The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 15, 1975, Image 7
. Associated Press Board wing hits news wire THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1975 Page 7 lUVOICt BURGIN INTERNATIONAL LTD. 1154 Second Avenue New York. N. Y» 10021 |“{ so m : 415 M U sF o L D °L Texas A £ M University Facilities Planning and Constructions Faculty Box 219 College Station Tbcas 7781*3 , x \ r Hill S-TS2J ~i s r H already shipped _J L_ “1 OUR ORDER NO. DATE SHIPPED I F. 0. B. NET CASH CB.D. | INVOICE DATE SHIP VIA SALESMAN QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT W ood Globes of the Heavens & Planets ^ Predominately Red Lacquer 1 Blue and White Lacquer on red lacquer wood bases Each globe 5 ft diameter and 6 ft hihg overall Dismantle into 5 sections for transport TAG TAMU/PO 73*1 Student Louge § 108 J 5f 0^ i,5oo g oo [3,000.00net plusahippiwg fr-*J zo/s/y*/ Cash Discount % r i BETSY ROSS FLAG GIRLS, INC. 214-826-FLAG DALLAS • MEMPHIS • HOUSTON • ATLANTA 4024 SWISS • DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 1 Texas A&M University Facilities Planning & Construction Faculty Box 219 College Station, Texas 77843 I I INVOICE No. F 4482 INVOICE OAT* OUR ORDER NO F 4482 J January 23. 1975 YOUR ORDER NO Addendum to #63301-830 Net Eom UPS Attn: Capt. Ken W. Baker " 0 °" Texas A&M Univ. Office of the Commandant, College Station. TxJ DESCRIPTION 6 3/4" Fancy Gold Army Spears 8 10.80 UPS Amount Due $653.24 THANK YOU Shown above are copies of two University purchase vouchers. Vouchers like these were used in deter mining prices of various MSC furnishings. 1975-76 TOWN HALL SELECTION COMMITTEE QUESTIONNAIRE The TOWN HALL COMMITTEE is conducting a survey to help schedule performances for the 1975-76 season. This survey is to find out who you are interested in hearing. CIRCLE FIVE Merle Haggard Steely Dan Humble Pie Charlie Rich Carole King Johnny Rodriquez Leo Kottke James Taylor Gordon Lightfoot Three Dog Night Lynyrd Skynyrd ZZ Top Rich Little Average White Band Henry Mancini Bill Cosby Joni Mitchell Hues Corporation Rick Nelson Willis Alan Ramsey Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Ray Price Charlie Pride Loretta Lynn Preservation Hall Jazz Band Tammy Wynette Ohio Players Allman Bros. Band Linda Ronsted Chuck Berry Rufus Bachman Turner Overdrive Helen Reddy Burt Bacharach Rare Earth America Seals & Crofts Jimmy Buffet Doc Severinsen Chicago Carly Simon Carpenters B. W. Stevenson John Denver Cat Stevens Tony Orlando Eagles Doobie Brothers Mac Davis Emerson, Lake, & Palmer 0THER SELECT,0NS Fifth Dimension Guess Who Do you live: On Campus Oft Campus What would you be willing to pay for a good performance? Circle one: $1-2 $3-4 $5-6 Would vou rather listen to: Circle 2 Jazz Easy Listening Progressive Country Hard Rock Country Western Classical Comedy Rock’n Roll Other Please return this survey to the Town Hall Cubicle in the Student Programs Office by April 19. Thank you. COLLEGE STATION (AP) — No one is cracking Aggie jokes about the new $1.4 million facility the Texas A&M University board of di rectors has built for its meetings. But there is plenty of grumbling from students who hear tales of opulence in the directors’ facility while fighting less than ideal condi tions in their dormitories. “I live in a dorm built in the 1920's. The paint is peeling. There are ants everywhere,” says Jamie DeWitt, a freshman from Dallas. “If I come in after my roommate is as leep, I wake him up because every thing squeaks. And they’re spend ing money like this. ” “Like this” takes in much of the furnishings of the board of directors annex, which is used for gatherings of the nine gubernatorial appointees who meet about six times a year. There’s a $9,068 Cloisonne vase dating back to 1740, a 19th Century Chippendale dining table with a $4,500 price tag