The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 07, 1975, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1975 Without Dierschke, Jones AAMCCr AAMCO TRANSMISSIONS “America's Largest Transmission Specialist" 1215 TEXAS 822-0109 Thinclads go against Rice, UH FREE TOWiNG 10% Aggie Discount on all Transmission jobs with I.D. card canoe the wild exciting hill country or the peaceful scenic big thicket rivers TEXAS CANOE TRAILS , [NC . CANOE CAMPS IN THE HILL COUNTRY: I LOWER GUADALUPE UPPER GUADALUPE CANOE TRIPS* ONE DAY *15.00 TWO DAY *26.00 WEEKLY *60.00 FOR RESERVATIONS: CANOES, LTD. THE BIG THICKET: NECHES RIVER VILLAGE CREEK DR. MICKEY LITTLE 1212 BERKELEY COLLEGE STATION, TX (713) 846-7307 77840 « INCLUDES: CANOE , PADDLES.LIFEJACKETS,AND SHUTTLE SERVICE. RAFTS AND KAYAK ALSO AVAIL ABLE KESAMI Sandwich Shoppe OUR SANDWICHES AND SUBS ARE THICK & SUCCULENT-FILLED WITH DELICIOUS FRESH MEATS AND CHEESES. NORTHGATE 846-6428 By PAUL McGRATH Interim Sports Editor Texas A&M’s track squad will host two teams that they have beaten twice previously. Rice, the University of Houston and the Ags compete in a tri-meet at Kyle Field starting at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. The Aggies bested Rice in a dual meet here and defeated them at the UH Invitational. Rice regained lost ground by getting past A&M at Laredo in the Border Olympics. Houston is 0-2 against the Aggies, losing to A&M in the meet they hosted and at the Border. However, the situation is gloomier for the Aggies than it ap pears. Top hurdler Scottie Jones is “a question mark says track coach Charles Thomas. Jones strained the ligaments connecting the thigh bone to the knee joint. Sammy Dierschke is again suffering leg ail ments af ter missing most of last sea son with an injury. Thomas expects him to return to action next week. Another Aggie on the sick list is Gerald D Ambrosio, although “he is starting to come around” said Thomas. There is a silver lining though. High jumper Don Riggs will be competing in his second meet after recuperating from a leg injury. Frank West has rejoined the team after a short departure for spring football to give A&M some muscle in the shot put. The Aggie pole vaul- ters have had a good week despite cold weather with Brad Blair reach ing his Southwest Conference win ning mark of 15 feet. Shifton Baker Cincinnati named Ag playoff foe Although the Aggies have clinched at least a tie for the South west Conference title, they must beat Texas for tbe outright title (as suming Arkansas and Texas Tech win their final game) and the right to go into the NCAA playoffs. An Aggie victory would send them to Lubbock next Saturday for the Midwest Pre-Regional. They would play Cincinnati. The winner of that game goes to the Midwest Regional at Las Cruces, N. M., March 20 and 22. is looking good, says Thomas, after coming in with his best 440-yard hurdles time, a 52.9. The Owls are going to be tough to beat again as the team seems stronger since the first A&M-Rice meeting. Rice should dominate the discus and shot put events with Buddy Briscoe and Dean Daugherty. Freshmen hurdler Cur- In the 100-yard dash, Aggie Charles Dawson will be up against Zoe Simpson again. Dawson had a slight leg pull at the Border and took a 9.9 time in the race. A&M has adjusted their sprint relay team due to the absence of Dierschke. Robert Harris, Doug Brodhead, Dawson and Ray Brooks represent A&M in the quarter mile out officials, the meet will go on. This is the fourth Ag outdoor meet of the year and their second home meet. Next weekend AMI will be in Dallas competing against TCU and SMU THE STEAK HOUSE Noon Special 11-2 Chicken-Fried Steak 1803 Texas $1.39 822-2430 ■ww K\\w li iiSjj tis Isiah is improving with every meet and should contest Baker in the 120- and 440- yard hurdles. Jeff Wells, Rice’s distance man, is the one to beat in the mile and three mile. Wells has beaten A&M’s Bruce Smith twice in the three mile, although Smith has cut his time in each of his three outdoor races. UH also has a fine three miler, Brad Brickman, who placed one spot ahead of Smith at Laredo. Mustangs in town for three The Texas Aggies are down but not out in the 1975 Southwest Con ference baseball race. They host the SMU Mustangs this weekend in an important three game series. The two teams will play a single game Friday at 3:00 and then a double header Saturday at 1:00. The Aggies are 7-2 for the season and 1-2 in SWC play. SMU is also 1-2 in conference play while only 5-3 for the season. The Aggies opened conference play last week by dropping two of three to the Baylor Bears while SMU also lost two of their first three to the Rice Owls. Both teams won double headers this week. A&M took two from St. Mary’s in San Antonio while the Mustangs won two from Dallas Uni versity. David Lockett will pitch the first game for the Ags on Friday, with James Gibson and Clint Thomas going in the double header Satur day. Rook £ RokL Tickets (2——*7 SP <358 at the door of in advance at-, HE&OeS* 0U0GrETlAPe51 RECORDS To' rtu.TttSV|U-E T<?X*S IWTU. S**lt>WAY sutin. ■8 Mites- AY- "► To'ta. event. Rice slipped past A&M in the 440-yard relay last week after Dierschke pulled up lame. Houston is strong in the hurdles, and has distance runner Brickman, but in the other events, will be hard put to compete with A&M and Rice. Due to the basketball and baseball games, Thomas says it will be hard to locate officials for the meet. Nevertheless, with or with- I C/ub Sports THE LACROSSE TEAM will meet University of Texas in league play on the Astroturf practice field Saturday at 10 a.m. THE HANDBALL TEAM will compete in the National Intercol legiate Handball Tournament in Austin’s Gregory Gym, Saturday. Entries include: Jack Cresset, “A” singles; Kley