The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 11, 1975, Image 3
r THE BATTALION Page 3 WEDNESDAY, MARCHS, 1975 canoe the wild exciting hill country or the peaceful scenic big thicket rivers TEXAS CANOE TRAILS , INC . CANOE CAMPS IN THE HILL COUNTRY: LOWER 0UADALUPE UPPER GUADALUPE IN THE BIG THICKET: NECHES RIVER VILLAGE CREEK CANOE TRIPS* ONE DAY *15.00 TWO DAY *26.00 WEEKLY *60,00 FOR RESERVATIONS: CANOES, □]). DR, MICKEY LITTLE 1212 BERKELEY COLLEGE STATION/TX 778A0 (713) 846-7307 # INCL ITDE S: CANOE , PADDLES,LIFE JACKE TS, AND SHUTTLE SERVICE. RAFTS AND KAYAK ALSO AVAILABLE Mothers present band The A&M Mother’s Club was host to the Texas Aggie Concert Band Friday night. The concert, pre sented in the Rudder Auditorium, was directed by Maj. Joe T. Haney. (Photo by Balzak) V This may be a better time to buy or build a new home than you think. Bryan-College Station Builders and Realtors have never had more property to show nor have they ©ver had better terms for purchase. There is no shortage of good buys on the real estate market. But there is a shortage of money. But not at BB&L. Area saver confidence in BB&L has never been greater. Savings deposits are at an all-time high. BB&L has ample funds to finance new and older homes. And the rates are affordable. If your family has been considering buying or build ing a new home, this may be a better time than you think. Ask any officer for details. BB&L wants to help you to have that new home. Music review Traffic's 'Eagle' OK By JOHN VANORE What can I say? I’ve been a sucker for good Traffic music for years, and “When the Eagle Flies” fits the bill perfectly. I’ll have to admit that, for a while, I’d gotten rather chapped at them. “John Barleycorn Must Die” was released when I was in high school, which would put it some where around the summer of 197) . Which means we Traffic fans had to wait for over four years, and wade through two studio and two live al- bums, before we could listen to something of the calibre of “Eagle.” Then there was “Winwood,” which UA released without Stevie’s OK, and he made a big stink over that one. Really, “John Barleycorn” was the last genuine Traffic released up to now. “Welcome to the Canteen,” with some nice live versions of songs going back as far as Steve Winwood’s days in Spencer Davis Group, listed all seven musicians on the jacket separately. Not once was the word Traffic mentioned on the album, even though Dave Mason actually stayed with them long enough to see the venture through. The next three albums also featured various extraneous musicians who ultimately did more harm than good. I mean, this is Traffic, not Chicago or some other big band — Winwood & Co. play their best as a lean, tight band, like in their earlier days. The band that has mas queraded as Traffic for these past years was more than fifty percent add-ons. So now they’re back to basics. Roger Hood, Barry Beckett and Reebop are gone; here we have Chris Wood on reeds, Jim Capaldi on percussion and, as can be ex pected, Stevie Winwood, the musi cal prodigy, playing anything he can get his hands on. They’ve also added Rosko Gee on bass, and they’re back together as a tight band, the way they always should have been. Traffic has returned to the basics of the John Barleycorn style, which , proved so popular and long-lasting. In the instrumental sense, it was one of the most satisfying albums ever released — smooth, perfectly structured harmonics. Listen to “Dream Gerrard ’ and its horns — everything just fits into place. Or the closely knit instrumentals of “Walking in the Wind. Gee’s bass really makes that song come across. The verdict? Well, shocking and innovative it ain’t. But it is clean, refreshing and satisfying — just the kind of album Traffic has owed their listeners for quite some time now. I liked it. . . Tin sure you will, too. But they still need Dave Mason. Thanks to Mike at Budget Re cords and Tapes for the album I used here. Coming soon . . . some good scoop on the first of the “Hendrix Warehouse Tapes” in an album cal led “Crash Landing,” followed by heavy metal music. THE TOWN HALL COMMITTEE will be accepting applica tions by new members Tues. Mar. 11 through Fri. Mar. 14 at the Town Hall Cubicle in the Student Programs Office on the second floor of the MSC. Remember to sign up for an interview. I.XKEVILW CLUB 3 Miles N.on Tabor Road Saturday Night: Frenchie Burke and the Winchester Kings From 9-1 p.m. STAMPEDE Every Thursday Nite (ALL BRANDS BEER 35 cents) Every Tuesday Nite 1 LADIES FREE MEN $2.00 All Brands Beer 35c 8-12 Music furnished by the Brazos Sounds There is no shortage of good buys in the real estate market. There’s a shortage of money. But not at BB&L. BB&L PEPE' TACO 3312 S. College Crisp & Hot TACOS Reg. 35c 25c (with coupon only) each Limit 12 Tacos per coupon Offer Expires Thursday, March 13 open ’til 11:00 P.M. weekdays