The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 28, 1975, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1975 Baseballers eliminated by Sooners in playoffs By DAVID WALKER Staff Sports Writer OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — “He was the best college left hander that I’ve ever hit against,” that’s the way Aggie second baseman Mike Schraeder described Oklahoma pitcher Marty Kunkler who snuffed out the Aggies’ hopes of advancing to the College World Series. Kunkler had the Aggies guessing until the eighth inning Sunday in Norman, Oklahoma where they ended one of the most successful baseball seasons in Aggie history. The 6-4 loss to the Sooners gave the Aggies a 32-15-1 record for the year, the most wins ever by an Aggie team. The Aggies opened the double elimination tournament on Satur day, one day late because of rain. The Aggies opened with the nation’s fourth ranked team, the Oklahoma University Sooners. The Aggies went into the eighth inning of the game trailing the Sooners and ace pitcher Bob Shirley by a 4-2 count. Aggie shortstop Robert Bonner led off the ninth with a walk. The next two Aggies went out on three pitches. With a 1-2 count on Mike Schraeder, Shirley was only one pitch away from the victory. Schraeder hit the next pitch over the left field wall for a two run home run and a tie game at 4-4. The Ag gies lost it in the bottom of the ninth when the Sooners put together a walk, stolen base and single to win it 5-4. The heart breaking loss meant the Aggies had to come back and win four in a row to win the tournament and advance to the world series. That same afternoon the Aggies had to play first round loser Iowa with the loser getting an early trip home. Both teams were sluggish in the early goings with the Aggies fi nally winning 9-6. Iowa had a 6-5 lead going into the bottom half of the eighth when the Aggies erupted for four runs and the victory. Tommy Hawthorne had four RBI’s for the Aggies on two clutch hits with Schraeder and Jim Bratsen each had two. The win gave the Aggies new life and an extra night in Norman, it also set the school record for most wins in a season, with 32. Sunday the Aggies had to play the loser of the Tulsa-Oklahoma game. Oklahoma lost in the fourteenth inning thus setting up the re-match with the Aggies. The second Oklahoma game was similar to the first one in that the Aggies trailed early, came back but finally lost. The one sure similarity was that both games were heart breakers. The Oklahoma fans and media representatives were very impre ssed how the Aggies battled and what a good team they were. The general feeling was that they were very fortunate to win. There were some bright spots for the Aggies. The Aggie pitching staff of James Gibson, Clint Thomas, David Lockett and Alan Wilson all pitched well. All will be back next year. Wilson has to be a bright spot for coach Tom Chandler. He had been used only once all year before the (See SOONERS, Page 8) Sox blank California Angels, 6-0 BOSTON (AP) — Rico Petrocelli and Rick Burleson hit three-run homers and Bill Lee pitched a five- hitter for his second consecutive shutout, leading the Boston Red Sox to a 6-0 victory over the California Angels Saturday. Lee, a veteran left-hander, boosted his record to 5-4 while be coming the seventh consecutive Boston starter to go the distance on the current home stand. Have you tried the new RAMADA BARBER SALON? owned & operated by Troy Causey Roffler products for men. 846-8811 ext. 104 MOBILE HOME V2 acre fenced sites. Swimming pool and horse facilities availa- ble. 846-7366 or 846-3578 lists. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call; George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apaitments with Jots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections- Complete laundry facilities. AI.L UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. S°me available now- Married students welcome. 