Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1975)
life' ■ APRIL 24, 25, 26, 30, MAY 1, 2 8 p.m. THE AGGIE PLAYERS present RUDDER CENTER THEATER Students $2 Others S3 Tickets at Rudder Center Box Office, TAMU Tues., Wed., Sat. 10:00-6:00 Mon., Thurs., Fri., 10:00-8:00 MANOR EAST MALL GIVE MOTHCR A DIAMOND P6NDANT Only $22 95 She'll love this delicately styled diamond pendant with 14 karat gold-filled mounting. Ws a beautiful bargain at only $22.95. PI Hi ZALES i H HU Our People Make Us Number Ooe EIGHT CONVENIENT WAYS TO BUY Mtwytration enlarged GRADUATION PHOTOS May now be ordered from borki onot photography Northgate 846-2828 TWO - 5x7 $6.95 Color pictures will be taken of you receiv ing your diploma. ©1975, Kali* Systemet, Inc. Style 180 This is the Earth shoe? Anne Kals0 invented it. Everyone is trying to imitate it. But just because a shoe looks like the Earth brand shoe doesn’t mean it works like the Eartlf shoe. Available at: KALSO EARTH SHOE 4222 Oak Lawn Ave., Dallas, Texas 75219 MAIL FOR FREE BROCHURE Get-rich-quick swindles Don’t pay till BBB checks THE BATTALION Page 5 THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1975 By ROSEMARY TRAVERSO Staff Writer People have been getting swin dled by get-rich-quick schemes ad vertised through the mail, in magazines and newspapers for years but people never seem to learn, Leroy Balmain, director of the local Better Business Bureau (BBB), said Tuesday. The most common frauds which take people in are home employ ment offers and mail order mer chandising, he said. “A lot of young couples come in and ask about these deals advertis ing jobs stuffing and addressing en velopes at home, Balmain said. “Most of the time they will take your money and send you a list of ways to rook somebody else.” He said one A&M student came into his office with a complaint about an advertisement in The Bat talion about job opportunities in Panel, film included in rape seminar here A seminar on “Rape in Our Soci ety” will be sponsored Tuesday by the Women’s Awareness Workshop and the Texas Rape Prevention and Control Project (TRPCP). The program features a panel dis cussion and a film beginning at 7:30 p.m. in room 602, Rudder Tower. Panelists include Bradley Smith, a deputy district attorney; Dr. Harry Lipscomb, internist; Gerry Boyd of University Police; Dr. Sara Jones, TAMU clinical psychologist; Dr. Bonnie Stadelman of the His tory Department; Marge Swacker of the English Department and Sarah Robinson of the Sociology and An thropology Department. The film and panel will be pre faced by remarks by Cathryn Dor sey of the TRPCP. Pre-med, pre-dent banquet Tickets will be on sale through today for the annual Premedical Preden tal Society Spring Banquet to be held this Saturday in the Memorial Student Center. Dr. James A. Knight, dean of the College of Medicine at A&M, is the featured speaker for the event and Dr. John M. Precott, dean of science, will make several special presentations. Tickets may be purchased from George Theilen (845-4659), Dorm 5, Room 428, or Del Yarbrough (845-2139), Moore Hall, Room 404. A rep resentative of the Society will also be present in Room 319 of the Biological Sciences Building from 8 to 5 on Thursday. Public ERA debate Women’s Awareness Workshop is sponsoring a debate on the Equal Rights Amendment at 8 p.m. Monday in the Memorial Student Center room 224. The debate panel will consist of two pro-ERA speakers, two anti-ERA speakers, and a mediator. Written questions will he accepted from the audience. The public is invited. Great Issues speaker Business Week editor Lewis Young will speak for the “American Economy” series of Great Issues at 8 p.m. tonight. Young will speak on “American Business in Perspective” in room 225 ol the Memorial Student Center. Admission is free. World Whale Day The Association of Graduate Wildlife and Fisheries Students (AG- WAFS) and the local Sierra Club are sponsoring a program to celebrate World Whale Day. April 28 there will be a table set up in the MSC which will distribute information leaflets about the problems faced by whales and other marine mammals. At 7:30 p.m. there will be a series of films shown in room 137A MSC. Petitions will be available for signing for those who wish to express their concern. Alaska. “She sent in $3 and got a booklet telling about the weather in Alaska and how many people are working there but nothing about job oppor tunities,” Balmain said. He said mail order operations should be checked out with the BBB before any money is sent for mer chandise. In the case of plants, Bal main said the merchandise is often dead before it reaches the cus tomer. Complaints regularly come into the BBB office concerning these schemes but Balmain said he has no idea how much money is lost annu ally in Bryan and College Station. “Most of the people who get taken don’t even call us. They don’t think the money is important enough, even though it may be only a few dollars,” he said. “They are often embarrassed because they’ve been taken.” The BBB tries to get companies to make good on their offers when complaints come in, hut when ef forts to do this are not successful, the complaints are turned over to the proper law enforcement agen cies, Balmain said. Roland Searcy, county attorney, said these cases usually come under federal jurisdiction rather than that of state or local agencies. “A lot of the cases are investigated by the Postal Service,” he said. “I can’t think of any that have been handled in the local courts.” | New German lit course I Dr. Wulf Koepke will teach an introductory course next fall on German literature in translation. Dr. Koepke says that the course is designed mainly for students whose major is not language or literature. Offered by the Department of Modern Languages, the course will deal with the major authors of the 20th Century. ai\sar3 ouse^ CLUB BOBBY DOYLE TRIO FORMERLY WITH BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS APPEARING NITELY TUESDAY, APRIL 29th NOW APPEARING THE FAMILY JEWELS LADIES THROUGH THE MONTH OF MAY TUESDAY - THURSDAY — ALL UNESCORTED LADIES DRINKS V2 PRICE LOCATED IN DOUX CHENE APTS. 14012 FM 2818 farisard louse^ Man Back Co Che GROVE IMighC CEPHEID VARIABLE. PRESENTS-. • DRACULA (n •FRANKENSTEIN (8p-') • BRIDE of FRANKENSTEIN Thursday! April 2*1 Rudder Auditor.viM Admission: for +Vir*t Starting ?pnn SPONSORED BY AGGIE CINEMA Featuring Zero Mostel in A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum’ “The Producers’’ — a Mel Brooks film! PLUS FREE POPCORN ONLY 25c APRIL 25 & 26 The GROVE located at West Gate IN CASE OF RAIN BRING AN UMBRELLA /tep Into the m/c circle 9R6AT issues " AMFQlCAN FCONOr^y" presents : SPFAKl NG ON FDlTOfZ OF "WSINFSS WFfK /A AG AZ INF \lUtRIC\Ni BOSINtSS in peRspecuiue' /tep Into the m/c circle 0