous events that resulted — consecutive 1-13 records. Home attendance had dwindled. It came to be known that you couldn’t give away tickets to an Oil ers game. Football fans stayed home Sunday afternoons to watch the top teams fight it out on television. The Oilers were down on them- SHOP PIGGLV MGGIV WHERE ,/#%l EVERY CUSTOMER IS IMPORTANTffJbf ITS A MATTER OF PRIDE WITH US .YOU DESERVE THE BEST! W ' / OUR BUYERS MAKE IT A POINT TO SCOUR THE MARKET DAILY sti TO BRING OUR CUSTOMERS THE FINEST QUALITY AND THE LOWEST P0SSIBLE PRICES | Fort Worth hosts clinic for coaches The largest coaching school in the world is under way in Fort Worth today where the 43rd annual Texas High School Coaches Association school got under way Sunday. One of the highlights of the week’s activities is tonight when the North squares off against the South in the high school All-Satr Basket ball game. The top seniors from last year team for tonight’s Tarrant County Convention Center 7:30 tip off’. Cage coaches are Jackie Carr of Houston Wheatley for the South and Joe McWilliams of Lubbock Dunbar for the North. ITS A MATTER OF PRIDE WITH US .YOU DESERVE THE BEST! OUR BUYERS MAKE IT A POINT TO SCOUR THE MARKET DAILY TO BRING OUR CUSTOMERS THE FINEST QUALITY AND THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 4 FINE STONES TO SERVE YOU * 4100 TEXAS AVE. * 1516 TEXAS AVE. * 200 E. 246t ST. 1 TifOM '\Al St U A *9 Rwfm*r*d T«nca C0UE6E STATION BRYAN* TEXAS QttMtfty Rjjktt Rmwm4 Store Hours 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. SHOP AND COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH OTHERS YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID SWIFT PROW 0UND STEAK *68 The other main event is tomor row’s football game, also between the North and South to be played at TCU’s Amon Carter Stadium. The South is coached by Buster Gilbreth of Cuero while the North is coached by Morris Southall of Brownwood. all 7* Membership in the THSCA this year is 1 ,&1A, bringing hopes of a record crowd to eclipse the 6,521 coaches who attended last year’s meeting in Houston. The atten dance has climbed each year for the past eight years. It is expected to be no different this year. Amont the instructors at the school will be grid coaches Al Con over of Rice, Dave Smith of SMU, and Tom Osborne of Nebraska. The basketball lecturers include Bobby Knight oflndiana and Abe Lemons of Pan American. Baylor coach Clyde Hart will be there to talk track. T-BONE STEAK 'iBss Beef NEUHOEF's GROUIP BEEF Family Pack 3 lbs. or ib' more Old World LUNCH MEAT — _ Spiced Lunch 6 oz. pkg. Q|y| SPLIT BROILERS Ik. w-/ 88*1 SLICED BACON f7"; 59 FUUV COOKED UJIMft BONELESS HAMS Wilson's Tendermade :«8P*a. 2fo v! 1 k Avereqe lb ‘ YOU'LL SAVE MORE WITH PIGGLY WIGGLY. SHOP DAILY .....SEE FOR YOURSELF! CUN6 PEACHES OtD-TinK VBUK/I uJonowuinauGin/ UNTM SGM Gft«n stwtvs C.7jrL » ncttl MCCO r- DISCOUNT PRICES ON HEALTH&BEAUTY AIDS VITALIS HEAT POWDER^£79* METAL DIPLOMAS Photo mec hanically reproduc- ed from your original Your document will be returned in it's original condition Metal diplomas come framed on rich velvet in your sc hool color or color of your choice. 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