134 Luther (off old h\vy. 6 so.> C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 SUMMER 1975 OPTIONAL BOARD PLAN Summer students may dine on the board plan during each session of summer school at Texas A&M University. Each board student may dine three meals each day except Sunday evening if the seven day plan is elected, and three meals each day, Monday through Friday, if the five day plan is preferred. Board meals are not served July 4, 1975. Each meal is served cafeteria style in Sbisa Hall or in the Commons for individuals living in Krueger-Dunn. Fees for each session are payable to the Controller of Accounts, Fiscal Office, Coke Building. Board fees for each plan are as follows: PLANS FIRST SESSION SECOND SESSION Seven Day - $130.00 Five Day - $115.00 June 2 through July 9 (excludes July 4) July 10 through August 15 Day students, including graduate students may purchase either of the board plans. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day • Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display . 10c per word barge- d Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication OFFICAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Cochran, McKendree Thomas III Degree: Ph.D. in Biochemistry Dissertation: THE BINDING OF CUPRIC ION BY HUMAN SERUM TRANSFERRIN. Time: May 26, 1975 at 3:00 p.m. Place: Room 214 in the H.E.E.P. Bldg. George W. Ktinze Dean of the Graduate College THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Carrier, Steven Theodore Degree: Ph.D. in Statistics Dissertation: A MODEL BASED ANALYSIS FOR TWO PERIOD, TWO TREATMENT CHANGE-OVER CLINICAL TRIALS Time: May 29, 1975 at 9:(X) Place: Room 102 in the Olin E. Teague Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College SPECIAL NOTICE S?SSSS?SSSS:538SS?SS3SSS&55S33SS!SSSSSSffl? for rent for sale HELP WANTED Apartment size dryer, $60. 846-6189. Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY. INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn FOR SALE OR RENT TRAVIS HOUSE APTS. 1 & 2 Bedroom 6 week and 3 month summer leases available now. 505 Hwy. 30 846-6111 ‘Briarwftod > Spacious 1-2-3 bedroom apartments »Tennis courts * Sauna baths and exercise rooms ’ Club (Pent House I) ► Cable TV * Wall to Wall carpeting ► 24-hour security > All utilities paid » 2 minutes from Texas A&M From $155 , Call 693-3014 693-2933 1201 Highway 30 College Station English saddle. 17", excellent condition. 5 months old. 846-1491 after 5. U8t5 Let White’s Auto Store, College Station, serve you with your hardware and plumbing needs, North Gate. 338tfii Electric stove, very good condition. Wards brand, av ocado color, $75. 693-2590 after 5. 12<>t2 14x80 72 Camelot mobile home. Furnished, washer/dryer, (’All, carpet. Assume loan 589-2267. 119t2 JOB OPPORTUNITIES RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. 308tfn *V a >o VXv.MXfcV For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University Kor lull or part Him- employment wherever ymiarrthis Murrieil only I or Km appointment nil 846-7381 alter 3. 109112 Housekeeper. 1 day 846-1564 2 mornings a week, $2 hour, 118(3 BELAIR Mobile Home Park Special for Students: Free lot for Horses 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394t FOR RENT gSSSSSSS&SSSSSBBSff^S^ BROADMOOR APARTMENTS 2 Bedroom, 1 hath, central air 6c heat, panelled, carpeted & & draped, close to school, University Shopping Center, & Medical Center, $155. unfur nished. $175 furnished. All hills paid including cable, or $125 unfurnished. $145 furnished including water and cable. Summer Leases Open 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 SUMMER JOB - 1975. Just printed. 1000s ul rn- tries. A must for all job searchers who are serious about liiuling summer employment. Mail S5.95 to American Research Ltd. 499 Hamilton Ave. Palo Alto. Calif. 