Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1975 Over the wall UT gets first woman as student president Roommates share apartment only Mixed male, female roommates more prevalent By CYNTHIA MACIEL Staff Writer Except for the well-known fact that everything is costing more these days, there is no obvious stream of continuity among the ex change newspapers I read this week. At the UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, they have elected their first woman student body pres ident. Carol Crabtree won the runoff election, defeating Bill Ware. Crabtree polled 3,281 votes to Ware’s 2,328. ★★★ UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN administrators gave final approval to the Texas Student Pub lications Board of Operating Trus tees to proceed with a nonbinding April 9 preferential poll which should aid in the selection of the next editor of The Daily Texan. The results of the original Feb. 12 runoff election were thrown out by the board after it was learned editor-elect Bill Garland had drop ped a journalism course required of all editor candidates. ★★★ The Student Senate at THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AU STIN appropriated $700 for the con tinued publication of a black student newspaper for the next two months. Subject to approval by the Texas Student Publications Board, The Blackprint, sponsored by The Blacks organization, would be dis tributed as a Daily Texas supple ment. ★ ★★ Five male SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY stu dents celebrated the arrival of spring by running through the freshman quad in their birthday suits. Carol Tobin, an SMU junior said, T was standing outside in front of Morrison Hall when some fireworks went off and these guys came streak ing through the quad, beating their chests and laughing. ” The director of Traffic and Safety department said that no charges have been filed and no complaints have been received. ★★★ A court ruling declared TEXAS WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY housing regulations unconstitutional. A stu dent filed suit last year, charging the university with discrimination against women. Unmarried women under 23 are required to live in the residence halls. There are no such rules for the 21 men attending TWU. The court ruled unanimously that the school could not treat women Schools will lose state aid A one-day regional school boards workshop, cosponsored by the State School Boards Association and the TAMU Department of Educational Administration is scheduled April 28. A three day workshop for school business officials will be held the prior week April 23-25. Discussion will range from use of school facilities, program budgeting strategies and educational data to information processing. It is the first of three workshops for business officials. Others are planned in July and September. STEAK HOUSE Noon Special 11-2 ^ gg Chicken-Fried Steak 1803 Texas 822-2430 RESURRECTION MARCH 25-27 ALLEN Oldsmoblle Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 one way and men another. ★★★ Three members of a panel discus sion at THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA predicted the legali zation of marijuana. The panelists were Dr. Alfonso Paredes, director of the Oklahoma Alcohol and Drug Research Insti tutes, Phil Horning, American Civil Liberties Union Lawyer and Bill Jones, OU police chief. The panelists agreed that mari juana is less of a problem among young people than alcohol. Paredes said that marijuana research does not absolve the drug of any harmful effects. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Mary Walker, a lawyer, and Jeffrey Wise, a marketing executive, share an apartment, but say they aren’t in terested in the cohabitave comforts suggested by close quarters. Walker, 26, says there is high- voltage shock value in her relation ship with Wise. She casually mentioned to a date that the person with whom she shared her apartment was a man, and the reaction was immediate. “The guy freaked out,” she said in an interview. I told him there was no romance involved but he just couldn’t handle it. Finally, I told him if he was going to be so uptight about it, then he was obviously too narrow-minded and I didn’t want to see him again.” Wise, who’s engaged to be mar ried to a Texas woman, said his fian cee doesn t mind his living with a woman “for the time being.” Lori Rock, 21, found her non-sex relationship with roommate Jim Cole, a divorced project engineer, “a little bit scary.” “My mother told me I should put a lock on my bedroom door,” said Lori, adding that she acquired Cole as a new roommate because the previous male couldn't afford his share of her $325-a-month rent. “I really prefer men as room mates,” she said. "It means fewer hassles. They’re more independent and reliable. Girl roommates seem to get into horrible fights. ” Cole doesn’t like male room mates, and is a trifle anxious about what awaits him in his new situa tion. T don’t really know how I’m going to react with Lori because I’m human. It seems to me that one shouldn’t shy away from a situation because something might happen he said. The Marin Roommates agenn; which specializes in finding peopi ( who want to share living expenses, reports that many applicant wouldn’t mind romanceless apartment-sharing. "Sometimes a girl will say sit prefers a man because he’s cleane around the house or because It's usually out a lot,” said Gilliu Woodard, who runs the agency, And sometimes a man will prefer! woman because he says she's cleaner.”