The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 25, 1975, Image 10
Page 10 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1975 fTFMTiOB mm cCrumbly signs Bills’ pact mm m ARE YOU PLANNING TO PREPARE FOR THE LSAT THIS COMING SUMMER OR FALL? John McCrumbly, perhaps the most intriguing of the Bills’ new comers, is the latest Buffalo draft choice to sign a National Foot ball League contract, the team announced today. Known as “Train” at Texas A&M University because of the railroad engineer’s hat he wears so often, McCrumbly is a middle linebacker. He is 6 feet l Vs inches and anywhere from 250 pounds to the general vicinity of 265. To purists, the rookie’s position and dimension may seem mutu ally exclusive. But the Bills, who would welcome an intimidating presence in the middle, have rea son to believe that isn’t the case. McCrumbly, who was drafted in the fifth round last January, has the reputation of being a pun ishing tackier. Although the Bills would like his weight to be about 240, their over-all impression of him was favorable during the March mini-camp in Rich Sta dium. EIGHT-YEAR veteran Jim Cheyunski, who is no more than 220 pounds, is the incumbent at middle backer. Other strong candidates are Doug Allen, last year’s No. 2 Begin your preparation early. At the STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL Cf:NTER classes are forming now to start in June, July, August and September. GET THE FINEST PREPARATION AVAILABLE. Take our classes early, then use our complete "test-n-tape" library to review, at your own convenience, right up until the day of the exam. Preparing for these exams takes time—don’t cut yourself short. WRITE OR CALL NOW FOR OUR COMPLETE MULTI-CLASS, MULTI-LOCATION SCHEDULE. Iffk) Ik' iBSSSSSlfea i ST-. 193ft mKMmWL CENTER 1U00 N. CENTRAL EXPWY., SUITE 407 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 (214) 750-0317 THINK BUFFALO COME T(\ THE USC CAFETERIX WITH ALL YOUNG CHIEFS AND INDIAN'PRINCESSES TO (fREAT POW WOW. ORDER RC)9yST BUJypALO AND BE INITIATED IN THE ROYAL ORDEl OF BUFFALO HUNTERS THIS IS REAL BUFFALO . . . NO BULL ALL WHO PASS THE TEST WILL BE PRESENTED WITH \\' INDIAN HEADBAND cut interest of our ( IndkinSshAr items on the menu each MSC C.ifeteria of interest of our t'i|sturners to have a tatteiif the past, Buflalb .sill he^sersyil auamst^iisspriiu' and summer. 1 th the ixni) ioif of mans' that tnA ntliansjwl a iiood thTn^womt' with the feuffaffTThere are manv other tasty / i nyal, hut no inatier what vou desire stampede to th( > )/ x ^ A - / / $1.49 draft choice, and Bob Nelson, this year’s No. 2. Nelson presently is penciled in as backup for John Skorupan on the strong side. Texas A&M’s basic defense was the 4-3, which also is the standard NFL alignment. After sharing his job for the first half of last season, McCrumbly won it out right and was selected to the All- Southwest Conference second team. Described by A&M publicist Spec Gammon as “a big cutup . . . very outgoing . . . real hap py,” McCrumbly admits to hav ing difficulty saying “no” dur ing meals. But if curbing his offensive appetite at the table doesn’t curb his defensive appetite on the field, the Bills may be real happy, too. Shreveport of the World Football last year after three seasons with I gy League. NFL’s New Orleans Saints, has ■) ue sti Hodgkins disease and only a 50-5(1 « wan ( RAY HESTER, a starting line- chance to live, it was reported Kpeop backer with the WFL Hawaiians Friday. He is 26. B tails r es, I ebee THE BILLS also announced the signing of free agent Hal Thom as from Bowling Green. The 5- 11, 170-pounder will be tried as a corner back; he hopes to arrange the first meeting next week. Thrall, who has spent consid erable time in London during the last few weeks, said conflicting schedules have precluded any ex tended discussion with the Bills. “We are at a very early stage,” he explained. LOU SABAN, head coach of the Bills, was in Toledo Friday to play in a celebrity golf tourna ment to benefit the blind. / < ' EACH EVENING 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. '■T Quality First _ THE BILLS have signed 12 of their 17 draft choices and 11 free agents. ampcks.dest accetfora, STEVE BARTKOWSKI, the California quarterback who was the first selection of the NFL draft, today was expected to sign a 4-year contract for about $600,- 000 with the Atlanta Falcons. teas QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHY AT DISCOUNT PRICES SPECIALIZING IN WEDDING AND OTHER TYPES OF PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY CALL: 846-6740 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ALL-PRO linebacker Ted Hen dricks declined comment on a re port in Miami that he is consider ing a contract offer from the Dol- . phins. Hendricks played with Green Bay last year but became a free agent last month. OFFENSIVE TACKLES Jim Tyrer, 36, of the Washington Red skins and Dave Hill, 34, of the Kansas City Chiefs announced their retirement. % noi 37)5 27™ SMd 'Tovs/rJ $ Colr^Try Cfe/irtr Texas 0p£r) Sftr lc>f»n- (o Ti*\ (o9£-45ll GLEN HOLLOWAY, former Chicago Bears guard, signed with new product SYSTEM SAVINGS! ^ KENWOOD KR-S400 AM/FM-STEREO RECEIVER 13 Watts Per Channel, Minimum RMS at 8 ohms, 20-20k Hz with no more than 1.0% Total Harmonic Distortion System No. 1 lop performance, cossetle it r-_-« style! « KENWOOD KR 2400 Receiver BSR 610 turntable (2) WEBACHS III Speaker systems LIST 625.00 sale 437.50 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ .KXflO A massive flywheel and high-torque motor bring Wow & . Flutter to an incredible 0.1%. A 1-micron-gap carries ^ , ■ Frequency ’'Responseto a " high 16,000 Hz. And KENWOOD adds new automatic features and redesigns the control panel to make the KX-910 and KX-710 almost ‘mistake proof.’ It’s top performance, cassette style. ^KEIMWOOD KR-3400 AM/FM-STEREO RECEIVER System No. 2 16 Watts Per Channel, Minimum RMS at 8 ohms, 2t)-20k Hz with no more than 1.0% Total Harmonic Distortion KENWOOD KR 3400 BSR 610 turntable LIST 685.00 SOUND CENTER’S WARRANTY MEANS: (2) WEBACHS IV Speaker systems sale 479.50 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ *10 years free parts 3 years free labor on electronics System No. 3 KENWOOD * 7 day refund plus our exclusive PRICE PROTECTION PLAN KENWOOD KR 4400 Receiver BSR 710 turntable (2) WEBACHS V Speaker systems LIST 1050.00 SALE 633.00 *ounD CEnUE* 3806 A Old College Rd next to Triangle Bowl }ourtD CEHlcR 3806 A Old College Rd next to Triangle Bowl >OURD CEHl c^ 3806 A Old College Rd next to Triangle Bowl 30Uni CEHl e 3806A Old Colleger next to Triangle Bowl