94304 11516 One or two people to work 10 a.m. to 3 Mon.-Frii Also one or two to work weekends and two or three nights a week Sales or citshier experience helpful. Apply in person onl\. Wliatahurger, Bryan or College Station. ^ CHILD CARE AVON Has Openings in this area. Customers waiting to be served. Call 846-8224 91tfn Small nursery near uiinipusalso convenient to Bryan. Experi- enced. Morning and afternoon snack. Hot Lunch. Large shady fenced yard. Air Conditioned. 846-1087. !M. IU*KlstiM now Inr summer o, l.lll r lusses: .1.4, and5'ear olds ( luld Cure ( muter. First Baptist Church. Cdlfp Station. Phone 8464)632. ,I9|# ROOMMATE WANTED [ con Sat Finfeather Acres, mobile homes for rent, 822-2627. Hhin CITADEL 104 Pleasant THE CITADEL NORTH 401 Lake Streat 846-3856 1 and 7 bedroom fvrnlshed or un furnished, with or without bills paid. WORK WANTED Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All hinds. 822- 0544. 2:5a, b> Full time typing. Symbols. Gall 823-772 ) )92tln bctxVCU^^LinfLi W anted: Female Roommate 2 bedroom studio, S77 month. All household goods furnished. Transportation to university if needed. Call 845-6411, ext. 53 Furnished 2 bedroom mobile home on wooded 3 acres. Near Texas A&M. Summer only. $125 plus utilities. No pets. 846-8051, 822-5530. 118tfn Horse pasture and stalls. 846-7015. 118tl6 Apartment for rent for 2 $45 apiece, 846-5132. lOtfn 3 bedroom mobile home in Oak Forest Park, 846-1688. lOSlfn Apartments near campus, $100 up, 846-0692. 113(8 Furnished one bedroom apartment downstairs, two bedroom apartment upstairs. Married couples onl\. Air conditioned, yon pay bills. Cheap. 822-3627. il9tfii LiT{'ZcZ-in .n.. 5 HELP WANTED — * Proficient rollerskater to work at Pooh \ Skating fOK Rink as floor man. Call 840-5737 or M0-5736. 120*2 i.|»ns to female student. Cocktail waitresses needed. House. Apply iu person. 59.3-2200, Mansard ; i2ir« dner prix lieges S I5-0908 .liter 5. 845-4432 (woife 120(2 1 bedroom apartment, furnished, fill bills paid. Acme 2 bedroom brick house, unlurnished, near A&M Call Realty, 822-5571. lOStfn 845-2.344. 120(5 >a>tment, furnished. F. Austin School. 12011, ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 To student couple: large garage apa> bedrcKini furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. I 1 /.: air, carport, no pets, near Stephen .miles south-of canjpus. Lake for, fishing. Washatyri* Deposit^eferences. 822-5183 on grounds. Country atmosphere." Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 5, 846-3059 or 822-6135. 3 bedroom house, unfurnished, near A&M Available I66tfn Juh 1. Call 846-2344. 120(5 mpletely furnished, $65, plus Valk to campus, two bedroom furnished apartments, 3 vailable for summer, 846-0384. apartment, air, completely lurnished, 865, pin 119t2 utilities. Call early any morning, 822-5475. 120tl TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - l V-> baths - carpet - drapes central heat and air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher - disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas 9££^<!irKlS> & OLD COLLEGE MAIN APTS. i 4302 COLLEGE MAIN, BRYAN SUMMER RATES ★ DEPOSITS PAID TO SUMMER STUDENTS ON THE DAY OF DEPARTURE l i ★ FAMILIES welcome ★ CENTRAL HEAT & AIR (INDIVIDUAL UNITS) ★TOTAL ELECTRIC KITCHENS ★ALL UTILITIES PAID ★1 & 2 BDRM. FURN & UNFURN. ★3 LAUNDRIES ★WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS, CHURCHES & SHOPPING CENTERS ★SWIMMING POOL ★ LOCATED CLOSE TO N0RTHGATE ★ 2 BDRM. STUDIOS A SECURITY ★ FAST DEPENDABLE MAINTENANCE 846-2089 A A A FRENCH QUARTER APTS. 601 NORTH CROSS, COLLEGE STATION A * 2 LAUNDRIES ADULTS ONLY (ALL UTILITIES PAID) SUMMER RATES ★ DEPOSITS PAID TO SUMMER STUDENTS THE DAY OF DEPARTURE * CENTRAL HEAT f & AIR 1 0 A ★ 1 & 2 BDRM. FURN. & UNFURN. ★ TOTAL ELECTRIC KITCHENS ★ SWIMMING POOL ★ LOCATED CLOSE TO N0RTHGATE 846-8981 ★ SECURITY *fast dependable maintenance 1 9 fass-w-xas «ssy-»-»aa