Hughes, “B singles; and Mike Richter and John Arizpe, doubles. AGGIE-CROSS will be held Saturday at 9 a. m. in the parking lot across from the swimming pool. Eight classes and a special truck class will be run. Entry fee is $5 for non-members and $4 for members. THE WOMEN’S GYMNASTIC TEAM will compete in the state meet this weekend in Austin at the University of Texas gymnasium. The men compete in the Gulf Invi tational meet, Saturday at San Jacinto Junior College. SKEET AND TRAP CLUB will host Grant Using in a lecture de monstration at 10 a.m. at the Bryan-College Station range. TEXAS BOWLING TEAM is currently leading the Texas Inter collegiate Bowling Conference by six games over the University of Houston. Jhe Aggies won their last meet held at UH by winning eight of nine games. Doug Ocker continues to lead the team with a 201 average. We are your Off-Campus Graduate Student Senators, and we invite any questions or comments you have regarding Student Government. Glen Brown Payne Harrison, Jr. Fran McNeely Julie Reedy 693-2148 846-7619 693-2124 846-1045 3600 Old College Rd, At the Triangle 822-4328 TR INSTATE A&M Sporting M A full line of guns, ammuni tion, fishing, tennis if goll equipment. PUBLIC NOTICE SUMMARY proposed CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS SPECIAL ELECTION APRIL 22, 1975 NUMBER ONE ON THE BALLOT (S.J.R. No. 3) Repealing Sections 48a, 48b, 51e, and 51f of Article III and Sections 62 and 63 of Article XVI of the Texas Constitution, Article XVI of the Texas Constitution is amended to: Provide for the revision and consolidation of pro visions relating to state and local retirement systems and programs and to pro vide that all general laws that have established retire ment systems and optional retirement programs for public employees and offi cers in effect at the time of the adoption of this con stitutional amendment will remain in effect, subject to the general powers of the Legislature. Provide that the amount a participating officer or employee contributes to the employee retirement sys tem or the teacher retire ment system shall be estab lished by the Legislature but may not be less than 6% of current compensa tion and providing further that the amount contributed by the state may not be less than 6 nor more than 10% of the aggregate compensa tion paid to participating persons, except that in an emergency, as determined by the Governor, the Legis lature may contribute more than 10% of the aggregate compensation paid to per sons participating in state retirement systems. Provide that the Legisla ture shall provide for local retirement systems created by any city or county for its officers and employees and shall further provide for a state-wide system of benefits for officers and employees of counties or other political subdivsions of the State which may voluntarily participate, and to further provide that a state-wide system of bene fits shall be provided for officers and employees of cities which may voluntar ily participate. The wording of the pro posed amendment as it will appear on the ballot is as follows: “The constitutional amendment revising and consolidating provisions relating to state and local retirement systems and programs and providing for a maximum state con tribution to state systems of 10 percent of the ag gregate compensation paid to individuals.” NUMBER TWO ON THE BALLOT (H.J.R. No. 6) Amending Article III, Section 24 of the Texas Constitution to: Provide an increase in salary for members of the Legislature from $400 per month to $600 per month. Provide an increase in the per diem rate for mem bers of the Legislature from $12 to $30 for each day during each Regular and Special Session of the Legislature. Provide an increase in the transportation allow ance for members from $.10 per mile to the rate pre scribed by law for em ployees of the State of Texas. The wording of the pro posed amendment as it will appear on the ballot is as follows: “The constitutional amendment setting the salaries of members of the legislature at $600 per month and setting a per diem of $30 per day during legislative sessions and a mileage allowance at the same rate provided by law for state em ployees.” If you are a freshman with a GPR of 3.25 or better there is a place for you in the Memorial Student Center. The MSC Council and Directorate has opened applications for Council Assistants. There will be at least two positions open per Council officer. The officers are vice-pres. of Administration, vice-pres. of Finance, and vice-pres. of Programs, Directorof Operations, Director of Projects, and Director of Public Relations. The assistant positions involve working with and helping the Council officers in their different duties. The positions are open to freshmen in any field of study who have an interest in Texas A&M and its student programming. Talented people in journalism, graphic arts, business, finance, and administration are needed. Fill out this application and drop it by the MSC Student Programs Office on the second floor of the Memorial Student Center. What Can You Hurt By Applying? Applications close Friday March 14 at 5:00 p.m.! TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER COUNCIL & DIRECTORATE Application for MSC Council Assistant (Please Print) Name Classification Major Telephone. GPR Last Semester .Mailing Address - Are you on (Conduct, Scholastic) Probation? Yes _ Activities and Honors in High School (use back if needed) No Experience with MSC Activities Other Campus Activities. Other Time-Consuming Activities Next Year- Magazines and Newspapers Read Regularly Books Read in Last Year, Why are You Interested in Becoming Involved in Campus Activities (especially as a Council Assistant) ., , 1 Your Concept of a College Education.