and a 17th Century eight-panel Japanese screen which hides a rear view projection screen. The facility also houses a $4,200 pair of Italian marble busts of Roman senators, a $15,000 original painting of “Miles of Bluebonnets and several custom-designed rugs. In the dining room, guests eat from a $24,300 Pickard china service and from a set of $42,615 sterling silver. The settings are for 450, substan tially more than the room will hold. Most of the grumbling has come from students, who have asked their student senate to vote on whether the Texas Legislature should be re quested to look into the board’s ex penditure. Some students have criticized a lack of student voice in the new $10.5 million student center. But trustee William Lewie Jr. of Waco defends the directors’ facility and the elaborate furnishings. “In the old one a 1912 mansion, we’d have to spend eight or nine hours a day meeting because there wasn’t enough room for all the ar chitects, engineers and projection screens we needed. And Gen. A. R. Luedecke, vice president for planning and con struction at A&M, has taken student complaints about the $470 hairy co whide benches with brass feet and a display of mounted animal heads in the new student center, in stride. “All I hear about is benches and heads,” Luedecke said. “There is always someone who doesn’t like this bench or that couch. You have to look at the whole thing. This stir is unwarranted.” Meanwhile, students are wonder ing just what the directors facility — which was built with money from the permanent university fund — is like. Few of A&M’s 21,000 students have seen the facility, because it is kept locked and is opened only on special request. A • 1 autcpa/rts Nationally Known Brands for All Makes 4 NAPA r Drums & Rotors Turned Bearings Pressed COMPLETE VW, DATSUN, TOYOTA, OPEL PARTS . “A-1 Quality of Parts . j ... ^ Service”__, ..., Texas at Cooner 846-4791 BILL S BARBER & STYLE SHOP ^ Layer Cuts, Wash & Wear Cuts, Styling FOR MEN AND WOMEN . INTRODUCING BEA AYALA Formerly of Wilson’s Walk-in or appointment 215 University 846-2228 “JC Theater Engineering students honor top professors Honors went to three TAM U pro fessors at a banquet last week. The Student Engineers Council held their Annual Awards Banquet as planned despite part of the mem bership being snow-bound in Chicago. The engineering students presented the Outstanding Faculty Award for Achievement in Teaching to Drs. Archie R. Burgess and Mike ,E. James. They also presented Dr. Dwayne A. Suter with the Out standing Faculty Award for Achievement in Individual Student Relationships. Students named the Electrical Engineering Department as the outstanding department and Dr. W. B. Jones Jr. accepted the award. Special plaques were awarded this year to Engineering Dean Fred J. Benson for “Outstanding Leader ship in Engineering Education” and to Assistant Dean John McGuire in appreciation of his work with stu dent engineers. &f)oe JBouttgue JAPANESE FLAPS 1 Just Arrived Red, Navy & Black Special Price 693-2033 TOWER SPECIAL “Something Different” I Your choice of any three meats or cheeses plus choice of variety bread with a cup of savory hot soup. All for $1.50 1 BEVERAGES EXTRA. SERVING EACH WEEKDAY FROM 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Tower Mezzanine Regular buffet on first level BankAmericaro ‘Quality First’ Kimmitm WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THIS SUMMER? IF YOU’RE A SOPHOMORE MAJORING IN ENGINEERING, MATH OR SCIENCE WE OFFER YOU AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY QUALIFY FOR THE NUCLEAR NAVY AND A FULL SCHOLARSHIP THROUGH THE NAVAL SCIENCE INSTITUTE AT NEWPORT, RHODE ISLAND RESERVATIONS STILL OPEN 26 JUNE - 8 AUGUST EXCITING FUTURES IN: SUBMARINES SURFACE SHIPS •AVIATION CONTACT NROTC UNIT Room 106 Military Science Bldg. 845-1775