Do they want equality or not? Page 12 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, If. NCAA’s stand on women’s sports ambiguous By DEBORAH LACY Staff Sports Writer Well, it looks like the NCAA is being hypocritical again in the sub ject of women’s athletics. Just last month they printed some guidelines that gave their senti ments concerning their positive feeling toward women in sports. Now this month they are objecting to female competition in contact sports and the application ofTitle IX Education Act of 1972 regulations that provide equal educational and athletic opportunities. Houston escapes LA, 6-5 Houston relief pitcher Wayne Granger made a swift move to third base to pick off the Dodgers’ tying- run in the seventh that left Los Angeles hanging, as the As tros stunned the California team with a 6-5 victory Monday night. Ron Cey never knew what hit him as he was caught off base and tagged by Doug Rader after Granger’s pickoff throw. The young Houston hurler saved a win for Dave Roberts, who left the game in that same inning. Picking off runners at third seems to be a hobby for Granger, who has executed his third base move with success three times this season. “Doug (Rader) has a way of letting me know when he thinks we’ve got a chance for a pickoff and I’m not going to tell you what it is, but he showed me the sign tonight and it work ed,” said Granger. The young Astro gave most of the credit for his save to the Houston infield. “I wouldn’t trade the left side of our infield for any in baseball. I wasn’t all that pleas ed with my pitching tonight. It was the fielding that pulled me through.” Granger’s seventh inning per formance halted a three-run rally by the Dodgers. Cey’s single scored one run and Joe Ferguso paved the way for two more with another single, cutting the Astro lead to 6-5. A dynamite second inning gave the Astros all six of their tallies and Bob Watson put the icing on the cake when he hit his 10th homerun to score three. Houston’s other three runs came on singles from Cesar Ce- deno and Roger Metzger and an error by LoS Angeles second base- man Davey Lopes. The Dodgers struck once in the second when Cey walked and scored on Rick Auerbach’s single. Tom Paciorek opened the fifth with a double and later scored off Steve Garvey’s grounder. “He has such a smooth motion on his pickoff attempts,” Houston Manager Preston Gomez said of Granger. “With his sidearm mo tion, he and Rader really have perfect timing together.” I.OS ANGELES HOUSTON ab r li bi ab r b bi Lopes 21) 3 1 0 0 Gross If 4 110 Paciorek If 5 110 Met/.ger ss 4 111 Marshall p 0 0 0 0 Cedeno cf 2 111 W\ nn cl' 3 110 Watson 11) 3 113 Garve\ ll> 5 110 CJohnson c 3 0 0 (1 Cev 31) 4 12 1 Cabell rl 4 0 0 0 Lergnson rl 3 0 2 2 DoRader 3b 3 1 0 0 Yeagerc 4 (1 0 0 RAndrws2b 4 0 10 Auerbach ss 3 0 2 1 DaRobrts p .3110 Dejesus ss 0 0 0 0 J Xiekro p 0 0 0 0 Buckner pb 0 0 0 0 Granger p 0 0 0 0 Dies 2b 0 0 0 0 Hooton p 1 (1 0 0 McMullen pb 0 0 0 0 Rhoden p 1 0 0 0 U-c If 1 0 0 0 Total 33 5 9 4 Total 30 6 6 5 _ _opes, Angeles 9, Houston 5. 2B—Paciorek. 3B—DaRob- erts. FIR—Watson (101. SB—Cedeno2. IP H R ER BB SO 3 5 6 6 3 2 4 10 0 10 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 5 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Flooton (L, 6-6) Rhoden Marshall DaRobrts (W, 4-9) J. Xiekro Granger 6 1-3 7 0 2 2 2-3 0 Save — Granger (5). YVP—DaRoberts. F—2:28. -12,472. Let’s begin with what the NCAA said last month. One of their so cal led “rules ’ was that the “existing rules of law and NCAA policy con template that qualified females will participate on teams which formerly were exclusively male. The NCAA can not legally or practically limit its services and programs so as to exclude such qualified females. They also made it clear that it is not permissible or plausible for the NCAA to enter into agreements with other organizations (AIAW) which for example would accord the NCAA exclusive authority over male competition and accord a like monopoly position to an organiza tion for the control of female inter collegiate athletics. The Association for Intercol legiate Athletics for women (AIAW) has “consistently argued for sepa rate but equal programs and ad ministration,’ the NCAA proposal said. “The NCAA’s plan in no way sug gests that the AIAW should aban don its program or that those NCAA member institutions which are AIAW members should not support and participate in programs of the AIAW, the NCAA made clear. But what the NCAA proposals make clear in one paragraph they change in the next. The AIAW wants to make separate the sponsor ship of male and female athletics. I believe they feel that if the NCAA intervenes it will take over the women’s athletic organization and not treat them as fair as they would treat the men’s athletic organiza tion. “The NCAA, however, does not believe it is practical or desirable to attempt to create exclusive arenas for the separate operations of men’s and women’s organizations and ser vices and to do so would deny NCAA services to the female stn- dent athletes of 331 NCAA mem bers (45.8%) which are not AIAW members,” the proposal stated. The statement above gives the impression of the NCAA’s feeling toward women’s organizations. But after they give their views on why they don’t believe it is practical for women to have special organiza tions, they said that it was possible that the NCAA might develop cooperative arrangements with the AIAW in certain areas of mutual in terests. “The NCAA must first satisfy its own obligations in the area of women’s intercollegiate athletic and, once having done that, it should be in a position to cooperate with a variety of other organizations interested in the development ol female athletics,” the proposal said It's kind of hard to keep up w| what the NCAA is trying to get ac ross because they are contradicting themselves all through the prop osal. GIVE AT PIG6LY WIGGLY WE STOP TRYING TO OFFER YOU THE FINEST IN QUALITY MER CHANDISE IN ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS. WE NEVER STOP! TRYING TO IMPROVE OUR ALREADY FRIENDLY SERVICE WITH CHECKERS AND BOX BOYS WHO LIKE THEIR JOBS & SHOW IT! igsy m 4 fWf STORES TO SERVE YOU * 4 TOO TEXAS AYE. * J5I6 TEXAS AVL * 200 E. ST. 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Season tickets for the Wings’ home games, including one pre season and nine regular season games, are on sale at the team office, 10300 Heritage Drive, and at North Star, Southpark, McCre- less, Wonderland and Central Park Malls from 11:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. LOW PRICES! 75' BEER CARRY OUT! 1 INSTANT SHAYE II 02. can List I 09 MOUTH WASH IAV0RIS. , 14 o:. btl. List <1”.- BIG SELECTIONS! B0MIE BAKER POTATO CHIPS CXD-TNTK Vm.UC/1 tOOflCXAEUl fXUJ CWfT/ UNTH SfcH omn STMT)PS IMP AT PNMV M0MV Large See. each. Ib. CALIFORNIA SUNKIST LEMONS US *1 GREEN CABBAGE CALIFORNIA ONIONS... ■■ »■ CANTALOUPES TEXAS NEW CROP Sweet Red ICEBERG LETTUCE CALIFORNIA Head ARIZONA VALENCIA ORANGES CENTRAL AMERICAN BANANAS HOME GROWN PEACHES .,49 INSTANT TEA l** HWEA 3 x. jar 8 These prices good thru SAT. JUNE 28, 1975 ■ pIgTlY WIGGLY SPECIAL' COUPON™ 100 FREE S&H GREEN STAMPS wrtli purchase of 16 0Z. BTL. 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